one shots || paulkins


7.2K 326 420


Call Me
I Will Try
A String Of Messages
You Are Pretty
Cats Are Demons
For Emma
You're Brave
Come Here
I Don't Believe You
You're Distracting Me
Anything For You
Shut Up and Kiss Me
Would It Really?
I Was Thinking About You
Consider It A Date
I've Got You
I Love You
A/N - Requests?!
Truth or Dare
Cute Coffee Guy

I'm Here Now

239 14 15

tw // panic attack
note: did you bring your tissues?

"Nora." Emma huffed, glaring at her boss. "You don't understand! He's not okay, I swear to god!"

Nora flipped her tea towel over her shoulder and crossed her arms. "Emma, you're overreacting. He probably just turned his phone off!" She exclaimed. "Stop being so clingy for a change and get back to work, or you're fired."

Emma looked at her phone and sighed. Maybe Nora was right, but that wasn't the attitude she wanted to have. Emma wanted to be right, and the only way to be right was to see is Paul truly was alright. After all, he always was ready to talk to Emma when they needed each other, but today she could sense something wasn't alright with him.

"Nora, please." Emma said suddenly, her desperate tone catching her boss off-guard. She stared at the ground and attempted to sound as upset as possible. "I don't know what's happening, and he might be having another episode and-" Emma paused. She hadn't realised how truly worried she was until now.

"And?" Nora huffed, oblivious to the fact Emma was extremely scared for Paul's state of mind.

Emma looked up slowly at her boss, and frowned. "I gotta go." She said quickly and quietly, before repeating herself with more confidence. "I gotta go. I'm going."

Nora stamped her foot and practically growled. "No, the fuck you're not!" She whisper-shouted after now gaining the attention of several customers. Nora smiled sweetly at them before returning her gaze back to Emma, who had began to take off her apron. "Emma, I swear to god, you better- hey! Get back! EMMA!"

But Emma was already rushing out the door of the small coffee shop and down the street to her car. She fell into the seat before fumbling with the keys, urging her car to take her as fast as she could. The drive from her work to her and Paul's shared apartment was only short, but the traffic of Hatchetfield seemed to be a lot worse today. Emma cursed and honked at the cars, hitting her head against the wheel while she waited.

She sped up the streets, before quickly tumbling out of the car. Her hair was now crumpled, half of her stuff was still left in the car, her breathing was going at a fast pace yet she still managed to open the door quietly.

The inside of the small complex was dark, only the pale amount of light seeping through the cheap curtains. Emma peered around silently, looking out and listening for Paul. The door to the bedroom was closed, and she took a step forward before laying her hand gently on the doorknob.

With her free hand she knocked, but after no reply Emma opened it quietly, looking into the dark room. It was almost pitch black, and she could only just make out the shadow of a tall lump in the corner.

She took silent steps over to Paul and crouched down. As her eyes adjusted, she saw his head in his hands, trembling slightly.

Emma reached out and touched his arm gently. Paul jumped and looked up at her, fear in his eyes.

"Hey, babe, shh, it's okay." Emma whispered, gripping his arm. When Paul had his panic attacks, she knew he liked pressure and comfort. "You're alright, I'm here now, okay?"

"E-Emma..." He said quietly, his words quavering.

"Yes, it's me, I'm here." Emma slowly pulled away his arms from his slouched position and moved closer to him. Being a small person, it was easy for her to slip in and sit in his lap. Emma held him around his neck and squeezed, holding him as tight as she could.

"Breathe with me, okay?" Emma said quietly. "Deep breaths. One, and in. Two, and out. One, and in. Two, and out." She repeated, arms still clinging around him.

Paul hugged her back around her waist, and took slow, gentle breaths. He took in the scent of Emma's lemon shampoo and the smell of distant coffee.

"Good job." Emma whispered, drawing small patterns on his back. Her head was on his shoulder, but as Paul moved his head up, she followed, peering at him through the darkness.

From being in the dark for so long now, her eyes had fully adjusted and she could see quite well now. As she looked into Paul's eyes, she noticed the tear stains down his cheeks and her heart broke into a million pieces. Emma reached her hand out and wiped them away gently, and pulled him in, placing their foreheads to lean against each other.

"I love you." She said quietly. "I'm always gonna be here for you, because I love you."

Paul still wasn't up for talking, but she knew that he loved her too, and that was enough for them to both feel safe.

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