~Master of Inferno~

By Jayeuchiga16

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Jaye Ozi...... Maki's younger brother has the ability of pyrokinesis. He is very special as he has some abili... More

Chapter 1: The beginning...
Chapter 3: Rookie Games
Chapter 4: Company 5
Chapter 5: Princess Hibana
Chapter 6: Company 1
Chapter 7: Infernal Insects
Chapter 8: The Promise
Chapter 9: Cold
Chapter 10: Confusion
Chapter 11: Adolla Burst
Chapter 12: Adolla Burst 2
Chapter 13: The Pyrokinesis secret
Chapter 14: Into the Nether
Chapter 15: Amajika Sol
Chapter 16: Day off
Chapter 17: Mistakes

Chapter 2: Newbie #2

501 13 0
By Jayeuchiga16

" JAYE WAKE UP" Maki yelled as I fell out of the top bunk onto the floor

" Yes Maki" I said as I rubbed my head

" You have to get ready for the rookie fire soldier games" Maki said

" Ugh why do I have to do that" I asked

" Because you didn't do it last time" Maki said

" That wasn't my fault" I said

" Who's fault was it" Maki asked as I glared at her

" T-that doesn't matter now, get up so we can train" Maki said as I groaned and put my orange jumpsuit on but tied the top around my waist as I followed Maki to the roof so we could train

" Now let's go" Maki said as her eyes glowed purple

" Ok ready" I said as my eyes glowed purple as well

" COME AT ME" Maki yelled as I ran towards her

" HA" I said as I threw a punch but Maki dodged it and swept my feet

" Not so fast" I said as fire came from my feet which made me fly away from the incoming punch to the gut

" SOLAR FLARE" I yelled as fire was lit from my hands as a shining bright light blinded my sister

" W-when did you learn to do this" Maki said as I appeared beside her and punched her stomach and she flew back but was able to catch herself

" Nice trick" Maki said as she ran towards me and we exchanged blows

" What are you guys doing" Hinawa asked as we stopped with our right fist stopping in front of eachothers face

" Sparring" Maki said as she never took her eyes off of me

" Well stop" Hinawa said

" Why" I said as Hinawa glared at me and we both settled down

" The new rookie is here" Hinawa said as he left and soon Sister Iris came up

" Ugh, let's just chill out ok" Maki said as I nodded and sat on a cover that Maki brought up

" Rise and shine, Sputter" Maki said as she made a fire and then brought up a ball of fire with a face on it

" You really are something else, Maki" Iris said as I smirked

" I can do the same thing" I said as I made a fire ball and threw it in the air and it soon made a face as it landed on my hand

" Meet Gutter" I said 

" Woah, it's better than the last time" Maki said smirking

" W-whatever" I said

" Hey careful" I said

" It's hot Iris" Maki said as the door blew open with Shinra attacking this blonde

" We're finally gonna settle the score for good" Shinra said

" Since you insist, I'll have to show you the difference in our power" The blonde said as he held a wooden sword with no blade

" With that thing, you're not gonna do anything" I said as the blonde glared at me

" Who are you" Maki asked

" The realm know me as Arthur Boyle, the knight king" Arthur said as I burst out laughing

" HEY WHAT'S SO FUNNY" Arthur yelled

" The knight king" I asked

" Yes the knight king" Arthur said as I giggled

" May you be the princesses of this castle" Arthur asked

" Huh?" Maki, Iris and I said

" You are cute really, such a shame that you looked down on my knightly doings" Arthur said

" Who" I asked

" You m'lady" Arthur said as I looked down at the ground

" Aw you messed up" Shinra said

" What do you mean" Arthur asked as I glared at him

" GO GET HIM GUTTER" I yelled as the fireball went after Arthur but a blue beam came from the sword and cut my gutter in half

" You think that's enough to stop him" I said as the slice ball became two Gutter's

" W-what the hell" Arthur said


" Hey, what's going on" Hinawa asked as me and Maki stood next to each other saluting with Shinra in front of us

" Lieutenant Hinawa" Maki and I said

" Ugh would you stop it" Maki and I said as we both just huffed and looked the other way

" We've just met the new recruit, Arthur" Maki said

" It turns out that he and Shinra went to the same academy" I said as Hinawa poured coffee on sputter and then glared at me

" Ok ok" I said as the two gutter's went out

" Fire Soldiers don't play with fire" Hinawa said

" Right....." Maki said

" G-got it" I said as he taped up the little picnic we were having

" So you're Arthur Boyle" Hinawa asked

" Sure am, glad to be working with you" Arthur said

" Come on, man you heard them call him lieutenant, right" Shinra asked

" We all stand as equals before the round table, he needn't bow" Arthur said

" Says the lowest rank soldier in this crew" Hinawa said as I held my mouth as I laughed a little

" Latom" Iris said

" Whatever" Arthur said as I burst out laughing as the others looked dumbfounded not expecting him to say that

" The rookie games are coming up, I want to see what you got in advance" Hinawa said

" Now Maki, you take on Shinra and Jaye you take on Arthur" Hinawa said as Maki groaned and I smiled

" Gladly" I said smirking

" You lead off Shinra" Hinawa said as me and Maki tied the top of our jumpsuits to out waist

" Are we supposed to fight for real" Shinra asked

" Well if you don't want to get hurt, I suggest you do" I said

" Ok I am ready to begin when you are" Maki and I said as she pointed her left fist our as I did my right

" UGH STOP COPYING ME" I yelled as Maki sticked her tongue out

" Are you two twins or something" Arthur asked

" No we're not" I said

" Let's go pretty boy" I said as Arthur chuckled and grabbed his sword

" Not so fast" I said as I appeared behind him

" W-what how in th-" Arthur said as I punched him in his chin

" FLARE" I yelled as a burst of fire came from my hand which sent Arthur back

" Excalibur" Arthur said as blue plasma came from his sword

" Woah, blue plasma" I said as I grabbed a metal pipe

" That's an interesting power you got" I said as I melted half of the bar and then concentrated fire to come out of the hole and it did

" Let's go knight king" I said as Arthur charged at me...... loudly

" Ugh" I said as I blocked all of his attacks

" Blue flame blast" I said as the sword turned blue and a fire ball came at him and his immediate reaction was to block but I stopped the fire ball

" You didn't even dodge, do you know how hot blue fire is" I asked

" Is it hotter than red fire" Arthur asked as I slapped my forehead

" Whatever" I said as I charged at him and put him to the ground in a few seconds

" Woah, you're strong princess" Arthur said as I blushed a little and picked him up and kneed him in the chin

" Damn, you hit hard" Arthur said

" You might just be an ogre" Arthur said as I looked at him weird

" I am pretty sure you don't want to anger me" I said as I glared at Arthur and he got back up

" You're not so pretty when you get angry" Arthur said as I smirked

" Fine, I will finish you now" I said as a circle of fire was arond my feet which came up and turned into a flame tornado

" JAYE CALM DOWN" Maki yelled as I looked down at her

" NEVER" I yelled as I charged towards Arthur and he just stood still

" TORNADO OF FIRE" I yelled as a tornado of fire appeared around Arthur but it died out along with my tornado as I looked at my sister

" Calm down Jaye" Maki said as I flew in front of her

" Ready" Maki asked

" Yeah let's go" I said as I burst into flames

" FULL BODY ARK" I yelled as my flames grew bigger 

" Let's go Shinra" Arthur said as Shinra flew next to Arthur but his flames turned into sputter's along with Arthur's Excalibur

" NOW COME ON BO-BO-BO, BO-BO, BO-BO" Maki yelled as a huge fireball was above her fingertips

" Would the two of you like to continue" Maki and I said at the same time

" OH WOULD YOU STOP THAT" Maki and I yelled as we just glared at eachother

" Think we're out of options, if you're throwing in the towel, then that's that" Shinra said

" Well it's pretty clear you want to surrender, so I'll concede" Arthur said

" BO-BO BO-BO, BO-BO BO-BO NOOOO" Maki yelled as Hinawa put Bo-bo bo-bo out

" Iris could you get me something" I asked as I landed on the ground still covered in flames

" Why, just stop the flames" Arthur said as I looked at him and then looked away

" If I do, I will be naked" I said as Arthur blushed a little

" Does it matter, I would love to see th-" Arthur said as I punched him in his face

" Not. A. Chance" I said as Iris brought me a robe in which I stopped my flames and put the robe on

" Well, you too got some power but you need more fighting experience, especially you Shinra" I said as I went to the door 

" Come find me whenever you want to learn something" I said as I closed the door and walked to my room to change into another orange jumpsuit

" You seem to show then Jaye" Obi said as he was at my door

" Whatever Obi, what do you want" I asked

" Wanna go to Ippudo's ramen shop with me, Shinra and Arthur" Obi asked as I smiled

" Sure" I said as I opened the door to see Obi with no shirt on, showing off his muscles

" Before we leave, you need a shirt" I said as I walked pass him and he smirked and watched me walk away and I soon turned the corner

" PERVERT" I yelled

~later at Ippudo's Ramen~

" You guys are so weird" I said as they looked at eachother and started to race one another

" Take the time to chew, will ya" Obi said as they started to chew and as soon as they were done they began racing...... again

" Refill please, more extra-firm noodles" Obi said

" Eh, I am ok" I said

" Are you sure" Obi asked

" Yeah, I am kinda full" I said as Obi nodded and told them only three more bowls

~after lunch~

" You guys are pigs" I said as I walked beside Obi

" Whatever, ogre" Arthur said as I glared at him

" Wanna say that again" I asked as he looked the other way

" That's what I thought" I said as I continued to walk

" That grub back there is really top notch" Obi said as I giggled a little

" Of course you would say that" I said as we all stopped as Obi got close to Shinra's face

" Something wrong Shinra" Captain asked as Shinra creepily smiled

" Uh. No I am doing swell s-sir" Shinra said

" Well good for you" Obi said as he got out of Shinra's face and started to walk towards the station

" Why do you always do that" I said as I hit Obi on his arm

" It's funny seeing his face tense up" Obi said

" Well I am gonna go find Maki" I said as I ran off into the station to find my sister

" Oh hey Jaye, what do you need" Maki asked as she was in the weapon room

" Wanted to see if my weapon can work" I said as I went to the wall and found my weapon

" What is it" Maki asked

" Well it's a weapon I can mold using pyrokinesis" I said

" Woah that's so cool, let me see" Maki said as I grabbed the sword and lit my hand as the sword began to lite reddish orange

" I can change the shape into anything I want" I said as I lit my other hand and grabbed the top of the sword and pushed the two ends together and molded it into a gun

" See, this shoots fire bullets" I said as I looked at the dummy and aimed at it

" Fire" I said as I pulled the trigger and a fire bullet came out and lit the paper on fire

" That's cool" Maki said as she put the fire out

" Yeah, it's amazing" I said as I put the weapon back and followed Maki up to the office and that's when the alarm went off

" You tell the others, I will get sister Iris" I said as I ran the opposite way from Maki

" Sister where are you" I yelled as I saw her get up

" Yes Jaye" Iris said

" An infernal was spotted" I said as Sister Iris followed me to the changing room

" Let's gear up guys" Obi said as he bursted through the door as me and Sister was changing

" DONT LOOK" I yelled as the three males looked the other way

~in the car~

" This one reported seems to be in a single-family home" Obi said

" Odds are, we will be putting them to rest in closed quarters" Obi said

" This means that we need to keep all of our weapons hidden inside our coats" I said

" Yes sir" Shinra said as Obi smirked at me

" Take this Shinra" Obi said as he gave Shinra the type seven axe

" You'll be limited with your pyrokinesis" Obi said as we arrived at the house

" It seems a little quiet don't you think" I asked

" Yeah it's strange" Obi said as I saw this girl covered in a blanket

" First Mama, now Papa..... How come? Am I next" The girl said as my heart ached

" Hey.... it's ok" I said as I bent down to her level

" If you believe hard enough, you can live a happy life" I said as I held her hands

" I know how it feels.... I lost my mother as well but look at me" I said as she looked at me

" I am a hero because it's what my mother would like me to be so there is no time to be feeling down, get up and be who you want to be ok" I said as I held out my hand which she happily took

" Don't worry, we will put your father to rest to end his suffering" I said as she bowed

" T-thank you so much" The girl said as I smiled

" Stay here ok" I said as she nodded and I walked up to the group

" Shinra. Arthur. C'mere for a sec" Obi said as I saw they drew there weapons out

" Ugh newbie's are something aren't they" I said slapping my forehead

" It happens ok" Iris said as I smiled at her

" Yeah, not listening happens" I said as I looked at the house

" You feel that too" Maki asked

" Yeah, it feels like something is about to happen" I said as an explosion from inside the house happenedas the fire from the explosion made a face

" Come on guys" I said as we ran into the building with Obi, Shinra an Arthur following us

" Woah, he is really something" I said as we saw the infernal just sitting on a chair

" Yes he is, that means he fought well" Hinawa said

" Let's end his suffering" Obi said

" Captain..... please let me be the one to put him to rest" Arthur asked

" Wait, let's think about this" Shinra said

" He is an infernal, but he hasn't attacked anyone" Shinra said

" So it's ok for him to just stay there..... suffering from being burnt alive" I asked as Shinra looked at me

" I had to end my mother.... because she turned into an infernal but as much as I wanted her to not be killed, she was suffering" I said

" I don't want anyone I care about suffer" I said as I looked down

" Time is 1706, put the infernal to rest, Arthur" Obi said

" I will not let you suffer anymore pain than what you already have" Arthur said

" Sister..... the prayer please" Arthur said

" Yes" Sister said as she began to pray

" The flame is the soul's breath, the black smoke is the soul's release." Sister said as Arthur walked behind the infernal

" Ashes thou wert and art, May thy soul return" Sister said as Arthur pointed his sword at the core of the infernal

" To the great flame of fire" Arthur said as he ignited the sword putting the infernal to rest

" Latom" Sister said

" Latom" We all said as the infernal turned to ash

" Was that painful" Obi asked

" Yeah.... it was" Shinra said

" Well hang on to that pain, because that's the worst thing this job can do to you is make yo numb to it all" Obi said as I wiped the tears forming in my eyes

" Huh" Maki said as I looked up to see black ashes seep through the walls

" EVERYONE COME TO ME" I yelled as my hands were lit and a ring of fire surrounded everyone

" BARRIER OF FIRE" I said as fire covered all of us from the explosions

" Everyone out before it caves in" Obi said as I put the barrier down and everyone went to the exit

" Aren't you coming" Shinra said as I looked up and saw the ceiling break

" OBI" I yelled as I ran in and tackled him to the ground

" JAYE GET OUT OF HERE" Obi said as he saw the ceiling fall and he quickly flipped out position and the ceiling fell on him

" I COULD OF PROTECTED US" I yelled as my eyed glowed purple

" Flame Push" I said as fire pushed the rubble off of Obi

" Now come on" I said as I picked him up and went to the door to see the others waiting fro us

" Hey captain are you alright" Maki asked

" Yeah I am" Obi said as he looked at me

" Are you alright" Obi asked

" Yeah I am alright, just glad that you're ok" I said blushing a little

" Let's head back now" Obi said as I looked in the room once more and found a bear

" I'll give this to the girl" I thought as I ran out of the house to see Obi giving the girl a photo frame oh her and her parents

" Alright... let's go" Obi said as he walked to the others as I walked to the girl

" Stay strong kid" I said as I gave her a bear

" T-thanks ma'am" The girl said as I smacked my teeth

" I am a man" I said

" Oh sorry" The girl said

" Hey it's ok, I get that a lot" I said as the girl smiled

" Just.... whenever you feel down, think of me whenever you see that bear" I said as I patted her head and left to go see the others

" That must of been really hard huh" Maki said as she gave me a hug

" Yeah it was super hard" I said as I began to tear up again

" Shh, it's ok Jaye" Maki said as she carried me to the car and Hinawa drove us to the station

" You guys ready for dinner" Maki asked as I looked at the ground

" I am not hungry today..... see you guys tomorrow" I said as I walk to the station but Obi stopped me

" We are all gonna have dinner together. It's an order" Obi said as I yanked my hand away and walked to the dining room

" Sorry captain..... it was really hard for him" Maki said

" I know..... he just needs to be stronger than this" Obi said

" Letting one of these infernals bring him down is bad" Hinawa said

" Let's just cheer him up" Shinra said

" That's a good plan" Iris said

" They really are something aren't they" I thought as I was still at the door listening

~in the dining room~

" Man this is so good Hinawa" Maki said as I saw inbetween her and Iris

" Is it good Jaye" Iris asked

" Yeah" I said

" What's your favorite" Maki asked

" Well it's weird because you only made my favorite foods" I said as I looked at Hinawa and he looked the other way

" If this is your attempt to make me feel better..... I don't need it" I said

" Well it seems like y-" Arthur said as Shinra covered his mouth

" I don't need it because it's life...... I heard what you guys said and I agree" I said as everyone jumped except Arthur

" I won't let this one infernal take me down... it reminds me of the past but it's nothing" I said as I looked on my wrist to see my mothers watch

" She only left me with this" I said

" It's why I always wear it because it's a part of me" I said as I smiled

" Well I am full, see you guys in the morning" I said as I got up, washed my dishes and went to the shared dorm between Iris, Maki and I

" Man.... I miss you so much" I said as I looked at a picture of my mother

" You were always so kind to me" I said as I looked at her white hair

" But I wish I tool more of your traits than dad" I said as I looked at her black eyes

" I hope you are happy wherever you are" I said as I took off my watch and placed it in front of the picture of my mother

" I will always remember you mother....... I love you" I whispered as I felt a tear drop from my face

~3665 words~

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