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During passing, Leo walks over to his bionic brothers. "Guys, with the dance coming up, I thought you could use a lesson on how to ask a lady out."

"Oh, great! Do you know a guy who could teach us?" Adam asks.

"Me," Leo replies. "You're gonna watch me ask out the girl of my dreams, Danielle."

"Danielle? Isn't she the girl who uses you as a footstool in math class?" Chase asks.

"Where else is she supposed to put her feet? On the floor? Open your notebook boys because the class is in session."

Leo walks over to Danielle."Hello, Danielle. Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to break the ice."

While Leo was chatting with Danielle, Chase notices Harley walking with a few cheerleaders. The two made eye contact and the girl waved at him before continuing her conversation with the cheerleaders.

Leo walks back to them and Chase asks, "Hey, Leo, do you think Harley would be interested in going to the dance with me."

"Sorry, Chase, but Harley doesn't go to any school dances," Leo tells him. "She never found it interesting enough to go. She turns down anybody who asks her. Trent or the cheerleaders will try to convince her, but she never gives in."

The school bell rings and as Chase walks to class, he thinks about asking the girl to the dance.


Harley walks into the school once lunch was over and sees Adam underneath lockers on the ground.

"Do I want to know why Adam is under the lockers?" She asks and the three boys look at her.

"We're helping Leo get Danielle to go to the dance with him," Chase explains.

Harley noticed Leo pacing back and forth when Chase said that Danielle and her friend were coming.

"Commence phase one of operation: Lady for Leo," Chase says.

Harley leans against the wall with her arms crossed, watching the scene play out.

"Oh no! This man is trapped. He looks like he needs a hero to save him."

"I will take charge or heroically do just do that," Leo says.

With Adam using his bionic strength, Leo pretends that he lifted the lockers off Adam. "Oh, you're a true take-charge hero."

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe that just happened," Danielle says.

"You and me both," Harley mutters.

"You know, it takes a big man to do something like--" Leo stops as Danielle walks passes him and to Adam.

"Glad you're not hurt." She says to Adam. "You must be so strong."

Leo's eyes widen. "Wait, what? No! He's not the strong one! I'm the strong one. Hero!"

Danielle ignores Leo, "Maybe I should walk you to the nurses' office."

"Oh, but what about Leo?" Adam asks, sneaking a glance at his brother, Leo, and Harley.

"He's not hurt."

"Look at me! I'm an opened wound."

Danielle asks Adam to the dance and after he told her yes, she walks away.

"Great plan, Chase." Leo scolds.

"I did not expect that," Harley says, and Chase nods in agreement.


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