Ninjago and Ninjago Movie Cro...

By Nomie132

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(A/N: Slowly editing) [Written: 2018 - 2021] After making peace with the former evil tyrant known as Lord Gar... More

(Important) Author's Note
Chapter 1 The Crystal
Chapter 2 Two Worlds, One Story
Chapter 3 The Fountain & Nerdy Fans
Chapter 4 Ninja Meets Ninja
Chapter 5 Asking Some Questions
Chapter 6 Mirror Mirror on the Wall...
Chapter 7 Police Scanner & Jewerly Store
Chapter 8 A Not so Great Night
Chapter 9 From Bad to Worse
Chapter 10 Two Down... More to Go
Chapter 11 Criminals in the Shadows
Chapter 12 We Stick Together
Chapter 13 A Mysterious Enemy
Chapter 14 Not What He Seems
Chapter 15 Disaster at the Restaurant
Chapter 16 Chaotic Malfunction
Chapter 17 Gone Too Far
Chapter 18 A Sign of Betrayal
Chapter 19 Two Truths, One Lie
Chapter 20 Training & Bank Robbery
Chapter 21 Doppelganger Mischief
Chapter 22 One Grave Mistake
Chapter 23 One's Missing & One's Trouble
Chapter 25 Out of This World
Chapter 26 A Recipe for Doom
Chapter 27 Let the Fun Begin
It's Back!
Chapter 28 Doomed...
Chapter 29 Ingredient Hunt
Chapter 30 Memory

Chapter 24 David and Goliath

1.3K 43 16
By Nomie132

Nya's Pov (show)

"What is she doing here?!" I exclaimed in anger.

"Nice to see you again too," Stellar teased with a smirk plastered on her face. Cole looked back towards her with a dull look.

"You know, you're really not helping out your case here," He stated plainly.

"Sorry, old habits," Stellar remarked while throwing her hands up in defense.

"Cole, don't you know who she is?" Jay asked still in shock.

"And what she did to the Zanes?" Kai added.

"Yeah, but it's okay. She's on our side now," Cole replied.

"She helped us escape, and she already told us what happened with the Zanes. She said that it was an accident," Jay's copy rambled. I felt my eye begin to twitch as all of us stared them down in disbelief.

"Oh okay.... well if she said that it was an accident, then I guess everything is fine now... Did you want a friendship bracelet too, Stellar?" Jay questioned with complete sarcasm.

"Oh come on, Jay!" Cole shouted in irritation.

"It wasn't an accident when I shot my ray at you two, but my machine wasn't suppose to make you guys go all berserk like that. It was only ment to make you hold the others back until I was gone," Stellar explained while dropping her sarcastic demeanor. I raised an eyebrow.

"How dumb do you think we are?" My brother asked rightfully irritated.

"Look I don't expect you all to believe me," Stellar continued with her lies.

"Oh, I would hope not," My copy admitted with suspicion too.

"Even if what you said was an accident you still mind controlled the Zanes. No one forced you to do that," Cole's copy piped in with his arms crossed. He even had his headphones down this time. I was starting to think they were glued to his head. Stellar stood there speechless. She glanced back to Cole and Jay's copy. Cole stared back at her with look that seemed to be filled with... determination? I guess. I couldn't really read it. He nodded at Stellar as if he was telling her to keep going. What the heck did we miss? Wasn't she the one who kidnapped them? Now they all seem like they're getting along. Stellar's fists tightened before she let out a breath. She turned back to us with an unreadable look too.

"I'm sorry," She spoke.

"Come again?" Kai's copy asked in complete confusion.

"I'm sorry to both of you nindroids," Stellar continued while she motioned her hand to the Zanes. I glanced back at them to see they remained mute.
"And... to the rest of you. I had my reasons, actually very petty reasons, for hating you all. I used you guys as someone to pour all my anger onto. Though, after getting to know some of you...," Stellar trailed off as she glanced back at Cole. She smiled at him before returning her gaze to us.
"I realized that you all might not be so bad, so I'm sorry for using my device on you and everything else," Stellar finished. The room soon fell silent as all of us stared blankly at her.

How are any of us suppose to respond to that? I noticed the look in her eyes, this time, seemed genuine, but she could just be a good actress. I'm not sure what to even think at this point.

"But how do we know you're genuine? You could still be making all this up," My copy beat me to it with the accusation.

"And you could have found a way to mind control Cole's copy and Jay too," Kai's copy added with a narrowed gaze.

"I think she is telling the truth," A voice spoke. Everyone of us looked around to realize that it was Pixal talking through the computer again.
Stellar noticed it too and grew uncomfortable.

"Uh, did your computer just talk?" She asked with a thumb pointed to it. Wu walked over to raise the volume on Pixal's voice as we all soon joined him.

"Do all of you remember when both Zanes broke control of Stellar's device without me overriding it?" Pixal asked.

"Yeah, it was really weird," Jay admitted.

"Well, I tried to pinpoint the source of the strange phenomenon, when it occurred. And, I just discovered the source I found after the battle matches exactly to the source emitting from Stellar's wrist right now," Pixal explained. Everyone looked over at Stellar who had already pulled up her pink sleeve. The device was still there shining brightly on her wrist.

"She still has the device!" My copy shouted in alarm. Most of us already got into fighting stances while keeping the Zanes behind us.

"Easy! Easy! I'll take it off. I honestly forgot I was still wearing it," Stellar admitted. We watched her carefully as she unlatched the device from her wrist before dropping it to the ground. The device landed with a loud crack, and we soon lowered our guard.

"So you're saying Stellar was the one who switched the Zanes back to normal?" I asked Pixal while trying to relieve some of the obvious tension.

"Correct," Pixal stated.

"See, why would I switch them back so quickly if I wanted them to destroy you," Stellar pointed out.

"So you could accomplish your boss's plan in making us look bad to the public," Lloyd spoke this time. I noticed anger quickly grew over Stellar's gaze. I stayed ready in case she attacked.

"I didn't know that was my boss's plan! And if I did, I would have never gone along with it if it ment hurting innocent people!" Stellar spat. I guess Lloyd hit a nerve with that last statement.

"I don't care what you say you didn't know. You still kidnapped our friends, brainwashed our other friends, and worked for the enemy! There's no way we're trusting you!" My copy shouted back. The whole room went silent. Tensions grew even higher as I saw the fury in both Stellar and my copy's gazes.

"I forgive her," A voice spoke. All of us turned to the voice to see Zane standing beside his copy. He turned his attention to Stellar.
"I'm not 100% sure you are trustworthy, but I do accept your apology from before," Zane stated. His copy nodded in agreement.

"I was really hurt at first, but I believe what you were saying before about it being an accident. I forgive you too," Zane's copy spoke with a small smile.

"...No offense buddy, but you once believed it when someone told you that mermaids would come to you if you tap danced in the sand," Cole's copy replied.

"How could someone even tap dance on sand?" Jay asked.

"Not the time, Jay," Kai remarked.

"I believe her," Lloyd's copy spoke up. I turned to him looking clearly surprised.

"Seriously?" Kai's copy asked in disbelief.

"I know what it's like to be treated like a villain, especially when you're trying to be good. I'd say give her a chance," He explained.

"Yeah, but people only hated you because of your dad. We hate her because she actually did bad things to us," My copy piped in again.

"Well I trust her," Cole said before walking up in between Stellar and us.
"We ran into some policemen who tried to arrest us. She could have very easily ditched us, but she stuck her neck out and came back to help,".

"But, she did say the only reason that she saved us was because she needed us," Jay's copy stated quietly. Cole turned his gaze to him surprised.

"Seriously!? Not you too!" Cole exclaimed.

"I-it's n-not like I'm not grateful for what you did, Stellar. I definitely am, but your motives still sounded iffy to me," Jay's copy admitted to Stellar. The red head sighed before shrugging.

"Yeah, I guess I did say that," Stellar admitted with annoyance as if it was towards herself.
"But I do need you guys, because my boss is probably planning to do something horrible by using your world's Garmadon,".

"WHAT!?!" All of us exclaimed in alarm.

"So your boss is the reason my dad went missing!" Lloyd's copy continued in both relief and anger.

"Wait, Garmadon went missing? The last time we tried to talk to him, he told us no about my boss's plans," Stellar questioned while looking surprised.

"Yes! Along with this girl who works for him at Chen's noodle house," Kai's copy butted in by throwing the flyer with Skylor's photo in Stellar's face. She snatched it from his hands and read it over.

"Chen's daughter? This is the first I'm hearing of this," Stellar admitted.

"Yeah right, why would your boss keep you in the dark like that?" Kai blurted out.

"I don't know, my boss hasn't been acting like himself for a while now!" Stellar spat.

"Sure sure, well when he does start acting like himself, could he give us a call?" Jay remarked.

"Why you little--".

"ENOUGH!" Wu shouted. Everyone backed away. I honestly forgot he was still here. Master Wu glanced back over to Stellar before taking in a breath.

"Stellar, as much as I want to believe you have changed, I'm afraid we can't take that risk right now with the the enemy at large and most likely taken my brother and a girl hostage," Wu explained slowly.

"Really Master Wu? I thought you would have been different about this," Cole spoke in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Cole, but it's for your own safety," Wu replied.

"Just like it was when you decided to get yourself lost in time?!" Cole snapped. Wu stared at the him questionably. Oh no...

Cole gave a look as if he realized his mistake and grew irritated.

"I'm going outside," he spoke roughly before heading out of the base. All of us looked over one another.

"I'll go talk to him," I stated.

"We'll tie up the prisoner," Jay stated while holding up some rope.

"Come near me with that, and you're dead," Stellar finished.

"Jay, just calm down. I know we're all on edge, but let's just wait before we decide to make Stellar more of an enemy than she really is," Lloyd inputted.

"She already made that choice once she hurt our friends," My copy stated with venom.

"You guys are talking about me like I'm not even here you know," Stellar spoke with irritation now.

"Sorry," Lloyd said before turning to me.

"Go talk to Cole, we'll handle it here," He said to me. I nodded before rushing out of the base too.

Quill's Pov

"Quill!" Damian's voice boomed. I snapped out of my thoughts and jumped in terror. People seriously need to stop shouting my name like that.

"Yes, boss?" I asked as I walked away from my desk and towards him.

"Why hasn't your tea turn him yet?! I thought I told you to make a tea that he wouldn't be able to resist!" My boss demanded with clear anger. I looked to his left to see Garmadon tied to a chair. Red smoke was swirling around him still, and all he managed to let out were a few painful grunts.

"A t-tea l-llike that doesn't exist, boss," I explained while shaking. He whipped his head around to stare me down coldly. I felt my knees grow weak as he lowered his hood to reveal more of his enraged gaze.

"I think you're lieing to me, Quill," He spoke with venom straight through his tone; he inched towards me. I backed away feeling like a cockroach to his tall size.

"No no! I swear I'm not lieing!" I exclaimed in complete terror. He backed me into a corner and towered over me. I could feel the sweat dripping from my face. I closed my eyes as I tried not to witness what he would do next.
"Typical, you always were the coward, Quill," He spoke with a calmer tone. My breathing began to slow down as I tried to regain my composure. I didn't even realize that I was almost crouching. Damian walked away silently but not before speaking again.

"You're almost more pathetic than Stellar,".

I felt something snap in me at the mention of Stellar. My hands began to shake as his words about Stellar rang through my mind. A part of me was still terrified, but I couldn't take the thought of him hurting Stellar anymore. I stood up slowly and held down my arms to keep them from shaking.

"Stop it," I muttered. Damian froze where he stood before turning his gaze back to me.

"What did you say to me?" He asked. I balled my fists and gritted my teeth.

"I said SHUT UP! Don't you dare talk about Stellar like that!" I shouted.

"How dare you talk to me like that!" Damian exclaimed.

"No! How dare you treat us like this! Boss us around, belittle all of us, and throw your temper around like we're dirt! Stellar and I use to be your friends, Damian! You use to treat us with respect. You use to be a great leader! Do you know why all of us went with you when you were removed from the Sons of Garmadon? Because we cared about you, Damian! And you cared about us too!".

"Don't you dare bring up that... that... idiotic gang!" He spat back.

"You were hurt, Damian. The Quiet One threw you out for a stupid reason. I know you were treated like dirt in that gang, and you're probably tired of being belittled yourself. But you have to stop this! Robbing banks, attacking innocent people, kidnapping, and now planning to do who knows what with a Garmadon who drank a mind controlling tea!? That was never you, Damain! That's the Quiet One talking!" I exclaimed.

"Stop. Stop. STOP IT RIGHT NOW! GUARDS!" Damian screamed. The door to my office burst open as two guards came in.
"Chain him up with the girl,". He then walked over to me and was inches from my face.
"And the only reason I'm sparring you is because you're still useful to me. You will make more of this tea and you will make them so no one can resist it!" I felt myself gulp nervously.

"No... I won't. I destroyed the recipe" I mumbled to him weakly as the two guards grabbed my arms.

"Than I'll find a way to make you tell me," he stated, before I was dragged away.

Damian's Pov

Quill doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm nothing like that she-demon!

How dare you come into my courtiers, and make a mockery of Lord Garmadon! You're suggesting that we replace him with another! How insulting is that!

The Quiet One's words rang through my mind. My fists began to tighten as I stood over Quill's desk.

You wanted to prove that you were capable enough to be a part of this gang, so I gave you an assignment. But you blew it!

"Shut up," I said outloud.

You're unfit to be one of us. Get out of here you pathetic imbecile!

I slammed my fists on the hard wood before brushing all the papers off the desk. I fell silent as I sank to the floor. I then noticed Quill's recipe book was open in front of me. It revealed a perfect tea recipe for what I needed.

"Truth Tea... I guess I found a way to make you tell me, Quill," I stated before letting out a chuckle. I then stood up and walked over to Garmadon again.
"You'll never be able to fight back the tea. No one thinks you're good anyway, so why don't you just accept that already?". Garmadon let out more of his grunts before I smiled.
"Might as well enjoy it, because soon there will be more like you in this city with this stuff coursing through your veins," I finished before walking out of the room.

A/N: Hey guys! So I was able to get this done sooner than I thought.
I got to writing and I ended up writing so much dialogue that this chapter got sooo long!! Hope you guys enjoyed! See yeah next time!

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