Lil' Red Riding Hood | Derek...

By shortfilipino

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"Hey there Little Red Riding Hood You sure are looking good You're everything a big bad wolf could want" Gold... More

Lil' Red Riding Hood
1: Body in the Woods
2: I like my sugar
3: Freak of nature
4: It was scary
5: Scary werewolf gives me the heebie-jeebies
6: Playing Lacrosse is Hard
7: Making friends isn't always easy
8: Their problems are my problems
9: Being Gross is a Boy Trait
10: I talk when I'm nervous
11: Far Longer Than Forever
12: Into the Woods
13: Walking on Sunshine
14: One call
15: What kind of dog are you?
16: The Dark of the Night
17: One long night
18: Much more to the story
19: Maternal Ancestry
20: Back to school
21: Attics are usually dirty
22: House Swap
23: Mercier Friendships
24: Pretty or not
25: Who's that Alpha?
26: Family protects family
27: That's not cupid's arrow
28: Too much whiskey isn't good for anyone
29: Some kind of inception
30: Oh, my God, it's Stiles
31: Let's take some pictures
32: Trudging through the woods
Lil' Red Riding Hood
33: Graveyard shift
34: Paige of music
35: Enter the Mercier Hunters
36: Family Importance
37: Welcome to Beacon Hills
38: Secrets in a House
39: No more masks
40: Looking through Glass
41: One thing on the list
42: Lines of a War
43: Snap, Crackle, and Pop
44: Out of Commission
45: Late Night Drown Fest
46: Fuzzy feeling
47: His Nice vs. My Nice
48: I have a feeling
49: Clubbing's fun when you're not fighting a lizard
50: Everything's Legal when Cops aren't around
52: Her Release
53: Familial Bonding
54: Where have you been?
55: No killing please
56: The Accident
57: Claws and Guns
58: Breathe In and Breathe Out
59: Town Whackjob's Birthday
60: Paige, the murderer magnet
61: Maggie, the adult
62: How important is your family?
63: Things within 24 hours
64: You need a day to yourself
65: Game Night
66: Margaret and Peter
67: Familial Betrayal
Lil' Red Riding Hood
68: Permanent, like our friendship
69: Attack of the Crows
70: Nothing Dull Happens in Beacon Hills
71: Do you hear what I hear?
72: Teaching Assistant
73: Mental Health
74: The Creepy Uncle

51: Faith and Trust

6.7K 309 224
By shortfilipino

"Sweetie, I'm so-"

Paige took a step back and raised her hand up, "You're sorry. I already know you're sorry. You've told me you're sorry. But I don't forgive you. You're not sorry about how you treated me or how you lied, you're sorry that I found out."

"Paige, sweetie, please, I know you're still upset-"

"I think I'm a little more than upset." She pressed further with a deep scowl on her face, "I may have been able to forgive you for keeping this from me cause I guess I can understand wanting me safe. But you were willing to change my entire life because of it. You didn't want me to associate with Scott."

"I didn't want you to get dragged into all of that-"

"Well, I would have eventually, wouldn't I?" Her voice wasn't ever this angry, not even with Stiles -who was the person that pissed her off the most- because her Aunt should have been the one person to never lie to her. This woman was family, the person who raised her to be who she was today. "Since I'm not exactly human... Did you know?"

Maggie's brows furrowed together as she stared at her niece in sadness, "I was hoping to avoid all of that. I... I hoped nobody would trigger your powers."

"You knew this entire time that I had powers?" Paige should not have been surprised by this or so hurt. Maybe she should have expected this hurt. "That I wasn't... normal?"

"I've always known." She answered truthfully while stepping over her papers to get closer to her, but Paige just took a step back, "Your mother told me when you were born."

Maggie moved over to Peter and slapped his arm, "Be nice. You're lucky Phoebe even let you come here."

"What a privilege." Peter responds sarcastically while wrapping an arm around her waist, "What do you all plan to do now?"

"Peter-" Talia huffs before taking Paige from Derek and giving her back to Phoebe. She turned back to her son with a soft smile, "Why don't you go check in on your sisters and tell Laura to go get you all something to eat?"

Derek quickly left the room in search of his sisters. Maggie smiled at Derek and then glanced back to her sister, "You do know that Peter has a point?"

"I just want to hold my daughter without thinking about that." Phoebe whispers as she cooed softly at Paige.

Maggie only gave her sister a concerned look before pulling away from Peter, "Your OBGYN is calling her a miracle baby. We need to discuss how you were even able to conceive a baby. I am beyond excited to be an Aunt, trust me. But you're infertile Phoebe. Paige shouldn't even exist."

Talia sighed and nodded to her brother, who moved off and closed the door to the hospital room, "Phoebe, it's time you tell your sister."

Maggie only grew confused, "Tell me what?"

Interrupting, Paige crossed her arms over her chest, "I already know this."

"I didn't tell you everything and exactly how it happened."

Paige could only shake her head, "Of course."

"Peter had never left with Derek." Maggie admits to her, completely ignoring the tone in her niece's voice, "He stayed behind and had been the one to show me that werewolves were real, not Talia."

Peter quickly rushes over and catches Maggie as she faints, "Damn it, this is why I said to sit down..."

Phoebe could only give Peter a rather dirty look, in which Talia sighs, "Phoebe, as much as I love your sister, it was right for Peter to just show her. She's as stubborn as an ox. It would take us days to get her to believe us with just words. Far more simple if we show her."

"And you did." Phoebe points out calmly to her passed out sister, "And she fainted."

"Honestly, I've been thinking about telling her for months." Peter informs them all as he brushes some of Maggie's hair behind her ear, his eyes trained on her face.

Maggie shot up at his touch and almost rammed into him, "Whoa, whoa! You-you're face-"

Phoebe felt her head throb a little bit, "Maggie, no shouting, I just gave birth."

Totally bypassing her words, she just pointed at her sister, "You knew all along? About-about that-" She instantly raised her palms up, "No offense."

Peter scoffed with an eye roll, "Not exactly the rudest thing you've said to me."

Phoebe glanced over at her best friend, "Talia only told me when we were seniors."

"In college or high school?"

"High school."

"Okay, so what?" Paige huffs as she moves to the kitchen table to actually sit down, since she kind of felt like dropping, "Peter was there? Mind getting to your point?"

"Okay, as much as I love learning that my boyfriend is a werewolf. Where are you going with this?" Maggie demands from her sister, "Is my niece a freaking werewolf? Are you a werewolf? Were you bitten by one of them so your uterus could heal or something? That would make a lot of sense since you weren't supposed to have kids-"

"Margaret." Andre cuts her off slowly and calmly, which made her head shoot over to look at him, "You need to take a moment to breathe. And, please, sit down this time."

This time, Maggie didn't hesitate to sit down. She didn't really want to faint again. She plopped down in the chair across from the bed. Phoebe glanced over to her husband and handed their baby to Talia.

"I can't have kids."

"Uh..." Maggie glanced right over at the baby and then at her sister, "I beg to differ."

"If you look at my x-rays, Paige should be impossible." Phoebe spoke softly to her sister as she shifted a bit in the bed, "I am incapable of conceiving a child. No matter how much I wanted a child. I was told it wasn't possible."

"I remember..." She mumbles while playing with her fingers, "You were devastated when you came home from you OBGYN."

Andre sat on the side of the bed beside his wife and gave her a kiss on the head, wrapping an arm loving around her shoulders, "And I told Phoebe that as long as we loved each other, it was okay that we didn't have a kid."

Maggie could only smile since her sister really had a fairy tale romance with her husband. It was kind of gross and a cliche at times, but who didn't truly crave romantic cliches in their life, "But you guys had Paige."

Talia cleared her throat and gave the baby to Maggie, "Werewolves are not the only supernatural creatures to walk among us." She looked to her brother, contemplating whether she wanted him to hear this or not.

Maggie let out a nervous laugh, "Please don't tell me vampires are real."

Peter released an amused snort in response, "Don't be ridiculous."

"As ridiculous as werewolves being real?" She shot directly at him, which made the young man just roll his eyes.

"I know this will sound... weird." Phoebe spoke, which made Peter and Maggie look back over at her, "But, uh, Paige was born out of our love."

Maggie cleared her throat to stop the laugh that wanted to come out, "Come again?"

"The occurrence is incredibly rare." Talia says this time, since she'd be the best to explain this any further, "But when... there is genuine and pure love a faiel is born."

Peter then just threw his head back in an eye roll, "I feel like vomiting."

"Peter-" Talia sent her brother a firm glare, "Shut up."

He raised his hands up in the air in defense, "The faiel aren't real."

"Faiel?" Maggie repeats, trying to get them to continue since she'd really like to know more, "What is that?"

Peter had been the one to answer, "Faiel is basically another fancy term for fairy. Which are myths."

"Not a myth." Talia corrected while crossing her arms, "Just rare."

"A fairy." Maggie repeats with wide eyes, before she looks down to her niece in her arms, "She's a fairy?"

"Some fairies are different or born differently." Talie kept going on, "Paige is a different exception, where one is born through pure love."

"You're right." Maggie breathes out, "I kind of hate romantic cliches. I mean, I love that Paige will be a forever reminder that you two are incredibly in love with each other. But what does that mean for her? Is she going to grow wings or something?"

"No, she was born from human parents. Though, I do not know much about their powers. I have my emissary searching for more information on the faiel, specifically on those born similarly to Paige." Talia approached Maggie and kneeled down so she could be at the same height as Paige in her arms, "I can tell you one thing though, this sweet girl will have a knack for love."

Peter scrunched his nose up, "And a knack for sugar."

"So... she's a fairy." Magge was still trying to wrap this all around her head, "Uh... what are things you do know for sure?"

Talia placed her thumb on Paige's cheek, "That she's going to grow up with a big happy family." She looked right over at Phoebe and Andre, who smiled brightly, "Because Godmother Talia is going to spoil this baby girl."

"I-" Paige got up from her seat in pure shock, "I'm a fairy? Like... faith and trust kinda stuff?" She raised her hands up into her hair and looked to her aunt, "S-seriously?"

"You are."

"You kept this from me?" She questions in a low voice, "How could you do something like this? Why didn't you tell me?"

Maggie could hear the anger and hostility growing in Paige's voice, "Sweetie, calm down, here-" She reached for the bowl of candy, "-have some."

Paige's eyes shifted right to the candy and she blinked her eyes a couple times. She knew random things about fairies from movies. And one thing that was pretty universal was- "Sugar..." It was slow and barely audible, her eyes welled a little bit, "Have you been giving me sugar to keep me docile?"


"You have." She stepped away from her aunt, "That's why you always gave me candy and sweets when I was upset. It wasn't just because you wanted me to feel better or not be upset... It was because they were like drugs to me..."


"When I found out about werewolves and my parents you tried to give me candy too. And when I figured out that you were the one that kept our family away... Both times. Not just when I was sad, but when I was getting angry..."

"Please, Paige, I did it-"

"So you're telling me that sugar isn't like a drug to fairies?" Paige knew enough about them, she liked reading fairy tales as a kid and even watching movies, "Th-that's why I'm so happy all the time?"

"No, that's you, Paige. You grew up a very happy girl-"

"Because I've always been under the influence." Paige could feel the tears building up in her eyes, "How could you?"


"No!" Paige yelled, her voice conveying just how broken up she was about this. Her tone cracked and there was just agony, "How could you? You say this was all to protect me but this was just to protect yourself! Not me! This was never about me! If it was then you wouldn't have done that to me. You wouldn't have hurt me like this."

"Paige, I love you-"

"Don't-" Paige sniffled as she tried to control her tears, "What else is there? What else are you not telling me?"

"Please, Paige-"

"No." She said firmly, despite the tears and lip quiver, "No. Are you not telling me something?"

Maggie just wanted to give her niece a hug, but that wasn't something she wanted, "You-" She swallowed, "Your powers have to be triggered for them to completely manifest. Some may trickle out before the trigger."

"What's the trigger?"

"Paige, just let this go, please-"

"You don't have a right to tell me what I do." Paige cut off curtly while locking her jaw, "What was my trigger?"

"Just as how you were made... you're considered a love Faiel, so when you... meet who you're meant to love it triggers."

She only gave her aunt a confused look within the anger. It had to have been someone she met recently, but there wasn't anyone new. Paige was wracking through her brain to try and just recall something. But then she remembered how Maggie reacted before to- "Derek Hale?" She watched Maggie's reaction and saw her shift a bit, "But... didn't I technically meet him as a baby."

Maggie swallowed uncomfortably, "Uh... Talia actually has the power to remove... memories and I asked if-"

"I was just a baby!" Paige says with shock and notices how Maggie grew incredibly guilty suddenly, "My memories weren't removed when I was a baby... were they?"

"Even after your parents died, the Hale family kept in touch." Maggie admits to her, and watches as Paige tries to take it all in but everything was just too much for her, "They'd take care of you when I was working. But-but then Derek... he-he killed someone and I just couldn't trust that you were safe."

"You made a judgement call... to fit your needs. Not my own. You just let her erase my memories like that!" Paige's eyes drifted away, "D-Derek, he's been lying too."

"He hasn't." Maggie couldn't let Paige think everyone around her was a liar, "Talia... she took away the memories of you from the other Hales. I begged her and she only agreed as long as Deaton kept his memories as well. So he can watch you closely."

"Uncle Deaton?" Paige's voice cracked and she moved away from her aunt, "I-I can't be here."

"Paige, please, don't leave again."

"I can't be here." She repeated in a rather exasperated voice, like she was about to have a panic attack. And before Maggie could get to her, Paige took off in a run right out of the house. 

So, you guys know what Paige is now! Yay! I am so glad that I can finally say it and you guys can now openly discuss. I hope you guys like it and all. I am honestly worried you guys would hate this reveal (even though you guys said you woulnd't), I still can't help but worry. I would also very much like to say, that the very chapter where Paige and Maggie first argued about the werewolf stuff and where Maggie told Paige about her parents, was where I said what Paige was. I hinted at her since the very beginning with the sugar but it was just a little tiny hint. The big bomb was actually Paige guessing it, since she says something about "fairies, vampires, and abominable snowmen" in chapter 26. I thought it would be funny to just have that right there and in plain sight. And the lore with fairies is friggin' crazy. There is a lot and I am kind of nitpicking at the lore to fit what I want in this fanfiction. But there is nothing that Paige has done that I have not read about.

Also, this chapter kind of hurt to write cause I felt so bad for Paige the entire time. 

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