TPN fanfic- Norman X Ray

Oleh norraybean

86.1K 2K 7.1K

Sort of a crackfic for my favorite ship. There's fluff and something you can call angst i guess? Also everyon... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

6.6K 152 712
Oleh norraybean

(side note: I'm NOT good at kissing scenes, you'll find about that later hajsndnx)

{Norman's POV}

I was doing my best not to start crying. The person sitting next to me, the only one I ever loved now knows the truth, and probably, no, DEFINITELY will reject me. But, can I blame him? He is probably in love with a girl, maybe Anna or Emma, where's the chance he could love me? Far away. It never existed for me. Or maybe it did, and I broke it. But still, how could he love me, right?? I maybe AM one of the smartest kids in this orphanage, but that doesn't make me perfect. I just want this to end. And at the same time, I don't. I can hear movement, I look up for a second only to notice him sitting right in front of me. I look down again. I should stop addressing them as him. His name is Ray. Ray....

„Norman, please look at me."

No, no I won't. Seeing his face would just make me cry. I can't breathe....

„Norman, if you don't look at me right now I swear I'll slap you."

Ray chuckles after those words as a sign he didn't really meant it but it CAN happen. One from the many things I love about him. But I still won't look at him.

„Norman, you're just making it harder for me to say it!" he kind of whines.

I stay silent. What could I except?? Now, he will say he doesn't love me back and that he wants to stay just friends. But I don't. I want to move on, staying just friends and then seeing Ray with someone else would hurt. A lot.

„Okay, then I'll say it, but it would be better if I could look at your adorable face."

...wait wha~?! D-did he just-

„Alright then, about what you said earlier, no I won't stop talking to you. And yes, I know you're a BOY Norman, who else could you be??" he laughs a bit, then continues. „Please don't get me wrong or anything, but I'm honestly happy that you lied to know, about how you like Emma and stuff...."

I look up at him, yeah he's blushing.

„W-what I wanted to say was, yeah I understand why you lied, I can be hot-headed sometimes and-"

Sometimes??" I ask with a smirk.

„Look who's talking", he blushes even more and returns the smirk. „And yeah, SOMETIMES. I just wanted......I......d-daMN IT WHY IS IT SO HARD TO SAY??"

„What is hard to say, Ray?" I ask, even though I know the answer. Or at least I thought I knew it.

He stays quiet for a while, then sighs and looks at the ground. In the moon light, his hair is almost silver and even though it's not quite visible, he's blushing. Like really. If it would be daylight, then his face would be like a tomato, it's cute. I take a deep breath, ready for my rejection. But it's alright, I'm alright. I have already accepted the fact that he doesn't love me back, and even though it hurts, I'm totally alright with tha-

„I love you too. In fact, I also had a crush on you since we were little." he says all of a sudden, smiling warmly. I stare at him in shock for few seconds till it gets to me. Wait. WAIT. WHAT.

„You aren't kidding, are you?!" I ask, though I know he's not kidding.

„No. Was I ever kidding about something??" he asks, half joking.

I stay, so he loves me back?! Did I heard it right?! He didn't reject me, he actually said he loves me too?!?!? All the years I worried about NOTHING?!?! IS THIS EVEN REALITY?!!!!

„Oh my god Ray...... please tell me I'm not asleep and this is just a beautiful dream from what I'll wake up and won't believe it happened..."

„And would you believe me if I said I can make it even more beautiful??"

„W-what do you mean by that-?"

Without saying anything else, he just smiles and blushes even more. It's cute though, but I'm kinda scared of what's on his mind right now. He then stands up, offering me his hand, I take it but why-


Before I can react, he pulls me up into his embrace and......kisses me. Ray just kissed me. HE KISSED ME. DO YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING?!

Okay Norman, calm down, stop it right there, focus. I need to stop being so reckless. I focus on what's going on right now. Ray and I are kissing. Really. We are actually kissing. He's warm.....and it will probably sound weird but he tastes nice. I kiss back, wrapping my hands around his neck. We stay like that for awhile, then I pull back. Ray is smiling, and I'm sure I do too.

„Okay, so let's get things straight-" I start but he doesn't let me finish my sentence.

„Straight?? I thought a boy in love with another boy is gay." he says with a smirk, I blush at that.

„A-alright then, let's get things gay..." I pause for a second, my cheeks heating up. I can hear a light chuckle from him. „S-so..... you're telling me you love me. You're not kidding, are you?"

„Would I kiss you if I was kidding? No Norman, this is not a joke. I really do love you. That's why your words about liking Emma had hurt me so much that day. I thought you really did like her, since you never joke about things like that. But I was wrong, and damn, I'm so happy I was wrong. In fact, my crush on you started since that day you were sick, and I helped Emma to make that cup telephone. That words you said to me.... I always remembered them."

~flashback to when they were little~

N: „Do you remember the snowball fight? It was really fun! Despite the fact I got sick of course"

E: „Haha, yeah!! And remember that time when-"

N: „Wait, Emma, can you give me Ray for a second? I would like to talk to him."

E: „Ohhh, okay alright!!!"
R: „Hey, wassup."

N: „Oh, Ray! I wanted to ask, the cup phone was your idea, right?"

R: „Yeah, it was. Why?"

N: „Oh well, it's just that only thanks to you I'm able to talk to Emma and everyone so yeah, haha..."

R: „Spill it Norman"

N: „I wanted to say, thank you. For everything you've done for me, including this. We've been best friends for a long while, it's about time I'll told you this. If you'll ever need me, I'll be there for you, no matter what. You mean a lot to me. More than anyone else."

R: „E-even more than Emma-?"

N: „Yeah, even more than Emma. Of course I care for her too but... you're just special to me."

R: *blushing* „ mean a lot to me too..."

E: *can be heard even through the door* You guys done??? Mama wants us to go for dinner Ray!!

R: „Oh yeah, right, well, I have to go now Norman, talk to you later."

N: „Bye Ray. And enjoy your meal."

~back to present~

Those memories just flashed through my head. I remember it, I remember all the words I've said to Ray that day, and I meant it. I meant it all. If only Emma didn't cut us off, then I would probably say that he means to me more than just a friend but oh well...After that, he started to beg Emma to lend him the cup phone more, so he could talk to me more. I smile again.

„Yeah, I remember that. And I totally meant it!"

„I know you did." he says as he playfully ruffles my hair. „So, do you believe me now??"

I nod. „I do."

Ray smiled. It was the prettiest smile I've ever seen. And it's not only because he rarely smiles.

I smile back, then take his hand.

„It's getting late so-"

„Ah, yeah right"

Before I can react, Ray is suddenly carrying me bridal style, walking towards the House. I don't complain though.

Ray carried me all the way to my bed, gently placing me on it afterwards, covering me with sheets to make me comfortable. I never knew he could be so gentle and caring, wow-

„W-what is this for-?"

„Nothing. Just felt like taking care of you tonight."


„Get used to it~ Because from now on, I'll make sure you'll get to bed just alright."

„Do you even realise how that sounds-"

„Of course I do" he says with a laugh, then smirks afterwards.

„Then why are you saying that to me?!" I managed to keep a low voice, but the truth is, I wanted to yell it out loud. This is way too embarrassing! And the fact he said it on purpose is not helping at all!!

All I got for response was a quiet giggle. I tried to look as mad and annoyed as possible, but I horribly failed. I just can't be mad at someone as cute as him, can I?

„ should probably go to sleep yourself, it's kinda late and I'm sure we'll be tired tomorro-"

„And what if I don't want to??"

I gasp at what I see. Ray...he,,he didn't even let me finish my sentence as he flopped himself onto my bed, landing on his knees. I couldn't do more than just stare at him in shock, as he slowly made his way towards me, smiling like a predator.

„Ray, wha-"


He's now on the top of me, I'm unable to speak anymore. He literally trapped me under his body. (author: yes I know how wrong this sounds but it's supposed to mean that exact thing so yeah, you're allowed to call FBI now)

I was nothing but a blushing mess. Since when was he so....uh, nevermind,,

„I know this may not be the best time for what I'm about to do, but please don't ruin this for me Norman..." he whispered gently while lowering his head until I can feel his breath on my face. He's red as a tomato now and I'm sure I am too.

For the second time tonight, our lips met in a warm kiss, allowing me to taste him again. I smile for myself, wrapping my hands around his neck. And soon enough, we both fall asleep.

{morning, 7:30AM}

I turned to my side, still half asleep. I can hear the birds already chirping their songs outside, and also a loud chatter all around me. I smile to myself, still too tired to open my eyes. It's morning, and there's another beautiful day ahead of us. Then, memories flood my head, and I feel like I've been punched in the stomach. This place is a farm. We are nothing but a food for demons. Isabella, the woman who raised us as a true mother, was lying to us the whole time. We have to escape.

The joy is gone, replaced by sadness and anger. We have to escape, as soon as possible! I sit up and stretch. To my surprise, children from our room are already all gone. The chatter I hear is from the hallways and is fading away quickly. If I don't want to be late, I have to hurry. I quickly stumbled into the bathroom, trying to button up my shirt while brushing my teeth. I managed to dress up rather quickly and without trouble, good, now I have to run. I raced out of the room without giving a single glance to my bed. Nevermind, I'll make the sheets later.

The breakfast already started when I arrived. I tried to open the door as quietly as possible, but I didn't bother to close them afterwards. Which was a mistake. The door closed behind me, and a loud "THUD" could be heard around the whole room. All the small talks cutted, and I felt every single pair of eyes was watching me. I walked over to my place as fast as I could and sat down. Emma sent me a questioning glance but I ignored her, because Mama spoke up.

„Good morning to you too, Norman. Would you be willing to explain to me why you arrived 10 minutes late??" she said, her tone cold. „I thought I taught you kids the schedule of this House."

„Oh, uhh, sorry. Good morning Mama. Sorry for I arrived late, I, uhm.... overslept."

She nodded lightly, then continued to eat her breakfast, the others did the same. I gulped. This was really, REALLY embarrassing. I have never ever overslept in my life, so what happened that I-

Then I realized. I quickly looked next to Emma, where Ray was supposed to sit. He wasn't there. That meant only one thing. He was still asleep in MY BED and I completely forgot about him! I tried to at least drink some of my tea when I catch Emma's glance again. She looked worried, and more serious than ever. She wants to know where Ray is. I sigh.

„Norman, what happened? You look pale....are you sick?" she asks, and there's no trace of joking in her voice like it usually is. „This is the first time you overslept! Are you feeling tired?"

I manage to smile. „No Emma, everything is alright, thanks for worrying. I just stayed up later than usual, overthinking the......stuff. But hey, have you seen Ray? He's late, too."

„I wanted to ask the same. With some fantasy, I can imagine you oversleeping again, but Mr. Emo?" she laughs at her words before getting serious again. I would like to tell her that Ray is alright, sleeping in my bed, but that would be...too much.

„Maybe he stayed up reading all night? It wouldn't be the first time he's done this, although he always arrived on time. I guess all the lack of sleep finally got to him." I say, taking a bite off of my toast. I only hope Emma wouldn't want to go and wake him up with me. She'd be surprised... To my luck, she giggled and chirped „Yeah!! Why didn't I thought of that?! He just got tired from all the reading and studying! Well, I promised the others a game of tag today. I'll teach them how to climb the trees." She looked around, then lowed her voice down. „I think that climbing will be useful out there." With that, she winked at me and continued to eat her meal for good.

„Norman???" Someone called out, it took me few seconds before I registered them. I saw Jemima looking up at me with puppy eyes, I smiled at her warmly. „Yes, Jemima?" „Where is Ray? His breakfast will be cold if he doesn't come right now!" she wailed, causing the kids around her mutter in agreements. I give her a quick hug. „Don't worry. Ray is asleep now, but I'll bring him his meal when I can, alright?" „Alright!!" she grinned, and continued to munch on her croissant. I can't really blame her, she and everyone else here cares for Ray greatly, and the thought of something happening to him scares them.

After the breakfast ends, the others help clean up the dining hall. I take a deep breath and walk over to Mama, who is staring helplessly at Ray's now cold breakfast. When she registers me, she smiles, but the smile gives me chills. I manage to smile back. „Hey Mama, will you mind if I take this" I point at the plate and mug in front of us, „to Ray? I'm more than sure that if he wakes up right now, he won't eat by himself."

„Yes, please take it to him. All children deserve optimal care, such as providing healthy food, after all." She looks me in the eyes, and I feel like paralyzed under her gaze. What did she meant by that?! Well, I know what she meant, we are her "products" after all, but more importantly, does she suspect me that I know the truth? What if she knows!? But before I can say anything, or react at all, she turns and walks over to the kids, who joke around and splash water at each other instead of washing the dishes. I can finally breath again. I take the plate in one hand and the mug in the other, carefully carrying them out of the dining hall. Without any accidents, like tripping over or dropping the plate, I arrive in front of my room. But now, how do I open the door? I should've thought about that before.... Well, I won't risk holding both the plate and mug in one hand, that wouldn't end up good. I settle the mug on the ground, gently open the door, then pick it up again.

I walk over to my bed, placing the food on the table beside it. I then look over the bed. Ray is completely hidden under the sheets, asleep. I'd say he doesn't give a damn. I sit on the bedside, then gently shake Ray's shoulder. I get a groan in response. „Ray~ Time to wake up." „No, fuck off." I laughed. He'll never change. „Ray, your breakfast is already cold. Wake up." I shake his shoulder again. He lets out another groan. I roll my eyes. „You're such a kid." I scold, dragging the sheets away so I can make up the bed. He sits up now, looking like a sleepy kitten. Cute. „I hate you. Where is my breakfast?" he looks around, his eyes slightly widening. „Wait, this is not my room, nor my bed. How in the hell did I get here?!" „If I remember correctly, YOU carried me here yesterday, kissed me and fell asleep next to me afterwards." I recalled. Ray looks at me like I turned into a demon or something, his cheeks bright red. „B-but...the others must've nOTiCE!" „Yeah, maybe they did and what? We used to do these little sleepovers with Emma when we were little, too!" „But that was with Emma!! And this WASN'T a sleepover!" „You sometimes fell asleep in my bed reading. And I didn't have the heart to carry you to your bed." I smirk, he looks away. „ANYWAY-!"

I hear the door open. „Norman? What are you doing here, I thought you were taking the breakfast to--- RAY?!" I turn around to see Emma standing in the doorway, completely paralyzed and shocked. Guess I'm blushing. „uHH HEy Emma, yeah about that, Ray is-" „Wait, no, don't say anything!!! I know EXACTLY what you guys were doing!!" she points her finger accusingly at us. „You k-know?" Ray asked, visibly sweating. „YES!!!! That isn't faiiiirrrrrr~!!!" she wails, surprising us. „Why didn't you told me you had a sleepover?? I'll tell that to the giraffe council~..." She makes a sad face, crossing her arms. I take a quick look at Ray, signalling not to say anything, then walk over to Emma. „Hey Emma, no need to tell the council." I pat her shoulder reassuringly. „Tell me ONE good reason why I shouldn't!" she snaps. „Because we are your friends, and you wouldn't really want the council to scold us." I smile. „Hmph~! Okayyy you won....THIS TIME!" she looks at me through half closed eyes, then grins. „But why am I here! Mama is calling you two downstairs, tests will start soon!" „Can I eat my goddamn breakfast without having to hurry?" Ray growled. „Tell her that I'm sick or something, I don't have the mood for....for anything actually." Emma looked confused for a second before smiling again. „Hmm, I guess she won't be happy hearing that but oKAY!! Norman, hurry up so you're not late." She giggled. „Again~" She then disappears in the hallway.

I turn around to see Ray smirk. „So Mr. Snow-white overslept for breakfast?? Who took your good manners?" he then turned to the table so he can take his breakfast, I smirk. „And Mr. Emo doesn't want to study, so he fakes sickness instead?" „Idiot." „Oh, I love you too." He quickly takes a sip from his tea, blushing. I shake my head. „Anyways, I'm going down now. Unlike 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚, I care about my education." „Trying to learn manners back?" „Shut up." I close the door behind me, I can hear laughter. „The tea is cold, you bastard!" he yells through the door again. Duh. „Well if you weren't lazy and came down at last, it wouldn't be cold!" I yell back. „Oh my.... you'll make a terrible wife one day!!" he scoffs. I laugh. „We'll see about that Ray." Smiling for myself, I head down the stairs. It would be awkward to be late again, after all...

T H I S. 3k+ words, almost 4k, I must be dreaming. And maybe I am, I wrote this at midnight and ended at like, 4AM lmao. But it's just fair because I was LAZY and I completely ABANDONED this story for almost 4 months hushjdcysudj. Thank you all who waited so patiently for me to finish this, and I PROMISE that if I ever slack off like I did now, y'all can come and kill me. No jokes, I'll give you my address💀. I will start writing chapter 9 right NOW because y'all deserve it. I decided that our boys together with their giraffe friend will concentrate more on their problem (demons & stuff), and even Krone will be included👀👄👀. I'll try to follow the original story line so it won't end up a tragicomedy about gays lmao. That's all I had to say today (or tonight? Idk hsjdjsjsj).]
If you have any questions about the story or want to know more things, consider to check out my IG:
Or contact me on Discord:
@ShinTsukimi (#6498)
Or simply message me here!
See you with next chapter!💕🏳️‍🌈


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