Life as A Lesson

By QueenofPepper

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Chelsea Chelsea is a wealthy,flamboyant, sexy, famous and beautiful girl. Her key words are sex, money and fa... More

Author's note
Chapter 1- Pain
Chapter 2-Chelsea
Chapter 3- Family
Chapter 4: The call
Chapter 5:Gareth
Chapter 6:Cecilia
Chapter 7: Greatest unit of life
Chapter 9: Things fall apart
Chapter 10: Cherish every moments
Chapter 11: Forgiveness
Chapter 12: Reconciliation (First Ending)
Chapter13: Reconciliation (Second ending)
Bonus chapter

Chapter 8- Love

63 15 4
By QueenofPepper

Chelsea sat in her room happily. She had opened her hand bag for the umpteenth time looking at the valuables her boyfriend had bought for her.

Yes she had a boyfriend now and he loved her. She didn't love him only because of his money. She had feelings for him. He was her knight in shinning armour, her superman. But she knew that what she felt for him was way more than her want for his money. He was her saviour. 

(Flash back)

She sat at the bar gulping her fifth glass of wine when a drunk male came to her. She was tipsy and feeling dizzy but she wasn't drunk. Chelsea Anthony never gets drunk.

Being drunk is bad for her and her kind of business.

"Hi babe" he said with a smile revealing his slightly brown set of teeth.

"Hi"Chelsea replied as she continued staring at her glass of drink. He wasn't a kind of man that attracted her.

"How are you? You look beautiful" he said looking at her lustfully.

"I can't say the same about you" she replied with a mocking smile.

"What do you mean?" He asked as his temper flared.

"You're not my kind of male. You don't have beards,  you skin is so pale,your nose is too big, and your teeth is as brown as the colour itself. You are so lean. Infact, you look impoverished "Chelsea  cursed.

"How dare you insult me?" He asked angrily.

"I wasn't insulting you. I was describing you" Chelsea replied.

"Well, I choose to ignore what you just said" he said as he laughed revealing his brown teeth causing Chelsea to gag.

"Life style of a person who took too much cocaine and had poor hygiene" Chelsea said more to herself than him.

"What do you want from me?" Chelsea asked nonchalantly.

"The only thing you can offer" he replied with a smile.

"What do you mean? Are you trying to insult me? How dare you say that the only thing I can offer is my body?" Chelsea asked angrily.

"Yes I'm saying the truth. We all know the truth. You are brainless. Most of your parts in a movie is just about having sex. I'm sure you can barely read" he taunted.

"How dare you?" Chelsea asked angrily as she made to slap him.

"Don't you dare slap me" he said as he held her hand firmly.

Even if he was lean and drunk, he still had power.

Chelsea tried to wriggle her hand free from his grip but she couldn't. He had a firm grip on her.

"So what do you say? I want to have a good time with you. I know for a fact that you sleep with men that doesn't have money. I have a few dollars to spare. At least 50 dollars would do even if you don't worth it. You're worthless" he said calmly.

"How dare you call me worthless? How dare you call me worthless?" Chelsea asked as she raised her left hand to slap him but quickly dropped it down remembering that her right hand was still imprisoned by him.

"Good thought girl. I thought you had the IQ of 36 but you've proved to me you have an IQ of 50. It's good you kept your hand in check" he taunted as Chelsea looked at him fear rising in her chest. 

"I want to have you as other men does. I was considering paying you but for slapping me, you would give me yourself for free right now, right here" he said.

"Help!" Chelsea screamed.

"No one is gonna help you with this kind of blaring music. Almost everyone here is engrossed with his or her partner. Moreso, you isolated yourself from others because of your pride and that's why I approached you. And one more thing. Would you scream when I could stab you?" He asked as he revealed a knife, almost like a butcher's knife.

"Please I beg of you. Don't kill me. I can give you whatever you want" Chelsea begged as tears fell off her eyes.

"Please don't kill me. You can sleep with me" she begged.

"I promise not to kill you" he said as he crossed his heart.

"I would obey you" she said as she whimpered when he transferred the knife to his left hand.

"That's a good decision" he said as he held the knife above her neck.

"Lie down" he commanded as Chelsea did so.

She loved sex but she never wanted to ever be raped. Men begged and paid for sex. She had never been forced into sex as today. She had just been raped by a man, an ugly man for that. His semen had been deposited into her. He squeezed her breast as if his life depended on it while grunting like a beast.

"Please allow me go. I promise never to tell anyone" Chelsea begged as tears fell off her eyes.

"Wow, you really look cute when you cry. It's a pity that time isn't on my side to see those pretty tears falling off your eyes. It makes me happy" he said as he smirked.

"Please let me go" Chelsea begged.

"So you would go and deliver me to the authorities?" He asked with a smile.

"No! I promise I won't report you. I would pretend as if this day never happened"Chelsea said as she crossed her heart.

"Cliché. Weren't you the one who promised not to tell on the guy who tried to kill you in Allens avenue?" He asked.

"It was a movie! I was paid to act that part. It wasn't real" she said as she raised her voice.

"Shut up! Don't you dare raise your voice at me" he said as he slapped her.

"I'm sorry" she begged.

"I don't believe you. You would have to die" he said as he transferred the knife to his right hand.

"Please! You promised never to kill me" she said with a pleading voice.

"Promises are meant to be broken my lady. I'm not that stupid to rape and allow a wealthy and influential woman go. You would tell on me." Goodbye Chelsea he said as he raised his hand up.

"Ahhhhhhh" she screamed as the knife fell on her.

"I'm alive?" She said more out of disbelief than shock.

"Are you ok Miss?" A masculine voice asked.

"What?" She said in shock as she got off from the ground.

Her rapist was laying on the ground in a pool of blood. 

"What? What did---"

"I shot him" the masculine voice replied.

"Wow he's dead?" Chelsea asked still not convinced.

"Yes he is. I shot his back. It's good I came on time"the man said.

"Oh my?" Thanks a lot Chelsea said as she hugged him tightly.

"You're welcome. Now you hold on while I dispose his body" the man said.

"Let's call the police" Chelsea said still afraid of the dead man.

"No need. I'm sure you wouldn't want to involve yourself in this form of publicity. Take him away" he ordered two men dressed in black suit.

"Yes Sir" the replied as they carried the dead man away.

"Are you ok Miss?" The man asked while Chelsea cried.

"You're not ok" he replied pitifully.

"What did he do to you?" He asked.

"He he raped me" Chelsea replied as she cried the more.

"I'm sorry about that. You need not to worry he is dead" he said.

"Thanks a lot um Sir" Chelsea said as she collected an handkerchief from him to dry her tears.

"Zeus is my name" he said.

"Zeus?" Chelsea asked shocked.

"I thought Zeus was a Roman god" she said.

"Yes I'm Zeus Alfrado. I'm not an American. I'm a Roman" he said.

"Wow, I was wondering since. No wonder you accent is thick" she said.

"I'm happy you just smiled" he said with a smile.

"Thanks once again" she thanked as she wondered why he didn't ask  her to introduce herself.

"I know what you are thinking but I don't need to ask you to introduce yourself. You are Chelsea Anthony, famous American Actress, beautiful woman, single and has won many award" he said.

"How do you know all this? Do you stay in America?" She asked.

"No I stay at Rome. But you are still famous. Many men in Rome are in love with you so we tend to find out about you from various social network" he explained.

"Are you among the men who searches about me?" she asked with a smile.

"I'm not an exception. My search history with google is mostly about you"he replied with a smile.

"Thanks" she replied. 

"You need to see a doctor. That bastard just raped you" he said angrily.

"I can't see a doctor. Before you know, the media would get a wind of this. I don't want to be exposed" Chelsea replied shyly.

"I know. I would take you to my family doctor. His name is Emeliano. He wouldn't tell on you. I trust him" he said with a smile.

"Ok alright" she replied with a smile.

"Let's go then" he said as he opened his hand while she placed her hand on his and they left.

(One week later)

"I want you to be my girlfriend Chelsea" Zeus said as he knelt down.

"No Zeus. You can't date me. I'm sure you have heard many controversial news about me. I'm a prostitute. You deserve a good woman" Chelsea replied as tears fell off her eyes.

"I'm no good man. I want you to be my girlfriend Chelsea. I don't care about your past life." Zeus replied with a smile.

"You're a multi billionaire. You are of a royal blood. I can't be your girlfriend" Chelsea said.

"No I want you to be my girlfriend. Chelsea I don't care about all what you have done. Love doesn't regard. Please Chelsea be my girlfriend?" He begged his eyes filled with hope.


She had accepted to be his girlfriend. He didn't want their relationship to be public neither did she. 

She had always thought that it was foolish to fall in love. She had always insulted women who fell in love with other men. She had called them weak. But she was so in love with her boyfriend- Zeus.

Because of her love for him, she hadn't slept with any other man aside from him.

She was so in love with him. 
"I love you Zeus" she said as she kissed his shirt she had taken from his collection.

"Wow, my friend is so in love" Anastasia said with a smile.

"Yes I love him a lot. He saved my life. I owe my life to him."

"If he was poor, would you
have loved him?" Anastasia asked.

"I think the answer would be yes" Chelsea replied as she wore his shirt.

"I don't think so dear. You won't have fallen for him if he  was poor except because of his handsome face.Nevertheless, I'm so happy for you Chelsea, God has blessed you. I'm so jealous of you" Anastasia said.

"Well, I think his friend Josef likes you. I also know you like him."

"No Josef doesn't like me and I don't like him. You are not thinking right" Anastasia argued.

"You're even blushing. You like him a lot. Josef loves you. You both are just proud to admit it."

"Whatever" Anastasia said.

"I know that for a fact that you and Josef went on a date. How was it?" Chelsea asked.

"It was fine. We slept with each other" Anastasia said.

"And you claim that you both don't like each other?" Chelsea asked.

"Friends with benefit" Anastasia replied.

Gareth laid on the bed feeling weak. His left part of his stomach was hurting badly. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He had been having pain on his left side for a long time. He didn't know what was wrong with him. All he knew was that this pain disrupted his daily activity.

(Flash back)

"Ouchhh" Gareth screamed in pain. Holding his left side of his stomach.

"What is wrong with you Gareth?" Mrs Cecilia asked worriedly.

"I'm having pain in my left side. Abdominal pain" he said as tears fell off his eyes.

"Oh my God. Have you eaten?" she asked.

"No I haven't" he replied weakly. He hadn't eaten because his grandma couldn't provide food. 

"Ok it seems you're hungry. Let's go and get you food. I mean please sit down and let me go and get you food" she said as Gareth nodded.


He couldn't tell Mrs Cecilia that his left side was paining him because he was sick. He was hungry but that wasn't the reason his side was paining him. His side had started paining him since when he was 11. It started as a slight pain before it increased. Now he was having severe pain and he was very weak.

His grandma had managed to take him to the hospital and since she came back, she hadn't said a word to him.

She was always sitting quietly, sometimes lost.

"Grandma, what is it?" Gareth asked as his grandma was rolling a dough.

"I'm fine son" she replied coldly.

"Grandma I know you are worried because I'm sick. I'm sure the medicine the doctor gave me would help me. I'm just tired but you don't need to worry" Gareth said as he managed to get up of the bed holding the chair as a support.

Still his grandma didn't answer him but left the house instead with a long face.

I told you. Your grandma would leave you someday. She isn't talking to you anymore. You are like an hurdle to her a voice in his head said.

"A lie! My grandma loves me" he said as he sat on his bed weakly.

"If she really loves you, she wouldn't ignore you. She isn't even talking to you anymore. You're a product of sin and you know your grandma is religious. She detest you. You are just a product of sin" the voice said.

"No!!!" He screamed as he held his hair.

Get ready. Your grandma would leave you. She doesn't love you anymore the voice said.

"But she said that she loved me" Gareth said.

That was the same thing your mother said. 

"No!!!" Gareth said.

She would leave you! She would leave you! She would leave you! She would leave you! 

"No!!!!!!!!" Grandma please don't hate me he screamed loudly.

"I won't leave you son. I love you please stop hurting yourself his grandma said.
Grandma please don't leave me" he said not aware of her presence.

"I'm here son. I love you a lot. My world revolves around you. I won't leave you son." She said as she touched him causing him to wake out of his reverie.

"I thought you had left grandma" Gareth said as he sobbed.

"No son! Your grandma would never abandon you. You're my world" she said as she ruffled his hair.

"Why have you been ignoring me grandma?" He asked.

"I'm sorry son. Not anymore son. I'm sorry for ignoring you. I couldn't bare to see you in pain. I feel so responsible of your sickness" she said as she cried.

"Grandma, I'm only having fever. My side is just paining me. I'm sure by tomorrow, I would be alright. It would soon stop" he said as he hugged her.

"So sorry son. Don't ever think that I don't love you. You are my only one. I love you son" she said.

"I love you too grandma" he replied with a smile.

"Let me go and check if our food is ready" she said as she left.

"My grandma would never leave me" he said with a smile.

"Hi honey" Mrs Cecilia said with a smile as she looked at her husband.

"Hi sweety" he replied with a smile.

"How is our baby doing?" He asked.

"He is fine. He kicked today and it hurt a little. I wish you were here to feel your son. He is so strong" she said with a smile.

"How I wish I can touch our baby bump" he said.

"You can see it" she replied as she opened her stomach revealing her bump.

"How I wish that video chat can allow us touch our loved ones" he said as he stared at her baby bump.

"I love you so much honey. You are strong woman" her husband said happily.

"I love you so much honey. I can't wait for you to come back. Me, you and our son would live happily. Our son would be as strong and brave as you" she said emotionally.

"And he would be as good hearted as you. Please don't cry my love. I would be with you soon" he said with a smile.

"Yes I know. I know you would be with me soon" Cecila replied.

"Do you trust my word Celia?" He asked.

"I trust you" she replied.

"I love you Celia" he said.

"I love you too Sam" she replied.

"Goodbye" he said as he dried his eyes.

"Goodbye" she replied as she ended the video chat and closed her laptop.

"I love you Sam" she said as she broke into tears when she sniffed his cloth.


How did you feel reading this chapter?
Plus: Gareth has trust issues. That's why he is always worried that someone might leave him because his mother whom he loved so much left him.

Sometimes, we are conflicted in our minds.
We usually have war in our mind, in our head.
Sometimes you might want to do something but you are in between two choices.

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