
Від blackismycolor31

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There is an Island Prison, home to the most infamous villains that have ever lived. Each one has a child that... Більше

The Isle of the Lost
We Arrived at Auradon
Finding the Wand
The Fencing Tournament
The Enchanted Lake
I Love You

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Від blackismycolor31

When it was almost 9 o'clock, the royals and the fairy godmother's daughter got up to leave the enchanted lake because they have a curfew. The villain's kids had a curfew as well but they couldn't care less about the rules there. They couldn't care less when it came to any rules.

"Aren't you going to get up? The dorms have a curfew." Shinichi asked them as he was putting on his shirt.

"Nope, we'll stay for a bit longer," Kaito answered after letting go of Eisuke's head that he was holding at chokehold.

He didn't want to admit it, but he kept observing Shinichi very closely that day. He just couldn't stop his sight from wandering towards the prince and his indigo eyes, but while he was looking at the prince, he noticed how the fairy godmother's daughter was close to him and somehow that irked him. Irked him way more than he would like. He didn't like it when she leaned too close to him when she laughed, or when she whispered something to his ear. He didn't like that she was obviously head-over-heels for him and he didn't know why. Whatever feeling he was feeling, he didn't like it and he wished it would go away.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us now?" Ran said.

"Yeah, we're pretty sure," Kaito said coldly. He couldn't help it. The coldness just seeped out of him, and he didn't feel bad about it, even though she did nothing to him.

Ran obviously noticed his coldness but she decided to ignore, and she smiled sweetly and said, "Okay, we'll see you guys tomorrow in school."

When the villain's kids made sure that the royals plus the fairy godmother's daughter were far gone, Kazuha was the first to talk.

"I think Prince Heiji is the charm boy."

"What?!" They all yelled in shock.

A long time ago Kazuha met a young boy that came from Auradon. She remembers having the best time with him, she remembers laughing with him and arguing with him, and she also remembers how comforting it was to be with him especially after the hard time that her mother gave her for yelling at her because she was weak and had a good heart. And lastly, she remembers giving him a charm identical to hers, to protect him from her mother. The boy never told her his name, so she just called him the charm boy. She never forgot about him, and now she can explain why Heiji's face was so familiar to her when they first met.

"What makes you think he's the charm boy?" Eisuke asked curiously.

Kazuha explained what happened to her and the fairy godmother's daughter and told them about how the princes were watching closely.

"It was obvious that they just wanted to see if I had the charm." Kazuha finished.

"I mean it was kind of obvious," Kaito said, "You said he looked familiar to you, and he is dark-skinned, just like the charm boy."

"They are many other dark-skinned students here, Kaito."

"Well, then if Prince Heiji is charm boy, and he found out that it was you who gave him the charm that's a good thing," Sonoko said in a-matter-of-fact tone.

"And why is that exactly?" Kazuha asked, with a raised brow and crossed arms.

"Because that means that after all these years, he hasn't forgotten about you and he still cares about you, and that could help on getting us to the front row next to him at his coronation-"

"Why in the world would we want to attend his coronation?"

"God Kazuha! Will you let me finish?" Sonoko yelled, "Because the stupid fairy godmother will use her magic wand there!"

It was silence for a few seconds because of the shock that came with this new information. They didn't have to go to the Museum of Auradon again. They didn't have to worry about the security guard and the magical barrier again. They just had to be in the front row in Heiji's coronation and snatch the magic wand from the fairy godmother when she least expects it.

"Wait, are we even invited to the coronation?" Eisuke asked.

"Apparently all students are invited to the coronation," Sonoko answered.

"That's perfect. We just have to ask Prince Heiji if I can be at the front, and we'll do that tomorrow." Kazuha said, then she floated on her back and looked at the starry sky, "Right now, let's enjoy our time here."

They all floated on their backs and stared at the stars as well, as they took a deep breath to relax. Having villain parents barely gives you time to relax, because you are always trying to impress them by doing evil deeds or just obeying what they need (which is a lot). So, them relaxing like this, with only the sounds of the nearby insects chirping and the lights of the small fairies' pixie dust surrounding them was their guiltiest pleasure. A pleasure they deep down wanted for the rest of their lives but know they won't have, because if there's anything their parents want, it's constant destruction.


(The next morning)

He still couldn't believe it. Kazuha was his first love. Maleficent's daughter was his first love. The daughter of the evilest fairy in the world was his first love. That was a very big deal to him, not just because he was the son of the most do-gooders in the world, but also because of the fact that he remembers Kazuha as the sweetest girl he has ever met. He remembers her being very kind, yet strong. Very funny, yet moody. He remembers having fun with her and arguing with her too. Arguing over the silliest things ever, such as, who gets to go down the slide first, and who gets to play with the rotting swing first as well. He also remembers the worry in her face when a boy called to her and told her that her mother is coming to get her. He remembers her giving him the charm to protect him from her mother and he remembers her telling him to go away and never to come back.

There was no way on earth that that sweet fairy in his childhood was the same girl she was now. Unless she was portraying someone she's not, and the reason she would do that would be because she wants to be like her mother. But why would she want to act like her mother?

Heiji started thinking of all the possibilities of why Kazuha would want to act like her mother. One would be because Kazuha was raised only by her mother, and that would make Maleficent her only role model. Two would be because she lived in the Isle of the lost and she changed herself to fit in with them and not get bullied. Three would be because she liked how people feared her because of who her mother was, but she can't be feared as a kind person. And lastly, would be because she wanted to impress her mother and she wanted her mother to be proud of her.

The last one was very sad because he knew how heartless Maleficent was, and he knew that the only way that Maleficent would be proud of Kazuha was if Kazuha became as heartless as she was.

"I'm NOT going to let that happen!" Heiji yelled as he suddenly sat up from his bed.

The maid cleaning his chamber looked up from the floor she was cleaning and looked at him awkwardly, "W-would you like for me to clean somewhere else your Majesty?"

"N-no, that's okay." Heiji blushed from his embarrassment and lied back down on his very comfortable king-sized bed.

He was supposed to be up by now relaxing in his bath that was ready for him then get ready for school, but this Kazuha is driving him crazy. She's all he could think about these days.

"Ugh!" Heiji groaned and buried his face in a pillow.


"Rise and shine!" Sonoko yelled into Kazuha's ears, "It's time for school!"

Kazuha heard her loud and clear, but she couldn't help but hope that Sonoko won't call for her to wake up again if she continued sleeping. Kazuha wasn't used to waking up early mainly because she was a dark fairy or what you would call a moon fairy. Moon fairies wake up at night and sleep in the morning and that's how she and her mother used to sleep.

Kazuha eventually had to get up from her pink bed because of Sonoko's constant nagging. Even though it was annoying, Kazuha knew that Sonoko was right and that they had to be on time for their morning classes.

Sonoko and Kazuha went to the dorm building's bathroom and freshened up like usual with the uncomfortable stares that came from the princesses and the girls who attended Auradon Prep. It was always quiet with a few whispers here and there talking about them. Usually, Kazuha would roll her eyes and immediately leave after brushing her teeth and washing her face.

"Do you think the boys are ready?" Sonoko asked as she dried her face with her clean pink towel.

"I don't know maybe."


(Meanwhile at the boy's room)

"What in the world have you done?!" Kaito exclaimed in shock, but if you looked closely you could see that he was trying to hold in his laughter.

Eisuke's face was almost black because of the smoke of the explosion that came from the cauldron on the table. He wanted to try one of the chemistry experiments that they learned in class, but he accidentally put too much of a certain chemical that caused an explosion. Eisuke's hair looked like the end of a burnt broomstick and his face looked like a reversed panda face since his glasses covered the smoke but the rest of his face was dark.

Kaito couldn't help it anymore and started to laugh uncontrollably at Eisuke's appearance.

"Didn't the teachers warn you that you aren't allowed to do these experiments unless there's a supervisor?" Kaito asked.

"Yes, but I thought I was smart enough to do it without one." Eisuke answered, "I guess I have to go and shower now."

"Definitely. I'll go take a shower too." Kaito said. Usually, Kaito doesn't shower that much in the morning, because like most of the kids from the Isle, if he showers it would be at night. But these days he's been motivated to shower in the morning to see a certain someone that he knows prefers to shower in the morning.

Kaito and Eisuke arrived at the boys' bathroom and got ready to take a shower, but Kaito was still standing there, in the middle of the locker room waiting.

"Kaito, what are you doing? Come on, let's take a shower now, or else we'll be late." Eisuke said, but Kaito just shrugged and told him to go shower before him and he will shower after him.

'Where is he?' Kaito thought, 'Could he have slept in his castle today?' Kaito couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. He really wanted to see the prince's flustered face while he teased him.

'Ah well'

Just when he was about to turn around and walk to the showers, a tall figure wearing pajamas and a tired smile walked towards him.

"Were you waiting for me, Kuroba?" Shinichi said with a very deep voice that indicated he just woke up.

Shinichi's deep voice sent shivers down Kaito's spine and made him feel things he has never felt with another guy.

Kaito gulped visibly before answering with his typical poker face and sly smirk hiding his embarrassment, "What makes you think that, your highness?"

"Well there's an empty shower and you're still standing here, clad with just a towel around your waist. A normal person would step in the shower now, especially if they didn't want to be late."

"Well, I wanted to see your sexy face before I showered, mentatei." Kaito teased Shinichi to throw him off and winked at him before and he turned and stepped into the shower.

"Wai- wha-." Shinichi was at a loss of words and couldn't help the blush that crept up his neck all the to his face. "Stupid thief..."


It was finally break time for the students in Auradon Prep, and the villain's kids decided that this was their chance to ask Prince Heiji whether they can stand in the front row during his coronation.

The break time wasn't indoors in the cafeteria like the schools in the isle, but it was in a beautiful garden outside, filled to the brim with colorful flowers, and in the middle were the table and seats for the student where the food is being served to them.

Kazuha volunteered to go ask him herself since she knew Heiji the most, and maybe their childhood story would make it easier, but to say Kazuha was nervous was an understatement. He knew who she was, and how vulnerable and kind she was in her childhood and that embarrassed her to no ends. It probably shouldn't be an embarrassment to normal people but something to be proud of, but that was not the case for Maleficent's daughter.

She walked towards his table that was surrounded by many people, most of them girls, and she could hear him talk and laugh out loudly. He was what people here say 'the life of the party' which explains why he was so popular among the school, other than the fact that he is a prince.

The moment she reached his table, everyone around him became silent and walked out of her way because of their fear. Kazuha rolled her eyes at that, but she was internally proud by how much people feared her. Except for one person apparently.

"Hey, Kazuha! What are you doing here?" Heiji asked her with a smirk plastered all over his dark-skinned face.

"I wanted to ask you something," Kazuha replied with a blank face, and her arms crossed, then she continued, "Privately."

Heiji frowned a little upon seeing her blank facial expression, then got up from his seat and ushered her to walk in front of him to lead the way.

They stood behind a tree far away from the break time area for some privacy.

"So, what is your question?" Heiji asked curiously while leaning his body against the tree.

"Umm, I wanted to ask you something about your coronation..."

"Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you that you are all invited." Heiji interrupted Kazuha before she can finish thinking that that was her question.

"Yeah, I know about that," Kazuha said, "I wanted to know if we can be in the front row to, you know, see the magic that we never see in the Isle."

When Kazuha said that, Heiji grimaced, "Sorry, only my parents and my girlfriend can come to the front row with me," He said, "I personally do not mind you being in the front row but it's against the rules."

Kazuha's cheeks turned pink when he mentioned that he wouldn't mind her being there with him on the front row, and it didn't go unnoticed by the prince. Her pink cheeks made him remember her when she was a kid and had those exact rosy cheeks when she was excited, which is why he decided to ask her about it at that moment with his cheeky smile as he leaned towards her, his face only inches away from hers.

"So Kazuha, do you have any childhood memories about a certain prince from Auradon?"

At that, Kazuha's eyes widened and she stepped back as fast as lightning with her face so red. "Wha- What?!"

Heiji knew she couldn't lie since she was a faery, so she couldn't escape from it, or so he thought.

As a faery, Kazuha knew how to escape answering questions she didn't want to answer using wordplay, "How can I have childhood memories about a prince from Auradon if I lived in the Isle?!" Kazuha yelled, "I'm gonna go."

As Kazuha was walking away, Heiji held her arm and pulled her back,

"Wait!" He exclaimed, "You didn't really answer my question."

"I don't care." Said Kazuha as she not too gently pulled her arm away and walked fast to her friends who were waiting for her.

'She definitely remembers me,' Heiji thought as he stared at her walking back to her friends, 'Or else she wouldn't have reacted like that.'


Kazuha arrived at a table full of empty trays and bored looks from her friends who probably waited longer than they expected.

"All of that just for a 'yes or no' answer?" Sonoko asked with an annoyed look on her face.

"What took you so long?" Kaito whined.

"He asked me a stupid question," Kazuha said blushing, "But anyway, he said that no, we can't go to the front row. Only his girlfriend and his parents can be there with him and close to the wand."

"Well Kazuha, do you what that means?" Kaito asked with his mischievous smile.

"That we can't go to the front row?" Kazuha stupidly answered.

"No idiot! We need a love spell! So that you become Heiji's girlfriend!"


"Praise Satan! That's a fantastic idea!" Sonoko exclaimed, which got her many weird looks from the people around her because they usually praise their God not Satan, but Sonoko was a witch, and that's what witches usually said.

"Kazuha you said that you found a love spell in your mother's spellbook," Eisuke said.

"Well, now we know what we'll be doing at night." Kazuha smiled mischievously, already excited about brewing the love potion.


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