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Harley was in the lab with the boys and Bree, sitting on the Cyber Desk. Bree was on the phone with Caitlin.

"Caitlin, calm down, okay? Calm down." Bree says into the phone.

"Yes, Caitlin, calm down!" Chase mimics, causing Harley to quietly laugh.

"Yeah, you need to chill out!" Adam adds. The boys start laughing and Bree groans before turning her attention away from them.

"Hey, Rodney breaks up with you every two weeks. That is, like, totally normal. No! No, don't cry, don't cry." A scream was heard from the phone. "Okay, scream. Screaming is good."

"Screaming is so good," Chase says as he and Adam start shrieking.

"I am so sick of you!" Bree yells at them angrily. "No, no, no! I'm not sick of you, Caitlin. Maybe Rodney just needed some space."

"Yeah, maybe he dumped Caitlin for a one-eyed Martin Girl!" Adam says.

"Caitlin, hold on!" Bree took her phone off her ear and storms over to her capsule, pulling the door closed. "Okay, what were you saying?"

Chase turns to Harley and Adam with a smirk, saying, "I got this." He pushes a few buttons on the console, and Bree's phone was stuck to the ceiling of her capsule. The two boys start laughing as Harley rolls her eyes.

"I love magnets!" Chase exclaims. Bree groans and storms out of her capsule, running to the elevator.

"Mr. Davenport, I cannot stand them anymore," Bree complains as they came into the living room. "Can they please go live in your warehouse?"

"Bree, the warehouse is where I keep my explosive chemicals," He says.

"Like I said, can they please go live in your warehouse?"

"Well, Donald, she is getting older," Tasha says. "She needs privacy. Why don't you give her one of your extra rooms? You have like fourteen."

"I do not have fourteen rooms. And it's thirteen, Harley is currently residing in one of them."

"You have a pool table room, bumper car room, arcade room, surf simulation room, not to mention a room full of mirrors!" Tasha exclaims.

"Yeah, or as I like to call it, a room full of me," Davenport says.

"Bree can live in my bedroom," Harley speaks. "I mean, I hardly have anything in there since I don't live here, so she can share with me."

"Yes!" Bree claps happily. She turns to the boys. "So long, bozos!"

"Fine," Chase says. "Without you, we will make the lab totally awesome for ourselves."

"That's right. No more hair scrunches or rainbow-colored toe socks or pretty, pink, shiny junk!" Adam adds. "Ooh, but I'm a little chapped. Could I borrow some of your Bubble Berry Pucker Bomb?" He grabs the chapstick from the chain around Bree's neck, opens it, and spreads it over his lips. "Man, it's always so hard not to eat."

"Adam, it's wax. You're not supposed to eat it," Harley tells him, grabbing the chapstick from his hand and handing it back to Bree. "Now, I will be upstairs in my room finishing my English homework." She turns to Bree. "Bring your stuff whenever you're ready."


In Bree and Harley's shared room, Bree was on the phone talking to Caitlin, as Harley just finished her English homework.

"Caitlin, can you believe it? I totally got my own room," She looks over at Harley, who had a raised eyebrow. "Sharing it with Harley, of course. Now I can give you misguided boyfriend advice in peace."

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