My Little Nightmare || Bitty...


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With Y/N now graduated from high school and now living with her parents, she doesn't have much to do besides... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 7

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Snuggling into my blankets, I let out a calmed sigh. Knowing that I should be out in the kitchen eating breakfast like my mother suggested, I stayed in bed, enjoying what time I had left in it. My mother had messaged me earlier, telling me to get up soon, but I didn't really feel like it, so I sunk further into my mattress. My phone went off again. This time ignored it, not feeling bothered enough to read it.

My phone buzzed again, and then again.. and then ag- my god- WHO THE HELL IS TEXTING ME?!? I sat up in anger, snatching my phone as it unlocked under my fingertips. Another message came through, the banner popping up from the top of the screen. After seeing Raine's name, I instantly shoved the phone into my pocket. I let out a long-irritated sigh as I dragged my hands down my face.

"Of course.."

As I continued muttering swears to myself, I (somehow) managed to muster up the strength to stand up and leave my room. Meeting my mother in the kitchen, she paid no attention to me, rushing to make her lunch. I placed my phone on the counter, walking behind her to the kettle.

"Are ya runnin' late?" I asked, flicking the kettle switch, then leaning back onto the counter.

"Yes, I slept in a little too late this morning.." She replied, glad wrapping her sandwich.

My phone interrupted the silence as I got a call. I sighed lightly and ignored it as I got out a mug.

"Raine's calling you.." Mum mentioned, hinting at me to pick up.

"I know." I said back, starring at her out the corner of my eye, my back turned.

"Does she need any help with anything?" Mum asked one more time, taking a hair tie from around her wrist and tying her hair up into a rushed bun.

"Ignore it, she probably just wants to hang out again.." I finished, hoping it would be the end of the conversation. Apparently not...

Mum turned around and grabbed my mug, taking it aside and replacing it what a travel one.

"Y/N, I am not going through this again. You cannot just keep ignoring her. You are going to go get ready and catch up with her right this second." She demanded, crossing her arms are she gave me that angry mum look..

"We leave in 10." She added. We..?!? Aaaaah fuck..

I sighed and replied with an unenthused yes, knowing I'd have to go. Making my tea, I put the previous mug away and went to go and get ready.

As I prepared myself for what was to come, my mind wandered back to the bitty shelter. Although getting a bitty would be nice, I would have to be keeping it a secret from my parents.. And as much as I would want to get the unstable or mistreated bittys out of there, it wouldn't be fair to care for them under this pressure and environment. Maybe when I move out and get my own house I can adopt another one..? I wonder which one I'll get..

Tying the faded blue hoodie around my waist, I grabbed my cap and went back out to mum. Just as I got into the kitchen, I saw mum rummaging through the medicine box, what the hell was she looking for? She pulled out multiple different things, letting out a small "aha!" when she found what she was looking for.

Spinning back around, she noticed me.

"Good, you're ready. Here, catch." She said, throwing me a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste.

"Go brush your teeth, I'll be waiting in the car. Pull the door shut when you're done.." She directed, leaving me inside. So, I did as I was told immediately, being well aware of what would happen if I didn't.

Brushing my teeth in the sink, not being bothered enough to go to the bathroom, I spat the remainder of toothpaste from my mouth to the sink, turning on the tap and spraying it down the drain. I brushed the head of the toothbrush under the tap just as I was about to leave, hearing my mum honk the car horn. Knowing that the translation of that was "Hurry the fuck up", I left immediately.

After the short car trip, mum dropped me just outside Raine's house. She handed me fifteen dollars in cash just in case we needed to get food and drove off to work. I sighed, taking my phone out of my back pocket, I checked the time, 12:14 am. Oh damn, mum sure was late... she was meant to leave at 10:45... I put my phone away, then looking up at Raine's house which set my mood back further. It was too early to be dealing with her and I really didn't have a choice. If I just left now, I'd keep getting messages from Raine constantly and out parents are friends, they're definitely gonna ask each other. I grunted lightly, pinching the bridge of my nose as I walked up the stairs to knock on the door.

Deciding to ring the doorbell instead, I pushed the white button on the wall and waited. I could hear Raine's loud footsteps thumping towards the door while she called out that she was almost there. She threw the door open, stars in her eyes. As soon as she processed that I was standing right in front of her, she launched her small body at me, spinning me around. She held onto me with a tight grip, refusing to let go as she rambled on about whatever nonsense she was talking about.

"So!? Have you decided on a bitty yet?!?" She asked. Her excitement was practically bursting out of her uncontrollably. Honestly, it was terrifying, I didn't know it was humanely possible for such a child to be this excited. I let out a long "uhhhh" as I attempted to think of something to say, she interrupted after a while.

"I doesn't matter!! Let's go anyways!!" She said, dragging me to the car. I went along with it, knowing there was no turning back now.

"Fine. But I'm driving. I don't trust that you'll be safe driving when you're this excited.."

Published 29th July 2020 11:08 pm

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