Sworn Sisters

By AbdoolZainab

152K 28.6K 4.5K

MUSLIMLOVESTORY . . . . . The man took her to a small office downstairs. It seems he is the owner of the hote... More

Author's Note
Author's note


3.1K 652 215
By AbdoolZainab

Habib burst into the study room in anger.

" WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! " He shouted at the man before him " How could you Faisal?"

Faisal exhaled loudly "Look, I don't have time for your lectures. Instead of thanking me before you fall victim, you're here screaming your lungs out "

Habib's vein popped out. He was so enraged that he threw the first fist at Faisal's face. He was satisfied When he heard a crunching sound.

" That's for being so stupid." He shouted at Faisal" What the hell are you trying to save me from? Kalthum is such a nice girl that I don't like to see her hurt but here you are, my brother, you are the one responsible for hurting her. How could you? What harm has she done to you for Allah's sake Faisal? "

Faisal held his jaw in pain. He winced slightly as he was about to talk. He glared at Habib " Don't ever dare throw a punch at me! I don't care what you think about her. She is here to deceive all of us and she ended up doing that. Thank God I was able to catch her before it was too late "

Habib clenched his hand. He looked at his brother in disappointment. What is he talking about?

" what do you mean? "

Faisal acted calm and collected. He went over to his desk then took his phone and handed it over to Habib " See for yourself"

Habib grabbed the phone. What he saw was a picture of Kalthum and a particular guy. The first picture was of Kalthum and the man talking, the next looked like they were hugging, the third was when the guy opened his car door for her and the last one was when she was getting out of the car at the front of their house. He furrowed his brows.

" Don't tell me you acted foolish just because of these pictures? "

Faisal snorts" These aren't just pictures. This guy was the same man I saw in a hotel a few months ago with Kalthum. The same man whose wife pounced on her "

" Subhanallah Faisal! Don't tell me you've already judged her just because of these pictures. I can't believe you are so foolish! "

Faisal glared at him " Don't forget that I'm still your elder brother. You don't get to talk to me like that. You can believe whatever you want to believe but don't come here shouting at me "

" I'm very disappointed in you. I can't believe that you can be easily swayed to believe shit. You didn't ask for her side of the story! "

Faisal shrugged and then went to sit on his chair " Who cares about her story? The worst she could do was to shed her crocodile tears. I won't allow her to deceive me.NEVER! "

Habib wished he could pounce on him right now. He was acting as if he wasn't affected but Habib knows his brother, there must be a side of him that is regretting right now but he will never utter it.

" Today you just showed me that you're the same as our parents. After all, it's their blood running in your veins" he shook his head disappointed" You've lost every ounce of respect I have for you as a brother."

Faisal looked at him surprised "Just because of Kalthum? For Allah's sake, I'm your brother "

Habib shook his head "Yes you are my brother but now I don't think this man standing before me is the brother I know. Just mark my words, Faisal, you'll regret what you did to Kalthum. That girl doesn't deserve this "

" I don't care. If you like go with her. Just get out of my study room. OUT! "

" Fine " Habib nodded " I'll go now"

Habib turned around and went out of the door without looking back.

Faisal felt another pang in his chest. He felt another loss for the second time today. He took a book and flung it across the room in anger. He groaned loudly and dropped his head on his desk.


Aunty Suwayba went into the kitchen to check if her indomie was done. She felt so tired that she decided to just prepare indomie that night. She poured it into a plastic plate, took a sachet of pure water from the fridge, and went back to the living room to enjoy her food.

She sighed loudly as she remembered her girls. It's sad to say that she misses them so much. She rubbed her eyes to clean the moisture there. She misses her baby, her kalthum. Lately, she has been having this feeling of regret in her. She knew she had wrong Kalthum a lot.

Aunty Suwayba was glad to have met this particular Mallam who was a God sent to her. She was surprised on that particular day, she was touched when she heard a particular story the mallam told them at the mosque. The story was similar to her life story and she didn't want to end up like the woman in that story. She could remember how she cried her eyes out that day. Since then she has made it her habit to always go for wa'azi every Friday.

She knew she had wronged her daughters, she regretted preferring one over the other. No mother should ever do that to her child. No mother should ever be like her. She dropped her plate of indomie on the center table. Her shoulders shook as she burst out in hot tears. She knew she needed to apologize to her baby. She knew her husband wasn't happy with all she had done.

She has turned her daughters against each other. she remember talking to Basma a few weeks ago, she felt the hatred Basma had for Kalthum and she knew it was all her fault. Aunty Suwayba knew she ought to be punished for all she had done, which is what is happening to her right now.

Since the day she stopped working in the government secondary school, it has been so hard for her to get another job. She regretted resigning that she understood why people always say 'one should be happy with the little you have '. If she had known she wouldn't have resigned. The worst heartbreak is that the government is now paying their staff twice the amount they were paying before. If she had known she wouldn't be in haste to leave the job.

Her tears flew down without control.

Knock! Knock!

Aunty Suwayba quickly wiped her tears when she heard a knock. She looked at the door questioning, she wasn't expecting any visitors. As if the door heard her thoughts, the person knocked again.

" I'm coming," she said then stood up to get the door. She pulls the door open thinking it might be the neighbor. She was speechless when she saw who was standing by the door.

" Kalthum " she whispered in shock as she saw the state she was in. Kalthum's eyes were bloodshot and swollen. Her baby was in pain.

She realized they'd been standing for Long. She opened the door wider " Come in "

Kalthum dragged her box and then went inside. She was about to make her way to her room.

" Wait Kalthum! " Kalthum paused

" What happened to you dear? Why do you look so... So unhappy"

Kalthum broke down once again. Her chest raised and fell repeatedly " Please let me be! I know you must have heard what has happened! Your darling daughter must have told you! Isn't that right?

Aunty Suwayba was shocked with what she had caused " I swear I don't know what happened. Talk to me dear, please "

Kalthum snorted "Are you also trying to play the innocent look too? What did I expect, after all, you're both the same. Like mother like daughter " With that being said she dragged her box to her room.

Kalthum banged it with the amount of anger she had in her. She was shocked she talked back at her mother. She doesn't want to become like them. She knew she needed to control her anger. Anger will only lead to more problems.

She slid down the door and broke down all over again. Faisal. She sobbed quietly.

" Kalthum please tell me what the problem is all about. Please Kalthum " her mother begged from the other side of the door "Please Kalthum "

" just go away! " she screamed "Leave me alone. You two have succeeded in doing what you've been meaning to do for so long. Please just let me be. I'm tired of fighting "

Aunty Suwayba had tears in her eyes as she heard her daughter's hurt voice. Her daughter is hurt and she was the cause of it, she thought. She also slides down Kalthum's door from outside. Her shoulders shook. Her heart is hurting. She had turned them against each other. She had made them hate each other.

" Iyami, my baby? Please talk to me? " it has been a long she last called her by the name ' Iyami'. Kalthum was also Aunty Suwayba's mother's name which is how the Yoruba word came into existence. It means my mother. Because of Aunty Suwayba's love for Yoruba people, she loved calling Kalthum by that name when she was little.

Kalthum froze when she heard her mom calling her by that name. It felt surreal. It's been ages since she heard her call her that. What is happening? She couldn't help but think.

Kalthum stood up from the floor and then went to the bathroom to take a bath. She finally came out a few minutes later. She has already made ablution. She took her mat which was on her bed. The same place she left it before she went to work for the Dantata.

She spread the mat to pray.


Kalthum was woken up by the loud knock on her door.

" Kalthum dear, it's time for Fajr prayer. Wake up"

Kalthum groaned in her sleep. She rubbed her eyes and then stretched her arms. She said a prayer and then climbed down from the bed. She yawned softly which was then followed by the growling of her stomach. She was hungry. She didn't put anything in her tummy last night.

She went into the bathroom, to perform ablution. By the time she was out, she heard her mom knocking on her door again.

" Kalthum, please can you come out so we can pray together "

Kalthum was shocked for the second time today. What was happening to her mother? She thought. Her mother has never woken her up to pray not to talk of praying together.

" erm OK," she answered. She took the folded hijab on her bed and then went out to the living room to join Sau with her mother.

Ten minutes later they were done. Kalthum stood up to go back to bed but her mom stopped her again.

" Yes? "

" please can I have a word with you?" Aunty Suwayba asked.

Kalthum gave her a scrutinizing look " Why Mom?

" Why what? "

" why are you acting like this? Why are you behaving like you care?"

"That's because I care. I care about you Kalthum "

Kalthum huffs " Mom please you don't need to behave like this, I'm used to your former behavior."

Aunty Suwayba smiled " I'm sorry. I know you don't want to believe that I'm a changed person now "

" I'm finding it hard to believe that "

" I know. Please can we talk for a few minutes? "

Kalthum gave a quizzical look then went forward to sit on the two sitters. Aunty Suwayba sat in the chair facing Kalthum.

" uhm first I'd like to start with I'm very sorry "

Kalthum folded her arms " Sorry for what exactly? "

" For all the harm I've cost you. I've been so hard on you that I am now regretting all my actions. I know it will be hard for you to forgive me so I won't rush you. I just want you to get to know this new side of me. "

Kalthum's mouth was wide agape " How is that even possible "

" You meant the change? "

" Yes, mom. I mean...you and I have never sat down just to have a talk like this and trust me, it's kind of making me feel uncomfortable "

Aunty Suwayba nodded " I understand "

" Good"

" erm ....if I may ask... please what happened to you? Did someone hurt you at the Dantata's house? Last I could remember, I thought you and your sister were to stay there for a whole year so please tell me what happened dear? "

Kalthum heaved a sigh. She needed someone to talk to after all " I got sent back home. Mom, I'm hurt "

Aunty Suwayba gasped loudly " What! Who hurt you dear? " she thought she meant physically hurt.

Kalthum shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Having this conversation with her mother is making her feel so uncomfortable.

Kalthum's eyes were moist with unshed tears " I'm so hurt Mom. I'm mentally hurt. I feel like my life is stumbling down before me Mom. Why do people want to see me hurt? Why do I feel as if my coming to this world was a mistake? Those who I thought loved me also want to see me hurt. Why am I so unlucky Mom? "

Aunty Suwayba's heart shattered into pieces at Kalthum's utterance. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. What Kalthum said hit home. It felt as if she was referring to her.

She quickly stood up to join Kalthum on the two sitters. She hugged her like her life depended on it "Oh my child. I'm sorry for being the cause of all this. I'm sorry. What can I do to take this pain away "

She released Kalthum from the hug "Please talk to me "

" it's Faisal"

" Who's Faisal? Wait do you mean the son of Alhaji Dantata? "

" Yes Mom"

Aunty Suwayba looked at her confused "What happened dear? "

" Didn't Basma tell you what was happening over there? "

Aunty Suwayba shook her head " I didn't ask her about things over there for a while now. I agree, I kind of asked her before but now I don't. I only asked about hers and your well-being. You don't pick up my calls anymore dear and she is the only one available to call. "

" So what you're trying to say is that you didn't know that something was going on between Faisal and me" She blushed " Basma didn't tell you?"

" No she didn't " she shook her head " and you also didn't see it seemed to tell me? " her mom smiled

" Mom how can I tell you when you and Basma were on my case "

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry. "

Kalthum heaved a sigh. She wiped a tear " It's nothing actually "

" Please tell me what he did to you dear "

" OK," she started by telling her how they started dating. She made sure to share everything with her mother. It felt nice talking about it with her mother.

" Wow he must surely love you "Aunty Suwayba smiled at her daughter

" That's what I thought not until what happened yesterday happened " Kalthum shrugged.

" What do you mean? " Aunty Suwayba asked with furrowed brows

She took a deep breath " Let me start from when it all happened.

Aunty Suwayba nodded.

"A few months ago I found out that Basma was using her body to make money "

Aunty Suwayba gasped loudly " What?? How? When? Why didn't you tell me "

Kalthum hates to say this. " I shouldn't be telling you all this "

Aunty Suwayba held her hand "Please tell me everything "

" OK. On this faithful day, I followed Basma to this particular hotel. I knew she was going to meet a man. I swear I begged her not to go but she didn't listen. She was adamant that we almost fought that day. "

" so, I then decided to stalk her to the hotel. As Allah would have it, I got there on time before they could do anything. "

Aunty Suwayba was already tearing up. She knew she caused it all. Kalthum looked at her mother.

" Maybe I should just stop "

" No please continue " she wiped her tears " Tell me everything "

"Well, unfortunately, the guy she went to meet at the hotel had a wife. He was a married man. It wasn't long before I confronted them in the hotel room when the man's wife also came in. This happened too fast. Basma lied to the woman that I was the girl the man came to the hotel with. I was so confused Mom"

" She did that to you? " Aunty Suwayba was now getting angry

" Yes, Mom. Before I could comprehend what had happened Basma fled and left me with the woman. The woman pounced on me and I felt like I was going to die that day. The incident drew a lot of attention, and people from other rooms came out. Some even took videos of Mom. I felt so heartbroken that my sister could do that to me " She wiped her tears

" I'm so sorry dear. Don't tell me that, the bruises I saw on your face before going to the Dantata's house were inflicted upon you by the woman? "

Kalthum nodded "Yes"

" Oh Allah, I'm sorry. I should have known. "

Kalthum shook her head as she continued the story" As Allah may have it, Faisal's friend was the owner of the hotel. That was the first time I met Faisal. He came to the hotel to attend a meeting when that incident happened. He rescued me from the eyes of people. But he also didn't believe what I had told him. He also thought I came to the hotel with the man. "

Aunty Suwayba wiped her tears "It's all my fault. I've been a bad mother to you all"

" This incident also had something to do with what happened with Faisal and me"

" How? " Aunty Suwayba asked

" Faisal has been doubting me recently. His mom and I had a few arguments which I mistakenly pushed her with full force. Unfortunately, she suffered a fracture "

" oh Allah. Is she doing alright? "

" According to him, she was fine. At least that is what he told his brother before he broke up with me " she shrugged "Everyone over there thought I did what I did on purpose. Even Faisal whom I thought would understand where I was coming from, didn't. He hurt me the most Mom. I don't know what lies his mother might have told him at the hospital which made him behave heartless towards me. I just don't understand "

" The only two people that stood by me were ya, Habeeb, and Umm Rasheed"

" Who are they? "

" Habeeb is Faisal's brother and Umm Rasheed is just like a mother to them "

" What about Basma? Did she try to help you out? " Aunty Suwayba asked.

Kalthum shrugged " She wanted that to happen. She has been a living hell to me. She hates to see me happy. Mom hates my guts. I don't know why my sister hated me so much"

Aunty Suwayba felt a pain in her chest. Her chest pain was back. She tried as much as possible not to allow Kalthum notice. She knew she needed to stop the fight between her two daughters. She is the cause of everything. She knew she filled Basma's head with ideas a mother should never have told her daughter. The pain was becoming so unbearable. She quickly stood up to drink some water.

" Mom, are you OK? "

" Yes I am "She forced a smile

Knock! Knock!

" I'll get the door," she told Kalthum. She twists the door knob and then pulls it in. She was surprised to see a young good-looking man standing by the door.

" Who are you? "

He smiled " Good morning ma. I'm Habib"


Aunty Suwayba is finally regretting all her sins. I pray it stays like that forever. 😀😊

This is the reason why parents should never have a favorite. I know it's normal for parents to like a particular child more than the other but he/she should never utter it out to the kids. This kind of thing always results in a fight between the children. If it wasn't because Kalthum is a calm and collected child, don't we all think she would have poisoned either Basma or her mother out of jealousy?

The worst of it all is that the favorite child turned out to be the bad child. Please, parents, you should be careful with the way you treat your children. They are your kids and you should love them accordingly. If they do something wrong, always advise them not to shout at them.

Never favor one child over the other. No child is better than the other. This kind of habit builds some kind of hatred in a child's mind and you wouldn't want to see what that hatred would lead to. Please you should all love them accordingly🙏🙏🙏Thank you❤❤❤

The next chapter is coming up soon ❤

Who is eager to see Faisal in pain? 😂✌😀

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