Chapter 7

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Ray's POV

We were playing tag in the forest for the rest of the day. But I wasn't paying attention to the game at all. My mind is focused on elsewhere. I'm such a coward. I was so close to my confess! If only I was faster, or if Emma wouldn't show up.....I could've confess my feelings to Norman. I would probably, no, definitely get rejected, but he would know at least. As I was thinking about it, I looked at the sky through leaves. Clouds were barely visible at this time of the day, and the sky was becoming darker. I sighed.

I don't know if I should go out with Norman tonight............I mean, yeah, spending night talking with him is fun, but it's weird...........he takes me as a friend, a brother, and he will never understand my feelings. And I don't care. It hurts, it's tearing me apart, but I'll keep smiling for him. If he wants to be happy with Emma, he will. I'll take care of that. I can now barely see the sky through tears. I want to be happy too........

As I let the tears slowly fall to the ground I can hear some footsteps heading towards my location, I freeze and quickly wipe them away. It's Emma-

''HeY rAy!'' she yell-whispers at me, ''wHy ArE yOu JuSt StAnDiNg ThErE??? HiDe!'' With that said, she climbs the nearest tree. I sigh. Yeah, I can be depressed later, now we're playing tag so there's no space left for sadness. I just randomly run through the forest until I could hear the river. How the heck did I get here-?! Nevertheless, I'm here, so I should hide. I climbed up the same tree I hid at a day or two ago. Then, I could hear some footsteps. When the person behind the footsteps appeared, my heart skipped a beat.

It was Norman.

He walked through the bushes so calmly, like he wasn't playing tag at all and just went to the forest for a walk. He stopped at the river and sat down, starting to hum the lullaby I tried to taught him. It feels.......warm. His voice sounds far different from mine while humming the melody but at the same time it sounds really pleasing, like an angel. I could just listen to his voice all day...........*crack*

SHIT- I got too distracted by Norman singing so I didn't notice where I was going. I tried to get closer but I accidentally stepped on a weak branch and it fell down with a cracking sound. I managed to jump away just in time to save myself from falling after it, but I would be too naive if I believed Norman didn't hear it. He obviously did. I quickly hid in the thick crown of foliage. I heard him giggle, oh goD SToP BEING SO CUTE NORMAN-

„Heeeey, Ray~!! I know you're up there, there's no use in hiding! What about you come down so I can tag you?” he shouts, how the hell does he know it's mE?!

„Ugh, yeah, coming!” I yell back, trying to look and sound annoyed. I jump down from the tree right into Norman's arms, how did he catch me?

„Well, look what handsome prey did I just catch!” he laughs at me, I blush. „I didn't think I would catch you so easily again! Normally you would've try to run away from me!”

„W-well it would be no use since you knew where I was. And put me down you idiot. I'm heavy and you can't carry me around like that!!” I snap.

„Oh really?? Are you........perhaps worried about me, Ray?” he says with a smirk, damn, I forgot he is observant.

„Who wouldn't be?? I mean.... you've always been the one who was sick and I don't want to cause you more trouble...” as I say that I blush even more and quickly look away.

„Oh, uh, yeah uhm.....I know, thanks for worrying-” he says while blushing too, he settled me down on the ground then.

„Am I the last one or is there still someone left you didn't catch yet-?”

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