Ninjago and Ninjago Movie Cro...

By Nomie132

89.8K 2.4K 845

(A/N: Slowly editing) [Written: 2018 - 2021] After making peace with the former evil tyrant known as Lord Gar... More

(Important) Author's Note
Chapter 1 The Crystal
Chapter 2 Two Worlds, One Story
Chapter 3 The Fountain & Nerdy Fans
Chapter 4 Ninja Meets Ninja
Chapter 5 Asking Some Questions
Chapter 6 Mirror Mirror on the Wall...
Chapter 7 Police Scanner & Jewerly Store
Chapter 8 A Not so Great Night
Chapter 9 From Bad to Worse
Chapter 10 Two Down... More to Go
Chapter 11 Criminals in the Shadows
Chapter 13 A Mysterious Enemy
Chapter 14 Not What He Seems
Chapter 15 Disaster at the Restaurant
Chapter 16 Chaotic Malfunction
Chapter 17 Gone Too Far
Chapter 18 A Sign of Betrayal
Chapter 19 Two Truths, One Lie
Chapter 20 Training & Bank Robbery
Chapter 21 Doppelganger Mischief
Chapter 22 One Grave Mistake
Chapter 23 One's Missing & One's Trouble
Chapter 24 David and Goliath
Chapter 25 Out of This World
Chapter 26 A Recipe for Doom
Chapter 27 Let the Fun Begin
It's Back!
Chapter 28 Doomed...
Chapter 29 Ingredient Hunt
Chapter 30 Memory

Chapter 12 We Stick Together

3.6K 88 30
By Nomie132

Cole's Pov (show)

I felt weak from the gash on my arm, but I kept my eye on Stellar. She pulled me down an empty hallway in the warehouse. All I could hear was the clanking of my chains. No one else seemed to be around. This was my chance. I don't know how much damage I could do with my powers gone and this gash, but I had to try.

In one quick movement, I grabbed onto Stellar's shirt collar and held her up against the wall.

"Where's the key?" I asked quickly.

"What key?" She teased.

"Don't play dumb! I know you guys have a key some where for these dumb chains. Now where is it?" I asked again.

"I don't have it if that's what you want to hear," Stellar replied, before she kicked me in the stomach to make me let her go. I held my stomach for a second, before I jumped back to get some distance from her.
"And you're not going to get it. There's too many of us, your powers are gone, and--" She stopped gloating once she saw me flinch again at the pain. She then sighed.
"You won't be getting out of here like this," She said to me, before she walked closer to me. I tried to stand my ground, but my vision grew blurry again.
"Hey, don't pass out on me now. I wouldn't be able to carry you to Quill," I heard her say in a serious tone. I shook my head to get rid of the blurriness, and I noticed that Stellar was right in front of me. I only sighed in annoyance, before I just let her grab the end of my chains again. She then continued to pull me down the hallway.

"Quill can heal that wound quickly with his tea," Stellar explained to me.

"Tea?" I asked to keep myself awake.

"Yeah, special teas. Ones that can make you grow or shrink, or the stronger ones like healing someone," Stellar spoke.

"I've seen plenty of special teas in the past," I remarked.

"Oh yeah, doesn't your Master have special teas?" She asked. I grew saddened once she mentioned Master Wu. She noticed my silence.

"What? Were his teas that bad?" She teased again with a laugh.

"No, it's just...nothing," I stopped myself, before I continued. Stellar realized my tone and figured it was a touchy subject. She then stopped infront of the door at the end of the hall.

"Here we are," She said, before she opened the door. A young man with thick black hair was sitting at a table inside. He was reading from a book, while he also poured ingredients inside a bowl. Stellar cleared her throat.

"Quill," She started. Quill snapped out of his focus and realized someone was here.

"Oh sorry, I got lost in thought again," He apologized.

"We need a special tea to heal his wound," Stellar explained.

"Yes, of course. Give me a minute to mix the ingredients," Quill spoke. He pushed up his pair of glasses and searched for the right items. I then noticed Stellar looking around until she spotted a chair. She pulled me over to it, and tied up the end of my chain to a pipe that was beside it.

"This is just so you don't get any ideas once you're healed," Stellar spoke with a serious tone. I narrowed my eyes at her and just sat on the chair. It grew silent again until I decided to untie the wrap over my gash. Stellar grew surprised by it.

"Yeesh, you ninja need to stop jumping off buildings," She retorted.

"This is from your big friend, when he threw me into the jewelry case," I remarked in irritation.

"Yeah, Biggs can get out of hand with his fighting," Stellar replied.

"Says the girl who pulled out weapons in the dark," I remarked as I brought up the jewelry store again.

"Hey, you try and fight with nothing else but your fists against an Elemental Master," She explained herself. She then stopped.
"Wait why am I explaining myself to you?!" She shouted and sighed in annoyance. Quill then walked over to me with a tea cup and a bowl with a wash cloth on the side of it.

"What's the bowl for?" I asked as I inched back abit.

"The tea will only help close up the gash. We need to clean it first," Quill explained once I saw that the bowl was filled with water. I sighed once more, because I knew this was going to hurt.

Lloyd's Pov (show)

"So you see? We're the ninja just from a different realm," I finished explaining to the other ninjas' Master. Master Wu nodded slowly, while he stroked his beard.

"I see. I've heard my father speak about different dimensions a long time ago, but I didn't think he was telling the truth till now," Wu spoke slowly.

"Do you know if he spoke of a way to get us home?" Kai asked. Master Wu simply shook his head "no", and I slumped down abit.

"Then I guess our only option is to get the Realm Crystal from those criminals," I stated.

"Do you really think the ones who took Jay and Cole are people who work for that hooded figure?" Nya asked.

"There's a high chance they are," I spoke. I wasn't sure if that's true, but I really just wanted to believe it.

"Whoa whoa okay, if we're going to move on any further then we need some name changes," Jay piped in. He looked around at all of us and pointed to Kai's copy.
"You! You're new name is Torch, because your hair looks like a flame," Jay spoke.

"Hey! I'm not....actually...that's a pretty cool name. Can I keep it?" Kai's copy asked Nya's copy.

"No! Listen you, we're not changing anything. How about you guys change your names?" Nya's copy demanded as she marched up to Jay.

"Oh we already got a name for him, it's called Zap Trap," Kai explained with a smirk.

"Cole thought of it himself," Nya chimed in with a laugh. Jay whiped his head around and glared at us.

"I am not gonna be called Zap Trap!" Jay shouted.

"How about Mouth of Lightning?" Zane asked with a chuckle. Jay scoffed, and the rest of us laughed.

"That's even worse!" Jay complained.

"Hello to you, Lightning Mouth!" Zane's copy spoke happily to Jay. Jay groaned in irritation, and most of us burst out laughing.

"Well you definetly are alot louder than our Jay. How about Thunder or Crackle!" Kai's copy asked. Jay thought about it.

"Well Thunder sounds okay," Jay spoke with a shrug.

"How about this? Each of us decide a codename for ourselves, so no one gets confused," I suggested.

"I call Torch!" Kai's copy spoke with a wide smile.

"I'll go by Dj Rocky," Cole's copy spoke up. All of us looked at him to see that he was spinning a record in his hand.

"You're a Dj?" Jay asked.

"Planning to be one. I've only ever played at a few parties," Cole explained.

"Let's just call you Rocky for short," Kai spoke.

"Call me Dj or else no deal, man," Cole's copy demanded.

"Deal? Man?" Jay asked, before Kai sighed in annoyance.

"I'm not calling you Dj, " Kai refused.

"Come on, dude," Cole's copy complained.

"I'm calling this guy, Zap Trap," Zane's copy spoke happily again, as he pointed to Jay.

"No one's calling me that!!" Jay shouted loudly.

"Guys!!!" My copy shouted. All of us turned to him, before he yawned.

"Can we please stop fighting and hurry this up? It's late and we have school tomorrow," He said slowly.

"School? We can't go to school now that Jay is captured by criminals! We can't rest now!" Nya's copy spoke loudly.

"No, Lloyd's correct. You all need rest. You won't be able to save anyone in this state. As for school, you all need to go," Wu explained.

"But Master--".

"Let me finish, Nya. Since everyone knows that you six are the ninja, some of you need to stay at school, so no one suspects that something's wrong. If the whole Secret Ninja Force vanishes out of no where for a couple of days then people will start to worry," Wu pointed out. Master Wu walked over from behind the couch to the center of all of us.
"A few of you need to stay at school with some of your other dimension selves for extra protection, while the rest of you scout the city for any signs of those criminals. If you find anything, then you all may go and fight," Wu explained his plan.

"That's a pretty good plan," I complimented. Master Wu simply smiled with a nod.

"Whoa wait, why do some of them need to be with us at school? We can handle ourselves," Nya's copy reassured with her arms crossed.

"Because we don't know much about these other dimensional criminals, and it would be smart to have some back up from heroes who are from their world," Sensi Wu continued as he pointed his staff towards me and my friends. Nya's copy then rolled her eyes.

"Fine....," Nya's copy agreed reluctantly.

"And for now on instead of every Friday afternoon, it's everyday after school for training," Wu demanded to his students.

"What!?!" All of our copies complained in shock.

"We need to speed up your training if you all are facing a new unknown enemy. None of you have even learn spinjitzu yet!" Sensi Wu pointed out, while he raised his voice abit. His students all looked either upset or ashamed. Sensi Wu then sighed as he stepped closer to them.
"I'm saying this because I'm worried for you all. I don't want you six getting hurt, because I failed to teach you. I've already failed by letting one of you get captured, when I wasn't around," Wu spoke with a sadden tone.

"No Uncle, it's our fault. We should have been looking out for each other more," My copy said as he stood up.

"Its no one's fault. Those criminals came out of no where while we were distracted with eachother. What we need to do know is to stick together and get our friends back," I said as I walked forward with a confident tone. I noticed a surprised gaze coming from my copy, but I made it look like I didn't notice.

"He's right. We need to work together for Jay and uhh I'm guessing your friend's name is Cole, right?" Kai's copy questioned me. I gave him a nod and he smiled.

"Then its settled. Tomorrow half of you will go to School, while the other half searches the city," Wu explained.

"And You and Pixal can stay here and scout the city through data. Didn't you say that you all have a computer here?" Zane informed Wu with his own question.

"Yes, we used it to help locate any major criminal activity in the city, but... who is Pixal?" Wu questioned in confusion. Zane smiled.

Cole's Pov (show)

"Hey... hey wake up....WAKE UP!" A voice shouted in my ear. My eyes shot open; I lifted my head up in alarm. I realized that I was still in Quill's study area, and Stellar was standing infront of me with a straight face. I then held my head from the sudden head rush.

"Ugh, what happened?" I asked.

"You past out on us, after you drank that tea," Stellar explained.

"That's one of the side effects to the tea, you should be fine now," Quill spoke gently. I turned to see that he was behind his desk again, while he gave a small smile to me. I looked down on my arm, and I noticed that the gash was completely gone. I started chuckling abit, before I smiled wide.

"Ha! Would you look at that! My arm's good as new! Thank you!" I said proudly with a big grin. Stellar rolled her eyes.

"Calm down there, boulder brains. You're still our prisoner," Stellar pointed out, while she began to untie the chain from the pipe.

"I'm not to sure about that," I said with a smirk, before I tackled her. The two of us tumbled until I stood up and held her head against my arm.

"Now, let me go, and I won't hurt you," I explained. She growled, before she tripped up one of my legs. I lost my grip on her, and she ended up grabbing the end of my chain. She pulled me forward and I landed face first on the ground. She placed her foot on my cuffed hands and stared me down.

"Now I'll give you a choice, you come back with me peacefully, or I bring you back out cold. Take your pick," Stellar threated.

"You said it yourself that you wouldn't be able to carry me," I remarked with a smirk, before I tripped her up with my chain. I then stood up and shoved her into Quill's desk. Papers and books flew everywhere. Quill then jumped in alarm.

"Sweet Ninjago!" Quill spoke in shock at the sudden person on his desk. I took this as my opportunity to run. I bolted out the door and down the hallway.

"I thought I noticed an exit somewhere--" I stopped once I saw double doors at the end of one hallway with a broken light up "EXIT" sign above it. I turned down that hallway and ran for the door. I pushed it open, but then I stopped myself. I realized that other ninja guy was still trapped in the main room.

'I can't just...can I...?' I thought as I glanced outside. It was still night time, and the cool breeze blew past my hair as I was thinking.

I made up my mind with a sigh, before I closed the exit door. I walked back down the other hallway and towards Quill's study. Stellar slammed the door open just then in a panic. She probably just recovered from being thrown into the desk. She noticed me, and her eyes were huge with shock.

"Wha... why.. how... Grrr... HOW DARE YOU THROW ME INTO A DESK!" She screamed at me.

"Yeah, sorry about that," I quickly said, before I handed her the end of my chain. She grew confused as she held the chain.

"Why... Why didn't you run away? Is this some kind of trick?" She asked me with a suspicious gaze.

"Nope, trust me I would have been half way down the street by now, but I decided not to," I explained.

"Are you crazy or something? Why would you do that?" She questioned me not understanding at all why I chose to stay.

"Because a ninja never leaves another ninja behind," I stated. She gave me a look, before she pinched the top of her nose in irritation.

"Gosh, you... you ninja are so... stupid... you're going to get yourselves killed if you follow by that rule," She plainly told me, before she pulled me down the hallway.

"Maybe, but what kind of heroes
would we be if we didn't help those in need?" I asked.

"Like everyone else," I heard her mumble with a sigh. I thought of something else as we walked.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I said to her.

"What?" She finally responded.

"Why are you called Stellar?" I asked. She grew quiet again, but then I heard her speak.

"Because people were impressed with my tech skills. My boss gave me the name "Stellar", because, like the old word, he believed I could do pretty cool things with my talents--" Stellar stopped once she realized she was giving abit too much info to her supposive "prisoner". I noticed she avoided eye contact with me, but I could tell she was embarrased. I gave a slight smirk.

Wasn't expecting that kind of response, but I liked it.

That's it for now guys. Hope you enjoyed~😀😄😉

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