Mom, I'm Bulletproof

By MacFrenzy

2.6K 345 161

A comedic/dramatic/romantic superhero epic. Amy McBloom struggles to pay her bills, bickers on the phone wit... More

Chapter 1: All Together
Chapter 2.1: Can't Talk Right Now
Chapter 2.2: Action Figure
Chapter 2.3: Amy vs. Hate
Chapter 3.1: Science Experiment
Chapter 3.2: Secret Identity
Chapter 3.3: School of the Future
Chapter 3.4: Mind Over Matter
Chapter 3.5: A Flash of Light
Chapter 4.1: Under the Arch
Chapter 4.2: One Night in Theater City
Chapter 4.3: Almost Forgotten
Chapter 4.4: Rat in a Maze
Chapter 5.1: Future Girl's History
Chapter 5.2: Nerd Heaven
Chapter 5.3: Totally Getting an A
Chapter 5.4: Confusion and Anger
Chapter 5.5: Beeswax
Chapter 5.6: One of These Days
Chapter 5.7: No Ordinary Robbery
Chapter 5.8: Three More Shots
Chapter 5.9: History's Future
Chapter 5.10: On Another Level
Chapter 6: Murder in London, part 1
Chapter 6: Murder in London, part 2
Chapter 6: Murder in London, part 3
Chapter 6: Murder in London, part 4
Chapter 6: Murder in London, part 5
Chapter 6: Murder in London, part 6
Chapter 6: Murder in London, part 7
Chapter 6: Murder in London, part 8
Chapter 7.1: Making Ends Meet
Chapter 7.2: The Fine Print
Chapter 7.3: Under Fire
Chapter 7.4: Fly
Chapter 7.5: Still Got Some Fight
Chapter 7.6: Safe Houses
Chapter 7.7: The Real Deal
Chapter 8.1: Back to School
Chapter 8.2: When Girl Heroes Collide
Chapter 8.3: Trouble
Chapter 8.4: You're The Smart One
Chapter 8.5: Amy Gets Schooled
Chapter 8.6: A Life of My Own
Chapter 9.1: Not Easy to Find
Chapter 9.2: A Question of Trust
Chapter 9.3: The Old Pit
Chapter 10.1: Before...
Chapter 10.2: ...and After
Chapter 11.1: Day in the Life
Chapter 11.2: To Arms
Chapter 11.3: Cut throat
Chapter 11.4: Your Technology
Chapter 11.5: Future Girl vs. Corruption
Chapter 11.6: The Full Force
Chapter 11.7: Answers
Chapter 11.8: This is Our Night
Chapter 12.1: Worth Investigating
Chapter 12.2: A Unique Perspective
Chapter 12.3: We've Got Ghosts
Chapter 12.4: Plesiosaurus
Chapter 12.5: The Impossible
Chapter 12.6: Guilty as Charged
Chapter 13.1: Proscenium vs. Dr. Critique
Chapter 13.2: The Source of Your Power
Chapter 13.3: Night of Thunder
Chapter 14: Origin Story, part 1
Chapter 14: Origin Story, part 2
Chapter 14: Origin Story, part 3
Chapter 14: Origin Story, part 4
Chapter 14: Origin Story, part 5
Chapter 15.1: Major Crazy Conspiracy
Chapter 15.2: Helicopter
Chapter 15.3: That's a Little Harsh
Chapter 15.4: Confession
Chapter 15.5: Allies
Chapter 16.1: The Ergosphere
Chapter 16.2: A Void In You
Chapter 16.3: Rum and Coke
Chapter 16.4: Hoedown
Chapter 16.4: In Pursuit
Chapter 16.5: Specific Aura
Chapter 17.1: From Left to Right
Chapter 17.2: Newly Reconstructed
Chapter 17.3: Understanding
Chapter 17.4: Control
Chapter 17.5: Here Forever
Chapter 18.1: Brawl at the Ultramax
Chapter 18.2: Fighting the Air
Chapter 18.3: Who Are You?
Chapter 19.1: Some Stuff to Deal With
Chapter 19.2: The Heart of It
Chapter 19.3: Against the Submarine
Chapter 19.4: Much Resistance
Chapter 19.5: The Holy One
Chapter 19.6: Manufacturers
Chapter 19.7: Fun
Chapter 19.8: Whirlwind of Destruction
Chapter 20.1: The Temple
Chapter 20.2: Priestess
Chapter 20.3: What Makes Us Tick
Chapter 20.4: In Trouble
Chapter 20.5: The Worst Nightmare
Chapter 20.6: If I Die
Chapter 20.7: Stating the Obvious
Chapter 20.8: This Other Universe
Chapter 20.9: Blood
Chapter 20.10: Phenomenal
Author's note

Chapter 16.6: The Lawless Land

12 3 2
By MacFrenzy

History Girl leaned back on the Ergosphere's couch and told him the whole about how her parents were killed, how she deduced the existence of the Temple, how she rejected the Temple, and was eventually caught by its agents. She then described being pulled into the future which the Ergosphere knew as the present. She went on to tell him about a "school of wonders" and the "futuristic girl" who granted her the gift of her guns and her S.T.E.E.D., as well as her freedom. 

 "Where I come from, it was the lawless land," she said. "But this year looks to me like another lawless land. Sure, you got your sheriffs with their badges, but you got medicine that kills, folk killin' other folk in the streets, and these electric machines with the moving pictures putting funny ideas in people's heads. It's the Wild West all over again, ain't it?" 

 "And the Temple?" 

 "I tracked down a man in Reno. Folk call him a con-spir-acy theo-rist, whatever that means. He said there was a cowpoke named Donnelly, who had some kinda darkness in his head. Didn't understand much, but I thought it could the Temple up to something." 

 The Ergosphere nodded. "You're not just good in a fight, you're smarter than you let on." 

"'Course I am," she said. "My mama and my daddy raised me right." 

 "The problem is, I came to Vegas hunting Donnelly as well. He certainly had issues, but it had to do with a whole other universe. I saw no indication the Temple is involved." 

 "Sassafras," History Girl swore, shaking her head. "Another trail gone cold. If you ain't kidnapping me, then leave me somewhere in the desert outside a' town. I can make camp by myself and then hunt down a varmint for my dinner." 

The Ergosphere sat down next to History Girl. "That futuristic girl who befriended you? She and a few others like her are taking on the Temple. There's an all-American girl still learning what it means to be all-American, there's a lonely guy turning his dreams into reality, and there's a sad old man questioning whether his life is truly worthwhile. They're starting a team of some sort – God help them – and they could use your help. You've got the tech, you've got the brains, and you've got the attitude." 

History Girl looked him up and down, and then said, "Seems that everything you're saying to me is what you mean to be saying to yourself." 

 "I'm not..." 

 "What's your interest in the Temple, Mr. Ego?" 

 "That's Ergosphere, comma, the." 

 "Answer the question, mister." 

"I've traveled far and wide, farther and wider than even a time-traveler like you could possibly know. I have seen wonders and beauty beyond imagining. My enemies are those who seek replace beauty and wonder with their phony, artificial idea of beauty, destroying that which is truly wondrous. If that's what the Temple is, then I will make myself a nuisance to the Temple." 

History Girl smiled, and playfully punched him in the arm. "When I first came to this time, the futuristic girl let me go. She gave me my freedom so I could follow my own path, so I could go wherever life takes me." 


 "Life's takin' me to you, and it's takin' you toward the Temple and to them other super folk. When you ask me to join the four of them, you're really looking for someone to give you permission to join them. Am I right?" 

 The Ergosphere couldn't breathe for a second. All the sarcastic quips left his thoughts, as did all his deeper obsessions about the unending vastness of all multiverses. There was nothing left for him but to laugh. 

 "Yes, you're right," he said. "You really are a smart one, aren't you?" 

 "Like I said, I'm ahead o' my time."

* * * *

Two nights later, Sam Woodstock, dressed once again in his full Dreamsmith outfit, stood on the roof of his apartment building, staring right at the Ergosphere. Sam's cape conveniently hid the prehensile tale he'd woken up with that morning. 

"You met History Girl? And you just let her go?" Sam said. "Despite everything she knows? And everything she can do?"

"I'm in."

"What if she gets hurt or arrested while wandering around like she's been? Does she even have a place to live? What if... Wait, what did you say?"

"Those coordinates you told me about. Out in the ocean, right? And there was something about a submarine? I've got my ship. I can take you all there."

"Yes, of course. Let's do that. But what about History Girl?"

"She's moved on. Greener pastures and all that. History Girl has, somewhat appropriately, decided not to dwell on the past."

Sam thought for a second. "What now?"

"Must I constantly state the obvious? Call U.S. Amy and tell her we're heading out to Atlantic Ocean. We're going to show those Temple bastards that they've got not four but five superheroes after them."

Sam adjusted his hat. "Five it is."

# # # # 


# # # # 

Next: From left to right. 

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