My Boyfriend

By saabelz

578 177 32

"There are different kinds of guys and their characters reflect in their love-life. That's why I said we all... More



39 17 0
By saabelz

On Monday after Salihat and Uriel's afternoon lecture Uriel suggested they walked to Funmilayo's faculty which wasn't far from theirs to meet up with her. Their lecturer left thirty minutes before the time.

"I chatted with Funmi and she said she also has a two to four lecture. Let's go there its 3:45 she's almost done."Uriel said looking at her wrist watch.

"Abeg let's go to the hostel" Salihat said. She didn't want them to go to Funmilayo's faculty but couldn't say it.

"Haba let's go to law. I already told her we are coming."Uriel tried to change her mind but Salihat really didn't want to go.

"Then go on your own. It's kuku you that told her you are coming." Salihat said and turned the other way to start walking. Uriel dragged her back making her almost stumble.

"Uriel!!!" She exclaimed. Uriel held her hands.

"Sorry. Thank God you didn't fall." Uriel said and Salihat glared her.  " But we are going together. You know I don't like walking alone." Salihat didn't want to push any further so as not to raise any suspicion from Uriel. She reluctantly agreed to go.

They got to there exactly the same time Funmilayo's lecturer was leaving the lecture theatre and soon Funmilayo came out walking amidst other students wearing white and black.

Funmilayo was speaking to Amanda her course mate before she sighted her friends. She waved at them saying she was coming. Salihat hissed quietly but Uriel heard it and nudged her playfully.

"What! See why I didn't want to come. She'll use someone to talk to all her course mates before she  have our time." Salihat said. Though that wasn't the main reason she didn't want to wait for Funmilayo it was true, Funmilayo always had the habit of randomly stopping to speak to people she knows whenever they were out.

"See..she's coming already. Chill " Uriel laughed.

Funmilayo picked up her pace walking to her friends. She didn't want to get them upset for wasting their time. Uriel face was normal but Salihat was frowning. She slowed down when she was almost close to them.

"Sorry sorry" was what she first said when she got to them. Uriel nodded while Salihat didn't say or do anything.

"How far?"Uriel asked Funmilayo

"Fine jare" Funmilayo said. She turned to look at Salihat who didn't even acknowledge her presence. " Sally how was lecture?" Funmilayo asked. She knew why Salihat was acting the way she was.

"Fine "Salihat said grumblingly and Uriel nudged her again.

"Wetin de do this one ? Are you hungry?" Uriel asked but she just replied saying they should get going.

They started walking towards the hostel area. Salihat was walking ahead of two of them. Uriel just thought it was because she was hungry. Uriel and Funmilayo started gisting about random things.

"Ehn ehn why are you friends with that   girl?" Uriel asked not specifying but Funmilayo knew who she was talking about b'cos that wasn't the first time Uriel was asking.



"We aren't friends."Funmilayo said.

"Not from what I saw" Uriel made a face Funmilayo didn't understand.

"Uriel she's my course mate so of course we do talk but that's it. Besides she was just asking where I bought my bag and I told her my Mum got it for me   from her trip to LA."  Funmilayo was carrying a Louis Vuitton bag.

"She's probably going to ask one of numerous sugar daddies to get it for her mtcheeewww" Uriel said and hissed. She never liked Amanda and she had her reasons.

"Haba Uriel... why would you say that.she probably just wanted to know where I got it to avoid buying the fake." Funmilayo defended her course mate.

"Be deceiving yourself. Person wei be correct runs girl" Uriel said.

"Hmmm human beings.... who told you." Funmilayo wasn't friends with Amanda   and didn't know much of her gist. She only knew Amanda and her clique were big girls using nice stuffs. She didn't know her family status.  "...besides which law student will have time and strength for runz with this our  workload"

"They didn't tell me, I saw her with these two bigs eyes of mine. At club 36. Just as I was going out the VIP section in search of Daniella I saw her coming out of the exclusive section with a man old enough to be her father infact grandfather." Uriel said but Funmilayo wasn't convinced.

"What if he was....." Funmilayo started to say.

"Her father? Uncle? Abegy when did parents start taking their children to clubs." Uriel interrupted. She looked at Funmilayo she was crazy.  "..Aswear sometimes I use to wonder how you gained admission to study law. I said I saw the babe with old papa caressing his stomach might I add. You're assuming rubbish." Uriel said and laughed . She was finding Funmilayo's reaction funny.

"Leave her let her be doing like mumu" the words came out before Salihat could stop herself. She had slowed her pace when she heard Uriel talk about Amanda.She was really annoyed with Funmilayo. Her statement made Funmilayo frown.

"Sally abegy hold your own I wasn't talking to you." Funmilayo said. Uriel glanced at the two of them noticing something was wrong but before she could ask what it was Funmilayo spoke again.

"So giving people benefit of the doubt has now made me a mumu and not deserving of my admission again Yeah? " Funmilayo didn't like what they both said . "..even if its true that's her business,besides she was only inviting me to hangout with she and her friends."

"And what did you say. Hope you didn't agree."Uriel said

"Why wouldn't I say agree? Anyway I said no b'cos it fell on the same day with my date with Musty" Saying his name alone brought a huge smile to her face. Uriel suddenly stopped walking and turned to face Funmilayo.

"Wait..wait hold up a second. You're going on a date?" Funmilayo nodded  "..with Musty? Same Mustapha?" Funmilayo nodded again and Salihat hissed this time. Uriel glanced at Salihat.

"Sally why did you hiss?"Uriel asked

"Leave her,that's how she has being acting since I told her." Funmilayo said. She didn't understand what  Salihat had against Mustapha.Uriel on the other hand was confused and amused at the same time.

"You...I'll come come back to you." Uriel pointed at Salihat as they continued walking towards the hostel area. "you..give me the full gist now.  Wait o from when to when. He just got your number yesterday." Uriel said.

" oya come and answer your query. Why would you give someone my number without asking me. You didn't even tell me." Funmilayo accused Uriel.

"Aswear I tried calling you the moment Tony asked me but your number wasn't reachable so I planned on telling you today but as you can see I totally forgot besides why you acting as if you're not happy I gave him your number. " Uriel raised her nose at Funmilayo as if mocking her and a huge smile creeped Funmilayo's face.

"So do you want a thank you?"

"It won't be bad " they both laughed and Funmilayo proceeded to tell Uriel everything including why Salihat had been giving her an attitude. All throughout the gist Uriel didn't fail to notice how Funmilayo eyes brightened up everytime Mustapha's name was mentioned. She could totally relate with her friend b'cos she was also having exact experience with her Tony.

"Since then Sally has been giving this cold shoulder. We didn't even come to school together today." Funmilayo added.

"Haba Sally. So you let her take the campus shuttle b'cos of this small issue."Uriel didn't like Salihat's behaviour one bit.

"Is she the only one that entered campus shuttle today or did you see me drive to your hostel today."Salihat was annoyed with Funmilayo but wasn't childish to the extent of not giving her a ride like she usually does.

"That's true o where's your car. You know I was already in class before you came so I thought you probably dropped it at that car wash near the hostel as usual." Uriel said

"Its at the mechanic shop. The brake is giving me concern so I went to drop it there yesterday evening so my mechanic will have a look at it"

"Ok.  So why are you acting like this just because she's going on a date with Musty. Do you think she's moving too fast?" Uriel asked Salihat.

"It's not about her moving too fast, it's about who she's getting involved with."

"Why, what's wrong with Musty?"

"'re asking me that after what I told you guys about him."

"But I thought we concluded that it could just be mere rumours besides that's what people say about almost all the rich young men out there."Uriel adored Tony and thought of all his friends as fine responsible men so she didn't agree with Salihat worries.

"Toh I rest my case" Salihat said.  She didn't want it to look as if she wasn't happy for her friend. "So what do you plan on wearing?" Salihat smiled at Funmilayo for the first time that day.

"That's the kind of energy I want " Uriel said and laughed.

In the hostel, Daniella with stood in front of the mirror dancing to one of burna boy's song playing over the speaker. She noticed her friends come in and said hello to as she continued dancing.

Amina their fourth roommate came in behind Uriel and co.  Daniella stopped dancing and said.

"Where are all of you coming from together.?" Seeing as they all entered the room almost at the same time.

Just then a girl with a swollen angry face walked through the opened door into the room. The other girls looked at her as if to ask what she wanted.

"Sister please reduce the volume of your music. Its disturbing." The girl said with the kind of tone that had another hidden statement... if not I'll break your fucking speaker. 

"Oh sorry " Daniella said to the girl whose eyes were red indicating she was sleeping. Daniella reduced the volume of the music. The girl said thank you and left. Daniella and her friends exchanged glanced and soon burst out laughing.

" omo that girl was ready to strangle you." Uriel laughed.

"Aswear "Daniella said and increased the volume of the speaker again earning her a glare from Salihat.

"Haba mana the girl was sleeping fa. Didn't you see her face." Salihat said.

"Abi she's stoned. Didn't you see her eyes."Daniella argued.

"Did that girl look high to you. Besides who'll smoke in this hostel by this time of the day and risk getting got. Did you perceive anything on her." Salihat countered. Daniella knew the girl was just sleepy but being her usual self she enjoyed riling  people up.

"Are you minding this crazy goat." Funmilayo said as she used her hand to slap Daniella on the head playfully.

"Ouch,  abeg who is sleeping on a hot monday afternoon?" Daniella continued with her assumption.

"People that had a stressful day from lectures." Uriel said.

"Who use to play such loud music on a Monday?" Salihat asked looking at Daniella.

"People that didn't attend any lecture on Monday." Funmilayo answered and high five Salihat. Their little misunderstanding was long forgotten.

"Ohhh that's what you people want to do baa."Daniella said.

"Did you attend any lectures today?"Uriel asked.

"I left this room today if that's what you're thinking." Daniella finally reduced the volume to a reasonable level.

"For like forty minutes to go see your supervisor."Amina said and Daniella gave her a middle finger. The girls laughed.

"I want to be like you when I grow up. I wish I could be stabbing classes like you but I just can't." Funmilayo said.

"Dani attends lecture like once in a week."Uriel said

"See me standing here and you're still lying about me." Daniella pointed at Uriel.

"As if we don't know you." Salihat said "Ene still isn't back."

"She's probably at the library. She's been spending extra hours there these days." Uriel told her friends.

"That's the definition of a student unlike some people we know. "Funmilayo glanced at her cousin.

"Kinni !!(what) You people should free me o . Me I can't come and kill myself. Aye o le toyen na (this life isn't that hard)." Daniella said to them.

"My sis said you people should leave her alone o" Funmilayo and the girls laughed.

"Babe so what do you plan on wearing for your date?" Uriel asked Funmilayo.

"Who is going on a date?"Daniella asked looking surprised.

"Funmi "Uriel said.

"Oya full details now " Daniella dragged Funmilayo to her bed so she could give her the gist.

Later that evening Salihat went to mechanic shop to get her car after calling Josiah,her mechanic's number which wasn't reachable for hours. He was suppose to bring the car back to the apartment as soon as she got back from school but he defaulted and his number wasn't going through so there she was at the busy workshop trying to locate Josiah.

She knew her father would be angry to hear that she rode in public transport to school that day as that was the main reason for her having her own car but she didn't have a choice as she thought she didn't have any class that day so she had called Josiah to come pick up the car for it monthly servicing.

Salihat soon found one of Josiah apprentice and asked where his boss was.

"Haa Aunty Sally Good evening." The apprentice greeted her with a big smile but she wasn't in mood that evening.

"Abu how far. Where's your oga(in hausa)?"

"Fine. He is over there working on that black car." Abu pointed over to where his boss was. Salihat walked over to where Josiah was working on the said car.

"Josiah "

"Haa madam Sally. Welcome. "

"Josiah I don't like this one bit. Weren't you suppose to bring my car."

"Sorry I have been very busy and I know you don't like me sending these apprentices to bring it"

"So where's is it now?"

"Its over there. Please just sit at the shed.let me quickly finish this then I'll come do the last work on it. Please don't be upset"

Salihat went into the shed and sat. She took out her phone and started surfing the internet to while away time. A minute later a man walked into the shed. Salihat adjusted on the bench so he could have space to sit. 

The man sat beside her on the bench. He was of an average height, light in complexion with his well trimmed black beards. He wore a wine kaftan with tartan cap to match. Salihat thought he was really handsome as she continued pressing her phone. Soon his scent hit her nose.  She knew that scent anywhere. It was the same one her father always use. He was wearing killer oud.

"Assalamu alaykum " The handsome man said and she turned to say

"Waalaykum salam"

She was already distracted by him and the anger she came into the workshop with began to farnish. There was silence in the shed except for the occasional sigh from the man sitting beside her. She thought it was out of frustration from waiting too long. Then he said

"So what's the name?"

OMG he is acting for my name. Salihat if he acts for your number give him.  Salihat thought to herself.

" Salihat " she said and turned to face him but recieved the biggest embarrassment of her life when he mouthed

"Sorry I'm on call" gesturing to the airpods in his ears.

Salihat felt as if the earth should open and swallow her. She had just literally embarrassed herself. As if on cue Josiah walked.

"Madam Sally your car is ready." Josiah held out her keys

I love you Josiah. She said in her head.

She quickly walked out as fast as she could not looking back.

Daniella: Longest chapter yet. Don't it deserve a vote?

Salihat: Have you ever found yourself in such embarrassing situation. Wheeeeef . Click on that orange star.

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