
By giantess44

51.5K 239 42

(G/t) What happens when jealousy gets the best of someone? More

Science Class
Out Sick
Like a Bug
A Ship at Sea
Calm Before the Storm
Not the First
Fun and Games
Like Romeo and Juliet

The Storm

5.5K 26 2
By giantess44

Dylan awoke in a place that he was unsure of. There were soft fabrics all around him, and the stench in the air was of fabric softeners and laundry deturgent and It was completely dark. As he tried to sit up he felt every single muscle in his body scream in agony. He felt his body screaming at him to just lay down, and relax. The more he moved the more pain he put himself through. He listened to his body and fell back on the silky smooth fabric beneath him and closed his eyes.

When he woke up again the already unstabe gorund was shaking and light was streaming into the strange place he found himself asleep in. He looked up and saw Drea staring at him. As his eyes adjusted he looked around, "Where am I..?" He saw fabrics of pink and blue, untill he realized where he was. "DID YOU PUT ME IN YOUR UNDERWEAR DRAWR?!" Dylan was embarassed and blushed deeply. "What the heck!"

"Oh come on," Drea's voice boomed, "Where else could I have kept you that nobody else would've looked?!" She reached over and grabbed him. "Alright, I called in sick today, so its just you and me all day long!" She smiled. "Can I ask you a question? Did you enjoy last night? The... movie and... yeah?" 

Dylan thought to himslef, what was the answer she wanted to hear? Was he going to be hurt if he didn't say the right thing? "Yeah, I had a great time!" He said rather cheerfully.

"That's amazing, I'm so glad you did! Well then I think you're gonna enjoy today." She bit her lip and stood up. Dylan felt the warm hand underhim give way to dreas bed as he watched her walk into the center of her room. 

He felt like he was watching a tsunami from atop a skyscraper. It was just then that Drea tookher top off... Dylan didn't know what to think as he watched her shirt hit the floor. Soon her bra followed. Soon enough she was fully undressed and walking towards him. He tried to scoot back but he didn't get anywhere. 

As her shadow loomed over him he saw every inch of Drea's body, public and private. His jaw dropped. She was beautiful. EMMA! He shook his head, yet again he had to remind himslef that he was taken. 

"What do you think?" Drea said as she lay down on the bed, currling her body arorund Dylans tiny figure like a snake. 

"You." He stuttered, "You're very beautiful, but" 

"You're too sweet!" She gave him a poke that sent him falling onto his butt. "Why not get a closer look?" Drea lay down on her back and lifted him up. She placed him on her stomach, Dylan could hear it grumble and growl from where he stood. At times he could even feel it under his feet. 

"I've been thinking for a while Dylan, and... I really like you. You're super cute and theres one thing I've always wanted from you..." Drea said as she began to slowly move her hands towards the area between her legs. 

Dylan watched in horror as her fingers began to explore her private areas. "A-And what's that...?" 

Drea made her fingers that weren't preoccupied move in a walking motion towards Dylan. "I've always wanted you... inside me!" She pushed him towards her other hand, which caught him gracefully. 

Dylan only had a quick second to gaze at Drea's massive vagina before he was shoved at it. She used him to rub herself, he felt the soft pink area begin to excreet liquids, she had definitly been wanting this. Drea was as wet as a beach after a hurricane. Dylan felt the liquid get in his eyes, in his mouth, and all over his face. He tried to push away but that only made Drea scream out in pleasure. "OHH yes! That's the spot!" 

Dylan didn't know what to do. This was torture and the only way out was to squirm, which was exactly what she wanted. "S-Stop plea-" He said as he began to choke and caugh on some of Drea's bodily fluids. She then began to slow down. She lowered him towards what seemed like a wet fleshy cave... 

Dylan watched in horror as he was shoved face first into Drea. He entered with a gasp of air, a similar sound was made by drea who called out in pleasure. "YES!!! MORE!!!" She breathed. Dylan was not surrounded by her, all he could feel was her one every single side of him. He tried to escape, pushing himself out but she just moaned evern louder. Just then Dylan felt her fingers let him go. He was now on his own... All alone inside the vagina of a giant woman. 

He tried to scream but all that came out was muffled by the sticky gooey walls surrounding him. He treid to escape again. He felt the coolness of air on his legs as they popped out of her, but it was just then that Drea's finger shoved him even deeper than he was before. It was then that Drea began to speed up, fingers shoived Dylan deeper and deeper into the abyse, feeling like punches to his legs, as if a piston was continuously jamming him and trying to shape him into something he wasn't. 

Drea screamed so loud it shook her entire body as she climaxed. The chamber instantly filled with liquid and the fingers were removed. Dylan felt the juices pushing him out, he landed on her bed in a pool of cum. 

As he landed he stared up at the beast that was at the moment resting, and he shook and collapsed. 

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