Eclipse Of The Heart (ON HOLD)

By satiricalgrey

214 9 2

He was fire and she was rain. He was the sun and she was the moon. He was right for her, but she was oh so wr... More

Chapter 1 - "The Fantastic Foursome"
Chapter 3 - "I'm not the only f*cked up psycho here"
Chapter 4 - "Let the games begin"
Chapter 5 - "Wrapped around your finger"
Chapter 6 - "He was burning into my soul"
Chapter 7 - "The tables have turned"

Chapter 2 - "If looks could kill, I would be six feet under"

18 1 0
By satiricalgrey


Lily looked terrified, to put it simply. She kept on stuttering and shifting from foot to foot. By now, the rest of her group had all turned around to face us, because it's not everyday the popular guys come over to say hi, is it? She still hadn't replied to Mitch, so he carried on.

"Ah little red, I know I am astoundingly good looking, but there's no need to look at me like that." He winked at her then, and I swear she looked like she was about to cry. I know I should have felt sorry for her, but I couldnt help but find this all a little amusing. I mean, this is Mitch we were talking about, what could he possibly do? He's practically harmless.

"I er, um, wh-what do y-you want?" Lily finally said. I could hear Johnny and Jake sniggering from behind me.

"I think the question is, what do you want?" Lily's eyes widened, if that was even possible in the state she was in. She looked around at her friends, I guess begging for someone to step up and talk for her, but none of them did. What great friends they were.

"Wh-what do you mean?" She looked so small with all of us towering over her.

"Oh come on, I know you know what I'm referring to. We've noticed you always have your eyes on us, now you're going to tell me why." He stared at her intently, I knew he didn't care what she had to say, he was just enjoying tormenting her. Lily looked like she had seen a ghost, the fear in her eyes shocked me, how could she be so scared of us? All of a sudden she turned to run, but I was closest to her, so I grabbed her arm on impulse to stop her.

"Hey, where do you think your going?" I looked her directly in the eye, I could see nothing but hatred in her gaze. I let go of her then. "Come on guys, she's not worth it."

"See you around, little red." Mitch winked at her again, then as if on cue, the bell went for next period.


"Hey bestie." I sat down next to Lily, this was the only lesson where the teacher actually let us sit together. I quickly got my history book out of my bag, and stared up to sir's desk. Yes i thought, we had a substitute, no work for me today.

"Hi" She seemed to be in her own little world. I raised an eyebrow at her, what the hell was wrong?

"What's up Lil?"

She stayed silent for a brief moment. "Don't freak out, okay?"

"What happened?" She was scaring me now, and she looked like she had been crying. Her cheeks were pink and her voice didn't sound like normal.

"You know you were saying that one day the guys would notice me staring at them?" Her voice was small, where was she going with this?

"Let me guess, they came over in all their arrogant glory and you just died?" I giggled, trying to lighten the mood. She remained silent. "Oh god, they didn't.." She nodded. Oh. My. God.

She proceeded to tell me every single detail of what happened, from when Mitch and his army of minions approached her, to when Blaine grabbed her.

"He what?" I must have had crazy eyes by now.

"Shh, let me finish."

By the time she had done, I feared she was going to cry again, I had so much anger growing inside of me I thought I was going to explode right then and there. Those bastards! How dare they be so rude to her. "You do realise I'm not going to let them get away with this right?"

"I was afraid you'd say that..."

"Lily! What else do you expect me to do? You're my best friend, I can't let them walk all over you like that!" The bell went pretty ubruptly, signalling the end of history. We had one more lesson before lunch, giving me plenty of time to gear myself up to go and confront the fantastic four.


 "I hope you learn from your mistake Luna, this is very unlike you," The head teacher, Mr Lincoln, glared at me. "You got off lightly with expulsion until the end of the week, we take this kind of thing very seriously." I wanted so badly to roll my eyes then, but I held back the urge. So here I am, getting lectured in the principles office, with an expulsion note.

One hour earlier

Taking our usual spot in the corridor, I waited for the guys to make an appearance.

"Luna, you don't have to do this you know, I'm fine." Lily didn't like the idea of me confronting them, she kept on saying it would only make it worse.

"Lily, shut the hell up, I-"

"There they are." Sadie interrupted, pointing towards those four boys that I loathed so much. "Don't do anything stupid."

I didn't give myself time to reply, I was already storming towards them. Where I got the confidence to do this, I dont know. No one ever confronted the fantastic four, it was simply unheard of, yet here I was. Before I knew it, I was standing directly infront of the blonde bombshell himself, Mitch.

"Er, can I help you?" He sounded like his usual careless self. Gosh I hate him.

"Yes actually." I gave him a sarcastic smile. "What the fuck is your problem?"

"Excuse me?"

"Do you wanna tell me why you felt the need to go up to Lily and embarress her like that?" I had my hands in fists at my sides.

Realisation dawned on him. "Oh, little red? What's it to you, princess?"

"What's it to me? She's my best friend for Gods sake! Now, I'm only gonna say this once so you better listen up! Stay the hell away from her, okay? You don't get to stroll around acting like a big man, when really your just an immature boy with nothing better to do then pick on innocent girls!" I was shouting now, and the rest of his friends were watching us intently.

"Calm down." Blaine had decided to get involved now. Perfect timing.


Luna looked like she wanted to kill me, she had such an angry look in her eye.

"You! You're no better! How dare you touch her! Who the hell do you think you are?" How can one girl make so much noise?

"What? Stop overreacting for Christs sake!" Gosh, if looks could kill, I would be six feet under by now.

"Dont go near her, or any of my friends every again!" She was right up in my face now.

"Oh shut up, you're just jealous it wasn't you that got the privelage!" I should not have said that, because before I knew it, her palm met my cheek. Bloody hell, I wasn't expecting that! She slapped me so hard, that before I could get my balance, I fell back. I fell into a bush, a fucking bush! Well this has to be the highlight of my life for sure. I glared up at her from the ground.

"That's what you get for acting like an arsehole! Goodbye Blaine, have a nice day." Then she did something that really wound me up. She winked at me. Then she was gone.


My hand hurt like hell, I don't think I could have slapped him any harder if I tried. Before I had the chance to nurse to my hand, a member of staff was walking towards me. Shit.


So that's how I ended up in the principles office. I slapped Blaine Dalton, high school bad boy, right in the face. And you know what? That's one of the best things I think I have ever done.

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