Chapter 6

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Norman's POV

I can't sleep. I look at the clock, this night it will be the 11th time at least. I can barely see them in the dark, but I still can tell what time it is. It's 3AM. I better fall asleep if I don't wanna wake up exhausted tommorow. But I can't. And I don't care. I must think about the night 'hang out' I had with Ray. He said he has a crush...Well, probably Emma. But what else could I except? She's smart, kind and funny to be around, even though she's maybe a bit too naive. I still remember his face when I said I like Emma. It was a lie, though. But Ray looked really sad after that, even though he tried to hide it. I now understand, why. Because he loves her. Because Emma is his crush.

I rolled to my stomach and started crying, tears slowly soaking into the pillow. I remembered the last time I cried like this. It was when I was nine, that means two years ago. I have always felt different around Ray, not in a bad way, but something I couldn't describe. I searched for the answers in the library. I found a book that was titled with ''Thousands shades of love''. That was the book I was looking for. I realized many things just by reading the book. First of all, the feeling I have towards Ray is love. That shocked me, so I kept reading. The book told me that guys don't need to be interested just in girls, and girls don't need to be interested just for guys. And because I'm a boy who fell for a boy, I'm a homosexual. Most likely, gay. That was the part when I started crying. I never felt the same from that moment. I felt like I'm strange, different from the others.

And I still feel that way. There's no chance Ray would feel for me too, he's way too good for that, besides, he likes Emma. If there was still some hope left, it dissapeared just now. For Ray, I'm just a brother, just a friend. Nothing more. I burried my face into the pillow so my sobs don't wake anyone up. That would be embarrasing. After minutes that felt like hours of crying, I fell asleep...

{Morning, 6AM}

''...orman!! Norman! Hey Norman, wake up!'' Someone was calling my name. I sat up, letting out a loud yawn. I open my eyes and see Sherry smiling at me. ''Good morning, Norman!''

''Morning, Sherry'' I smile at her. ''What time is it?''

''It's 6 in the morning, and some minutes!! Now hurry up or we miss breakfast!''

With that said, she jumps from my bed, running towards the bathroom to change to her clothes. I smiled, and walk after her to get changed to. I already forgot about how I cried in the night...

{In the dining room}

''Morning, everyone!'' I say with a smile. Sherry was holding me by the hand but now she let go and ran towards Emma, Phil, Lannion and Ray to greet them. I smile at them.

''Ohayo Norman!''

''Good morning!!!''

''Good morning, Norman!''

My eyes land on Ray who is holding a quite big pile of dishes.

''O-oh, Ray, please let me help you!!'' I say as I walk towards him and take the half of the pile in my hands. He blushes a little at the sudden action, but doesn't protest.

''Thanks.......and morning.'' he says with a smile, that looks somehow worried.

We set the tables and help Mom who walked in after us prepare the breakfast. Ray frozed when he saw her, and seemed pretty scared for a second, I place my hand on his shoulder.

''Hey, don't worry about her. She doesn't know anything.'' I say with a smile.

He seems sad as I say that, but still he smiles at me. I have a bad feeling he forces himself to smile. ''Y-yes, you're right. She doesn't......''

''Right, so stop stressing about her. Come now, let's help with the breakfast.''

We helped Emma and the others to prepare and serve breakfast. Now, we're sitting by the table. I see Ray tensed when Mama spoke up.

''Good morning, my darling children. Now, let us appreciate, that all of you can happily live under this roof. Thank you for the food.''


{after breakfast and tests, children are playing tag with Emma, while Ray and Norman are sitting by the Tree together}

I'm watching Ray reading his book, he seems like he is focused on something else as he just randomly turns the pages. My worries start to grow, and as he makes a quiet, but painful sigh, I can't stand it anymore, I took his book away.

''Hey, I was reading that!'' he growled, trying to get his book back. ''Stop messing with me Norman, give it back!''

''Not until you tell me what's wrong.'' I said back, trying my voice to sound tough but also gentle.

''What 'What is wrong'? There is nothing wrong, cut it out!!''

''Ray....'' I look at him, placing the book next to me, ''I saw you today. You looked worried, and you were almost terrified when Mama showed up. What's wrong? I know it's terrible that she raises us just because we're the demon food, but that's all! And we want to escape after all!''

''It's not because of that!'' he waved his hands defensively in front of him, ''I just-....I just imagined how terryfing would it be if you and Emma wouldn't find Little Bunny that night! We wouldn't know what happened to Conny and the truth about this made me a little miserable....''

He looks so scared and sad while talking, I don't want to torture him anymore. ''Okay then. Thanks for sharing it with me. And don't worry. It will be alright..'' As I say that, I move a little bit closer to him and hug him. I feel him hesitate, but then he hugs me back. I smile.

''T-thank you for hearing me out...'' his voice is shaken, like he's about to cry. I don't want that! I hug him even tighter. ''Norman-''

''Shush. It will be alright. Nobody will stay behind. We'll escape and live together a happy life where we are not a food for demons.'' I cut him off. He sighs again, and calms a bit. ''I promise, Ray.''

''Idiot. Don't make promises you can't keep....But thanks. I feel better.'' he mumbles.

''I never made promises I couldn't keep,'' I laughed. ''Now, here, this is yours after all.'' I then let him go and hand him his book. He takes it and smiles shyly at me. He's blushing-

''T-thank you. I wasn't paying attention to it anyways...''

I smile at him. ''Well, you mind if we go out tonight? I know I asked you yesterday but-''

''tHAT'S FOR SURE!!!!!!'' he almost yells. ''U-uh, sorry, I mean, yes, sure, I'll come...''

''Okay then...'' I turn away so he doesn't notice I'm blushing.


I turn back and gasp for air instantly, my face turning red. Ray is now leaning really close to me, I can feel his breath ghost over my face. He's blushing too, looking me into the eyes, I feel like he can now read my entire mind. W-what is happening...


''Shhh.....please be quiet...'' he places his finger on my lips, ''I have to tell you something....Norman, I....I lo-''


Whatever Ray wanted to say was now cutted off by Emma's shout. Ray was red in a second and he quickly backed up. I blushed too.

''Soooo, are you gonna play????'' Emma was now standing in front of us.

''Yes......yes, we're coming'' Ray stood up and followed Emma. I stand up too, walking past them. Ray must wait for the night then.......

TPN fanfic- Norman X RayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora