In My Head (Stiles Stilinski)

Por OhLookItsIzzi

173K 4.1K 875

Cassidy Jones was used to a little weird. But the weird she was used to, compared with this supernatural weir... Más

In My Head (Stiles Stilinski)
1- The Day Before (Cassidy)
1- The Day Before (Stiles)
2- Wolf Moon (Cassidy)
2- Wolf Moon (Stiles)
3- Back To School (Cassidy)
3- Back to School (Stiles)
4- The Woods Again (Cassidy)
4- The Woods Again (Stiles)
5- What Comes Before Part B? Part-Ay! (Cassidy)
5- What Comes Before Part B? Part-Ay! (Stiles)
6- We're All In This Together (Cassidy)
6-We're All In This Together (Stiles)
7- Welcome To The Jungle (Cassidy)
7- Welcome To The Jungle (Stiles)
8- Shovels And Shadows (Cassidy)
8-Shovels and Shadows (Stiles)
9- Derek Hale, Welcome To Jail (Cassidy)
9-Derek Hale, Welcome To Jail (Stiles)
10-Lunch With The Cool Kids (Cassidy)
10-Lunch With The Cool Kids (Stiles)
11- The Date
12-Saving Derek (Cassidy)
12-Saving Derek (Stiles)
13- Lydia and The Douche (Cassidy)
13- Lydia and The Douche (Stiles)
14- Stay With Me (Cassidy)
14- Stay With Me (Stiles)
15- Anger Management With Stiles (Cassidy)
15 - Anger Management With Stiles (Stiles)
16- Night School (Cassidy)
16- Night School (Cassidy 2.0)
17. The Aftermath (Cassidy and Stiles)
Not an update (sorry!)
18.1 - I Don't Want To Need You

16.2- Night School (Stiles)

2.6K 61 9
Por OhLookItsIzzi

(DYLAN O'BRIENS VOICE) Previously on In My Head: "And the guy in the video store. It's been Derek the whole time. He's in here with us, and if we don't get out now, he's going to kill us too." Scott lies gravely and everyone looks at each other sombrely. Aw, Sith.

"Call the cops." Jackass demands snobbily, again. 

"No." I reply, again. After Scott dropped the bombshell of lies, everyone dealt with it differently. Lydia and Allison freaked out and searched for comfort within their partners, Cassie looked up at me, worried, and she, Scott and I looked around, more scared than I would have thought I could be. Jackass decided to resort to trying to make me call my Dad. I said no. Several times. I kind of wanted to punch him.

Jackass was getting angry, going red in the face. "What do you mean no?" 

"I mean no. Do you want to hear it in Spanish? No." Cassie buries her face in my shoulder to stifle her laughter at my Spanish tone. "Look, Derek killed three people, okay? We don't know what he's armed with." Cassie rubs her thumb back and forth on my shoulde comfortingly, knowing the possibility of losing my Dad is upsetting.

"Your dad is armed with an entire Sheriff's department. Call him." Jackson shouts, getting in my face. I push Cassie gently behind me, but she comes around to stand in between Jackson and I, glaring at him. Lydia backs away, her eyes wide and her phone pressed to her ear. 

"You-you are the opposite of Batman, Jackson!" Cassie says, eyes as wide as Lydia's.

"Yes, we're at Beacon Hills High School and we need you to-but," Lydia begins scared yet determined, though she lowers her phone, eyes wide after about 40 seconds, "she hung up on me." She says, staring at it, shocked.

"The police hung up on you?" Allison asks, sounding incredulous.

"She said they got a tip warning them that there were going to be prank calls about a break in to the high school. She said if we called again they're going to trace it and have us arrested." 

"So call again!" Allison yells at her. I  shake my head, mind racing.

"No," I say, thinking aloud, "they won't trace a cell. They'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here." The mood in the room darkens, something I didn't think could happen, and I pull Cassie closer to me and press my lips to her forehead. If I die tonight, at least I'll be with her. And the World's Cheesiest Line goes to me. Thank God I didn't say it out loud. The look in Cassie's eyes, though, tell me I don't need to, and that it's true for her as well.

"What the-what-what is this?" Allison questions, hands flying to her forehead, "Why does Derek want us to kill us? Why is he killing anyone?" Allison begins pacing and we all slowly turn our heads to face Scott, who appears to be viewed as the leader. So not envious of that position, jeez. This is a tough spot.

"Why's everyone looking at me?" Scott, the fearless, intelligent leader, everybody. Jesus Christ I am going to die in a classroom. And not because of boredom. I don't want to die in a class room.

"Is he the one that sent that text?"

"No. I mean, I don't know." Scott shakes his head at Lydia, obviously not knowing what to say.

"is he the one that called the police?" Allison is obviously freaking out, and Scott is looking conflicted.

"I don''t know!" Scott yells, obviously frustrated at having to lie to Allison. He's been practocally obsessed with her since that first day, and now she's in danger.

Allison shrinks back, looking hurt and Cassie moves to comfort her. I move to Scott, knowing as hard as this is for him, something needs to be done. I love Cassie, too, and I don't want her hurt just as much as he doesn't want Allison hurt. Cassie would argue, saying she doesn't need to be protected and that we all need to get to safety but honestly? I couldn't care less about Jackson and Lydia at the moment. I wouldn't let them die, but I need Cassie safe before I do anything.

"Oh, God. I totally just bit her head off!" Scott worries as soon as we're away from the group. 

"And she'll totally get over it," I say, placing my hand on his shoulder,"bigger issues at hand here, like, how do we get out of here alive?" 

  "But we are alive," Cassie says quietly from behind me, brows furrowed. I can practically hear the gears working, "It could've killed us already. It's… It's almost like it's… Cornering us."    "So what, he wants to eat us all at the same time?" Scott asks and Cassie shakes her head, stepping forward.   "No, at least, I don't think so. Derek said it wants revenge, right, Scotty?" Scott nods and Cassie mimics the movement. "Right, so it wants revenge. But against who?"    "Allison's family?" Scott offers and I nod.   "Maybe that's what the text was about. Someone had to send it."    Before Cassie can say anything, Jackson shouts over at us. "Okay, assheads!" At this, Cassie not so discreetly shoots him with a finger gun. "New plan," Jackson continues, unaffected or oblivious, "Stiles calls his useless Dad," the shots become faster," and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?" Jackson looks over at her and she scratches her collarbone innocently, but we both shake our heads. My father was as much of a Dad to her as he was to me, and the Alpha could-and would-kill anyone. The thought of even having my Dad near here was not one either of us wanted to entertain. Scott, however, did not feel the same way, apparently.    "He's right. Tell him the truth if you have to, just-just call him."   "Scott!" Cassie cries, sending him a look.    "I'm not watching my Dad get eaten alive." I whisper, glaring at him. Cassie walks over to Jackson and tells him the same thing, but he shoves her out of the way and lunges towards me with a snarl, the phone outstretched. Cassie's face scrunches up in pain at hitting the side of one of the benches with her hip and falling on her arm and I punch Jackson, seeing red. He wants to get my Dad killed, he hurt Cassidy. He doesn't deserve… The opposite of this, anymore. Allison doesn't see my point of view and drops to Jacksons side with a cry as I make my way to Cassie.   "Jackson! Are you okay? Hey, are you okay?"   "Yeah, I'm fine, Allison, thanks." Cassie groans quietly as I help her stand and I laugh quietly, hugging her. She takes my hand and examines hit, berating me for hitting him as she goes along and I have to stop and smile in the midst of all the darkness and despair. I kiss the hand she's using to hold mine and pull my phone out of my pocket. We're all going to be okay. Scott. Cassie. My Dad. Me. Allison. Lydia. Hopefully Jackass would break a bone or something, but that's not the most important thing. Cassie had given me hope that we are going to make it out of here, and when we do I'm going to sit through as many episodes of Supernatural as she wants because we will be alive, and we will be well, and this nightmare will part to show the daydream that is Cassie.

 "Stiles! You don't have to-don't!" She frets quietly and I smile softly, squeezing her hand.

  "Everything's going to be okay, Cassie. Okay? We're all going to live, and be happy." I press the necessary buttons and lift the phone to my ear. "Dad! Hey, it's me." Crap. Voicemail. "And, it's your voicemail. Look, I need you to call me back now. Like, right now. We're at the school. Dad, we're at the school." It's the best we can do. Now we can only sit and wait, hoping that that damn alpha will leave us alone and go eat a deer or something. As soon as I've thought that, the Alpha pushes against the door and we immediately huddle together, and I push Cassie behind me, though she struggles she eventually calms and Scott sends me a look to tell me he's got it. He's been caught up lately, but Cassie is the sister he never had and he loves her-though in a very different way to me-just as much as I do. Neither of us would let anything happen to her. My mind races as I try to figure out another way out of this room. The tables and chairs won't last long and we can't risk Allison, Lydia and Jackass seeing the Alpha vs Scott: The Werewolf Wars in such good seats. Not when it's likely it will lead to their death. To all of our deaths.    "The kitchen. The door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell." I remember as the noise behind the door intensifies, gradually getting louder and louder.   "Which only goes up," Scott argues and Cassie pushes towarss the door, opening it quickly.    "Up is better than here!" She yells, pointing at the door as it begins to break. At this, we all run like crazy through the door, up the stairs, into a hallway and into a chemistry room and we breathe heavily as Scott pushes a stool under a doorknob and we flock each other. Scott and I stand in front of Allison and Cassie, and Lydia cowers into Jackson. The shadow of the Alpha walks past the door, the noise following him and disappearing in a matter of seconds.   Scott waits a while before turning to Jackson. "How many people can fit into your car?"    "Five, if someone squeezes on someones lap."    "Five? I barely fit in the back!" Allison says, almost sounding outraged.   "It doesn't matter," I say, shaking my head, "there's no getting out without drawing attention." Cassie edges out from behind Scott and I and walks to a door with a deadbolt lock on it, inspecting it.   Scott points to it, eyes lighting up a little. "What about this? It leads to the roof. We can go down the fire escape to the parking lot in, like, seconds."    "It's a deadbolt, Scott." I remind him as Cassie walks back to us, shaking her head.   "It needs a key. I tried the bobby pin thing but apparently that doesn't work outside of tv shows and movies."   "The janitor has a key!" Scotty says and Cassie and I shake our heads.   "You mean his body has it." I remind him and he leans forward so only we can hear.   "I can get it," he says, sounding determined, as though his mind has been made up, "I can find him by scent, by blood."   Cassie shakes her head furiously, uttering a no in protest. "Well, gee, that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea," I say in agreement, "What else you got?" It's a stupid plan. We shouldn't split up, theres no guarantee he even will be able to find the janitor and no guarantee the janitor will even have the key. Scott seems determined, and I recognise in Cassie's eyes that we've come to the same conclusion: This plan is the only chance we have of surviving and escaping. Cassie falls into his arms and whispers for him to be safe, and I clap him on the shoulder, nodding.    "I'm getting the key." Scott announces to the rest of the group, and Allison moves forward.   "Are you serious?"   "Well, it's the best plan. Someone has to get the key if we want to get out of here." Scott explains gently, and Allison shakes her head.   "You can't go out there unarmed!" Scott pauses, knowing he can't very well show them his claws and teeth and glances around the room, snatching up a pointer stick and brandishing it proudly. We all stare at him in disbelief and terror and he falters. "Well, it's better than nothing." He states in defence and I glance around.    "There has to be something else."    "There is." Cassie says, and Lydia nods.   "What are we going to do? Throw acid on him?" I ask and Cassie and Lydia shake their heads in sync.   "No, no, like a fire bomb." Cassie explains and Lydia nods in agreement.   "in there is everything you need to make a self igniting Molotov cocktail."   "Self igniting-"   "Molotov cocktail." Cassie and Lydia nod, finishing for me. Their in-syncness is getting eery.   "We don't have a key for that." Allison says, pointing to it and Jackson swaggers forward, smashing the glass door with his elbow and for the second time tonight, Cassie, Scott and I watch the glass fall to the floor, shattering into small, shimmering pieces. We watch in awe as Cassie and Lydia work quickly, using Jackson to gather ingredients and mixing and measuring them expertly, making one each. Cassie caps the bottles and pushes one towards Scott, saying we should keep one-just in case.   "No, no, this is insane. You can't do this. You can't go out there!" Allison protests, staring at the bottle worriedly.   "We can't just sit here waiting for Stiles' Dad to check his messages."    "You could die," Allison says, eyes watering as she stares at him, "Don't you get that? He's killed three people!"   "And we're next. Somebody has to do something." Scott moves towards the door and Allison walks in front of him, stopping him.    "Scott, just-stop. Do you remember-do you remember when you told me you knew whether i was lying? That I had a tell? Well, so do you. You're a horrible liar, Scott, and you've been lying all night. Just-just please. Please don't go. Please don't leave us," Allisons voice drops to a soft sob and Cassie wipes away a tear of her own. "Please?"   The entire room is silent, waiting, and Scott looks down at her as though he is in pain. "Lock the door behind me." Scott says, moving to walk out the door around her but Allison stops him, turning  him and bringing him town to kiss him.


oh my god. What is this. An update? Gassppppp.


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