~Master of Inferno~

By Jayeuchiga16

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Jaye Ozi...... Maki's younger brother has the ability of pyrokinesis. He is very special as he has some abili... More

Chapter 1: The beginning...
Chapter 2: Newbie #2
Chapter 3: Rookie Games
Chapter 4: Company 5
Chapter 5: Princess Hibana
Chapter 7: Infernal Insects
Chapter 8: The Promise
Chapter 9: Cold
Chapter 10: Confusion
Chapter 11: Adolla Burst
Chapter 12: Adolla Burst 2
Chapter 13: The Pyrokinesis secret
Chapter 14: Into the Nether
Chapter 15: Amajika Sol
Chapter 16: Day off
Chapter 17: Mistakes

Chapter 6: Company 1

297 7 0
By Jayeuchiga16

" How in the hell did it come to this" I thought as Shinra, Arthur an I walked into Company 1 with a few others along with Maki

" Hey Jaye can you talk to me" Maki asked as I ignored her

" What is there to talk about Maki, you saved Sister Iris before your little brother, I thought family came first" I asked

" I didn't know where you were, it was hard to find Iris but Shinra luckily saved her and brought her to us" Maki said as we met some other people from company 1

" So you're the newbie-in-trainging rookie noobs" A man with blue hair asked

" Sheesh, I bet even your crap is crap" The dude said

" Are you crappy, are you crap" The dude asked as Shinra growled

" You bet your ass I know an ass when I see one" The dude said as he soon looked at me

" Not you but all of these other newbies are ass" The dude said as I giggled a little

" Captain Burns is expecting you all, come with me" The dude said as he went down the hall and we followed him

" He'll be waiting before the altar" The dude said as he stopped at a huge door and soon it opened to reveal Captain Burns and two other people wearing the same clothing as the other dude

" Company 1 welcomes you, glad you recruits could join us" Captain Burns said as we walked up to him

" I am Maki Oze, first class fire soldier from company 8" Maki said saluting

" I've brought the new recruits in for trainging" Maki said as we were all saluting

" We're speaking as soldiers but we're still in the Grand Cathedral" Captain Burns said

" Forgive me for asking but I prefer you tent hands instead of saluting" Captain Burns said as Maki gapsed and we all changed from saluting to tenting our hands

" Of course sir, my apologies" Maki said as we all bowed a little

" I'll introduce Lieutenant Karim Flam, Lieutenant Rekka Hoshimiya, and Lieutenant Huo Yan Li" Captain Burns said

" They'll be looking after you for the duration of t your training" Captain Burns said

" You're free to look around the premises, we want you to feel at home here" Captain Burns said as I didn't like the way he smirked

" Excuse me, Captain Burns, I know this is sudden but I thought I ask. To give you a chance to assess our abilities, why don't we start off our training with a few quick sparring matches" Shinra said as I glared at him

" Wait Shinra" Maki said

" Why did you say that" Maki and I said

" Would you stop that" Maki and I said and we just both huffed and looked the opposite ways from eachother

" We read about all of your abilities through the paperwork that was given to us, so there is no need for that" The red headed one said

" That's all right, Rekka help me give them all a workout" Captain Burns said

" Huh?! Do you mean it" Rekka said

" Calm down, we're in the Grand Cathedral" The greenish haired guy said

" Ahem, right" Rekka said as I looked at all of them confused

" Why do I feel off about him of all people, he looks like a completely dumb loser with strong abilities" I thought as I looked at Rekka and he winked at me

" Ugh this bitch" I thought as I blushed a little as we all went to the locker room, changed into our fire soldier outfits and walked to this weird court like thing

" So which one of us is going first" Arthur asked

" How about we start with the recruit with the lowest-numbered company, there is no need to hold back, I want to see your full power on display" Captain Burns said as we all looked at this tall dude who was totally freaking out

" Ugh I have to go first" The dude said as he was up against Rekka

" You think this guy is ok" Shinra asked

" I don't know but he got some strong firepower" I said as the dude from company 2 made fire bullets and shot them at Rekka with them exploding on the ground

" Woah, he just stopped them" Shinra said as the blue haired dude from before stopped the bullets

" But that much energy can't have just been erased" Maki said

" He froze them" I said as everyone looked at me

" Does the first really have a fire soldier that conjures frost instead of flames" Arthur asked

" I am just a regular second generation, do you really think I have frost powers" The blue headed dude said

" Then where did that ice come from" Maki asked

" It's called Thermo-Acoustic Cooling, it let's him convert the flames energy to sound which comes out cold" I explained

" That was a nice explaination, you're smart" The dude said as I blushed and looked the other way

" W-whatever" I said

" Let's start the next" Captain Burns said

" I only fight when I see an essential purpose" The green haired dude said

" Uh yeah I can only do the stuff that's on my paperwork, which means you know what I can do without fighting" The wimp from company 5 said

" That leaves company 8, you three fight as a pair, i'll take you all on" Captain Burns said as I smirked

" Oh really, then let's do this" I said as my eyes glowed purple and my body was engulfed in flames

" Bring it on" Captain Burns said as I smirked

" Chivalry dictates that we take turns and since I'm gonna beat him, you won't get one" Arthur said as his sword was in front of me and Shinra

" Have at thee" Arthur said as he charged at Captain Burns which he reacted by moving his hand

" Huh..... what are you planing to do with that hand" Arthur asked

" Fight me with all you have" Captain Burns said

" Fine then, don't blame me when you lose an arm" Arthur said 

" You will need to wield a hotter flame than that one to cut me" Captain Burns said as I giggled

" AT LEAST I WARNED YOU" Arthur said as he slashed his blade at Captain burns but it was completely stopped

" Your sword kills with one strike, what if it fails you" Captain Burns asked as he grabbed the sword and pushed Arthur back with some type of wind

" No way..... not even the ogress could extinguish Excalibur" Arthur said

" WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR DON'T EASE UP ON HIM" Shinra yelled as he jumped above Arthur throwing a fire kick at Captain Burns in which he blocked it easily

" Woah, he's really going all in" I thought as Shinra threw kick after kick

" Step back or you'll be killed" Shinra said as he threw a kick at the Captain and explosions came with it as well but with a step by Captain Burns, Shinra was blown away

" SHINRA" I yelled as I flew to him and stopped him from falling back any futhur

" Well are you just gonna sit there and watch or are you gonna fight" Captain Burns asked as I smirked

" Alright then, don't say I didn't warn you" I said as I flew passed him and stopped behind him and threw fire at his back but he jumped

" GOTCHA" I yelled as I got on my back and began to spin my legs around and soon a fire tornado appeared around Captain Burns

" FIRE VORTEX" I yelled as I began spinning faster and the tornado began getting denser

" STOP IT JAYE" Maki yelled as I moved my hands up and the fire tornado went up

" HE'S SECOND GENERATION" Rekka yelled as I smirked and brought my hands down and as soon as I did the fire tornado followed me and landed on the ground

" You're strong, but is that enough" Captain Burns said as I felt a heat wave come at me and I just jumped on instinct

" TAKE THIS" I yelled as I slammed my heel down on the ground with fire following reaching Captain Burns

" This isn't working" I said as the flames cleared with his shirt almost completely burned off

" Ugh.... old men" I thought as I blushed and that's when it hit me

" Hey have you ever saw lightning up close" I said as I put my first and middle finger together and pointed at him

" What do you mean" Captain Burns asked

" Just sit back and watch" I said as I moved around my arms and lightning appeared

" YOU MIGHT WANT TO DODGE THIS" I yelled as I pointed my two fingers at him and a lightning bolt came charging at him

" HA" I yelled as I flew over behind him making him pay attention to me

" Nice try but that's not gonna work" Captain Burns said as he waved both of his hands and then the lightning bolt went off of it's track and went towards Maki

" WATCH OUT" I yelled as I flew over to the others and stopped the lightning bolt

" That's enough for today" Captain Burns said as I was soon picked up by Rekka

" WOAH THAT WAS SO COOL" Rekka screamed as he picked me up and spun in circles

" Could you not" I said as Rekka stopped and smiled at me

" Sure cutie" Rekka said as I blushed as he put me down

" You did a good job against Captain Burns, he actually used his hands" Karim said

" T-thanks" I said as I walked to Maki and she just looked at me

" I-I am sorry" I said as Maki engulfed me into a hug

" No I am sorry, I should of looked for you first" Maki said as I smiled

" It's ok" I said as I let go of Maki and she soon left

" Hey Jaye, you have some neat powers w-" Tamaki said as she tripped and she somehow threw me into Rekka

" W-wasn't expecting that" Rekka said as I felt something squeeze my ass

" GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM YOU PERVERT" Karim yelled as I looked behind me to see two big hands gripping my ass

" HOLY SHIT" I yelled as lightning came off of me and shocked Rekka

" Damn that was powerful" Rekka said as he removed his hands

" I AM SO SORRY LIEUTENANT REKKA" I said as I bowed to him

" It's ok shortie" Rekka said as I glared at him

" What's wrong with being short, I can still beat your ass" I said

" W-what" Rekka said

" Just kidding, don't be scared" I said with a smile as we were brought to our rooms

" This is gonna be something huh" I asked as I set my stuff to the bed closer to the window as Shinra was in the middle and Arthur was at the other end

" Yeah, we just need to gather up some info on company one and we are out of here" Shinra said

" Could I say something" I asked

" Yeah, what is it" Shinra asked

" I felt something off about lieutenant Rekka, he is overly happy about everything, it's weird" I said

" Yeah but I feel like it's Lieutenant Karim" Shinra said

" I agree with the devil" Arthur said as I signed

" Ok we will check Lieutenant Karim first" I said as I laid in bed

" Goodnight guys" I said

" Wait we were gonna check right after we finished unpacking" Shinra said

" Well wake me up when that happens" I said as I closed my eyes

~2050 words~

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