A Place To Escape

By Lady_In_Writing

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To Kylo Ren drinking and womanizing had always been the needs of weaker men. All Kylo needed was to carry out... More

Chapter 1: Like A Bird
Chapter 2: It's In The Cards
Chapter 3: Battled And Bruised
Chapter 4: Jealousy
Chapter 6: The Scavenger
Chapter 7: Intoxication
Chapter 8: Attacked
Chapter 9: Healing
Chapter 10: A Date With The Supreme Leader
Chapter 11: Make Her Your Queen
Chapter 12: To Find Peace
Chapter 13: The Will To Live
Chapter 14: Family
Epilogue: Five Years Later

Chapter 5: Freedom And Morning Toast

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By Lady_In_Writing

A/N: HI EVERYONE! I want to thank you all for waiting but chapter 5 is finally here! For those of you who don't know; I've created a Patreon where I write and commission scripts to be read by a voice actor as KYLO REN. I post clips/edits of those audios as well as snippets from A Place To Escape on my TikTok!  You can find my Patreon AND my Tiktok under Lady_In_Writing! Love you all! Enjoy chapter 5!! 

Since people were asking: the song Evangeline sings is "Guy What Takes His Time" by Christina Aguilera from the Burlesque movie!

A Place To Escape: Chapter 5 (Freedom And Morning Toast)

The first time Evangeline sensed Kylo's emotions had been exceedingly alarming. The experience brought on an instant spike of bottomless hunger, as Kylo's cravings for her took root within her own body.

His desires had caused sweat to roll down her spine, her chest to tighten, and her thighs to tremble. It was as if her whole body vibrated at his call.

It terrified her that his magic had such control even when they were separated.

Thankfully the sensation isn't constant, giving Evangeline the impression that Kylo isn't purposefully reaching out to her, or isn't aware of the—

Connection? Bond?

Whatever the fuck it is...

Just when she had decided to detach her emotions, he managed to pull her back in.

She's stronger than this! Smarter than this!

She would not be swayed by his beautiful face, soul-stirring eyes, sensual lips, rough calloused hands, sinfully deep voice, and perfect cock that could—

Stop that! Stop thinking about him!

But she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried, Kylo Ren clung like a parasite.

She thought about him after every performance when it was her choice to take a client into her bed or not. Thought about him every time she fastened his gift around her neck, and every time his needs called out to her.

Being able to peek into Kylo's life alerted Evangeline to the fact that he had a horrible habit of ignoring his own wellbeing.

He wouldn't eat when he was hungry and didn't sleep until he was on the brink of exhaustion.

It made her twitch in annoyance. He was a fucking grown-ass man; shouldn't he know how to take care of himself?

What was more vexing was that she found herself wishing she could look after him. She knew that some part of him was crippled by the pain of his past.

He admitted that his family had abandoned him. Perhaps he never had someone to cook for him, care for him, or love him?

That's a job for a mother or a wife.

Evangeline is neither.

She's his whore, and the sooner she accepts that the better off they'll both be.

They don't belong to each other, but Kylo had freed her—didn't that entitle him to her gratitude? Her affection?

Evangeline doesn't want anything to change between them, but she also doesn't want to develop feelings for someone who would never choose her.

"They never stay Strawberry, you know that. Don't let him trick you into thinking otherwise."

Damon's words had stung, but they forced her to face reality.

Kylo Ren would never love her, so she would not let herself love him.

That, however, does not change the fact that she genuinely enjoys her nights with him. He's intense, guarded, and yet, so fragile.

He isn't like her other patrons, who solely come to fulfill their sexual fantasies. No, Kylo comes because he's running from something.

Sometimes, Evangeline thinks the thing he's running from is himself.

"Evangelinnne? Anyone home in there?" Teagan's boisterous voice shakes Evangeline from her thoughts.

She blinks her eyes, coming back to her senses to find all six of her Paradise Girls staring back at her.

Oh, right. They were in the middle of practicing a new dance routine.

Evangeline's cheeks flush as she mutters out an apology.

Catana throws her curls over her shoulder and teasingly shakes her head. "Daydream during my choreography again, and we're gonna have problems, missy!"

The redhead gives a weak smile in return, thankful that it isn't being held against her.

Her girls were made aware of the recent developments in regards to Kylo. The connection to him leaves Evangeline distracted and irritable. Mostly because she doesn't understand why she can sense Kylo so strongly and because it's getting in the way of her everyday life.

"Was it him? Is he calling for you? What does it feel like?" Faye speaks up, hurriedly asking her questions with a wistful look in her eye. "Must feel so enchanting. I wish I could know how Kuruk is doing while he's away."

"More like fucking annoying," Evangeline huffs in distaste.

Instantly Faye's expression changes.

Unlike most of the other Paradise Girls, Faye is deeply romantically involved with her Knight of Ren. She wants nothing more than to be bound to Kuruk for the rest of their lives.

Seeing the melancholy look on the other girl's face, Evangeline softens her tone. "Forgive me, sweetling. I'm sure it'll feel different for you. I'd gladly trade with you. I hate this."

Teagan snorts with laughter, "Yeah, right! Just admit it, sis, you got the love bug bad."

Evangeline whirls around to the taller girl, glaring hard. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

With her hands on her full hips, Teagan smirks. The brat in her is ready to have a little fun. "You want him! All of us can see that. You keep denying it, but I think you enjoy knowing how Kylo is feeling."

Evangeline's mouth falls open, gaping at the darker-skinned girl as she attempts to form words. "A-Are...Are you crazy? Enjoy it? How am I supposed to function like this? Being tossed around by his moods!" She throws her hands up, the frustration in her tone evident as she continues, "Who asked for this? Certainly not me! And while we're on the subject, who gave him permission to take up space in my brain? I'm sick of thinking about him! Because when I'm not thinking about him, I'm feeling his emotions!"

Not wanting the situation to escalate, Daliah steps beside Evangeline and places a hand on her shoulder. "Kylo did do something extremely kind for you. I think it's only natural for you to think about him."

Unfortunately, this doesn't help matters much. "Did he do it for me? Or for himself?"

Dahlia narrows her steel grey eyes in suspicion. "Evangeline, don't you think you're being a tad cynical?"

"I am not!" she shoots back. "I'm being realistic! I can't risk being reckless just because you're all romanticizing things. Clients never stay; we know this."

"I still say the lady protests too much," Teagan continues her teasing.

"Enough, Teagan. Leave her alone." Devika scolds, and despite being so slender, she gives Teagan a slight shove to assert her dominance. "If Evangeline says she doesn't care for Kylo, then she doesn't. And besides, men are only good for sex."

Something about the words strikes a nerve. Devika had meant to stand up for her, but the words were wrong.

Kylo is good for more than just sex.

Panic creeps in slowly, and then all at once, and Evangeline's breathing becomes irregular. Emotions that she was holding in finally rise to the surface.

Seeing this, the Paradise Girls take tentative steps closer, ready to spring to her aid.

Evangeline trembles and goes to back away, but Elsie's hand slips into hers. The tiny blonde looks up with soft blue eyes, gently urging her to unburden herself.

It doesn't take much else. The words come tumbling out.

"Kylo means more to me than just sex. When he's here, I feel...happy." She absentmindedly strokes the necklace he gave her. Her fingertips trace over the wings at the memory of his bewilderment over her joy. "Undeniably happy."

"Tell him! You should tell Master Kylo the truth!" Elsie squeals excitedly.

Adamantly Evangeline shakes her head 'no'.

"No, I-I can't do that. We don't truly know one another. What if he gets to know the real me and doesn't like it? What if he just wants the fantasy and not something real? I can't give myself to someone who will only abandon me when they figure out I'm not really what they want."

"You don't know that for certain! Kylo could be different! He could stay!" Faye presses, but Evangeline only continues to shake her head.

"And what if he isn't the perfect prince you've all seemed to paint him to be? What if he has women all over the galaxy? What if his intentions are sinister? What if he breaks my heart or hurts me?"

Once more, panic starts to grip Evangeline's heart; but the more she speaks, the more she remembers Kylo's tenderness toward her.

With a sigh, Evangeline sinks to the floor, "Or worse; he could be everything I want and make me happier than I've ever been."

Her Paradise Girls sit down to form a circle, each chatting over one another to try and give their leader advice.

However, Evangeline doesn't hear them because the air chills, and a familiar presence fills her.


His emotions reach out to her—penetrating her senses.

Stress. Confusion. Anger.

Something is wrong, but his thoughts quickly flow through the connection.

I need her. I need Evangeline.

His decision to come see her instantly soothes him but leaves Evangeline gasping.

He needs her?

Try as she might, she can't stop the happiness that blooms within her like blossoms in springtime.

She isn't ready for this.

She isn't ready to let Kylo in.

"Kylo is on his way here."

The women around her fall silent, waiting for her to continue.

Evangeline's eyes land on Devika. She knows Devika's views on emotional relationships with clients. "I need your help. Tell me what to do. He can't know how I feel. Not yet. I'm not ready."

"This is a bad idea," Dahlia warns, but Devika waves her away.

"You heard her. She isn't ready." She crosses her toned arms under her breasts and looks at Evangeline directly. "If you're serious, then you're going to have to commit to the next three rules. Rule number one: no deep kissing on the mouth. Rule number two: no looking into their eyes for longer than five seconds. And rule number three: no inquiring into their personal lives. Got it?"

Evangeline nods in understanding. Devika's rules were the same she followed when she first started working at Paradise House. Young and inexperienced, Evangeline and many others idolized those rules like holy scripture. They were all taught to avoid one thing—pain.

All the same, these rules would once again protect her.

Evangeline was determined to do what was needed to guard her heart while also ensuring that Kylo's needs were met.

Mumbling a quick thanks, Evangeline stands and heads off to prepare for Kylo's arrival.


For once, Kylo feels calm when entering Paradise House.

Yes, he is no closer to finding Skywalker, and he needs to figure out why the Force is weaving connections between Rey and himself. But, for the night, Evangeline would make all of that meaningless.

He would bask in her newly acquired liberation.

She was so grateful for such a small trinket that Kylo finds himself wondering what her reaction would be now that he's given her something of actual value.

He pictures her atop his lap, smiling and wildly kissing him until they're both dizzy, her curls tumbling down and tickling at his face as she laughs.

Her joy would be intoxicating.

Joy that he gave to her.

Not even Ben Solo had ever caused someone to feel that much joy.

Ben Solo—always a disappointment.

Never enough—not even for his family.

It's the opposite with Evangeline. She doesn't look to change him with expectations of who she thinks he should be.

No, she accepts him for what he is, is brave in the face of his mood swings, and eagerly meets his passions with her own.

Kylo recognizes that visiting her has turned into a habit he can't seem to break. Forming attachments would make him weak, but Evangeline is the perfect drug.

He needs his fix, craves the high—a high that only she can provide.

Kylo takes a seat along with his knights, impatient to catch a glimpse of his Little Bird.

It isn't long before the lights of the stage come up, revealing Evangeline perched atop a piano, her body draped over it.

The red satin of her dress sinfully hugs every delectable curve. Everything from her jewelry to her shoes is perfectly color-coordinated with her costume, except for the black leather gloves.

His black leather gloves: the pair he carelessly left behind when he had rushed to dress during his last visit.

The realization forces Kylo's back to straighten, and his hands grip the edge of the table to stop from leaving his seat.

The band plays a jazzy song with brass and horns to amplify Evangeline's seductive singing.

She practically moans the first note of the song, earning her whistles from the audience. Where her voice usually climbed to great heights, she now sings low and deep.

Her gloved hands run along her body, one hand gripping a breast while the other travels further down between her legs. She does this momentarily to entice the crowd, but it leaves Kylo panting and achingly hard.

Silently he vows to strip her bare and leave her in nothing but his gloves. So he can watch her finger herself until she drips down the leather.

She cranes her body into a sitting position, shimmying her shoulders in time with the melody before running her fingers through the hair of the piano player. She grips his hair, pulling his head in various directions as she sings about needing a man who takes their time to satisfy her.

The suggestive nature of the song tantalizes Kylo's imagination. In his mind, her position shifts so her arms and legs are spread out, tied down by the Force. He'd tease her till she was on the edge—only to deny her orgasm and make her sob for him.

Evangeline stands on the piano bench, rocking her hips, gloved hands rustling her hair as she giggles playfully.

His Little Bird looks so vibrant and alive when she performs.

Dipping her body back, she lays down on the piano. Hair fans out around her as she smirks at the crowd. She doesn't need the erotic dance moves or the costumes—just that voice and her sinful smile.

She runs her legs along one another, arching her back. She drags his gloves all over her body, singing and moaning to emulate that she is, in fact, having an orgasm.

Every set of eyes is on her. They picture Evangeline in various compromising positions. Their thoughts ring in his ears, forcing Kylo to smother down his jealousy.

She's his tonight. No one else, only his.

The song ends with one final harmonious note, but the sound of applause easily drowns it out.

Evangeline bows before making her way toward their table. She doesn't bother to greet his knights.

Her mind is focused only on her destination—Kylo's lap.

Straddling him, she holds his face in her leather-clad hands and kisses him hard, but not for long.

"I know what you did, Kylo Ren." She's still slightly breathless, cheeks twinged light pink from her performance.

"Hm? What have I done, Little Bird?" His hands squeeze possessively at her waist.

Their faces are inches apart, and their breath caresses one another's faces while they whisper.

"You've been paying my bill. Even on the nights you're not here. Why is that?"

Her question puzzles him. Doesn't she know? Does she not understand?

Being honest worked on his last visit—perhaps he should take his father's advice once more.

His own gloved hand strokes her cheek. "To set you free," he says slowly, thumb running along her bottom lip. "To give you the freedom you deserve."

Evangeline feels lightheaded at his tenderness. How could she stop herself from falling for him?

This man, who had torn down the bars of her cage, unshackled her chains and freed her.

Kylo's deep eyes stare into hers and Evangeline forces herself to look away. He's only been in her presence for a few minutes, and she's already breaking rule two and teetering on the edge of breaking rule three.

Do not look into his eyes.

Do not get attached.

Clients never stay.

He will abandon you.

Just like everyone else.

You will disappoint him.

He will grow tired of you—

and then he will never come back.


She can hear the confusion in his tone, but it's deeper than that. She feels him—the uncertainty that he's made the wrong decision.

"Would you rather I let others have you?" His words are hollow as he reverts inward.

No! That's not what she wants.

She meant to shield her emotions, not push him away!

Evangeline throws her arms around his broad shoulders, face pressing into his neck. "No, my Lord, I am content. I don't need anyone else."

Kylo doesn't believe her.

The self-loathing he feels doesn't allow him to. Instead, it scoffs at her.

'She's using you. Weakling. Runt, that's all you'll ever be. She doesn't need you. She never did.'

"Take me upstairs, Kylo? I need you. Please?"

She thinks you're weak. Get rid of her!

The Knights of Ren stare at them, sensing their Master's unsettling thoughts. Before any of them can react, Evangeline sits back. Light reflects off the golden bird resting at her throat.

His gift—she's still wearing his gift.


His prolonged wait in response worries her until his fingers barely graze against the necklace he gave her.

Not a single one of his demons could argue against the evidence staring back at him.

"Yes, Little Bird. I'll take you." His tone is sensual, emphasizing the word 'take' with a growl.

Kylo doesn't wait for an answer. His arms slip under her ass so he can lift her up and carry her.

His Little Bird chirps in shock, clinging to him, hiding her face in his shoulder. "Kylo, I can walk on my own."

"Hush, it pleases me to carry you." He makes his way through the crowd of Paradise House and toward the lift that leads to her home.

"You've never complained before. What's changed?" Kylo asks once they are alone in the lift.

"Nothing, my Lord," she answers in a rush.

And yet, something is different. From the moment she had sat in his lap, she was acting strangely—guarding herself.

Kylo loathes the change in her but chooses to continue on the path to her bedroom. He would see just how well she's able to hide herself when his cock is hitting against her cervix.

He sets her down on the edge of her bed. He fights hard to find her legs through the fabric of her dress—hands jerking in his rush, angry with the garment for getting in his way.

"Why must your costumes be so damn complicated?" Kylo snarls, baring his teeth.

He looks so flustered over a simple skirt that Evangeline forgets herself. She laughs, her arms wrapping around his neck so she can pull him in for a kiss.

Her shift in mood surprises him, but Kylo accepts it, arms encompassing her as he pulls her to him. He can taste her laughter as their tongues entwine. He moans into her mouth—a rich baritone sound that shoots fire straight to her core.

It ignites her arousal, and Evangeline feels herself wanting him in ways that are not allowed.

He will never be mine.

Evangeline pulls away from his lips and instead kisses down along his jaw. Like an idiot, she keeps breaking the rules she swore she would follow. She busies herself by dragging her teeth alongside his neck.

Kylo breathes deeply. The sensation is pleasurable but doesn't compare to kissing her lips. He tries to lay claim to her mouth, only for her to maneuver away to suck on his throat.

Gloved hands grip her ass, her thighs, tugging at her and hoisting her legs to his waist.

"Look at me, Little Bird."

She ignores him, instead working on undressing him. She strips away every article of clothing until Kylo is left in only his boots and pants.

Grabbing her chin, Kylo turns her face toward him. "Why won't you look at me, Evangeline?"

"I am looking at you, my Lord." She does look but avoids his eyes, knowing that if she does, her resolve will break.

She conceals her thoughts and feelings behind locked doors, not wanting to let him into the most fragile part of herself—her heart.

Kylo's fingers twitch, tempted to manipulate the Force to push his way in. It would be easy to take what he wants, but Evangeline would be stubborn. She would fight against the intrusion, and Kylo would ultimately cause her pain.

She was always so open and honest in a way that Kylo has always struggled with—even long ago when he answered to Ben.

Kylo refuses to hurt her. He would just have to use other methods to make her talk.

He strides away from her, ridding himself of the rest of his clothing before sitting down on one of her chaise loveseats. He spreads his muscular thighs, hand on the base of his stiff cock.

"Fine. If that's how you want to behave, then I suggest you get over here and sit on my cock like a good little girl." His voice is stern, hiding his irritation toward her attitude.

To Evangeline, he looks like a king on a throne. She does as she's told, but not once does she let him look her in the eye.


The next morning Kylo wakes up feeling alone, despite the fact that Evangeline sleeps beside him.

She was so distant last night. There had been pleasure, but being inside her felt...impersonal. It was more like his previous sexual encounters and not the warmth Kylo had grown used to when being in Evangeline's presence.

He craves her openness—the escape that provided him. Without it, reality crushes him.

What if he never found Skywalker?

What if the scavenger grew stronger and was able to access information from his mind?

He desperately needs to meditate and clear the overwhelming feeling of being suffocated.

Kylo recalls seeing Evangeline's meditation space in the room where she did the card reading. He slips out of her bed, pulls on his pants, and clips his saber to his belt.

Stepping into her meditation space causes him to feel uneasy. The space is so specifically tailored to her—a soft mat is on the floor, placed in front of an altar littered with dried flowers and colorful stones.

Kylo feels like an intruder.

Nonetheless, he sits down to meditate, legs crossed and saber placed in front of him. Taking a deep breath in, Kylo closes his eyes and reaches for the Force, letting it connect him to all that surrounds him.

It flows through him as he loses his sense of time and place, and drifts away.

Evangeline awakens to a growling in her belly that does not belong to her. She has felt this before and knows it's Kylo. In annoyance, she groans. It doesn't seem fair to be woken up because a man halfway across the galaxy refuses to feed himself.

Her brain catches up with the rest of her, remembering that he isn't across the galaxy but here, with her, in her bed....

Or at least he was?

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Evangeline notices pieces of Kylo's clothing around her apartment, meaning he's around here somewhere.

She throws on a pair of underwear and a long, loose-fitting tank top. She walks into the refresher to wash her face and brush her teeth before setting out to find where he ran off to.

It's an easy task. The hunger pains Kylo is feeling draw her to him.

However, she is surprised to find him in deep meditation—so deep that his magic causes his weapon and some of her possessions to float around his being.

Evangeline knows she should leave him in peace...but she also knows he's hungry.

Turning on her heel, she returns a few minutes later with a small plate of golden brown buttered toast. She tiptoes closer and calmly places the plate down in front of him.

Until it rises up and floats around him.

"Shit!" Evangeline curses, panic kicking in. She sprints away from him and bounds back into the kitchen. She barely makes it around the counter before Kylo is following after her, plate in hand.

They stare at each other, highly uncomfortable.

"What's this for, Bird?"

"For you....You're hungry, my Lord."

"I'm not," is the reply.

"You are," she shoots back, trying to keep her tone even despite his lies.

Kylo glares down at her, places the plate on the counter, and slides it toward her. "Confident about that, are you, pet?" He sneers the name, no longer able to hold back his bitterness from the night before.

Evangeline doesn't back down, rising to the challenge. "I know you're hungry, Kylo! Why lie about it?"

He takes two steps toward her. "How would you know that, Evangeline?"

There's no reply. Kylo loses his patience and slams his hand down on the countertop. "Answer me!"

"Your thoughts, your emotions! I can sense them!"

"You...? What?" His expression is suddenly unreadable.

"I..." She's nervous now and backs away from him.

"Evangeline." He says her name carefully, approaching her like he would a frightened animal. "What do you mean you can sense them?"

She looks like she may bolt, so he grabs both of her elbows. There's no escape. He won't release her until he gets his answers. The hands on her arms give a reassuring squeeze.

"I feel them...your wants, your needs." Evangeline takes a breath to steady herself before continuing. "That's how I knew you were hungry and how I knew you would be here last night—I felt you decide to come here."

Kylo stares at her in disbelief. First Rey, now her? Is he so weak that he can't protect his own mind?

"It's not all the time!" she explains quickly when he doesn't reply, her nerves getting the better of her and making her babble. "It's only been a few times, and I...I don't know how to control it. I swear it, my Lord."

Kylo tries his best to remain calm even though his mind reels from the information. "When did this start? Tell me exactly when you hear me."

"After your last visit." She fidgets, feathers ruffled from his scrutiny. "Mostly it's when you don't allow yourself to rest or to eat, but nothing as intense as the first time..."

"As intense as the first time? What did you hear the first time?"

Her face burns. She hadn't meant to admit that. "Um..." Her breath grows ragged at the memory. Knowing he had fantasized about her set her aflame; remembering it now brought on the same reaction.

She's filled with desire she can no longer fight.

Her hands find their way to his pecs, nails digging into the muscles there. "The first time you were...thinking about me—touching yourself."

Kylo's eyes go wide, and the tops of his ears redden in embarrassment. "You...saw me?"

"Saw you? No, my Lord. Although that would have made the experience much more enjoyable." She smirks up at him, eyes finally and fully meeting his own.

Just like that, she is herself again. The walls around her mind turn to rubble—her thoughts spill out like flowing water.

She aches at the memories of him touching himself to her image.

Kylo groans as if he's wounded and pulls her flush to his chest.

Their lips meet as their hands desperately pull at each other.

His wanton Little Bird—how he's missed her.

Taking hold of her buttocks, he lifts her into his arms. His Little Bird gasps into his mouth and her legs wrap around him. Last night did nothing but leave a pit in his stomach.

Kylo needs her, and he needs her now.

He makes quick work of bringing them to her bed and throwing her down. Kylo slams his hands onto the mattress, capturing her. She won't get away from him—not this time.

"Tell me...what was it like hearing me? Did you enjoy it, Little Bird?"

"Yes, Master. Hearing what you wanted to do to me...Feeling your pleasure as you touched yourself. I had to touch myself too."

Kylo shudders at her admission, a hand grips the flesh of her thigh to the point of bruising.

"Little pervert," he scolds hotly. "Listening in on her Master as he stroked his cock."

Evangeline's pupils go wide, her chest rising and falling rapidly. His words embarrass her, but under that, Kylo senses she loves the humiliation.

He leans in, his voice dropping an octave. "Only little perverts get off on listening. Are you a pervert, Evangeline?"

She squeezes her eyes tightly shut and tucks her chin in toward her chest, unable to continue to meet his gaze. "Kylo, please."

"Show me what a dirty girl you are. Go on, show me how you touched yourself while you listened to me. "

"As my Master commands." She sounds unsure but sits up and makes her way to the chest at the bottom of her bed to open it. Kylo never paid it much mind, but curiosity gets the better of him now.

The heavy wooden lid lifts, revealing the contents inside. Ropes, metal cuffs, blindfolds, phallic-shaped toys, and vibrators.

"Why have you never shown me this?"

Evangeline shakes her head, chuckling at him. "You don't need any of this, Kylo. You and your magic are more than enough."

His fingers play with her red locks, smiling down at her affectionately. He doesn't correct her this time; her name for the Force has grown on him.

Kylo watches as Evangeline takes out a slender rose gold wand, the handle sleek with a smooth rounded head. He eyes it, unsure of what it is until she flicks it on—the head buzzing to life, and suddenly he knows.

His thoughts go dark, hand shooting out to grip her hip, guiding her back to the bed. "You use toys on that little cunt of yours when I'm not around?"

Evangeline finds herself lost in his eyes; they're so dark, so filled with lust. She lets him push her back until her kneecaps hit the edge of the bed. She loses her balance and falls back onto the mattress.

"Don't leave your Master waiting. Be a good girl and show me."

She scoots back so she can lay amongst the pillows, ridding herself of her clothing as she settles into a comfortable position. She sets her feet flat on the bed before letting her knees fall away, baring herself to him.

"Does your pussy always drip this easily, or is it just for me, Little Bird?"

There isn't an ounce of uncertainty in her response. "Only for you, Kylo."

With a smirk plastered on his face, he sits beside her on the edge of the bed. "So needy for me...Tell me about the first time. Don't leave out a single detail."

"I was afraid at first...feeling desire that wasn't my own, but then it felt warm and familiar...like when I fall asleep in your arms and I...I knew it was you....You were throbbing—it made me ache...I couldn't stop myself. I needed to touch myself."

Kylo cuts her off, commanding her more forcefully than he intended. "Show me."

Positioning the wand just so, Evangeline rubs the round head against her clit—once, twice, before turning it on, her body jolting from the initial vibrations.

She catches her bottom lip between her teeth, head tilting back as the muscles in her thighs relax—causing her legs to naturally part wider.

"So beautiful like this, my girl. So beautiful playing with your cunt for me."

The urgent, needy sounds that Evangeline makes shoot straight to Kylo's growing erection, twitching within the leather of his pants. He ignores it, focusing only on his Little Bird.

"Does that feel good? You're already starting to drip. Were you this wet while you listened to me?"

Evangeline nods, her hips bucking every so often. "Y-Yes, you imagined so many things, thinking about what you wanted to do to me." She ups the setting on the toy and shudders. "Mmh, I know you wanted to make me ride your tongue until I came, my Lord."

She teases him, looking too smug for Kylo's liking.

The Force pulls at her locks, forcing her head back and exposing her neck. Kylo leans in, biting along her collarbone to her neck.

He speaks in-between each bite, growling and leaving his mark on her.








By the time he pulls away, Evangeline is panting.

Wanting eyes rake down her body to between her trembling thighs. She's grinding her clit into the vibrations, dripping all the way down to the sheets—sticky sweet honey that makes his tongue feel heavy.

The sight is too much, and Kylo finds himself releasing his hard member from its confinement.

Evangeline's gaze shifts at his movements, moaning at the sight of him.

He's panting, his thick hand wrapped around his cock as he touches himself. "Do you like watching me jerk my cock?"

His Little Bird nods, eyes wide and pleading.

She reaches out and gropes his shaft.

"Did I give you permission to touch? Keep those hands on your cunt, Little Bird."

A small sob passes her lips, but she obeys and releases him.

"Good girl. Keep going for me."

Evangeline nods, bucking her hips harder against the toy.

"Fuck, you look so fucking good like this. Don't stop, Little Bird. Will you cum for me? I want you to cum like the good little slut you are."

Her soft little mouth hangs open, short heavy breaths escaping. Green eyes dart from his face to his cock as he pumps himself faster, precum leaking from the head.

"I was right; you are a little pervert. It gets you off, doesn't it? You love having me watch you, just as much as you love watching me. Tell me, Evangeline, tell me how much you love it." Kylo's breaths are rapid.

Evangeline moans out his name, back arching as the muscles in her legs tighten and shake. She can feel her impending orgasm but needs just a little bit more.

"I love having your eyes on me. Love that watching me makes you so fucking hard. Please, my Lord, I need you inside, please."

With his free hand, Kylo takes hold of the wand. Briefly, Evangeline thinks he means to move the toy away and give in to her pleas, but instead, he increases the vibrations. She cries out in ecstasy, her whole body quivering, rocking harder against the head of the wand.

By now, Kylo has seen her cum in a multitude of ways, but this is different. She isn't preoccupied with his pleasure—it's just her, making love to her body.

She looks like she is made of glass, delicate and transparent as she grows closer to her peak. She hides nothing from him now.

So bare and open for him—it's exhilarating.

Kylo grunts, gripping his throbbing length firmer, knowing he'll cum before even getting to touch her.

The hand that holds the wand cups the side of her face, angling it so that she looks at him. He wants to watch those pretty eyes of hers roll back when she finally comes undone for him.

Evangeline tries to speak, but her mind can't form coherent thoughts. Her body is in total control, core pulsing, caring about nothing else other than cumming.

Kylo moans in acknowledgment. "So desperate, you need it. Be a good girl and cum while you watch your Master cum."

When her orgasm hits, her eyes roll back into her head. He shudders at the sight, his own orgasm about to take hold until her thoughts slip into his mind.

"Please let me taste you, Kylo."

How he manages to move so fast, he'll never know; but like lightning Kylo pulls her down by the hair, her head tilted back over the edge of the bed as he shoves every inch of his dick into her open mouth.

Gasping and cursing, his vision goes white like the bright streams of hyperspace as he cums in her mouth and down her throat.

His Little Bird moans around him, swallowing every last drop before he slips out of her.

Kylo stands over the redhead, watching her as he catches his breath. Her tongue drags along her bottom lip, savoring the taste of him. The sight makes his spent cock twitch, defying all sense of biology.

He knows he shouldn't be greedy. He's had her twice since last night, but his thirst for her can not be quenched.

Rounding the bed, Kylo grabs her ankle and hauls her toward him. Evangeline gasps but doesn't protest, opening her arms to him. He leans down, settling between her thighs and kissing her deeply.

Kylo grinds against her, feeling the slick of her orgasm coating the head and shaft of his cock.

She gasps and breaks away when he starts hardening against her. "Again, my Lord?"

His hand grips her throat, turning it so he can suck on her ear. "Yes, my pet, again ."

Kylo sits back, hoisting her legs up so that her feet are by his ears. He plunges into her, stretching her almost painfully over his cock.

Evangeline moans loudly, toes curling from the force of his thrusts. His hips repeatedly snap against her at a ferocious pace.

"Fuck!" He swears under his breath as her wanting slit clenches around him. Kylo knows he won't last long after already spilling his seed into her mouth.

"Cum, Little Bird. I need you to cum," he grunts, sweat dripping down his brow from the effort.

"I-I'm trying." Evangeline closes her eyes tightly, lips pressed together, trying to do as he bid.

Using the Force, Kylo calls the vibrator to him, flicking it on and rubbing at her clit with it.

Evangeline feels her walls fluttering around him. It's no use; her release still seems so far out of reach.

"Ky-Kylo, it's too much! I...I—" She tries to express what she needs, but he is already casting the toy aside.

With a huff, Kylo forces himself to slow down. His movements are more careful, but he's still buried deep while his thumb gently teases her clit.

Evangeline coos in bliss, her hips rising up to meet his touch.

"Ahh, there it is. That's what my Little Bird wants."

Sex between them has always been a whirlwind. Never before had it been like this—tender and slow.

It changes the notes of her song, her voice trembling and breathy but still so tranquil.

Evangeline reaches out to grab Kylo's free hand, lacing their fingers together.

"Look at me." He pants, waiting until their eyes meet before continuing, "Don't hide from me. Not now, not ever again. Swear it to me."

"I swear it....Just please don't go."

She sounds so afraid. Kylo doesn't understand why but he squeezes her hand tightly and quickens his pace, increasing their escalating climaxes.

"I'm right here, Bird. I'm not going anywhere. I've got you. Cum with me, Evangeline. Cum together with me."

"Yes, yes. Kylo! I want to cum with you!" she sings, heels digging down into his shoulders.

Simultaneously, they cum in a tangled mess of sweat and unspoken emotions.

Kylo slumps down into her arms so he can hold her in the afterglow.

Their faces subconsciously nuzzle one another, their mouths leisurely kissing until they're both lulled back to sleep.

(A/N: A very dear friend of mine by the name of rosecoloredsage drew this picture of Kylo and Evangeline! Check her out on insta & Tiktok! She's currently taking commissions!) 

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