It's Good to be Back // Billd...

By lazyhobosxcz

38.9K 1.3K 586

>Billdip Fanfiction It has been four years since the mystery twins stepped foot in Gravity Falls. Dipper has... More

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19 (short chap)
19(full chap)


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By lazyhobosxcz

Dipper's POV

"Why're you in such a rush, kid?" Grunkle Stan asked when I entered the shack. In deed, I was walking a bit fast.

'Cuz he has  a demon with him. Ya know, the demon who might have almost killed you all.

Shut up, Bill.

"You alright, Dipper? You spaced out there," Grunkle Stan said and patted my back.

"Uhh.. haha.. I'm okay. I just really need to use the bathroom right now," I said and rushed upstairs to my room without listening to his reply.

I slumped to my bed.

"Real smooth, Pinetree!" Bill annoyingly said.

"Shut up, Bill," I rolled my eyes and sat up.

i took Journal 6 out of my bag and a pencil. I raised my brow at the floating dorito who was snooping in my room.

"Tell me, Bill. Why are you a demon?" I asked.

"Why am I a demon? Uhh, just because..?" he answered. Stupidly, might I add.

I face palmed. "I meant, were you born a demon? Were you turned into one or something?" I elaborated.

Bill's POV

I scratched my chin. Suddenly, something flashed in my mind.

a blonde little boy running into the forest of Gravity Falls.

As fast as it showed is as fast it was gone. Get it? You don't?

What was that, anyways?

"I think I was human once? I don't know, I'm a bit old, Pinetree," I answered. Pinetree started scribbling down noted on that journal of his.

Seriously, this kid is soooo much like Sixer that its almost irritating.

Suddenly, Pinetree perked up. "How old are you?" he said with squinted eyes.

"I've been walking this earth before your ancestors were even born, kid!" I laughed as he scrunched up his face.

He started scribbling again.

I just floated around his room. I touched the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. Hmm...

"What are you doing?" Pinetree asked as he stopped scribbling for a sec.

I mentally smirked, since I don't have a mouth.

"Oh, nothing~"

Dipper's POV. again.

I looked weirdly at Bill who was murmuring something to the walls.

I continued to write on Journal 6.

Entry #53

I made a deal with the devil  Bill Cipher was free from the statue.. Bill Cipher was locked in the statue for four years, and can only see a window to our reality. When I had set him free, he looked the same as before weirdmaggedon. I should still be wary of him. Its a big possibilty for him to find a loophole and trick me.

Bill Cipher said that the memory gun was not enough to wipe him off, but enough to lock him up, proving my previous theory correct.

I will enquire more information pertaining to that later. I have more matters to attend to that would make planning Weirdmaggedon 2.0 easier.

I need to give Bill Cipher a human body.

-Mason Pines

I drew Bill on the upper right of the page with an invisible inked pen.

I closed the journal and put it back on my current bag.

"You done, Pinetree?" the floating dorito asked.

"Yes," I said as I stood up. I cross sat on the floor in front of my nightstand where my other journals are.

I took Journal 5, my journal for theories, and flipped over the pages. In my peripheral vision, I could see Bill(but smaller) hovering above me.

"So ya actually followed in Sixer's footsteps, huh?" I could hear a smirk in his voice. Too bad he didn't have a mouth. I ignored him as I flipped through a few more pages, reading only the first three sentences, immediately knowing it wasn't what I was looking for.

Third Person POV

Small Bill took one of Dipper's journals and opened it to read.

Was he as smart as his Grunkle?

Bill knew Stanford from awhile back, and had taken a liking to him, too. But, he got bored of him.

Bill was, surprisingly, surprised. It was just jumbled letters. There was no cipher or code like this, since Bill has memorized all of them.

Bill internally smiled. "Looks like you're smarter than you let on, Pinetree," he said with a cheeky tone, but he was low key impressed.


It wasn't obvious, and Bill was too busy trying to figure out what the kid's code is to notice that Dipper was blushing. No one has ever complimented him before.

It was no doubt that everyone favored Mable more than him, but he didn't mind. It was actually better like that. Mable is a loveable sister and friend, even if they were more distant.

Dipper continued on flipping though the pages of his journal.

Where had he written it?

He had a lot of entries in thiis journal even though there were still a couple of pages left.

"Dip-dop! Dinner is ready!!" he heard his sister's voice.

It's almost night time already?

Dipper sighed, a little frustrated. 'I would continue this tomorrow,' he thought.



Welp, that's what the best of my abilities could make during a slump.

I'll try to update as much as I can..

I know this book is a bit boring, so sorry bout that.

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