Ladybug in New York

By ladxynoir

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When Marinette and Adriens class goes on a trip to NYC they get a sense that there is someone using a very po... More

Prologue: A New Villain
Chapter 1: Packing Up
Chapter 2: I'll Be Back
Chapter 3: To The Airport
Chapter 4: Airplane Love
Chapter 5: Welcome to New York
Chapter 6: A Shocking Disappearance
Chapter 7: Dance Partners
Chapter 8: Identities and Feelings
Chapter 9: The Museum Mayhem! (Part 1)
Chapter 10: The Museum Mayhem! (Part 2)
Chapter 11: Investigations
Chapter 12: Dates and Videos
Chapter 13: Confessions
Chapter 14: Rejected
Chapter 15: Starting Over
Chapter 16: Dance the Night Away
Chapter 17: The Secret Behind the Wall
Chapter 18: Mission Failed
Chapter 19: On Her Balcony
Chapter 20: The Party Crashers
Chapter 21: A Reveal
Chapter 23: The End?

Chapter 22: The Final Plan

279 9 8
By ladxynoir

Ladybugs POV

"Alright that's enough you too!" I cried at the top of my lungs.

Cat eventually shrugged and lunged towards Stella while I waited back for the perfect timing to begin the plan.

Stella skillfully fought back, but Cat Noir held her back for as long as he could. He then noticed me waiting for him and smirked.

Cat shoved Stella towards me until we were only inches apart and that's when I merged the horse miraculous with mine and created a portal. I then lassoed the rope I got and pulled Stella with me into the portal, which took us to the tallest building in New York. The Empire State Building, where Stella found herself dangling over the edge, tangled in the rope.

"W-What! How did I get here?"

I ignored her comment and got straight to the point, "It doesn't matter! You give us your miraculous right now and surrender!"

Stella snorted, "And what are you gonna do if I don't?"

I motioned over to the rope holding her over the entire city, which answered her question.

Cat walked up to me with a cheeky grin, "Smart idea, M'lady. She's cornered."

"Thanks Kitty."

I looked back down at Stella who was still thinking to herself. She eventually took a deep breath and muttered, "Fine... I'll give you my miraculous."

Cat and I high fived each other as I pulled Stella back and untied her. She looked a bit glum, but her frown twisted into a devilish smirk.

"You dumb little bug."

Before I could understand what was happening, Stella grabbed my legs and flung me over the roof, sending me crashing to the ground and screaming in horror. As I fell though, I could hear Cat's frightened voice crying out my name and Stella's vicious cackling. I couldn't feel anything else though, the sudden rush of air in my head made me feel lightheaded. I didn't even know how long I was falling, or if I was anywhere near the ground, but I did know I was about to meet my death as my whole world became darker and darker.


I could barely see or feel anything now, but I did know that I wasn't falling anymore.

Suddenly I was set down carefully against a wall, with a familiar comforting voice chanting my name.

"M'lady? Ladybug? Are you okay? MARINETTE ANSWER ME!!!"

"C-Cat?" I asked as I regained my vision. I could finally make out Cat Noir kneeling by my side.


I rubbed my temples with my fingers, "I'm fine, Adrien. Thanks for saving me."

Cat was quiet, "Damn it Mari, you scared me." He finally said.

I was about to say I was fine, until my earrings beeped, alerting me that I was going to transform back. And with a flash of pink light, I transformed back to my civilian form.

"Crap!" I looked around to see if anyone saw, but thankfully we were alone.

Cat smiled at me, "Well I guess were back at square one."

I groaned, "Why! Our plan was perfect!"

"Not really..."

I put my hands on my hips, "Why not?"

Now Cat began to groan, "You almost fell to your death and your calling that plan perfect?"

"I don't know, I just thought Stella actually wanted to surrender."

"Stella is a fierce villain. It's gonna take more than hanging her over the city to get her to give up her miraculous."

I hummed in agreement as I tossed Tikki a cookie, "Your right. I guess we gotta come up with something else."

"Why don't we start with de-evilising our friends?" Cat suggested.

"We cant bring them back to normal until we get Stella's miraculous again. That miraculous is the only thing that can cure them!"

He facepalmed, "What idiot came up with that rule?"

I shrugged, "Don't know."

All of a sudden, Cat jerked up, his whole face brightening up with enthusiasm, "I think I know how to get Stella!"



A couple minutes later, I was transformed back into Ladybug and darting my eyes across the NYC museum.

"Uh Cat... what are we doing here?"

He brushed my question to the side, "This is the same museum Stella stole the miraculous right?"


"Great!" Cat Noir began walked over to an old exhibit and started collecting some supplies.

"Cat Noir! What are you doing? These are old and delicate! What if you break something!"

"Relax, M'lady. If something does break then your magical ladybug's will fix everything."

"I wouldn't count on it." I sighed.

"Why don't you use that lucky charm of yours? It might bring up something I might need."

"But I'll detransform again!"

"It wont be for long! I promise!"

"Fine! Lucky charm!"

A metallic wolf paw appeared in my hands. I stared at the object while Cat Noir squealed like a little girl and took it from my hands.

"This is perfect!"

"Can you just tell me what your doing?"

"Later, I guess the only thing I can tell you is that were gonna trick Stella."

Cat Noir dashed over to another exhibit that had a little arts and crafts station for kids. He rummaged through the supplies until he pulled out a bottle of purple paint and paintbrushes and ran back to me.

"May I, M'lady?"

"Cat, I don't even know what your doing..."

"Just trust me! I'll explain everything soon."

"Fine." I stood as still as I possibly could as Cat began painting some parts of my suit purple. He curved the paintbrush and created wolf-like patterns along my thighs, arms and waist. I bit my lip to control the ticklish feeling coming from the brush as Cat continued painting.

"I never knew you could paint so well." I said, biting back my urge to move and laugh.

He tilted his face up to me and smiled, "Your not the only one whos good at these things."

I blushed as Cat Noir finished up the last of... well whatever he was doing.

"Purrfect!" He chuckled.

"I swear if this plan of yours requires me to dress as a clown, I'll rip that smile off your face."

"Calm down M'lady, you don't look anything like a clown."

Cat Noir then began painting the metallic wolf paw purple as well. Once he was done he pinned the paw onto my suit and walked back a couple pf feet to admire the work he had accomplished.

"I really am a genius."

"Allow me to ask you one last time.... What. Did. You. Do. To. Me?"

Cat Noir chuckled again as he showed me to an antique mirror. There I saw that I looked completely different from my original look with the purple designs. Almost a bit like Stella's wolf costume, but with less detail and more purple. But it did look like a convincing disguise.

"Wow, this looks great Cat! But what is the plan?"


After Cat explained everything, we got into position and right on cue, came Stella storming into the museum.

"Cat Noir! Ladybug! I know your in here somewhere!"

I was hiding behind a corner that faced the exact spot Stella first stole her miraculous. Cat Noir hid just across the area.

The museum was dark, almost pitch black since it was closed. But I could still make out Cat's smirk and the thumbs up he shot me, indicating that our final plan was about to begin.

I nodded my head and stepped out into the dim light coming from the windows.

"Here I am... Stella."

Stella turned her body to face me, "Well well, looks like the bug survived after all."

I could see Stella squinting her eyes against the darkness, eyeing my new look. "Did you get a new suit or something?"

"Actually I got some new powers." I lied. Thank goodness Stella couldn't see the smile forming on my lips.

"New powers?"

"Yep, it seems you haven't done your research when stealing the wolf miraculous. Apparently it comes with an additional piece of jewelry," I pointed to the wolf paw on my suit, "This can boost your powers and make you powerful than that mere miraculous. Even more powerful than mine and Cat Noir's miraculous put together."

"Well thank you for that demonstration. Now I'd like to have those powers. So if you don't mind, hand me that pin right now!"

"You think I'd actually give it to you?"

"Well you don't really have much of a choice." Stella said as she raised up her bow and arrow in my direction.

I didn't flinch, instead I let her shoot me.

Everything after that was in slow motion to me. Just seconds before the arrow could slice right through my head, I swiftly dodged it and watched as the arrow struck a statue.

"Missed me." I teased.

Stella growled and shot more arrows in my direction, but I dodged them all. While dodging I shifted over to a piece of rope that was tied to another statue. Stella attempted to shoot me but just as I predicted, the arrow cut right through the rope.

That's when Cat Noir snuck up from behind and quickly took off Stella's miraculous, just as a net swung from the roof and took Stella prisoner.

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