broken | taekook

Por iadorekoo

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𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐀 𝐭𝐑𝐫𝐞𝐞 δΈ€ to love and to be loved. he should have known that was the most important thing, but h... Mais



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Por iadorekoo

i wanted a perfect ending.

IT HAD JUST RAINED, leaving the sidewalk a much darker grey color than it was when the raven haired male walked into the building just an hour before. two seconds out the door and he was already yanking off the tie that was around his neck, leaving it lay loose on his shoulders. they were so tense, so tried, so over everything.

jungkook clicked the key fob to his car, listening for the echoing beep in the parking garage. it sounded too far and he groaned for the hundredth time that day already. it was maybe just after 6 pm, considering the job interview was at five. the mans stomach grumbled from the lack of lunch, but he was too tired to stop anymore or even care. all he pictured was his bed and his pillows and his love probably waiting to hear how well the interview went.

the thought made him wince, thinking back to the structured questions and probing stares from people that took one look at his resume and background, knowing very well his chances over someone else were low. jungkook hated those looks, and the ones that came with a smile that screamed sympathy. he knew he wasn't getting the job, or the one he interviews for yesterday and probably not the one he had scheduled for friday morning.

he kept making them, looking for new places that were hiring. he kept seeing how taehyung would smile at him and give him a hug, telling him he'd do great — jungkook was only great at one thing.

once he found his car he waited inside for a few minutes before driving back to his home. he needed a minute to calm down, or else he might just speed off until he ran out of gas and needed to walk back until the soles of his feet bled to show how far he went.

the rain had left the road wet, some people driving slower due to their cautious minds, so much different from the ravenette. he had one hand on the wheel and the other raking through his hair. taehyung had already called him, but he let it go to voicemail. he would be home in a few minutes anyways, he preferred talking to him in person.

jungkooks patience left quickly, hitting his blinker and yanking the wheel to the side to go around the slow car in front of him. he did that all the way home, swerving around vehicles not driving to his standards and barely hearing the honks and swears directed at him. he had already swore at himself enough today, no one was going to top that with a bit of road rage.

"hey kook." taehyung said once he heard their front door open, the jingle of keys being thrown onto the table just inside. it was more aggressive than normal, and the boy knew today might not have been the best. he smiled still, getting up from the couch and leaving his book on the cushion. "hi." he said it again, seeing how jungkook looked up from taking his shoes off, "hey baby." he said, kissing the olders cheek before walking past further into their home.

taehyung watched the ravenette tug at his tie some more, even though it was practically completely undone. "how did it go?" he asked. jungkook was looking through the stack of mail on the counter, sifting through the random ads and coupon books for grocery stores, "uh, it went okay." he said, "they'll let me know when they make a decision."

there house was suddenly filled with the sound of loud laughter, something that turned to wheezing and suddenly a choking sound. their friends came out from the back hallway leading to a guest bedroom that had been turned into a game room. it was jimin and hoseok, and the shorter male was smacking his hyungs back to get whatever contents out of his windpipe from laughing too hard. "oh shit, what's up." hoseok choked, "i kicked his ass in air hockey."

jimin glared at him and wacked him on the back a lot harder. "i let you win." he said.

the male groaned at the impact and fell forward onto his knees. "i'm paralyzed." hoseok wheezed.

no one paid attention to him, not when they were so accustomed to the dramatic nature of the male already. jimin walking into the kitchen and started looking for a snack, "dude tell your fiancé to come get drinks with us." jimin said with his head buried deep in the fridge.

jungkook looked over at taehyung and forgot about the mail, walking up to him and finally giving him a hug. "you don't want to come tonight?" his voice was muffled due to the older boys fluffy hair covering his mouth as he kissed the top of his head. taehyung hugged his torso back and buried his face in his neck, "i have to help hyuna think of ideas for her board this month." he said.

over the past couple months, the first ones since officially moving into their new home, the couple made the promise to ease back into society. each of them had acquired lifestyles, one being privileged and already lucky with lots of money while the other preferred to put his skills into the art of thievery. neither had normal jobs before, and it was the first thing they agreed on as their year goal.

taehyung had no problem finding something. it was a small job, an assistant teacher at a private preschool. he worked in a classroom with the head teacher, who's name was hyuna. jungkook had only met her a few times when stopping by his fiancés work to have lunch with him or acting as his ride to and from.

"what's the theme." hoseok asked. he had finally picked himself off the floor and fallen onto the couch, peeking over the edge once he asked a question. "space." taehyung smiled, walking around the back of the couch to join his friend. he sat on the olders legs, looking over at him with excited eyes, "hyuna was thinking doing the planets and having either each student with their own rocket ship and photo or they'd be astronauts." taehyung explained.

"at least you work with kids." jimin said. he found a gallon of ice tea in the fridge and started helping himself, drinking from the uncapped top. "it's the only way you're having kids with that guy." he meant it as a joke, grinning over at the ravenette who stood still once seeing he had been brought into this conversation.

taehyung rose an eyebrow and looked between the two boys still standing, his arm over the back of the couch as he twisted his body to look over better. "what's that suppose to mean." he asked.

"oh come on jungkooks totally not having kids." jimin laughed at the thought, picturing this man trying to raise something to small especially with the mindset he had. he wasn't the best role model. the boys laughter died down though when no one else joined, and he saw how taehyung shot a look at his fiancé.

jungkook shook his head immediately, "don't look at me like that." he said to taehyung, already making a beeline to leave the room. he still had to change before they went out tonight. "look at you like what." taehyung raised his voice so the raven haired male could hear him, even though he would pretend like he didn't and later say that the house is just so big that the boys small voice got lost in the halls. 

"now look what you did." hoseok said to the shortest of the three that were left in this part of the house. jimin held onto the sweet tea and let his mouth fall open, "i did nothing." he always believed he was innocent, but he saw that look too, and it was totally asking for more.

to be fair, the couple never talked about kids. nothing about their relationship was relatively normal to begin with, they still had a whole wedding to plan anyways. that hasn't even been discussed. the times taehyung would bring it up, jungkook would either seem so tired or say that he trusted he boys opinion. taehyung isn't an idiot. he knows this is hard for him, trying to adjust to new ways of life and planning for things that weren't illegal and actually meant to be pretty and decorative with all the weddings details.

he just hoped they could adjust well soon.

"are you sure you don't want to come?" jungkook asked as he walked back into the room. he changed into simple jeans and t-shirt, a denim jacket over that and a pair of boots. he managed to make casual look so attractive. taehyung nodded and held his arms out over the back of the couch, wiggling his fingers to get the man to come closer. jungkook chuckled and did just that, leaning down to kiss his fiancé and feeling the boys hands holding onto jacket so he couldn't pull away. "have fun tonight." he whispered, "all of you, and be safe." taehyung said to all his friends.

jimin and hoseok both saluted him, heading for the door and soon bickering about where they should go and whether or not it should be someplace else than last week. "i'll text you when we're on our way back." jungkook said to the male on the couch, kissing him one last time before following his friends out the door. he locked it behind himself and saw that they were taking jimins car.

"we're going to the red door." the shortest male send, no longer arguing with his friend. he was driving anyways, so essentially jimin would just smile and take them anywhere he pleased for the night.

they had gone to the red door a few times, and by that they had their own booth essentially and a waitress that knew their orders. it was easy to get in, not long of a wait outside on a tuesday night. considering they came enough times too, the man working the door knew them also. jungkook nodded to him as they entered, the smallest of the trio dragging his friends to the booth near the back.

"so how was everyone's day?" jimin asked once they were sitting down. his hands were already on the tab, looking at everything he wanted to get. "i'm trying gauge how strong our drinks will be on a scale from an okay-day to life is shit and not worth it."

"life is shit and not worth it." jungkook said, already cracking open a peanut from the small dish at the center of the table. he wanted a beer, the bitterness tasting good to wash down the salty snack. jimin clicked his tongue and nodded, "heard you loud and clear." he said.

"was it really that bad." hoseok knew the youngest had an interview today. taehyung had already told him about it, saying this would hopefully be the one.

jungkook scoffed and that basically answered the question on its own. "it was for a fucking janitorial job at a rec center." he ran his hand through his hair and tugged on the ends, yanking it back from his forehead. those dark eyes stared at a spot on the table, not wavering as peanut shells scattered across the surface whenever he broke them messily.

"it's not going to be easy." jimin looked over at his best friend, voice soft and eye matching that. "you're smart, you know that. you'll land something one day." he tried his best to reassure the ravenette, but they all knew that with his record it would be a lot harder than just being smart and hoping that works.

jungkook sighed, his back hitting the cushioned booth. he didn't even feel frustrated anymore, just bothered that he knew he'd be letting his love down. "i just," he started to say, "i cant turn my brain off. any place i go into i just see the angles, the weaknesses. it's what i do. it's what i love."

it's happened so many times before, when he's walked into the grocery store or a gas station and he saw people with unattended carts and banks with cameras not positioned in a fashion that guarantee maximum security when it came to intrusion. jungkook saw it all, it was the first thing he thought of no matter where he was. he couldn't stop who he was.

"but you love tae too." jimin said, "and you know you can't keep risking getting busted. it's not just you anymore."

jungkook nodded. that was the whole point of them getting jobs and living semi normal lives. it was that want to have a future that was safe and not on the edge of crumbling because jungkooks mind sought after things he couldn't have and making enemies with people not smart enough for him. jungkook knew all of this too well, he's spent countless night thinking about it.

tonight wasn't any different. even though he was out with his friends and drinking some, not as much as he normally would but still enough to relax a little. jungkook was still nervous about hearing back from companies and interviewers to see how he did. he wanted to give taehyung some good news one day.

when jimin was on his fourth martini, singing into the toothpick of olives, jungkook decided they had enough for tonight. considering his best friend state, he took the liberty of driving them back to his house and leaving them in the guest room downstairs. he never made it that far though, because the second they were inside the two boys felt that the couches would be begged. maybe because they were closer. jungkook didn't care, as long as they were inside the door and he could lock up the house and set the alarm he was okay.

he didn't expect the sniffle though, or the lights to still be on in the dining room. "tae?" jungkook spoke quietly, not wanting to wake his drunk friends or scare his fiancé.

"hm," the boy was crying softly, elbow deep in a box of goldfish. the glow from his laptop lit his face in silver, making the tears on his cheeks sparkle. "baby what's wrong?" jungkook took off his jacket and left it on a stool, coming around the table to the older male.

"look how precious they look." taehyung said, sniffling again and setting the goldfish on the table so he could turn the laptop towards the younger. it took a second for jungkook to realize what he was looking at, the page of faces and names with their ages and small caption underneath. he could only hold his hand up to block his vision from the adoption page, "don't show me their sad faces you sick fuck." jungkook told his fiancé, seeing how taehyung continued to cry softly.

"but they're all so lonely and too sweet to be like this." taehyung said. he didn't know how he ended up here really, just the fact that jimin planted that baby seed in his mind and his curiousness took it from there.

"baby, go get ready for bed." jungkook said, pulling out the boys chair so he could get up. he was too tired to argue, standing up and puckering his lips for a goodnight kiss. taehyung smiled once he got one, wiping at his cheeks and heading for the stairs to go up to their bedroom. he figured jungkook would probably get their friends some blankets and water for the night, in case it got cold or they got thirsty. taehyung had just changed into a matching pajama set when he realized the goldfish had made him thirsty too.

the dining room light was still on when the brunette padded quietly down the stairs, bare feet and stepping softly. he went to get a juice from the fridge, but the glow of his laptop in the corner of his eyes caught his attention.

taehyung set the carton on the counter and walked into the dining room, a small smile on his lips seeing the younger male sitting where he had been, eyes looking glassy as he stared at the screen and scrolled through the page. he didn't say anything when he walked over, or when jungkook pushed his seat out a little to make room for the older to sit on his lap. they stared at the little faces and cute names, some smiling and other not so much. "it really isn't fair." jungkook said.

his fiancé hummed, an arm around his shoulder while he leaned his head against jungkooks. "we could help." he hinted the thought, and then smiled at the way jungkooks arm tightened just a bit around his waist, holding him snug on his lap. "we could." he whispered, kissing the boys cheek and trailing more until their lips met.

soon the glow from the screen was gone, the lid closed and lonely faces hidden for now. taehyung grabbed his juice and jungkook grabbed his hand as they made their way up to their bedroom for the night — no matter how touch the days may have been, always looking forward to those goodnight kisses and whispered confessions of love before drifting off to dream.


comment what you think after the first chapter! i'm curious where you guys think this is going to go ♡

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