Matter of Time ⏳

De Supreme_Enchantress

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Violets adventures are the most wonderful thing in the world. All of time and space was hers to explore. Noth... Mais

Violet 🌸
~ Introduction ~
Chapter One: Titanic {Historical Event}
Chapter Two: The Team! {The Flash}
Chapter Three: The Help {The Flash}
Chapter Four: He Went Up {The Flash}
Chapter Five: Trace {The Flash}
Chapter Six: Mr Presley {Histroical Event}
Chapter Seven: Sunrise {Supernatural}
Chapter Eight: Mister Colt {Supernatural}
Chapter Nine: Back to 2011 {Supernatural}
Chapter Ten: Earhart {Historical Event}
Chapter Eleven: Byzantium {Doctor Who}
Chapter Twelve: Maze of Death {Doctor Who}
Chapter Thirteen: Angels Everywhere {Doctor Who}
Chapter Fourteen: The Fire at the End {Doctor Who}
Chapter Fifteen: 2005 {Supernatural}
Chapter Sixteen: Plane Down {Supernatural}
Chapter Seventeen: New York {Captain America}
Chapter Eighteen: Expo {Captain America}
Chapter Nineteen: Serum {Captain America}
Chapter Twenty: In-Action {Captain America}
Chapter Twenty-One: Unexpected {River Song}
Chapter Twenty-Two: Dr. Light {The Flash}
Chapter Twenty-Three: Dangerous {The Flash}
Chapter Twenty-Four: Zoom-Zoom {The Flash}
Chapter Twenty-Five: Middle Kingdom {Historical Event/The Flash}
Chapter Twenty-Six: Bye-Palace {Historical Event/The Flash}
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Castiel {Supernatural}
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Enzo {Doctor Who}
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Pandorica {Doctor Who}
Chapter Thirty: Complex {Doctor Who}
Chapter Thirty-One: Tiny Universe {Doctor Who}
Chapter Thirty-Two: Big Bang Two {Doctor Who}
Chapter Thirty-Three: Date {Enzo Akin}
Chapter Thirty-Four: Fireworks {Enzo Akin}
Chapter Thirty-Five: Savage {DC Legends}
Chapter Thirty-Six: Shock {DC Legends}
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Aid {DC Legends}
Chapter Forty: The Merge {Supernatural}
Chapter Forty-One: Vamp Control {Supernatural}
Chapter Forty-Two: Liquid Lunch {Supernatural}
Chapter Forty-Three: Saved {Supernatural}
Chapter Forty-Four: Apollo-11 {Historical Event}
Chapter Forty-Five: Bucky {Captain America}
Chapter Forty-Six: Saved {Captain America}
Chapter Forty-Seven: Sammy {Peggy Carter}
Chapter Forty-Eight: Reverse-Flash{The Flash}
Chapter Forty-Nine: Captured {The Flash}
Chapter Fifty: Back to the Future {The Flash}
Chapter Fifty-One: JFK {Historical Event}
Chapter Fifty-Two: Charmed Siblings {The Fated Trio}
Matter of Time Rewrite Now Up!

Chapter Thirty-Three: Big Bang Two (2) {Doctor Who}

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De Supreme_Enchantress

The Doctor, Amy, Rory, and I all made it to the roof safe and sound. The Doctor was the first one out of the hatch and walking across the roof, as I followed.

"What, morning already? How did that happen?" Amy questioned as it was night not so long ago.

"History is shrinking. Is anybody listening to me?" The Doctor states as he stares into the sky to see a burning ball of light. 

"I always listen," I remarked back to him as it was a nod to when we were back on Gallifrey, I would always listen to his rants and theories. I came to stand beside him as I see his eyes gaze at me for a moment.

"Universe is collapsing. We don't have much time left," Doctor began as he ran to a satellite pole and jumped up on the little ledge and began to sonic it.

"What are you doing?" Rory questioned as he continued to sonic the satellite dish. 

"Looking for the Tardis," he answered back, finishing with the sonic as he placed it back in his jacket.

"But the Tardis exploded," Rory retorted back to him.

"Ok then, I'm looking for an exploding Tardis," The Doctor rips the dish from it's spot as sparks flew from the ripped wire as he jumped down from the ledge.

"I don't understand," Amy shook as she wasn't following the Doctor's words. "So, the Tardis blew up and took the universe with it. But why would it do that? How?" Amy rushes out as Rory came to her side as the Doctor jumped up on the ledge. 

"Good question for another day. The question for now is," he spins a back around to face us. "A total event collapse means that every star in the universe never happened. Not one single one of them ever shone. So, if all the stars that ever were are gone, then what is that?" He pointed to the giant ball in the sky using his sonic. "Like I said, I'm looking for an exploding Tardis," my eyes lingered on the ball as they suddenly shot up in realisation.

"That's the Tardis," I breathed out as I came a bit forward looking directly at it.

"But that's the sun," Rory counters me as I felt his eyes on me.

"I don't think it is. It's the Tardis," I state to them.

"Here's the noise that sun is making right now," the Doctor lifts up the dish and sonic it, as a whooshing sound the Tardis makes. "That's my Tardis burning up. That's what's been keeping the Earth warm," the Doctor states to us but I could hear a faint voice emitting from the dish. 

"Doctor, there's something else. There's a voice," Rory caught onto the voice emitting from the Tardis. The Doctor extended his sonic and zapped at the dish again, magnifying the sounds.

"I can't hear anything," Amy replied.

"Trust the plastic," he states pointing to his ear. But as the sonic reached a different frequency the voice became clearer and clearer.

"I'm sorry, my love," River's voice echoed on the roof top.

"That's River!" I state in a shock as she kept saying the same thing over and over again.

"It must be a like a recording or something," Rory said but it wasn't a recording. 

"Not a recording, the Tardis sealed off the console-room and put her into a time-loop to kept her safe due to the emergency protocols," I explained to the group as every Tardis had emergency protocols in place if anything happened. "She's right at the heart of the explosion," I came to the edge of the roof as I looked up at the Tardis. "We need to get her out of there," I shot my gaze to the Doctor as his eyes were already on me. But he just offers a smile as he jumps down from the edge and placed the disk to the side, before typing into the VM and zapped her went. 

"How do you know so much about the Tardis?" Amy's Scottish accent rang through my ears as I came back to stand in front of them. 

"I had lessons from the best," I replied with a thin but warm smile as I remembered the old times. "Shame it wasn't the Doctor though," I remarked as my smile turned into a smirk. Just then, electricity formed behind Rory and Amy, two shapes came together and River and Doctor appeared.

"Amy!" River's voice came to attention snapping her and Rory around. "Violet! And the plastic Centurion?" River was a bit confused on why Rory was here and helping us.

"It's ok, he's on our side," The Doctor said to River knowing she could trust his word.


"Yeah," the Doctor confirmed it as all eyes were on Rory as I came to stand to the left of Amy.

"I dated a Nestene duplicate, once. Swappable head. Did keep things fresh," River replied making me smile at her humour at this moment in time. "Right then, I have questions. But number one is this... What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?" River turned to face the Doctor staring up at the Fez on his head.

"It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool," he replied like it was natural to have.

"You look ridiculous," I retorted to him as the look didn't sit well on him, but he could pull it off. Before I knew what was happening, Amy leches forward and grabs the Fez from his head and turned and threw it into the sky, as River pulled her gun free and shot it mid-air, sending the fabric everywhere.

"Exterminate!" The Dalek's voice came out as it began to raise from the ground as it was using it's flight systems. 

"Run, run! Move, move!" Doctor began to push us all back the way we came as Amy, Rory and I bolted back to the hatch. I got Amy and Rory down the hatch as River came as the Doctor was backing up using the dish as a shield from the Dalek's beams. I quicklu climbed down the ladder as River did the same. The Doctor came in and shut the hatch and began sonicing it shut.

"Doctor, come on," River states as she pointed her gun at the hatch. 

"Shh," he hushed her. "It's moving away, finding another way in. It needs to restore its power before it can attack again," Doctor explained as he climbed down the ladder. "Now, that means we've got exactly four and a half minutes-" He jumped down form the ladder and locked at his golden watch. "Before it's at lethal capacity," he brushes pass us and down the stairs.

"How do you know?" Rory questioned.

"Because that's when it's due to kill me," Doctor replied stopping at the platform the stairs had staring at us. I totally forgot!

"Kill you? What do you mean, kill you?" River wildly asks as we all made our way down the stairs and followed the Doctor.

"Oh, shut up. Never mind... How can that Dalek even exist? It was erased from time and then it came back. How?" The Doctor wondered as we came into a hallway in the museum.

"You said the light from the Pandorica," Rory states as we followed the Doctor further into the hallway.

"Not a light, it's a restoration-field," I corrected Rory as we entered an exhibit. "But you can call it a light if you want," I state as it didn't really matter, they wouldn't be able to understand it anyway.

"That light brought Amy back, restored her. But how could it bring back a Dalek, when the Daleks have never existed?" The Doctor stopped in his track making everyone gather around him as he was all hand gestures.

"Ok, tell us," Amy states her eyes on him.

"When the Tardis blew up, it caused a total event collapse. A time-explosion," he began to move once again as we followed. "And that explosion blasted every atom is every moment of the universe, except..." We made it a few paces down the way before he turns around to look at us.

"Expect inside the Pandorica," Amy wasn't sure of that answer.

"Perfect prison. And inside it, perfectly preserved, a few billion atoms of the universe as it was!" I exclaimed as I caught on as an idea came to mind. "In theory, you could extrapolate the whole universe from a single one of them, like cloning a body from a single cell. And we've got it all," I state as I brushed passed and stood beside the Doctor explaining it to them.

"No, no. Too fast. I'm not getting it," Rory states as I knew he wouldn't.

"The box contains a memory of the universe, and the light transmits the memory. And that's how we're gonna do it," Doctor made it as simple as possible and made the words simpler for them to understand. 

"Do what?" Amy asks.

 "Relight the fire. Reboot the universe. Come on!" Doctor states to us all before wondering out of the exhibit and into another hallway. 

"Doctor, you're being completely ridiculous," River began chasing after him and I followed, leaving Rory still not understanding.  "The Pandorica partially restored one Dalek. If it can't even reboot, a single life-form properly, how is it going to reboot the whole of reality?" River stops as she was bringing up good questions as I stopped beside her as the Doctor was a few inches in front. 

"What if we give it a moment of infinite power?" The Doctor swirls back around and walks back towards us. "What if we can transmit the light from the Pandorica into every particle of space and time simultaneously?" He suggested which could work if we had his Tardis or mine.

"Well, that would be lovely, dear, but we can't because it's completely impossible," she raises her voice at him.

"Ah. No, you see, it's not," he boops her nose like she was a child. "It's almost completely impossible," he retorted to her. "One spark is all we need," his voice lowered slightly.

"For what?" River rushed out.

"Big Bang Two! Now listen-" before he could say anything more he turns and a laser beam from the Dalek shot him in the chest and he crumples to the ground.

"Exterminate! Exterminate!"

"Doctor!" I cried out in horror, I knew it was coming but it was awful to live it. River and I crouched down where the laid.

"Get back. River, Violet, get back now!" Rory warned us, but I've tangled with the Dalek's before. Rory began to shoot the Dalek with his hand-gun which literally was his hand. He shot a few times before the Dalek stops and powers down once again. 

"Doctor. Doctor, it's me, River. Doctor, can you hear me?" River began to touch him all over to make him feel comfortable and made sure if he was alright. The Doctor reaches for his VM and began to mess with it. "What is it? What do you need?" River begs as tears threatened her eyes. But before she could get a reply the Doctor pushes the button and zaps away from us, going back in time. "Where'd he go?" River asks all confused. "Damn it, he could be anywhere," she states raising to her feet as I followed suit.

"He went down stairs twelve minutes ago," I state as River turned to face me.

"Show me!" She raised her voice as she was clearly upset. 

"River..." Amy began making her turn to look at her. "He died," Amy states and I could see her expression fade as her face turned slightly white.

"Systems restoring! You will be exterminated!" The Dalek was coming back online. 

"We've gotta move. That thing's coming back to life," Rory states holding his hand and aimed it at the Dalek, ready to fire if need be. 

"You go to the Doctor. I'll be right with you," River states with no emotion, her eyes on the Dalek and they were dark. Amy states at River for a moment before going down the hallway and to the main entrance of the stairs as Rory followed.

"Be safe," I told her with softness in my voice, but I could tell she appreciate it. I rushed after Amy and Rory and came to the main stairs to see no sign of the Doctor and Amy and Rory looking frantic.

"But he was dead," I hear Amy state as I came down the steps.

"Who told you that?" I hear River's voice emitting from behind. 

"He did," Amy replied back to River's question.

"Rule one. The Doctor lies," River and I spoke in unison as we walked side by side and down the steps.

"Where's the Dalek?" Amy asks. 

"It died," River states in a bad-ass tone. I followed River back into the exhibit where the Pandorica was stored but we all began to run as time was running out.

"Doctor!" I yelled throughout the hallway as we see the Pandorica open and the Doctor inside, wired up. We ran as fast as we could until we reached the box, River and I stepping inside to look at what the Doctor has done.

"Why did he tell us he was dead?" Rory asks, but I looked over to the VM as it was wired to the rest of the Pandorica.

"We were a diversion. As long as the Dalek was chasing us, he could work down here," Amy connected the dots together. I grab hold of his face and lifted his head up.

"Doctor, can you hear me?" I ask I gently gave his right cheek a slap, trying to stir him around. "What were you doing?" I went on, shaking his head a little, but I noticed the light from behind was getting darker, but my focus was on the Doctor.

"Reality's collapsing. It's speeding up. Look at this room," River took over the explain to them, but I shook the Doctor once again as I blocked out the external voices for a moment.

"Doctor, what were you doing? Tell us!" I raised my voice a little as I shook him harder but his eyes began to squeeze together as he was waking up. His eyes were on me as he began to breathe heavily. 

"Big... Bang... Two," he managed to get the words out. 

"The Big Bang. That's the beginning of the universe, right?" Rory states as my mind was in overdrive as I was thinking on what he has been saying since we got here.

"What, and Big Bang Two is the bang that brings us back? Is that what you mean?" Amy was commanding as she stares at the Doctor as I moved out of the way as I was thinking. But then I remember the Tardis was still burning, at every point in history...

"Oh!" I began in a low tone. "Oh!" I spoke louder.

"What?" Amy asks her eyes went to me as I spun around to face her. 

"The Tardis is still burning. It's exploding at every point in history. If we threw the Pandoirca into the explosion right into the heart of the fire," I began to explain to them as I see out of the corner of my eye River understanding.

"Then what?" Amy shot in.

"Then the light from the Pandorica would explode everywhere at once, all those billions of atoms would be scattered among time and space," I rush out it was kind of a thrill to explain it all. "Just like he said," I turn around back to face the Doctor. 

"And that would work? That would bring everything back?" Amy questioned.

"A restoration field powered by an exploding Tardis, happening at every moment in history," River got the idea and made it into it's basic form for a sentence. "Oh that's brilliant. It might even work," her eyes flickered between me and the Doctor, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Bingo!" I state as River got the Doctor's sonic and began to scan the VM and the wiring.

"He's wired the vortex manipulator to the rest of the box," River states.

"Why?" Amy asked but I knew why he did it.

"So he can take it with him. Fly the Pandorica right into the heart of the explosion," my voice got lost as I turned back to face the Doctor. "Wake up Doctor," I slapped his right cheek a little harder than before. But he began to come around, as his eyes fluttered open. But his eyes broke me, as I know what he was going to do once he flies into the heart of the explosion, it will close all the cracks in time, but he'll be stuck on the wrong side, and forgotten like he was never born. Tears swelled up my eyes and ran down my face... "I can't," I breathed out as I spun around and exited the Pandorica. I passed Amy and Rory as I left the room and into the other room just before the display of the Pandorica...

I paced back and forth as tears streamed down my cheeks, as this couldn't be the end of the Doctor, the universe needs him, I need him. I only just got him back and now he's going to be forgotten, I can't stand it. I began to think up ways to save him but also save the universe, but they all ended up being the same. Allowing him to go and fly the Pandorica right into the heart of the explosion. 

"Doctor! It's speeding up!" I hear River yell as the ground shook and the white light from the Pandorica got bright. I spun around to see him talking to Amy but soon she took her steps back as the sliding doors closed, but his eyes cocked to mine in a split-second before the doors closed. The Pandorica began light up and rumble before moving in it's space, smoke generated at the bottom as I see River ruby tackle Amy out the way. Electricity hit the wall before the box shot out through the glass ceiling and headed for the explosion, glass scattered from above and hit the floor as I came back into the room to see Amy, Rory and River all on the floor.  

 "It's from the Doctor," River states as she pulls free her device.

"What does it say?" I asked as I came in front of them.

"Geronimo," she states, with a smile on her face as ran to the little platform the Pandorica was on and looked up at the sky as a blinding white-light engulfed us all...


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