Chapter 1

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Ray's POV

"THEN WHY ARE YOU DOING ALL THIS?!?!" I yell at Norman as I'm holding him by his shirt.

He smiles warmly and says "Well, it's because I like her! I like Emma, that's why I want to go along with her plan!"

I let him go, staring at him in shock. He what....? I try to shake the sadness from me as I try to act cool. "S-still, it's completely crazy-!"

"I know, and? What are you gonna do Ray?" Norman says as he steps back from me. "Me and Emma are out of it. We've gone completely crazy!!'

I manage to smile as I want to help him as much as I can. He's my best friend after all....

"Fine. I'll help you." I say as I stare at him.

"Thanks,Ray!! Now, let's get back to Emma!" he says with smile and walks to the direction Emma is.

I stare at the sky through leaves for a while. Damn it, why must I be so unlucky..... there's no chance he'll accept my feelings now that I know he loves Emma.....I will at least try and help him as much as possible...

Later, at night (1am)

I can't sleep. Everytime I close my eyes, I see Norman, standing in front of me, confessing his feelings for Emma. It makes me feel miserable......

As I try to fall asleep I hear some footsteps on the hallway. And they're heading towards our room-!

Before I can shut my eyes and pretend to sleep, the room door open and, there she is. Emma is heading right towards mY BED.

"Psst, Ray! RAY! I know you're not asleep, please open your eyes!" she whispers when she reaches me.

"Ugh, yes, I'm up Emma. What do you want? And what are you even doing here?!" I whisper-yell back at her.

"Well~, I heard the sounds of emo boi in distress" she says with a grin on her face. "And also, I need to piss"

"Ugh, Emma I told you to STOP calling me like that! I'm not emo. And in distress?! What made you thought of that?!"

"Okay then" she says as she sits next to me on my bed, "then what are your problems, NOT emo boi??'

"W-what- I have no problems!!"..... well I have, my feelings, but that's a thing Emma wouldn't understand...

"Hmph~! Okay then! Good night eMo BoI"

"Emma, you don't know how lucky you're, that I don't see too well at night because if yes, I would PUNCH you right now" I say, clenching my fist. She sometimes really makes me angry...

"Haha, I know, that's why I wanted to talk to you at night!" she says, heading towards the door.

"..." I better stay quiet or I'll really kill her-

The door shut behind her and a second later, I can hear Emma's footsteps heading to the toilets. There she goes...

I layed down again and stare at the ceiling. No, I don't think it's a good idea to tell her about my feelings....but she's my sister, and my best friend, maybe she'll be able to help me....

As I think about it, I hear her footsteps on the hallway again. Huh, that was quick...

"EMMA!!" I yell-whisper at her, hoping that she'll hear me. I can hear she's coming towards the door.

"Huh? Why are you still awake, Ray?"

I froze and stare at the door in shock.

"Ray? Are you alright?"

I keep quiet as I see Norman slowly approaching my bed.

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