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"Oh, I love history class!" Adam exclaims as the five teens walk down the school's stairs. "Someone is always leaving me a little piece of gum stuck under my desk."

Chase froze and glances at his brother. "Adam, please tell me you didn't." He pleads. The oldest Davenport blows a bubble. Harley shivers in disgust.

"He did," Bree says. "He totally did." Chase sucks in a breath and nods.

"Oh," Leo says. "Guys, don't look now, but here comes that guy none of us like. Marcus."

They all turn to see the familiar brunette walking into the building. "M-Dog!" The Davenport teens greet him with a group hug, Leo and Harley left behind.

"Wait. Hold the phone." Leo says, walking in between the four. "Hold the freaky-deaky phone. M-Dog?"

"Yeah," Chase says. "Bro's call each other by nicknames."

"Well, I'm your actual bro and you don't call me by a nickname."

Adam laughs. "Actually, we do. We just choose not to do it in your presence. Mr. Tiny McLittlestein." Leo glares at the three.

Chase turns to Marcus. "Hey, Marcus, what are you up to this weekend?"

"Ah, my dad's out of town so I'll be stuck home alone with my grandma," Marcus says.

"Aha!" Leo points at him. "You said your grandma was dead!"

"The other grandma! Thanks for reminding me." Marcus says like he was about to cry while the other silently scolds Leo.

Harley mentally rolls her eyes with the act Marcus was pulling.

"I wish I could stay with you guys for the weekend," Marcus says.

"And I wish you weren't a spastic sociopath with abandonment issues," Leo says, and Marcus raises an eyebrow.

"Leo, give it a rest," Chase tells him, pulling him back a little.

"Chase, none of us are safe until the FBI responds to a request for a background check on the M-Dog," Leo says.

Chase rolls his eyes before turning to Marcus. "Look, Marcus, I'm sure you can stay with us for the weekend. I'll just ask Mr. Davenport."

"You call your dad, Mr. Davenport?" Marcus asks confused.

"No. But you do, and I wanted to make sure you knew who I was talking about." Chase covers up and Harley face-palms.

"Okay, cool. Thanks, guys!" Marcus says before walking off.

Harley kisses Chase's check before heading to her next class, not realizing a football was thrown her way.

"Harls, watch out!" Chase says, holding out his hand. The ball went flying in the way his hand was pointing. The football player walks away confused.

"What just happened?" Harley asks, walking back to the group.

"Did you just –" Bree asks.

"I think I just moved that ball with my mind," Chase says, and they all stared wide eyes.

"I didn't think you could do that," Leo says.

"Neither did I," Chase says.

"Man, if you can do that with your mind, I wonder what I can do with mine?" Adam asks.

"We've been wondering that for years," Bree spoke before all, but Harley and Chase walk to class.

"Don't worry, babe," Harley assures. "We'll figure out what's going on with your bionics." She presses her lips on his before heading to class.

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