Golden eyes (Jasper x reader)

By gothicanimegirl1503

14K 428 205

This is the story of (y/n) Swan. The adopted daughter of Charlie and Renee. The girl in question is in fact a... More

Past: secrets
Chapter 1: the move
Chapter 2: the secret
Chapter 3: Bella and Edward
Chapter 4: secrets revealed
Chapter 5: Trouble in paradise
Chapter 6: finding the light
Chapter 8: the depression
Chapter 9: Fixing Things

Chapter 7: Birthday

1.1K 41 17
By gothicanimegirl1503

(Y/n) POV

I woke up with a start, a cold yet hot feeling covering my body. I had another prophetic dream. Although I didn't like what I saw at all, if anything it caused extreme worry to consume my heart, as well as grief. It left me with many unanswered questions and a searing pain in my chest. I saw Bella, shut away in her room for months at a time, slowly wasting away over the course of a few months. Struggling to eat and sleep, screaming in pure agony from the lack of someone's presence. It was painfully obvious to me what was going to happen to cause this. I just hoped that it wouldn't happen today.

I quickly noticed a pair of arms wrapping around me from behind and holding me close. Jasper had been staying over at night since we got together, he'd help me when I couldn't sleep, and he'd be there whenever I had one of these dreams. "What's wrong love? What happened this time?" He asked me concerned, feeling the ache and worry I felt. I heaved a sigh of worry and tried to clear the lump in my throat.

"You guys are going to leave soon. I don't know when exactly but you will. I saw Bella... she was... withering away... over the time of a few months perhaps? She was in so much pain and emotional turmoil. The only explanation is you all leaving. I shouldn't think Ed would just go off on his own." I explained to him and he knew how scared this made me, because if everyone went, that meant him too. He sighed and kissed the top of my head.

"If we do go, it will be impossible for me to keep away for too long. I know you'll want to stay to be here for Bella. If we do leave, I'll come back regularly to see you. One thing about vampire mates is, once they find one another, they can't be apart from each other for more than a few weeks otherwise they slowly start to go insane. Don't worry, you're not going to loose me. I promise." He said as he turned me around and gave me a loving kiss.

"If you say so major." I said to him and he laughed. I then turned and realised the time. "You should probably go now, I need to get up and get Bella's present ready. It's our birthday today remember?" I said to him and he chuckled.

"I definitely remembered, I'll be giving you your presents from me later. Alice is planning a party for you both." This made me sigh and roll my eyes.

"Of course she is, Bella is going to hate that you know. Especially right now. She hates anything and everything to do with age and getting older." I explained.

"Yeah but you know Alice." He said before giving me a soft peck on the cheek and dashing away. I then got dressed in some dark grey jeans, with a baggy cream off the shoulder jumper, and some black converse. I then grabbed Bella's present from under my bed, I had made her a necklace with a mini dream catcher on it, with a wolf tooth, some quartz beads, and a few small white feathers. I had put it in a simple purple box with a bow, knowing how badly she struggles with wrapping paper. I then left my room to find dad about to go into Bella's room.

"Happy birthday kiddo!" Dad says as he hugs me.

"Thanks dad. Shall we get Bella?" I say as we open the door to her room.

"Happy birthday, Bells." We both say at the same time smiling at her. We then walked up to her bed and offered her our gifts and Dad offered me mine. I had two, one was wrapped in (f/c) wrapping paper and the other was in a white bag.

"Dad, we agreed, no gifts." Bella complained to dad making us both chuckle.

"At least mine's not wrapped." He said in response as he hands it to her. It's a digital camera with a bow stuck to the top. Bella looks very pleased, despite herself.

"Okay, this is actually kind of great. Thanks, Dad."

"Goes with this one from your mom. We coordinated - well, she coordinated me." He said chuckling a little and rubbing the back of his neck. Bella opens the wrapped gift to reveal a scrapbook similar to one that mum had given me a few years back for all my pictures from Forks.

"To put your pictures in, record your senior year -- man, senior year. How'd you two get so old so fast?" Dad said almost sadly and genuinely questioning where the time went.

"Not that old." We both said to him, before he approached Bella and looked at her face sceptically.

"I don't know. Is that a wrinkle?" He said to her genuinely scaring her. Bella races to the mirror, searches her face. "I was kidding." He said defensively as I flick the side of his head for scaring her like that.

"So not funny, Dad." Bella said before she insisted I open my presents now. I started with Dad's which I presumed was in the bag, there was a medium size dark blue box inside. As I opened it I saw a necklace with an ornate silver heart shaped locket, and a silver wolf charm.

"The wolf charm was Billy's idea, said they were one of your favourite parts of the Quileute legends. Also your mother coordinated me again with the present she got for you." Dad said gesturing to the other wrapped package in my hands. I carefully opened it to find a framed hide map of the Quileute territory here in the Olympic peninsula. It was beautiful.

"Thank you dad, I'll have to call mum and thank her later because these are beautiful." I said to him as I gave him a hug. Bella then tapped my shoulder and passed me a box and I gave her, her gift. We both opened them at the same time. Bella was smiling happily at the present I made her and I couldn't help but be very happy with the (f/c) scarf she had gotten me. It was very soft and long and would be perfect for the coming winter.

"It's gorgeous (y/n), thank you very much! I presume you made this." She giggles slightly as she hugged me.

"Yeah I did. You know how much I enjoy working with my hands." I laugh. We both get ready for school and head out in the truck. On the way to school Bella told me about her dream, only further confirming to me that she really was afraid of being human for the rest of her life and growing old without Edward. The potential of him leaving her when she's old. I wanted to tell her about my dream, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her.

We pull up in the school parking lot and get out of the truck, Bella shouldering her bag while I throw my bag on my back. She looks around the parking lot, clearly seeking Edward but Mike calls out. "Wherefore art thou, Bella?" We turn as Mike, Eric, Angela and Jessica approach. "You finish the Shakespeare assignment?" Mike asked us both, but Jessica interjected before we could reply.

"He means will you finish his assignment?" She said smirking at him.

"No, I don't -- okay I do." Mike says defensively but then admits defeatedly.

"I can help you with it -- but first" Bella pulls out her new camera. "I need a picture. My mom's expecting a scrapbook full of memories from senior year." She said as she pushed me over into the group. Angela holds up her own camera

"I take 'em, I don't pose for 'em." She said shyly.

"You do today." She pushes Angela to the others; as we arrange ourselves.

"It's our birthday today guys so I'd listen to Bella if I were you." I chuckled and we all laughed a little.

"You'll photoshop my nose if it looks big, right?" Jessica asks me and I nod to her in agreement.

"Don't worry, I'm in the picture; no one will be looking at you guys." Eric said cockily. Jessica scoffs, Angela points her camera at Bella; Mike and Eric joust, Bella aims. Our poses make us look fun, delightfully carefree... but when
the camera lowers, our playfulness has dissipated as the others see someone behind Bella. Bella and I notice him climbing out of his silver Volvo.

"Oh good. Cullen's here." Mike says a bit spitefully. Jessica responds dryly.

"Yay." Bella's friends now uncomfortable, move off.

"Happy birthday." Edward says to us both. Bella's smiling face falls as I thank him.

"Don't remind me." She sighs.

"Your birth is definitely a day to celebrate." Edward retorts.

"Not for me." Bella states sadly. I stand there worried, knowing how sensitive Bella is about her age and why. Edward must have caught on to my thoughts.

"Eighteen is a little early to be worrying about your age." He said maturely.

"It's one year older than you." Bella said defensively.

"Bella, I'm ninety." Edward chuckled.

"True. Maybe I should be creeped out that I'm dating such an old guy." Bella says jokingly, Edward smiles amused.

"Yes, it's the age that's creepy, not the fact that you're dating a vampire." He said with a grin. I suddenly caught a familiar smell and turned around to see Jacob. I grinned widely and ran to him giving him a hug.

"Hey there birthday girl! When was the last time I got to see you on your birthday?" He asked as he put me down. He's getting really strong and building a lot of muscle. I should expect he'll phase fairly soon. I see the car part he's been carrying.

"You haven't seen me on my birthday In years. Also what's the part for?" I ask him and he smiles.

"It's for the rabbit." He said to me, knowing I knew what he meant.

"I bet it'll be finished soon. You'll have to show me once it's finished." I say to him punching his shoulder with a little more force than I intended. He stumbled slightly and laughed as he rolled his shoulder.

"Wow, your hits still pack a punch, even though you're much smaller than me. Guess that kickboxing training really does make up for some things huh?" He questioned me and I nodded shaking off the fact I still haven't got complete control of my strength. "Oh yeah! Dad and I want you to come over after school. Dad has a surprise for you. But for now" he pulled out a long piece of leather string with some rough stone beads and a feather on the end, "this is a protective hair piece. I made it for you." Jacob said as I smiled widely at him.

"Thank you so much! Would you mind putting it in for me?" I asked him and he nodded. He braided it securely into my hair and stood back to admire his work.

"Looks perfect! Like it?" He asked me with a smile.

"I love it! Thank you! I remember we used to make stuff like this all the time as kids, it's great to have a piece of that in my life again. Thank you Jake." I hugged him tightly and he hugged back.

"So where's the other birthday girl?" He asked me and I smirked and pointed.

"She's over there with her boyfriend. Bella!" I called out to her and she turned around, although it seems Ed noticed us first. Bella walked over to us.

"God, Jacob, what are they feeding you on that rez, steroids? You're huge." Bella says astounded and shocked at Jakes sudden growth.

"Wouldn't seem so drastic if you came around more." He replied a little saddened by the fact that Bella doesn't see him.

"I will, soon. But isn't your school, like, ten miles that way?" Bella questioned, clearly confused. To that Jake gestured to the car part he was carrying.

"Just here buying this for the Rabbit. I'm almost done with the rebuild. Gotta come take a ride when it's done." He then seemed to remember something. "Oh, and hey, happy birthday. Your dad told my dad. And it is also my cousin's birthday too so..." He pulls from his coat a small woven dreamcatcher, feathers dangling from it. He hands it to her. Seems Jake had the same idea as me. "I saw it the other day and thought of you - it catches bad dreams." I knew he was lying just from how he was acting.

"This, I need. It's great." Bella said gratefully. I then elbowed Jake in the side.

"Hey, are you sure you didn't copy me? I made Bella a necklace with a mini dreamcatcher on it." I giggled making both Jake and Bella laugh, but Ed stayed completely unamused stood to the side. He was probably having a hell of a time with Jakes thoughts. I sent him a questioning look and he only nodded to me subtly to confirm my suspicions.

"The bell's about to ring." Ed warns us. The bell then rings. Jake gives Ed an amiable smile, with just a hint of snark.                                         

"Ooh, look at you, all psychic." Jake says sarcastically. Edward only smirks.

"I don't have that particular gift. But I can read a watch. I'm clever that way." They share a tight smile. Bella intercedes, squeezing Jacob's arm.                                                     

"Bye, Jake, and thank you." Bella says before Edward guides her away. I turn to Jake as they leave.

"Thank you Jake. I know you put a lot of thought into both of our presents, despite what you said. Also good luck with the Rabbit, let me know when it's done and I'll drag Bella with me to give it a spin. Might even bring you a new project." I said to him making him smile happily at me before I feel Ed's cold glare from behind me, obviously aimed at Jake, who held and returned his glare. I hugged Jake goodbye and jogged to the building, and met Bella and Edward before they went in.

We barely crossed the threshold of the double doors before we heard Alice and she jumped and hugged us holding two wrapped presents. "Happy —." Bella cut her off promptly before she could finish the statement.

"Shh!" Alice leans in and whispers to us.

"-- birthday." Alice gives us our presents.

"Thank you Alice. You really didn't have to though." I assured her as I hugged her. Over Alice's shoulder, Bella and I see Jasper, keeping his distance for a moment before he smiled at me and walked over slowly. He offers Bella a pleasant nod. She tries to hide Alice's present, hoping no one noticed.

"Alice, didn't I say no gifts?" Bella asked sounding sort of exhausted of telling people.

"You did. I didn't listen. I've already seen you open it and guess what? You love it." Alice said confidently giving me a wink knowing I'd like mine too.

"You had a vision about our birthday?" Bella asked curiously.

"And about the green dress you'll be wearing to your party tonight. Great colour on you." Alice responded and she was right, green is a great colour on Bella, despite the fact she rarely ever wears anything that colour.

"...our party?" Bella questioned.

"You really thought that Alice would let us get away with having our 18th birthday and not have a party?" I questioned her and she looked at me for a moment giving me a face that meant she got my point and accepted her fate.

"Please? It'll be fun." Alice sought verbal confirmation. Bella looked confused suddenly and I knew exactly why.

"I... guess I can deal--." Bella replied and I immediately noticed that Jasper was paying Bella a bit more attention than usual, this made me smirk slightly as we prepared to head off. Alice hurriedly replied.

"-- Great! See ya at seven!" Alice hugs Bella again and races off before she can change her
mind. Just as Jasper and I start to follow her is when Bella realises.

"Wait, Jasper, no fair with the mood control." He offers an apologetic bow before Alice and I drag him away.

The school day was mostly boring however when I went to my locker to put some books away before lunch I was greeted by a flood of cards and small boxes spilling out from the top shelf of my locker. Rose came up behind me and wished me happy birthday as I stood in shock. She quickly registered my reason for my confusion. "It seems a lot of guys around here are enchanted by you (y/n)." Jasper who was stood next to me let out a very low growl at her comment, making me snap back to my senses.

"Well this was unnecessary really... they didn't need to do this. I'm pretty sure I haven't even spoken to or seen half of these people..." I said almost worriedly and also disappointed that this would happen. Jasper seemed very pleased with my response while an over-hyped up Emmett came bounding towards us, as he picked me up and spun me around.

"Happy Birthday white wolf! We don't have your presents with us right now but you'll get them later." He assured me as he put me down. "Although it seems like you already got Alice's present. Makes sense since she wants you to wear it later." Emmett concluded before staring at the pile of presents and cards that flooded from my locker. "Who are they all from?"

"No one special." Jasper replied quickly with a tinge of venom in his voice. This made me and rose smirk to one another. I held Jaspers hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Don't worry Jas, no one is going to steal me. Although I don't know how I'm going to get all of these home..." I questioned to myself while thinking how I was going to get them home. I couldn't just leave them here, that would be very rude and I'd feel extremely guilty. I suddenly felt some fabric be thrown at me, so I caught it and studied it. Before looking up at rose who had another in her hand.

"It's a good thing I always have emergency shopping bags." I couldn't help but laugh at Rose's statement while Emmett rolled his eyes and smiled while Jasper chuckled. We spent a few minutes putting all the unexpected presents into the two bags. Luckily today I didn't have any classes after lunch so I could actually go home early as well as meet up with Billy and Jacob. Rose and Jasper came with me to drop off the bags of presents at home, before we said goodbye and they left. I got changed into the dress Alice bought along with a black leather jacket and black converse.

I left a note for Dad telling him that I'm going to Billy's and then later me and Bella are going to the Cullen's for a party.

I walked over to the nearby woods before running the rest of the way to Billy's house. When I got there I saw Sam, Paul, Jared, Billy and Jacob. They were stood outside chatting. I slowly walked over to them, I had to remember that Jake doesn't know yet... but from the looks of it, he will soon. "Hey guys!" I say to them happily and Jared scoops me up and spins me about much like how Emmett did earlier.

"Happy birthday (y/n)!" He said smiling happily at me as he carefully put me down. I laughed a little before thanking him.

"Thanks Jared. Seems everyone remembered." Sam then came over and gave me a warm fatherly hug.

"Happy birthday kid. We have presents for you inside by the way." He stated "unfortunately we can't stay though, we have a lot of work to do. But make sure to come visit us soon. Emily misses you." He stated while ruffling my hair making me giggle.

"I will don't worry." Paul then came over and patted my shoulder.

"Congratulations, you're now officially an adult. But in any case happy birthday." He said smiling softly before hugging me which I gladly returned.

"Thanks. I'll be sure to visit you guys soon. Have fun and stay safe." I said to them before they left, probably just to do boarder patrol. Billy then rolled himself next to me.

"So birthday girl, wanna come inside and open your presents?" He asked me happily. I nodded and followed him inside. Although I definitely noticed that Jake was extremely quiet that whole time. Normally he'd be first to rush up to me. I could tell that Sam and the others had made him uncomfortable, he could tell something was up.

"Jake you okay? You seem very quiet, something wrong?" I asked him and he looked at me and just smiled softly, wrapping his sturdy arm around my shoulders and guiding me inside.

"I'm fine, just Sam and the others making me a little unsettled is all. It's difficult to explain." He admitted and I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"It's okay, I understand. Just know that no matter what, you can always talk to me, about anything." I assure him and he gives me a grateful look.

"Now, we shall save my present for last, because you always save the best 'till last. So open these first." Billy chuckled as he pushed three presents towards me, one was brown, one was green and the other was white with silver feathers printed on it with a white bow. I could tell which one was from Sam and Emily and which ones were from Paul and Jared. I chuckled and started to open the brown one first. The tag had said it was from Paul, inside was a totem, it looked like a dream catcher but it had an embroidered picture of a white wolf in the middle. With black and white feathers hanging from it.

"I will have to remember to thank them all when I next seen them. Although I can tell that Emily had a hand in choosing the gifts." I giggled as I moved onto Jareds present that was wrapped in green. I opened it to find a series of pouches with different large raw crystals inside, like quarts, rose quarts, Labradorite, honey Citrine and a few others as well as some teeth from bears and wolves. They were all wonderful. I then moved onto the last and biggest box of the three, the one from Sam and Emily. I carefully untied the bow and carefully pealed the paper away to reveal a beautiful blanket made from real bear pelt. My mouth hung open for a moment as I felt the beautiful jet black fur that flared copper in the light. "It's beautiful... Emily really outdid herself. I know it used to be an old tradition to present a tribe member that came of age with a cloak or cape made from bear pelt but that wasn't a popular one..." I commented absentmindedly. Jake chuckled and I turned to look at him.

"You realise that nothing is too much for you right? You're a big part of this family, and our tribe. Even if you weren't here all the time. We all love you." Jake said making my eyes well up slightly.

"Now look what you've done Jake you've made her cry." Billy said making Jake panic. "But Jake is right (y/n), you are a very important member of this family. Always have been, and always will be." He said as he rolled closer to me so I could hug him and I did, pulling away only to hug Jake. "I think now is a great time to give you my present." Billy excitedly urged as he handed me a small box. I raised an eyebrow at him; he gave me a grin in return, before I opened it. I open it to reveal a set of old looking keys. I held them in my hands and felt a little dizzy for a moment before I realised where these keys lead to.

"These are the keys to grandma and grandpas house." I said to him shocked and he immediately seemed pleased.

"That's correct. When they died, they left it to me to pass on to you when you were old enough. My mother in particular wanted you to have it, along with all of your mothers and her old things. She said she knew you'd be able to find out a lot from them, especially things that my Grandmother left for you specifically. So for the last few months I've had Sam and the boys help me fix up the place to make it liveable again. That way you'll always have a home here with us." I couldn't stand him saying anymore before my built up tears finally fell and I fell into his arms crying as much as I could. He hugged me and chuckled. "Don't cry, you need this. Now get in the truck and lefts drive over shall we?" I immediately nodded and Jake and I rushed to the truck while Billy trailed behind us rolling as fast as he could.

Once we arrived I took in its appearance. In photos I saw it was once a bright red two story house with dark brown wood framing, however, with it being repainted it was now snow white, with black painted framing. The beams and siding were all evidently new. The roof had been redone, and I could see that dormers had been added to the attic space. I leapt out of the truck and ran to the door, unlocking and opening it as fast as humanly possible.

The interior was nothing short of stunning. The furniture was rustic with a healthy dose of modern. Light wooden floors spread throughout a majority of the ground floor, the floor plan was very open. The living room was the only room on the lower floor that had doors to close it off, giving it a comfy and cozy feel around the fireplace, one wall lined with bookshelves and the other a large bay window, in the centre of the room was a rustic coffee table surrounded by leather sofas and armchairs. The dining room/kitchen was a very large open space, the kitchen had a modern vintage twist, with a pastel green arga, and white counter tops along with white cabinets, the classic black and white checkered floor accompanying it. The dinning area had a long and large mahogany table with at least twelve matching chairs, all beautifully shaped and lacquered. I heard Billy's wheels and Jacob's chuckling as I came out of a daze I didn't even realise I was in. "It's absolutely beautiful Billy... thank you so much." I smiled to him as I bent down and gave him a tight hug. He patted my shoulder and chuckled.

"You're more than welcome. You haven't even seen upstairs yet. To be honest I haven't seen upstairs, however I was told I shouldn't go up there. Manners and all." I'm guessing Harry and Sue told him that, I grinned widely as Billy gestured for me and Jake to go have a look upstairs. We dashed up the newly replaced mahogany staircase and up to the second floor that had a soft cream carpet running across the landing. There appeared to be 7 doors. The first lead to a gorgeous bathroom which made both Jake and I gawk at the pastel blue subway tiles on the wall in the shower, the sparkling white tiles on the floor that had quartz embedded in it, and the counter top around the sink matched the floor. "That is a clean bathroom." Jake commented absent minded.

"How clean is your bathroom Jake?" I asked him and he flushed pink and started grumbling a little. His reaction of clear embarrassment told me everything and I laughed as I made my way through the other rooms. 5 of the 6 bedrooms were the same size and decorated similarly, tastefully and cozily. I finally decided to look at the master bedroom. I walked inside and Jake and I reacted identically.

"Woah..." was all that came out of our mouths. In the back centre of the room was a large mahogany canopy bed with tied back white drapes. There was dark wood flooring with a large white fur rug on the floor. There were two matching mahogany beside tables, a matching desk and chair below the window. To the right of the bed was a door into a large walk in wardrobe with a mirrored wall at the end. Opposite the wardrobe door, on the other side of the room, was another door leading into a en-suite that was much like the main bathroom accept the shower was a walk in shower, with white subway tile along the back, and the counters and floor were black with quartz flecks.

"This house is so much more beautiful than I deserve." I said quietly but Jake laughed.

"What are you talking about? Of course you do silly." He said to me as he playfully slapped my arm. I could feel his strength growing even just in simple gestures. I smiled at him happily. I suddenly felt a wave of an indescribable feeling take over my body. It was like something or someone was pulling me towards the stairs that lead to the attic which has been converted into a third floor. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Jake asked me. I heard him but I couldn't answer him, I just followed the feeling up the stairs.

As I came into the newly decorated and opened up attic, I didn't pay any attention to the decorations. I was drawn to one specific area underneath two of the new dormers. There was an old and clearly worn desk and chair, along with a painting easel, and a large old chest presumably full of paints or paintings. I walked over to it, unclipped the old brass clasps, opening it up. I immediately felt like I had been hit by a truck, I tumbled to my knees and clutched my head as it thumped and pounded painfully. I almost felt like screaming from the pain I was not used to this at all. I heard Jake come running behind me and I felt him hold me, I could hear him trying to talk to me but I couldn't understand him and I couldn't respond.

As the thumping grew louder and more painful I felt a powerful heat surge through my body. It was like someone had just shocked me with electrical cables. I had a sudden flash of multiple different events, all passing too quickly past my minds eye for me to even register what was happening in any of them. Different faces, different times, different events, past present and future. It stopped as suddenly as it started. I collapsed backwards into Jakes arms. "A-Are you okay? Did you have another one of your visions?" He asked me hesitantly. Jake knew of my visions and how they effected me. I nodded and he carried me to the daybed under the dormers on the opposite side of the attic. He sat me on the soft bed and wrapped me in the blanket that was draped across the back. I sat shacking and unable to respond for a few minutes. Jake just held me, knowing the contact gave me comfort of reality.

"Th...That was... o-one of the st-strongest visions I've e-ever h-had... but it w-was different." Jake looked at me confused. "It was S-so quick and s-sudden and yet... at the end... I actually knew everything that happened in all the events... and when it is... and who is involved... even though I don't actually know everyone there... and those events I didn't know of before." I explained further, sounding utterly confused. But as I looked to Jake again his face wasn't of shock but of pride. This made me even more confused.

"It worked then. Dad told me that grandma hoped that you having great grandmas prophecy paintings and tools would cause a boost in your psychic abilities. Apparently great grandma knew about you coming into our family. She prophesied that in the third generation after her, the next tribe seer with great potential would be born, and their potential would be unlocked after feeling her power. A power you would inherit." He said happily smiling. "Welcome to the tribe, Seer." He said jokingly but gleefully. I felt extremely drained after that but I managed to smile to him before I suddenly recovered. It felt almost as though I had been reenergised. Today is just a very weird day.

Jake and I went down to Billy and he looked at me worriedly but I just grinned to him happily and thanked him again before checking the time. "I presume you have somewhere to be tonight?" Billy asked and I nodded. "Is your dad throwing you and Bella a party or something?" He asked curiously and I shook my head.

"No, Bells told dad not to make a fuss, so the Cullens are actually throwing us a party. Alice insisted." I said happily. I saw Billy's smile perk up a little and Jake seemed shocked for a moment, Billy noticed and quickly cleared his throat and gave me a slightly more downcast and stern look.

"Well, be careful around them Cullens. You know about them, so be careful." He warned, but I knew it was only for Jakes sake that he said that. As much as Billy genuinely didn't trust them, he knew that Jasper was my mate, so he was happy for me that I could bring the two together more stably. Unfortunately, that didn't mean that he trusted them, he was just happy that I found my match and have found happiness. "What time do you have to be there?" He asked further.

"7 o'clock. So you've still got me for at least two more hours." I answered happily. Right after I replied I heard the engine of a truck making its way towards the house. I recognised the specific sound to be that of Harry Clearwaters truck. "That's definitely a good thing because it sounds like we have company." I said as I went outside, Billy and Jake following behind me curious. As we got outside we saw Harry's truck pull up, with Sue, Leah and Seth in the passenger seats. Leah and Seth jumped out and happily greeted me.

"Happy birthday!!" They both said excitedly as they practically squeezed me half to death, that is if I wasn't already dead. Sue carried a cake that was beautifully decorated with vanilla cream and chocolate.

"Happy birthday (y/n)!" Sue said to me smiling, and Harry came over and kissed my head with a quiet happy birthday.

"It's lovely to see you all, and thank you." I said them all as we went inside.

"Let's eat some cake!" Seth and Jake said excited. We all served up the cake and the Clearwaters had brought gifts for me. Seth and Leah got me a painting set and Harry and Sue gave me some money to buy myself some stuff for the house, they also brought over my other presents that I had left at Billy's house.

All too soon it was time for me to go. I bid everyone goodbye, but before leaving I went back to the attic and looked on the old desk. On it lay a golden heart locket, I recognised it as my mother's. Upon opening it I saw a picture of me as a new born baby and on the other side was a picture of my mother before she went travelling. I smiled at the photograph of her smiling, I traced my thumb over the picture before pressing it to my lips. "I miss you mum. I wish you could be here." I said as a tear threatened to fall. I slipped the locket on around my neck and zipped up my jacket before leaving. I locked up my new home and I made my way to the Cullens house. When I arrived I saw that Edward still wasn't here yet with Bella, but Jasper was waiting for me outside.

"You're early darlin'." He greeted me, smirking before kissing me. I giggled as we went inside.

"I'm not that early, I presume Alice is setting the last few things up?" I asked him and he smiled.

"Yeah she is, when Bella arrives I will be waiting with the others okay? I don't want to risk hurting her." He said concerned. I furrowed my brows but nodded. I understood it was hard for him still especially since he couldn't go hunting just yet. I nodded to him and gave him a tender kiss before I heard the truck. "I should go." He said softly.

"I know. I'll see you in a few minutes okay love?" I said, reassuring him that it would be okay.

"I know. And, might I say, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight." He said twirling me about before he sped off to the living room just as the front door opened. I smiled to the pair entering.

"Good evening you two. Bells you look lovely!" I said to her as I gave her a hug. As I pulled away Bella studies me for a moment looking shocked.

"You look amazing!" She seemed kind of off which was evident and Edward seemed like he wanted to say something.

"Sorry I suppose I interrupted something important." I said and Edward shook his head.

"No, I was just about to tell Bella about the Volturi. I presume Jasper already told you a bit about them." He replied.

"He told me a little, but I think I'll listen anyway." I said and Edward understood that I wanted to hear what he had to say. We went to Carlisles room, a room I had never been in before. In front of us was an 18th century oil painting, depicting Grecian figures in swirling robes writhing among pillars and balconies. In a high balcony, four calm figures look down upon the bacchanal; two black haired, one snowy white, one golden haired. I immediately recognised that the one with blonde hair was Carlisle.

"The Volturi are a very old, very powerful family. The closest thing my world has to royalty." She studies the painting - the largest on a wall crowded with pictures. It's importance was obvious. "Francesco Solimena painted this; he often depicted the Volturi as Gods." Edward commented on the godly presentation of the figures. Bella examines the golden haired 'God.'

"Is that... Carlisle?" Bella questioned confused and curious.

"Yes. He lived with them for a few decades. He describes them as very refined - for killers." He finishes. I reach my hand out to touch the painting and a horrific vision comes to my mind. It was clearly in the past when Carlisle was with them. But a singular name kept playing on my mind after the vision was over.

"Ed, who is Aro?" I asked him and he seemed to be very much taken aback by my question.

"Aro is the dark haired man here. He is some what the head of the Volturi, his gift makes him more powerful than his brothers, and he is far more manipulative and sadistic than the other two." He pointed to said man in the painting, he was in front of the others, clearly having a higher importance than his brothers. Something about him seemed so familiar. "The Volturi are also what you might call enforcers."               
"Of what?" Bella asked worriedly.

"The only rule they have: to keep secret the existence of our kind. We don't make spectacles of ourselves, or kill conspicuously, unless we want to die." As Edward replied, I saw Aro ripping the rogue vampires head off all over again. I started to feel sick at the thought, despite the fact I knew that I couldn't die. I knew the names of everyone that was involved and that surprised me. But I didn't dwell on it.

"Don't even -- talk about that. You can't let anyone hurt you. The Volturi or anyone else." Bella demanded and she turned to look at me. "That goes for you too, no having yourself killed." Her words made me want to laugh but at the same time I knew she was upset and being serious so I decided to comfort her instead.

"Bella, there is nothing that could ever make me want to die. The only thing that I can think of that would make me want to get myself killed is if Jasper died, and that's never going to happen." I said to her and she had a look of relief come over her face as she nodded to me and turned back to Edward.                       

"Who else would hurt me?" Edward questioned her. It was obvious to me who but not Bella.

"You said there were more dangerous things out there than you. And I know you have at least one enemy-." As she said this an image of Victoria rubbing her face with James ashes crossed my mind. What is with all these damned visions today?! "You said she'd come after you for killing her mate." Edward and I both knew that was true.

"Victoria? Yes, some day. But Alice will see her coming. And she won't win." He attempted to reassure her. Bella looks up at him, pained.

"I hate that I can't protect you." Bella states. He laughs, amused, while Bella is decidedly not. We all knew she was being serious. "That was me being serious." She confirms. Edward kisses her face.

"I know. But you do protect me..." he then kisses her nose. "From boredom..." he kisses her lips. "And loneliness..." and in between kisses, "You give me a reason to stay... un-dead. But it's... my job; to protect you..." I smile at his words, and I hear Alice approaching us. I notice he stopped and smiled, obviously hearing something in his mind. "... from everyone but my sister." He states very much amused as the door bursts open and Alice dances in.

"It's time it's time it's time!" She said excitedly as she dragged Bella and I by our hands into the living room. She skips down the stairs leaving us at the top looking down. Hundreds of pink candles and rose-filled crystal bowls lined the room, illuminating the space. Rose, Esme, Emmett, Carlisle, Jasper and Alice look up at us, all of them stunningly beautiful. Bella looks like she would love to disappear right now, but Edward leads her down the stairs, where Esme and Carlisle hug her warmly.

"Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in." Carlisle tried to apologise only to be cut off by Esme.

"Like that's even possible. Happy birthday, Bella you too (y/n)." Esme and Carlisle then both hugged me, before I went to Alice's side. FLASH! Alice snapped a picture of Bella with them.

"Found it in your bag. Mind?" She asked Bella and Emmett moves to Edward's side. Nudging him.

"Dating an older woman. Hot." I looked at Emmett and tried my hardest not to laugh but let out a small snigger. Bella caught that. Edward elbows him sharply to shut up. "What?" Emmett asks confused and completely oblivious to bella's feelings about the whole age thing. Rosalie steps up, shoving a silver package at Bella.

"It's a necklace. Alice picked it out." Of course she had to tell her. She walks away, bored. Bella had to smile. She sees Jasper across the room. They wave to each other making me smile, although I could see Jasper was struggling.

"Show me the love!" Edward pulls Bella into an embrace, they look deeply into one another's eyes. FLASH! "For your scrapbook. Now both of you open your presents!" Alice drags Bella and I over to a table piled with elaborately wrapped gifts, a huge cake and a tall stack of china plates.

"Alice, (y/n) and I are the only ones who even eat cake. That thing could feed fifty." She said amused and slightly shocked.

"Hope you're both hungry. Here, this one's from Emmett to both of you." Alice says as she passed Bella a present. The others crowd around... Jasper somewhat away. Bella, no fan of being the center of attention, opens the gift to find an empty car-radio box.

"Um... thanks?" Bella looks at Emmett confused.

"Already installed it in your truck." Emmett replies grinning.

"Finally, a decent sound system in that piece of --."

"No hating on the truck. Thank you, Emmett." Bella cuts Edward off making me laugh.

"Open mine." Alice insists as she hands her a wrapped box. Bella starts to open it, but --

"Ouch!... paper cut." A single drop of deep red blood appears. And falls to the cream carpet. Bella thinks little of it, but I hear a disturbing, animalistic snarl, Bella looks up just as i shield her with my body. Jasper lunges toward her! Teeth bared, eyes wild. Edward flings Bella and I behind his own body, causing us to crash into the table behind us, plates shattering as we smash into them, breaking the glass table. I was too shocked to try help Bella but I very quickly smelled the large amount of blood now dripping from her arm. I stood as Jasper ricocheted off the wall and comes back at Bella. I rushed and tackled him to the ground holding him down as much as I could without hurting him. Emmett and Carlisle came to help me.

"Shh Jas it's okay. Shh, it's alright just calm down." Alice came over and was about to help... But she stops, her head suddenly jerking toward Bella. Then everybody's eyes snap toward Bella as they catch the overwhelming scent that I was already aware of. Bella was lying amid the shards of broken china and glass. She looks at her arm, seeing now, it's been slashed by plate and glass shards; bright red blood pulses out of her, pooling. She looks up at us. I look over my shoulder at her still trying my best to hold Jasper. All of them now, including Edward stare down at her, at her blood, with fevered eyes. Six suddenly ravenous vampires... accept Carlisle and I.

Carlisle jumps to Bella's side. Edward, though white as a bone, snaps out of it and stands between her and the others while I nod to him letting him know I've got Jasper.

"Emmett, get Jasper out of here." Carlisle commanded but he got no response as Emmett was frozen. "Emmett." He almost yells. Emmett reins himself in, elbows Rosalie. They carefully take Jasper from my hold and drag my snarling mate out. Esme holds her nose, and politely exits with the others. Alice looks at Bella and I apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I... can't..." she says before dashing outside. Edward's still on guard as Carlisle    
examines Bella's arm.

"I'll have to stitch this up. (Y/n) would you mind helping?" He asked me calmly and I nod to him.

"I'll carry her to the kitchen." Edward states as he moves to pick her up, but his eyes dart to the blood.

"We'll take care of her, Edward." Carlisle assures him. But Edward doesn't move. "Check on Jasper. Go." Carlisle urges him and Edward looks from him to Bella. Then steps back, allowing me to lift Bella and carry her to the kitchen. But just before the kitchen door closes, Bella sees Edward's agonized face. He turns away, unable to meet her eyes...

Bella sits in a chair opposite Carlisle and I as I clear up her blood, Carlisle removes glass and china shards from her arm. He drops one into a metal bowl next to me. PLINK. She tries not to look at the blood. "I sure can kill a party." Bella states seemingly exhausted with herself.

"It's not your fault. Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us." Carlisle states as he concentrates.

"And I'm just simply not effected." I say making her smile.

"Seems like you're the only ones it doesn't effect." Bella said to us sadly.

"Centuries of practice." Carlisle smiled to her.

"Did you ever think of... living differently?" Bella asked him.

"I enjoy my work too much. Helping people, saving lives. I'm hoping there's a point to my existence, even if I am damned." Carlisle explained to her, while maintaining his focus.                               

"Damned? You're not damned, none of you are." Bella responded defensively.

"Then you and I agree. But Edward doesn't believe there's an afterlife for our kind." Carlisle explained looking at her. "He thinks we've lost our souls." Bella seems to have a moment of realisation, as I collect another bit of her blood and put it in the sink I smile.

"I suppose I really never did have a soul then, since I was born like this." I say making Carlisle chuckle.

"You my dear definitely have a soul, and a strong one at that." He responded proudly. Bella then decided to respond.

"That's why he won't... He thinks he'd be damning me." She looked to Carlisle seemingly hurt but with a look of question. Carlisle and I share a look and as he finishes tying off her stitches I take her hand and look her in the eyes.

"If you believed as he did, would you risk it? Damning the soul of the person you love most in this world?" I posed to her. Carlisle burnt the bloody shards and the cotton balls he used. So the blood was destroyed. The look in her eyes told me everything. They almost screamed, no, not ever... "then you understand how he feels. He'd never want to do that to you. Not ever." I concluded and she nodded to me and stared at the flames.

Soon enough Edward came and said Jasper was asking for me, and that he was going to take Bella home now. I hugged Bella goodbye and rushed to see Jasper. I barely knocked on his door when it flung open, I was rapidly pulled into a tight embrace as the door slammed behind me, and I was pulled onto a plush bed. "Hey Jas, how are you feeling love?" I asked him as I looked up at him, my hand on his cheek. He looked down at me with such apologetic eyes, I'm sure if he could he would be crying right now. He slid his head into the crook of my neck as he whimpered and attempted to cry. I felt like crying myself, I could tell how hurt and horrible he felt for his reaction. I held him as close as I could gently stroking his head. "It's okay. You didn't mean it, it was an accident. Everything is fine. Bella is fine and she's on her way home." For some reason I felt like that wasn't the only reason why he was so upset. He pulled away and shook his head.

"I'm so sorry... but... that's not the only reason I wish I could cry." I looked at him with a worried and concerned expression. He looked at me with pleading eyes. "We're... we're leaving tomorrow..." I felt and heard my heart shatter into a thousand pieces.

"W-What?! Why?! Where? Where are you going?" He held me and tried to calm me.

"You can come with us... but I know you won't because we have to leave Bella..." he stated. I stopped freaking out and for a moment I felt my heart be torn into two. I loved Jasper with all my heart... but if Edward was leaving... it would destroy Bella inside and out. I had to be there for her.

"I...Is there any chance you can stay?" I asked him hopefully, painfully hot tears stinging my eyes as I looked at him.

"No darlin'... I... i can't..." at this I started to sob as much as I could in his arms, I felt like screaming. He gently held my cheeks and made me look at him as I cried. "I'll come see you, every fortnight okay? You better be here when I arrive." He said and I nodded to him and continued to cry. I now had some sense of security knowing he'd come see me... but once a fortnight?... Esme told me that even temporary separation for both vampire and shifter mates is extremely difficult and takes a huge toll on both partners.

"Esme said she was going to ask you to house sit while we're gone. Even if that ends up being an extremely long time. She said she didn't want to take this piece of us away from you. But Edward insisted that Bella is not to come here. She's not to know about me visiting." He finished explaining. I finally managed to stop the tears coming from my eyes. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him up. "What's wrong darlin'?" He asked me as I stood wiping my eyes.

"I...If this is your last night here for a while... then I want it to be spent with me exclusively. And tomorrow you are not allowed to leave me until I say so." I demand and he can't help but grin even though his eyes look puffy and red like he was crying.

"Where are we off to then Darlin'?" He asked me curiously. I grabbed his hand and immediately lead him to my new home. Luckily for me, my house represented a safe space for the Cullens. As long as they were in my good books they could be in my house without trouble from anyone. I unlocked the door and lead him inside.

"This was my grandparents house, but uncle billy and the others fixed it up so I could have it." I explained to him. "And I live here alone." I explained further as I locked the door behind us after we entered. He immediately swept me off my feet and took me to the master bedroom. I couldn't help but giggle. We laid together on the soft mattress cuddling and kissing, going no further than those solitary actions. These were our last moments together for a while and we wanted them to be as pure and emotional as possible. For the most part we laid in silence, just enjoying each other's presence and feel. Jasper snuck a few cheeky kisses on my neck and shoulder since my dress left them exposed. He noticed the locket and held it in his fingers scanning it curiously like a cat.

"What is this?" He asked me very curiously.

"It was my mother's." I opened it and showed him the pictures inside. "She had this picture of me in it after I was born. When she died my grandmother put a picture of my mum in it on the other side." I showed him. Jaspers curious golden eyes scanned the photo of my mother.

"She was very beautiful, just like you." He said grinning, making me giggle.

"She was a beautiful person, inside and out. My uncle told me once that my mother never put a picture in her locket until me, because she never had someone mean so much to her before." I explained to him.

"You clearly meant a lot to her then. More than anyone before. I guess that's a feeling that both me and her share." He stated with a painful smile.

"I love you too Jas. More than I could ever love anyone else." I softly caressed his cheek, he pressed my hand closer as he leaned into it.

"And I love you with all my heart and soul, and I'll love you no matter what." He said to me as he started to use his gift on me, I felt sleepier and sleepier as I fell asleep in his arms.

As I slept, I dreamt of being under water, I was searching. For who or what I didn't know, all I knew was I could smell blood and I felt a dangerous presence near me. I swam faster and saw a person sinking in the water, seemingly dazed or knocked out perhaps. I immediately recognised it to be Bella I saw Jacob also swimming towards her and I watched him pull her out of the mirky depths. As she choked up the water and took a deep breath my eyes snapped open and I shot up. Victoria, she was after Bella. And it would happen when everyone was gone. I couldn't tell them. I can't. They need to go... for their safety... I can defend Bella. The pack will protect Bella... it'll be okay. "What's wrong? You seem really worried, was it another dream?" Jasper asked me concerned.

"Yeah, but don't worry. It's nothing that the pack can't handle. It'll be okay." I say to him and he nods to me. "What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 8am. But don't worry, Carlisle called your dad this morning and told him that you're helping us pack. He also mentioned that he's going to be leaving you with the house keys so you can stay whenever and check up on things." He replied. My heart sank, being reminded that they were leaving soon. Very soon.

"Does Bella know yet?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I doubt Edward will of told her yet. He'll probably tell her just before we leave. That way she can't follow us or come find us." He explained thoughtfully, knowing Edward as well as he does I presume he's right.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked curious.

"We're going to Alaska again." He said sadly as he looked at me with pained eyes. For one I knew he was hungry because his eyes were dark, but I could also see that he didn't want to leave me.

"It'll be hard but I'll be alright while you're away. Besides, I'll have something to look forward to. I'll look forward to your visits." I smiled to him and he smiled. I gently rolled up my sleeve and offered my wrist to him. He could see I wasn't giving him a choice, and he bit into the red porcelain like flesh of my wrist. He very quickly drank his fill and he seemed fine. Something we figured out from last time was that my blood was more like animal blood so his eyes didn't go red, but it tasted much better.

"I'm sorry." He apologised as he licked up a drop of my blood that was on his lips. I shook my head and smiled.

"Don't apologise. I know you had a hard time last night, you were hungry anyway, it's fine. At least now you'll have some strength for today." I explained and he nodded.

"We should go help the others." Jasper said and I agreed. I begrudgingly got out of bed and went with him to the Cullen's house. I immediately changed out of my clothes from last night and started helping them pack things, like photos and clothes.

Esme was the first to come to me and express her sorrow for leaving. I could see how badly she wanted to cry and she sobbed in my arms. I held her and cried myself. "This isn't goodbye Esme, it's just a see you later." I said to her optimistically, making her laugh and smile sadly. Carlisle came over to us with a sorry look. "It's okay Carlisle. I'll be alright. It's my choice to stay. I have to stay for Bella." I stated and he nodded to me before pulling me into a hug.

"We'll see each other again soon. And know there is always a place for you with us if you ever want it. We're just a call away." Esme and Carlisle had taken me in like another child, and they felt every bit like parents to me. I will most definitely miss them, but like Carlisle said, they're all only a call away.

"We umm... we left the piano and a few other instruments for you in the music room. And obviously your bedroom and studio are intact." Rose said to me in the most unemotional voice she could manage. But as I looked at her, her facade quickly crumbled as she pulled me into a bone crushing hug which I fully returned. Emmett noticed and came over with puffy eyes and hugged us both.

"Be strong okay white wolf?" He said to me and I nodded.

"Don't worry I will Emmett." I smiled to him as I cried as much as I could. Alice quickly shoved the pair away and hugged me.

"I know this isn't goodbye but, I'll miss you a lot." She slipped a note in my pocket and before I could question she answered. "I know Bella will take this all badly, so that's my new email and our new address so you can send us stuff, just don't tell Bella." She said and I smiled.

"I won't. I know she's going to take all this badly. She'll have me but... I can't compare to you guys." I said and Alice held my shoulders.

"You are her sister, she needs you. And we all know you're making a massive sacrifice so you can be here for her." I knew what she meant. It was going to tear both me and Jasper to pieces to be away from one another. But we all understood why. "I'll look after him the best I can. But I have no doubts he'll come and see you whenever he gets the chance." This made us all chuckle. But I quickly realised there was one vampire missing. Alice practically read my mind. "He's in his room." Alice told me solemnly. I nodded to her and quickly made my way to his room. Thinking back to the last time I was here. I knocked on the door and heard a quiet come in.

I entered to find a dark room with a darkly dressed vampire sulking on the sofa. "I'm sorry for this I really am." He started but I immediately shushed him.

"I hope you know what you're doing by leaving. And I hope you know that it honestly won't change much. But this is what you've chosen, and we'll have to live with that. I will protect Bella and support her as much as I can. And when I'm not enough she'll have Jacob too." I moved closer to him and I knelt down before him, looking up into his puffy dead looking eyes. "I know you want her to be happy, and have a normal life. But I don't think she'll want to live a life without you." He looked away from me.

"That's exactly why I have to leave. While I'm here she's in danger. While I'm here she wants me. While I'm here she wants to give up her soul so she can be with me. But I don't want that for her. That can't happen. I won't let it." He explains and I make him look at me.

"I'll do what I can. But whether you like it or not, I know she won't be happy without you." I said sternly before hugging him. "I'm going to miss you Ed. I know you won't stay with the others so... just stay safe for me okay?" I said to him as he slowly hugged me back.

"Okay..." I knew that he probably wouldn't but, it brought me some comfort at least thinking he would.

As the time came for them to leave Edward left to go talk to Bella and to say I was worried would be a massive understatement. Bella never did well when someone she loved left or died. She hated it. This was truly going to break her. I said my final goodbyes to everyone leaving Jasper for last. We both ran at one another, almost cracking ourselves as we collided, I immediately began to sob as he cradled me in his arms, sobbing without crying. He kissed me all over my face, leaving unspoken promises of coming back soon with each kiss. I could feel my heart breaking with each one. I stole as many kisses as I could before we had to part. "I'll see you in two weeks right?" I asked him and he struggled to talk so he nodded. We kissed one last time, pouring as much love and sorrow into it as we could.

"See you soon darlin', I love you so much." He said as he caressed my hair and cheek. I smiled to him sadly.

"I love you too Jas. Stay safe." I said to him. I couldn't bring myself to say the words of goodbye... or see you soon... my heart couldn't take it. He had to leave and I watched him walk away... we both knew that we wanted nothing more than to just run to one another and never leave each others side. But that wasn't an option right now. Not for a while. As they left I saw Jasper's eyes on mine through the back window of the car. I watched them drive away until they were where I could no longer see them.

I stood there for a good few minutes in disbelief before I managed to pull myself together just enough to go inside and grab the house keys from the kitchen counter. I looked around and simply just didn't want to leave. The rooms and halls were dark. But their presence was still here. His was still here. I sped to his room and curled up on his bed, remembering where he laid. Before I thought it was funny that he had a bed but couldn't sleep, but now I more than appreciate it. I pulled one of his pillows down and held it close. Wishing it was him. I began to cry silently as I wished I hadn't let him go. But there wasn't a choice. I laid there and cried until I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was to the sound of my phone ringing. I had been asleep for a few hours and dad was calling me. I answered with a horse and clearly tired voice. "Hey dad, is everything okay?" I asked him and he immediately sighed.

"Bella is missing I can't find her anywhere. I hoped she was with you." I looked outside and saw it was dark.

"No dad she isn't. I'll go get Sam and the others and we'll go looking for her. She might have gotten lost in the woods. Today will have been hard for her..." I said to him sadly and he immediately seemed to understand.

"Yeah I know... I hope you're okay too. You go look for her with the others, and stay safe please." He said worriedly.

"I'm fine and I will don't worry dad, love you." I said before hanging up. I slowly got out of the bed and made it before leaving. I made sure to lock the door. I immediately sped over to Sam's house. He quickly registered the seemingly dead expression on my face and pulled me into a hug. I tried my best not to cry again. But tears pricked the corners of my eyes painfully. "He's gone. They had to go... I had to stay for Dad and Bella." I explained. I could feel the worry and concern build up in him as well as the anger. "It's not their fault. They had to go to protect us... but it doesn't stop it hurting so much." I almost cried but I managed to hold it in. Sam held me in his warm embrace. He may have only been two years older than me but he always knew how to comfort me.

"How's Bella taking it?" He asked me concerned knowing she wouldn't react well.

"She's gone missing, I think she's in the woods we need to go look for her." I sniffed back the tears and Sam told Emily before we headed out to find Bella. Sam shifted and I carried his clothes for him. I could smell Bella not too far away from us. Or at least not too far away for us. We ran to her as quickly as we could and I saw her passed out on the ground. She stirred a little as Sam cautiously approached her in wolf form. He was a large black wolf that blended in with the night. He grabbed his clothes from me and shifted. He picked Bella up and we made our way back home carefully. I could see how exhausted Bella was and I could feel how broken she was.

Feeling other people's emotions wasn't normal for me, then again nothing has been normal since yesterday. "Are you alright?" A deep caring voice asked me. I knew it was Sam. He looked at me worried.

"Yeah I'm okay. I'm just... just..." I couldn't finish the sentence.

"Broken." Sam finished my sentence with a word that perfectly described it all. Yeah I was broken... my heart was broken... and I could feel the unbeating pieces falling into the abyss of my chest. "We're here for you you know. Bella I don't think we can help as much, but we can definitely help you anytime you need." I looked at him with a tired but very thankful look.

"Thanks. I'll definitely take you up on that." I said as we saw police lights flashing in front of the house. We came out of the tree line and I saw dad, Jake, Billy and Harry. Jake saw us first.

"Charlie!" Dad spins to where Jacob points, towards us. I sadly smile to him as we approach him with Bella still asleep.

"It's Sam Uley and (y/n). They found her." Billy stated as Dad  bolts to us; he's never moved faster in his life I don't think. He wraps his arms around Bella, lifting her from Sam's arms and he pulls me close.

"Thank you, Sam. Thank God. And (y/n) I'm so glad you're both safe."

"I'm okay dad I promise but Bella has been out in the forest and it was raining. You need to get her inside before she gets sick." Dad nods and carries Bella to the house, cradling her. Harry and Billy give Sam a nod of praise and gratitude. But Sam nods to me before backs away, avoiding any accolades. I quickly catch up with dad and walk by his side to the house.
Jake jogs alongside us, peering at Bella with     
worry. Then Jacob slows, he turns, so I turn to see what he's looking at. Sam was staring at him. Jacob quickly gets uncomfortable, and looks away, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me beside him. I tell Jake to wait in the living room downstairs as Dad and I take Bella to her room.

He gently laid her on her bed. "What were you thinking, Baby? Why were you out there?" He asked her concerned.

"He's... gone." Was all she could say. Before she crumbled. I rushed to her side and held her close. Fully understanding her pain in this moment. I held her tightly and she clung to me as she cried. After a few minutes she fell asleep. I slipped her coat and shoes off and tucked her into her bed covers to try and warm her up. I used my gift slightly to warm her up enough so she wouldn't get sick.

I go downstairs and see Billy, Jake and Dad all sat in the living room all concerned. They turned to look at me expectantly as I entered the room taking off my jacket and shoes. "She's asleep. I made sure she's warm and she doesn't seem to have a temperature or anything." I explain to them. "But I... I don't expect her to be her usual self for... well... a while..." I said solemnly. Billy looked at me with full and absolute sympathy. He had some idea of how I felt right now. I began to tear up, and I quickly began to cry yet again. I hated how much I was crying today... I felt guilty that the others couldn't even cry. That he couldn't cry... but I needed to, I had to get it out... i fell to my knees on the hard floor and Jake rushed to my side. He picked me up and sat me on the sofa next to him as I cried, I had my head planted firmly on his shoulder as I cried and he comfortingly rubbed my back.

Billy rolled over to us and he held my hand and took my face into his hand, I looked up at him and he wiped away my tear with his callused thumb. "Such beautiful and magical tears should be saved for times of joy. Joy that you know will come back some day." I knew what he meant. It was obvious that eventually he would come back or I would have to go to him. It was obvious. I smiled to him and gradually stopped crying. Billy looked to Jake "Jake could you stay here with (y/n) for a while? She needs you right now, and I'm sure Bella will too." Jake just nodded to him. Dad looked around thinking of a place for Jake to sleep.

"It's alright Dad, Jake can stay in my room with me. It's no trouble." I said tiredly but with a smile. Dad looked at me with a face I could never describe as anything other than grateful. Dad took Billy home and Jake and I went and got ready for bed. I sat up in bed, pondering everything. Wondering if this was just a bad dream and I'd go to sleep and wake up, maybe he'd be there holding me.

"You alright? Well... I mean I know you're not but you know..." Jake said as he sat by me in just some large baggy 3/4 length shorts.

"I'm definitely not okay. You probably won't understand for a while yet. But you'll know fairly soon what I mean. It hurts... a lot... it's like someone has taken a red hot poker and stuck it through my heart..." I explained to him. He looked at me just like Billy did. He pulled me close.

"I may not fully understand but... I know you're in pain. I presume you're going to have a lot of free time now, so maybe you can come see me and the others more often. I'll do whatever I can to help with the pain." He said kindly.

"Thank you Jake. I really really appreciate that. I'm supposed to have school tomorrow but... honestly... screw that... I for the first time in a long time just want to sleep. Maybe this is all just a horrible dream..." I mumbled the last sentence as Jake and I pulled apart and said our goodnights. It was obviously going to be horrible after today. And I knew for a fact this was all real. But a small part of me knows that everything really will be okay. Maybe not soon... but sometime.

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