Forbidden || Chase Davenport

By _weasleylife_

87.7K 2K 844

Leo wanted his new step-siblings to experience a normal teenage experience. For Chase Davenport, that meant m... More



6.4K 144 9
By _weasleylife_

"Oh, I love history class!" Adam exclaims as the five teens walk down the school's stairs. "Someone is always leaving me a little piece of gum stuck under my desk."

Chase froze and glances at his brother. "Adam, please tell me you didn't." He pleads. The oldest Davenport blows a bubble. Harley shivers in disgust.

"He did," Bree says. "He totally did." Chase sucks in a breath and nods.

"Oh," Leo says. "Guys, don't look now, but here comes that guy none of us like. Marcus."

They all turn to see the familiar brunette walking into the building. "M-Dog!" The Davenport teens greet him with a group hug, Leo and Harley left behind.

"Wait. Hold the phone." Leo says, walking in between the four. "Hold the freaky-deaky phone. M-Dog?"

"Yeah," Chase says. "Bro's call each other by nicknames."

"Well, I'm your actual bro and you don't call me by a nickname."

Adam laughs. "Actually, we do. We just choose not to do it in your presence. Mr. Tiny McLittlestein." Leo glares at the three.

Chase turns to Marcus. "Hey, Marcus, what are you up to this weekend?"

"Ah, my dad's out of town so I'll be stuck home alone with my grandma," Marcus says.

"Aha!" Leo points at him. "You said your grandma was dead!"

"The other grandma! Thanks for reminding me." Marcus says like he was about to cry while the other silently scolds Leo.

Harley mentally rolls her eyes with the act Marcus was pulling.

"I wish I could stay with you guys for the weekend," Marcus says.

"And I wish you weren't a spastic sociopath with abandonment issues," Leo says, and Marcus raises an eyebrow.

"Leo, give it a rest," Chase tells him, pulling him back a little.

"Chase, none of us are safe until the FBI responds to a request for a background check on the M-Dog," Leo says.

Chase rolls his eyes before turning to Marcus. "Look, Marcus, I'm sure you can stay with us for the weekend. I'll just ask Mr. Davenport."

"You call your dad, Mr. Davenport?" Marcus asks confused.

"No. But you do, and I wanted to make sure you knew who I was talking about." Chase covers up and Harley face-palms.

"Okay, cool. Thanks, guys!" Marcus says before walking off.

Harley kisses Chase's check before heading to her next class, not realizing a football was thrown her way.

"Harls, watch out!" Chase says, holding out his hand. The ball went flying in the way his hand was pointing. The football player walks away confused.

"What just happened?" Harley asks, walking back to the group.

"Did you just –" Bree asks.

"I think I just moved that ball with my mind," Chase says, and they all stared wide eyes.

"I didn't think you could do that," Leo says.

"Neither did I," Chase says.

"Man, if you can do that with your mind, I wonder what I can do with mine?" Adam asks.

"We've been wondering that for years," Bree spoke before all, but Harley and Chase walk to class.

"Don't worry, babe," Harley assures. "We'll figure out what's going on with your bionics." She presses her lips on his before heading to class.


Down in the lab, they all tried to figure out what happened with Chase.

"Chase, this is amazing! You can move things with your mind! You're like a really cool magician! You know, if there was such a thing as a really cool magician." Leo snickers.

"It doesn't make sense. It was probably just a fluke. I mean it's not like everything around me is gonna start suddenly flying through the air!" He swings his hand out, and everything did go flying through the air.

"Uh-oh," Adam says.

"I'm gonna go tell Davenport," Bree says.

"No way! If this is a glitch, and Mr. Davenport finds out about it, he won't let me go to school anymore!" Chase complains. "Let me tap into his cyber desk, and see if I can find out anything." He runs over, looking through the cyber desk. "Woah, guys, this isn't a glitch. I can move objects by manipulating the energy around them. I've unlocked a hidden bionic ability called molecular kinesis!"

"Chase, I'm also gonna need you to unlock your ability to use smaller words," Adam says.

"According to this, we all have hidden abilities!"


"What are they?"

"I don't know, let me see!" Chase says, but the desk shuts him out. "Oh no, it's shutting us out! Mr. Davenport must have put a security lock on it. I'm sorry guys, I guess we'll just have to discover them on our own."


"Oh, maybe my new ability is that I can speak Russian! Testing, testing, is this Russian?" Adam asks.


"You're two-faced and none of us like you, goodbye!" Harley hears as she enters the living room. She looks to see they had let Marcus in the house.

"I love this little guy! He's so full of fire!" Marcus pats Leo's head, and then went over to Davenport. "Mr. Davenport, my dad left before my grandma got there, and I was all alone, and this is the only place I feel safe, and please don't make me leave!" He hugs Davenport.

"Yeah, yeah, okay, alright, you can stay." Marcus gets off him, and Davenport's watch beeps.

"What's that?" Marcus asks.

"That? Uh, that means it's a happy time! And how about you stay over here and be happy, and we'll be happy over there." Davenport says and they ran the way he was talking about. "Guys, that is the mission alarm, we need to get down to the lab immediately, Leo, Harley, distract Marcus."

Leo starts to protest and Chase and Davenport run to the lab, as Marcus came over.

"Marcus, we'll be right back. We need to go... pick up a pizza." Bree tells him.

"All of you?" He questions.

"It's an extra-large," Adam says and they runoff.

"Okay, so they're busy, and Leo hates you and you hate Leo," Harley says.

"So, why don't we kill some time, and brush up on the latest issue of... Ladies Monthly." Leo says. Harley and Marcus roll their eyes and sits on the couch.


"Okay, so when you are on a romantic candlelight dinner, do you prefer dessert to be A) a relaxing foot rub, B) night away from the kids, or C) chocolate mousse?" Leo asks.

"How about D) finding clever new ways to ruin your life?" Marcus asks, and Harley raises her leg, kicking the side of his leg.

"Excuse me, Marcus, I need to borrow these two for a second, something went horribly wrong with the pizza!" Davenport exclaims when he ran in, pulling Leo and Harley into the hall.

"How's it going?" Davenport asks.

"Great, I'm distracting him with my mom's lady magazines. It turns out the chicas actually prefer a man with insecurities, who knew?" Leo asks happily, and Harley slaps the back of his head.

"Look, this mission is very complicated. I had to send Adam, Bree, and Chase into space." Davenport says, and Harley's eyes widen.

"They're in space?" Leo asks shocked, and Davenport shushed him.

"And we're stuck here making small talk with a narcissistic commitment-phobe, who nine out of ten women wouldn't take home to meet their mother?" Leo asks, showing the magazine to Davenport. "I expect combat pay for this."

Davenport leads the two teens back into the living room, but Marcus was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did he go?" Harley asks, then groans when she thought of the one place to where he had gone.

"He's probably up on the second floor, dangling my hamster out of a window," Leo says.

"Just find him and get him out of here!" Davenport tells the two of them.

Leo clears his throat and holds out his hand. Davenport walks back over.

"Fine. Combat pay." He placed the money in Leo's hand.

"Thank you," Leo says. "But just so we're clear, this does not include my gas, mileage, meals –"

"Just go!"

After searching for Marcus, Leo and Harley made their way to the lab to tell Davenport they haven't found him.

"We couldn't find Marcus anywhere – oh boy," Leo says as the two saw Marcus waving from inside Chase's capsule.

They got Marcus out and he started to ask questions.

"What is this place? What are these?" He motions to the capsules.

"Those... those are... Leo, tell him what those are." Davenport shoves Leo forward.

"They are... washing machines," Leo says.

"Yes! These are my new, high-tech, industrial washing machines. Each load cost 150 quarters." Davenport explains.

"Alright, back upstairs you little weirdo." Leo grabs his wrist and tries to pull him upstairs, but Marcus lets go and stops.

"But I wanna watch you work!" He says.

"No!" They all shout.

"Actually, you know, what, maybe some other time." Davenport led him out of the room and returns to Harley and Leo.

"Leo, Harley, I will be back before the rinse cyclep –" He winks. "Has enough space –" He winks again. "To land." He winks a final time.

"Got it! Until you're back, we'll make it our mission to control the rinse cycle." Harley says.

"But I think the rinse cycle might need more of a payload," Leo says, receiving a slap on the back of the head, and Davenport left.

The computer started ringing, and Leo answers it.

"Earth here, Commander Dooley speaking," Leo says.

"Idiot." Harley jokingly says.

"Leo? Harley? Where's Mr. Davenport?" Bree asks.

"He had to take Marcus home, but he should have been back by now!" Leo explains. "Also before I forget, I'm going to need you to bring me back a lot of souvenirs. A space helmet, space rocks, space soap, a space towel, those tiny little space shampoos – shampoos, not conditioners –" They hung up on him, but Leo kept listing things off.

"They hung up," Harley says.

The computer rings again, and Leo answers.

"Space chocolate, space taffy, a martian, moon cheese, space pizza –"

"Leo, they hung up again."

Davenport enters the lab. "On my way home I discovered what that little red light on the dashboard of my hydrogen car means. It means 'you're out of hydrogen, and you're walking home'." He takes the earpiece out of Leo's ear and places it on his own. "Guys, guys, what's the status of the space station? Are you there?"

"Yup, right here," Bree says, and the three turn to them.

"Oh, hello."

"Where have you been?" Chase asks.

"You totally abandon us!" Bree says. "And the entire mission!"

"Adam floated out into space and almost became the world's dumbest satellite," Chase says and Adam nods. Harley runs over to Chase, wrapping her arms around him. He returns the hug and looks back at Davenport. "And he would have if I hadn't stumbled upon my molecular kinesis." Everyone stops. "Oh... also, I stumbled upon my molecular kinesis."

"How did you find out about that?" Davenport asks.

"I think the more important question is how could you not have told me sooner?" Chase asks, not realizing his grip tightened around Harley.

"Uh, Mr. Davenport, what other abilities do I have? Because I vote for the ability to look into the future and see myself far, far away from all of..." She motions to her brothers. "This."

"Yes, it's true, you all have abilities you don't know about, but I can't tell you what they are or when they'll appear," Davenport says.

"Why not?" Adam asks.

"Because I don't know what they all are or when they'll appear," Davenport admits and walks over to the cyber desk.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Chase asks.

"Look, there are certain things I can't tell you right now, and it's for your own good. Strange things will continue to happen and I promise you, eventually I'll give you the answers you're looking for." Davenport answers. "But for now you just have to trust me."

"But Mr. Daven –"

"Please, you just have to trust me." He interrupts Chase. "And you have to be careful about who you allow into your lives. We had a close call today. Marcus found the lab."


"Hmm... who would have guessed that Marcus coming here would lead to bad things?" Leo asks. "That's right, Mr. Tiny McLittlestein, right here!" He jumps and motions to himself.

"I'm just glad I came down when I did, or he could have discovered all of our secrets," Davenport says.


Marcus walks into the room and over to his dad. "Everything went exactly as planned. Davenport's lab was right where you said it would be, and the microscopic spycam is up and running." He hands the iPad to his father which showed the recording of what is currently going on down in the lab.

The Davenport teens and Leo and Harley were huddled together around the console, Chase's arm around Harley as she laughed at whatever Adam said.

"Are you sure Harley is still with us?" Marcus' dad asks.

Marcus sucks in a breath before answering, "Of course she is. You told her she had to act her best to convince them. That's what she's doing."

After Marcus walked out, the man continued to look at the screen, more particularly, at Harley. He watched her movements and actions as she socialized with the others. He knew the truth. He may have not created her, but he raised her. He knew when she was acting and when she wasn't. Everything that she's been doing is based on true feelings.

She wasn't in at all.

And that was the end for Harley Johnson and her happiness.

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