The Painful Agreement

By Nae_VSJ

89.2K 1.9K 367

What happen when the maknae of BTS forced to make an agreement with them without the members know? What will... More



1.2K 37 15
By Nae_VSJ

"We will........" Yoongi attention being paid at Taehyung who was currently have Jungkook by his side. His eyes a little swollen even tho hes throwing his vision completely at the cold floor, Yoongi- everyone would notice it. Taehyung had his arms wrapped securely at the youngest one, lead him into the room.

They knew that they were late for the discussing but Taehyung didnt mind, overall its his members, so its not a big deal for him.

All eyes were on them but have different of way to be describe. They gave Jungkook a concern look- carefully. Their eyes somewhat moves to Taehyung, finding some clues of what had happened, they perhaps. Some of them starting to stand up, walking towards the youngest but the leader stopped them from going too far because he knew, he knew its not the perfect time to get into dramas.

Yoongi on the other side did not having it at all. He knews everything so what would he participate for?

Then, he set up his words.

"Where have you been Tae? We're almost reach the last part and now youre just showing here" Yoongi asked coldly. He didnt even bother to look nor to give a glance at them.

Its doesnt seems weird when he's not mentioning Jungkook at all. The youngest had guessed it prefectly. Yoongi will not care about him but just have to hate him.

The rest prefer to be silent, didnt want to cause more problems when Yoongi started to talk.

"uhm, i found Jungkook- he's crying and no one were there and-and i came-..."

"comfort a crying human being almost 1 hour (?) What the purpose for you to do that? he can handle himself. He's not a child to look over at anytime and I surely assumed that you had knew that"

Taehyung look down, eyes not finding Yoongi anymore. He ran out of words to reply it back with respect.

Jungkook felt very sorry towards Taehyung. Cause of him, his hyung involved with this. He knew that Yoongi really hate him but he shouldnt let Taehyung to taste it too.

When the silent atmosphere slowly filling through into the room, Yoongi state, "Look, everything need discipline, communicate. If some of you cant come early, at least tell. Where's your common sense? Youre not a prince to make everyone wait for you. Time cant wait so do please appreciate and use the time wisely. If not, this will happen again and again. And for those whoever thinks that he's new to this, please give cooperation"

Everyone just nodded in agree, didnt dare to speak or add some more.

"I think i had explained it very clearly. So for now, we will proceed to the details of the song. Okay, we will seperate it into 3 and 4. Some of you will follow Namjoon and the rest will continue with me"

With that, Namjoon interfere, "i think Jungkookie needs some more explanation from you-..."

"you will take over. I will go with Hobi, Jin hyung and Tae" Yoongi cold words hurt the youngest. The fact that  Yoongi really didnt want to have Jungkook with him just cant be erase from the youngest's mind.

"I think Namjoon hyung was right. Jungkookie needs your guideness. Well, he still not so clear with the song" Jimin bravely denied what Yoongi's said just now.

On the other hand, Jungkook not comfortable with the pull and push situation. He didnt want his hyungs to get into trouble. He wish he could get a chance to speak up.

"if I say no, and its a no. I will not contribute with a helpless cheater! He didnt even deserve our kindness here! Just being an artist for a collaboration doesnt means that he needs to be treat nicely!" Yoongi spatted harshly thar caught the members attention.

The youngest shocked at the older's words towards him. His eyes were big, tears start to gather around his doe eyes. The sad tears slowly go through his puffy cheeks. Trying for not to get notice, he cry silently. He didnt want his hyungs to see how weak is he. How childish is he. He didnt have any idea of what Yoongi was trying to say. All the words start replaying in his painful mind. Everythings didnt go well.

His 2n2 members were definetly treat him like hes a stranger in the house. He dont have any shoulder to cry with, to share his problems, to let out his sadness. He will not open it to his Bangtan's hyungs. He just cant. Maybe hes too sick to see everything turn into trouble that causing from himself. He thinks hes too cruel for this world sometimes. Everyone that he loved, slowly go far away from him. This is not what he want. How funny it is when he dreams that he will be fine and happy when he takes this offer, to work together with his hyungs even tho just for one song. He imagine that he will create many moments with them together and perform it live and will have more time with Bangtan than 2n2. Its true when someone said that 'We can have dreams, but not all dreams we could have'.

"hyung! why you have to say like that?! Jungkookie's here!" Hobi surprisingly said. His tone was really shocked and dissapointed with Yoongi's action towards the youngest. Whats on earth was he?

"hyung, its okay hyung-..."

Hobi cut Jungkook off, "no Jungkook! You really want to be treat like this? Being a servant for someone that didnt even welcome you with an open arms? didnt even at least have some respect as a human? say that youre okay with this! say it! i cant believe that youre willing to hurt yourself just like that"

Hobi was not mad. He cant mad at Jungkook. He just want Jungkook to be treat fairly within Bangtan like the old them. He didnt want Jungkook to feel like strangers after all the untold case were take part.

Hobi can see the sadness from the youngest eyes. Sure he was sad. The way Hobi speaks to him was misunderstanding. Intention to make the youngest sad was not in his list at all.

Yoongi surely was on fire. He cant accept the fact that everyone are starting to blame him even the youngers bravely knock him down.

"Yoongi hyung, please. For our group name at least, lead Jungkookie. We will not bother you anymore. He really needs to be guide from you. Namjoon hyung will help us" Taehyung begs the older for the last time.

"fine" he agreed just because of Bangtan's name. Yes, Bangtan's name.


"You will be okay. If Yoongi hyung did something to you, please tell us huh?"

The members were reluctantly to let the youngest go, worried that Yoongi would do anything that could make Jungkook hurt. For Jungkook, he's scared. He cant make his way to Yoongi's studio but to have him standing there, frozenly.

"Will do hyung" the youngest replied simply.

He takes his first step, his breathing was quite heavy but managed to calm himself down. Its not a war or something, but having some time with Yoongi just a nightmare for him. How he gonna endure the fact that he stuck with Yoongi for some good time, he wish. His other hyungs were watching him worriedly, eyes not leaving the youngest until he was gone from their sight.

The familiar present being caught in his eyes. He was currently busying, the sound of his tip fingers were focusedly tapping the keyboard. He had his cap on which make the older looks very cool. His clean and neat studio was just the same as it should be. He take a very good looks through the studio, didnt even make himself being caught from the older.

As he managed to let his brave overcome the fear, he approached Yoongi a little, take every single steps in tiny, how scared was he.

"Yoongi hyung?" his little tiny yet innocent voice calling his hyung out.


Thanks a lot for the comments 😢❤ and sorry for the late update 🤧🙏🏻


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