In the Mansions

By OutsideTheDistricts

1.8K 63 8

My friends and I role play a lot in this website called We have this whole world mapped out based... More

The Capitol
District Five
District Seven
District Nine
Childhood Enemies
Start A Family?
Girl Talk
Boy Drama
Anna and Talia
Zoe Loves Sharryl
Soda Sheets
Into the Caves
Oreo Alcohol
Anrick Cave Scene
Better Than Revenge
A Short Chapter
Allison's Peacekeeper Father
Mental Breakdown
Memory Loss
Gracie's Friends
Gracie Takes the Heat
Hair Cut
Another Masquerade?
The Yellow Wood Tracks
Little Dancer
Hot Chocolate
Zoe Ninja Attacks a Peacekeeper
Confiding in People
Gracie Trusts Strangers Too Easily
Boys Come Out To Play
Andrick Kisses!
We're So Bored
Stop the Fighting


38 2 1
By OutsideTheDistricts

Talia rolls her eyes and grabs a couple Oreos 18:40 

Anna: (Back....) 18:40 

Brendan: (welcome back.) 18:40 

Talia: (ANNA TOLD ME!!!!!! ) 18:40 

Anna: (NO IT DIDINT_ 18:41 

Brendan: (I know, but she's cute, so I'll forgive her. ;) ) 18:41 

Anna: (OMG HE CALLED ME CUTE!) 18:41 

Brendan: (Well, you are. Why wouldn't I call you cute?) 18:41 

Talia: (if you hook up with Anna then that is seven years apart!!! WOULDN'T WANT TO BE A PEDOPHILE NOW WOULD YOU?!?!?!) 18:42 

Anna: (OMG.) 18:42 

Brendan: (... Shut up, Talia. lmao.) 18:42 

Talia: (So ha! I win) 18:42 

Brendan: (smh.) 18:43 

Talia shivers and walk out of the kitchen, munching on oreos 18:43 

Anna walks down stairs and turns on the tv 18:43 

Anna falls onto the couch 18:43 

Gracie awkwardly walks back to the mansion because she has nothing else to do and doesn't really want to spend the rest of her time with Derrick. 18:43 

Anna sees Talia 18:43 

Anna: Hiya! 18:44 

Brendan sits down in the kitchen and slurps up his spaghetti, licking the sauce off his lips. 18:44 

Talia: Hey 18:44 

Anna rolls around 18:44 

Gracie walks in, yawning. 18:45 

Derrick closes his eyes when the wind blows through his hair and smiles to himself a little, feeling a little more cheerful after talking to Gracie. 18:46 

Talia sneezes and squeaks when she does 18:47 

Gracie walks past Talia and Anna and goes to the kitchen to check of Brendan is still there. 18:47 

Brendan looks up and smiles when he sees Gracie. 18:49 

Derrick left the chat 18:49 

Gracie: I think you should leave the mansion. 18:51 

Brendan: Well... that's not exactly something I was expecting you to say... 18:52 

Talia curls up on the couch and pulls her blanket over her head 18:52 

Gracie: I just ... I don't want you and Chris to be arguing all the time and as much as I like having you here, I know you can't avoid him forever. So... you should just go back to District 7. I mean, he can't go after all. He has Talia here and he got here first... 18:54 

Anna rolls around wondering what to do. 18:56 

Brendan: Gracie, I CAN'T go back. They know I escaped now. If I go back, they'll probably kill me. 18:56 

Gracie grimaces. "Okay. Stay. Just please don't try to fight Chris." 18:57 

Brendan: I won't. As long as he doesn't start it... Which he probably will... 18:57 

Gracie sighs and leaves the kitchen, going back and flopping down next to Talia. 18:57 

Anna: Hiya Gracie! 18:57 

Gracie rubs her temples. "Hey." 18:58 

Talia whispers "I'm a rock" 18:58 

Anna: OMG I LOVE ROCKS 18:58 

Anna: What's wrong Gracie? 18:59 

Anna hopes she doesn't know........ it was not her fault. Talia tackled her to the ground! 18:59 

Gracie smiles a little at Talia and then answers, "Nothing. Just worried... Like always..." 19:00 

Talia sits up "About what?" 19:01 

Gracie: Brendan and Chris... And Derrick too, I guess, but not as much as I was before. 19:01 

Talia: I wouldn't worry too much 19:02 

Anna: I'm sorry. :/ 19:03 

Gracie: I'll try not to... 19:03 

Brendan eats the last of his spaghetti. 19:04 

Talia: What were you guys talking about in the kitchen? 19:04 

Gracie: Just D7. He can't go back now. I mean, they know he escaped. They'd probably kill him if he went back now. 19:05 

Talia: I guess. 19:06 

Chris joined the chat 6 seconds ago 19:09 

Chris walks out of the library and goes downstairs, a little bored. 19:09 

Talia: (uh oh here comes trouble lol) 19:10 

Brendan puts his plate in the sink and decides to wash the dishes to help Gracie out. 19:10 

Anna is bored 19:10 

Chris smiles at Talia when he walks into the living room. 19:11 

Gracie says loudly enough that Brendan might hear, "Hey, Chris!!!" 19:11 

Talia smiles back at Chris 19:11 

Anna waves to Chris 19:11 

Chris raises an eyebrow at Gracie. "Hey..." 19:11 

Anna wants to go and search the house 19:11 

Talia glances at the kitchen door and then Gracie 19:12 

Brendan hears Gracie and sighs, rolling his eyes and not wanting to leave the kitchen just yet because he's not done with the dishes. 19:12 

Anna doesn't feel like getting up though 19:12 

Chris: So, what's for dinner? 19:12 

Gracie prays Brendan got out already and quietly says, "Spaghetti..." 19:13 

Anna decides to go outside 19:14 

Chris: Delicious. Thanks. 19:14 

Gracie: Uh, wait! 19:14 

Anna finally gets up 19:14 

Chris: ... What? 19:14 

Gracie: Uh, uh, I think Talia's still sick! 19:14 

Anna pops her back and her fingers 19:14 

Talia rolls her eyes at Gracie 19:14 

Chris furrows his eyebrows worriedly. "Is that true, baby? Maybe we should get Chase to look at you or maybe I should make a trip to the Capitol and raid some more medicine." 19:16 

Katie joined the chat 19:18 

Gracie: (Hey, Katie!) 19:18 

Talia shakes her head "I'm fine it's just a cold. It'll pry go away soon anyways. Don't worry about me, Kay?" 19:19 

Chris smiles and goes over, kissing her forehead. "You better get better then and I won't have to worry at all." 19:20 

Brendan listens closely to the living room and grabs a slice of pie for dessert. 19:20 

Katie: (Well i came in just in time..should i pull out chase?) 19:20 

Talia grins "I'll try my bestest" 19:21 

Gracie: (If ya wanna.) 19:21 

Chris smiles. "I'll be right back then. I'm gonna go get some food. I'm starving." 19:21 

Gracie keeps praying that Brendan's left already. 19:21 

Talia: Oh get me some pleasee? 19:22 

Chris: Sure, baby. 19:22 

Brendan eats his pie calmly at the island table. 19:23 

Talia: Thanks Booooo 19:23 

Chris: No problem. 19:23 


Chris walks into the kitchen and sees Brendan, all happiness from talking to Talia instantly getting replaced by pure anger. 19:24 

Talia glances at the kitchen door 19:25 

Talia mumbles "I hope Brendan isn't in there..." 19:26 

Katie: (I'm getting Juliet!) 19:26 

Chris clutches his jaw and walks past him, grabbing two bowls out. "How's you're jaw?" 19:27 

Anna sits down and sighs 19:28 

Brendan rubs his jaw and grumbles, "Doing about as well as your sense of direction..." 19:28 

Juliet joined the chat 7 seconds ago 19:29 

Anna puts on her stalking face and stalks 19:30 

Chris smirks, knowing exactly what he's referring to and hisses, "I should have killed you when I got us lost in those woods." 19:30 

Brendan: You wouldn't have. 19:30 

Juliet walks downstairs with a ski mask on. 19:30 

Chris: How are you so sure? 19:30 

Chris puts spaghetti in the bowls. 19:30 

Brendan: You wouldn't have wanted Gracie to see you get your ass beat by me before you could so much as put a hand on me. 19:31 

Anna waves at Juliet 19:31 

Juliet has her hair tucked in the ski mask. 19:31 

Juliet waves to Anna. 19:31 

Talia looks at Jules "Gunna go rob a bank?" 19:32 

Juliet shakes her head. 19:32 

Gracie curls up into a ball and stares off into space. 19:32 

Talia: Then what are ya doing? 19:33 

Juliet shrugs. 19:33 

Talia: How come you ain't talking? 19:34 

Chris: Look, you little piece of shit, why don't you just leave already? Gracie doesn't want you. She never will. 19:34 

Juliet shrugs again. 19:34 

Brendan: You don't know that, asshole. You found a girl that somehow accepted you and all the shit you do, didn't you? 19:35 

Chris: Like what? 19:35 

Talia: Okay then... 19:36 

Brendan: Beat the shit out of innocent people. Bet she doesn't know about that. 19:36 

Chris: Will you fucking get out already?! 19:36 

Brendan: I was in here first. 19:36 

Juliet points towards the kitchen wondering what's going on.. 19:37 

Gracie winces when she hears Chris yelling from the kitchen. 19:37 

Anna rolls on the ground 19:37 

Juliet giggles silently at Anna. 19:37 

Talia glances at the kitchen door 19:37 

Chris: Whatever. The only reason I haven't killed you yet is because of Gracie! 19:38 

Brendan snorts and gets up. "Like you're man enough to kill someone anyway." 19:38 

Chris tackles Brendan. 19:38 

Brendan yells and punches Chris across the face. 19:38 

Anna heres something happening in the kitchen 19:38 

Anna stands up 19:39 

Gracie puts her hands over her ears. "Oh no..." 19:39 

Anna: O.O 19:39 

Talia hears screaming and facepalms "Shit" 19:39 

Juliet takes the ski mask off revealing a lot of breakouts in her face which is swelled. Juliet storms into the kitchen. 19:39 

Anna: Juliet Brendan and Chris don't like each other 19:39 

Chris laughs because Brendan's punch didn't hurt him very much and twists Brendan's arms behind his back. 19:39 

Anna watches Juliet go into the kitchen 19:40 

Talia hears screaming and facepalms "Shit" 19:39 

Juliet takes the ski mask off revealing a lot of breakouts in her face which is swelled. Juliet storms into the kitchen. 19:39 

Anna: Juliet Brendan and Chris don't like eatchother 19:39 

Chris laughs because Brendan's punch didn't hurt him very much and twists Brendan's arms behind his back. 19:39 

Anna watches Juliet go into the kitchen 19:40 

Brendan: Fuck! 19:40 

Talia gets up and follows Jules 19:40 

Juliet shouts in a deformed raspy voice "CHRIS STOP' 19:40 

Juliet starts coughing and catches her breath. 19:41 

Brendan squirms around and manages to get one of his hands free. He spins around and grabs Chris by his throat as tightly as he can. 19:41 

Juliet pouts and croses her arms. 19:41 

Gracie squeezes her eyes shut and feels her stomach churning, the acid rising in the back of her throat. 19:41 

Chris claws at Brendan's hands and kicks him away hard. 19:42 

Juliet attempts to break the boys apart even though she has no strength what so ever 19:42 

Brendan lets go of Chris when he sees a girl trying to get in the way and doesn't want her to get hurt. 19:43 

Chris almost shoves Juliet, trying to get to Brendan. 19:43 

Talia watches Brendan and Chris silently 19:43 

Anna pops her head into the Kitchen 19:43 

Gracie runs to the bathroom quickly and vomits into the toilet. 19:43 

Anna: Uhhh 19:43 

Anna walks slowly into the kitchen 19:44 

Juliet steps back. "Okay you two idiot assholes, what the fuck is going on" slaps her hand over her mouth forgetting about her voice... 19:44 

Anna walks to the refrigerator slowly and grabs the ice cream 19:44 

Anna grabs a spoon and walks out slowly..... 19:44 

Chris: I'm going to kill him, that's what's going on! 19:44 

Brendan: Right. Because you actually think you can! 19:45 

Chris lunges at Brendan again. 19:45 

Brendan gets up and steps out of the way quickly. 19:45 

Chris smashes into a cabinet. 19:45 

Juliet: Chris calm yourself! read a book! makeout with talia! 19:46 

Gracie is shaking when she's done vomiting and cleans herself up, taking a deep breath. 19:46 

Chris glares at Juliet. 19:46 

Anna wonders where Gracie went 19:46 

Anna: Gracie..? 19:46 

Talia facepalms 19:46 

Anna puts the icecream on the table 19:46 

Juliet: I hate fighting...Whatever this guy did to you we'll handle it! But you dont need to! 19:46 

Gracie flushes the toilet and walks back towards the kitchen. 19:47 

Talia stays silent and crosses her arms 19:48 

Chris: Juliet, it's personal. You have no fucking idea what this guy did to my little sister. If it weren't for him, she wouldn't have fucking died! 19:48 

Brendan crosses his arms and glares at the floor. 19:49 

Juliet looks at the other guy... 19:49 

Juliet: Can you tell me the story, with out having a rage? 19:50 

Talia glances at Jules 19:50 

Juliet shivers and thinks of Deerk... 19:50 

Anna: Are you okay Gracie..? 19:51 

Brendan: Yeah... My mom's a healer. There was an outbreak of scarlet fever and she contracted it because I talked her into coming over to my house. So, yeah, it technically is my fault she's dead now. 19:52 

Gracie shakes her head. "No." 19:52 

Gracie glances at the kitchen. "How's everything in there?" 19:52 

Juliet: God dammit Chris!!!! YOUR FUCKING PISSED AT THIS GUY BECAUSE OF THAT!!!! 19:53 

Anna frowns 19:53 

Anna walks upstairs grabbing her ice cream 19:53 

Anna walks into her room and closes the door 19:54 

Gracie hears Juliet screaming and winces. 19:54 

Talia frowns at Jules "You're kidding right Juliet?" 19:54 

Juliet walks up to Chris. "I was in the fuckinh hunger games chris....I shouldent even fucking be alive!m!" 19:54 

Anna hears Juliet say something about the Hunger Games and starts to freak out 19:54 

Talia looks at Jules and cringes because she shouldn't really either... 19:54 

Anna sits on her bed and has a flashback about the games 19:55 

Chris raises an eyebrow at Juliet, completely surprised that she's yelling at him. 19:55 

Talia says quietly "Jules stop it." 19:55 

Gracie thinks that by Anna leaving like that, it must mean it's going awful and bites her lip, trying to think if she should run off somewhere or something. 19:55 


Juliet breaks down crying. 19:56 

Juliet: damn it damn it damn it...... 19:56 

Chris feels completely awkward now... 19:56 

Talia: Jules that has nothing to do about what they are fighting about... It's different... 19:57 

Anna blinks and stands up 19:57 

Juliet: He was a great guy also...i let dog sized spiders kill him because i was afraid of swimming. 19:57 

Talia bites her lip "Jules stop, please.." 19:58 

Juliet: still he shouldent get so worked up!! 19:58 

Juliet walks off. 19:58 

Anna goes to her computer and sits at it 19:58 

Anna eats ice cream and pops in the Titanic into her computer 19:59 

Gracie sees Juliet walk past her and awkwardly stands there, still not knowing what to do. 19:59 

Anna starts watching and eats her ice cream 19:59 

Talia trembles at the remembrance of the games and walks out of the kitchen 20:00 

Juliet runs up to her room. 20:00 

Chris glares one last time at Brendan and then quickly follows Talia. 20:00 

Brendan takes a deep breath, now alone in the kitchen, and glances at the bowls of spaghetti Chris was making. 20:00 

Talia goes up to her room and curls up in a corner of her bed 20:01 

Anna: (Hahahahahha) 20:01 

Anna opens the door 20:02 

Brendan sighs and wonders if maybe he really will have to go back to District 7 again... 20:02 

Anna walks to the bathroom 20:02 

Brendan frowns and goes back up to his room, taking the back door to avoid everyone. 20:02 

Brendan quietly goes into Talia's room and sits down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. 20:03 

Brendan: (WOOPS. Wrong character!) 20:03 

Anna: (LOLOLOL) 20:03 

Brendan: (LMAO. Now THAT would be a plot twist.... Me stealing you from Chris.) 20:03 

Talia: (wouldn't want to be a pedophile Brendan lol) 20:03 


Chris: (.... Give me another reason to smash his face in...) 20:04 

Chris quietly goes into Talia's room and sits down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. 20:04 

Juliet: (hahahahahaha dont do that he's beautiful) 20:05 

Brendan: (Why, thank you, Juliet. So are you.) 20:05 

Anna: (Yes he is.) 20:05 

Chris: (He won't be after I'm done with him.) 20:05 

Talia: (stop fighting god damn it!) 20:06 

Talia stays quiet and plays with the sheets on her bed 20:06 

Talia joined the chat 20:07 

Juliet: (and he's charamatic!) 20:07 

Brendan: (... For you? Because we might just start fighting more for you...) 20:07 

Brendan: (Well, aren't you sweet? Thank you, Juliet.) 20:07 

Talia: (smh) 20:08 


Brendan: (lmao.) 20:08 

Juliet: (hehehehehehehehe) 20:08 

Gracie: (.... Bralia. I ship it.) 20:08 

Talia: (Gracie don't even) 20:08 

Anna: (Talia is a lucky ducky to have 2 boys fight over her) 20:08 

Anna: (And to be shipped with him) 20:08 

Chris: (GRACIE!!!) 20:08 

Talia: (lol and there was Augustus before hand. Gosh I am so popular ) 20:09 

Gracie: (Whaaaaat? I see potential there.) 20:09 

Anna: (Yeah you are) 20:09 

Talia: (It's okay Chris! I can have two boyfriends again! ) 20:09 

Katie: (Chris, he and Juliet are flirting back and forth. i dont think he wants talia) 20:09 

Chris: (NO.) 20:09 

Brendan: (Actually, it's Gracie I'm after. If she ever leaves that guy, David, which I have yet to even see her around with...) 20:10 

Talia: (Hmmm idk he is kinda cute.... ) 20:10 

Chris: (Damn it, woman. NO.) 20:10 

Gracie: (It ain't happenin', Brendan...) 20:11 

Anna: (You're welcome!) 20:11 

Brendan: (One can still hope...) 20:11 

Talia: (Okay fine Chris. You're the one for me...... for now ) 20:12 

Chris: (Pft. Forever, you mean.) 20:12 

Katie: (Guys im laughing so hard my mom is trying to calm me down and my brother is mimicking me!!! my cheeks hurt!!!) 20:12 

Talia: (forever is a long time.......) 20:13 

Brendan: (Forever? She's only fifteen and you're thinking about being with her forever. You ARE a pedophile.) 20:13 


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