My Boyfriend

By saabelz

579 177 32

"There are different kinds of guys and their characters reflect in their love-life. That's why I said we all... More



42 16 0
By saabelz

"We are now a couple!" Uriel said excitement written all over her face.

"Awwwnn" the girls cooed. They were happy for her. Uriel was a smart girl with a sharp mouth. Being from a wealthy family and the confidence she had which usually came off the wrong way with people especially the guys who thought she was too proud to even give them the time of the day until Tony.

"It was pretty obvious. Given the way you both were sucking on each other's face " Salihat said fake gagging.

"Why were you looking our way " Uriel stuck her tongue out.

"That's what happen when you sit in a club watching others. You tend to notice everything." Salihat said and Uriel blushed.

"You really like him, don't you?" Daniella asked.

"You're still asking her.. can't you see how she's behaving " Funmilayo pointed at Uriel who had a dreamy look in her eyes. Ene shakes her head at her.

"What do you girls think about him?" Uriel asked. She really wanted her friends to like her man.

"He's ok" Ene and Salihat said.

"I likeee him. God I'm tapping into your anointing " Daniella said as she pulls out some money from her bag counting it.

"Hmmm Dani Dani ... b'cos he gave us money baa" Funmilayo said. She knew Daniella well and knew the money was one of the major reason she liked Tony.

"Haba Funmi what are you saying " Daniella eyed her cousin and turned to face Uriel. " don't mind her I like him. he's fine and seems like a good guy. The money is just a plus "

"I agree for that one. He is fine " Funmilayo agreed with Daniella "plus you're happy and that's what matters."



They all agreed.

Tony brought them back to Funmilayo and Salihat's apartment. He gave them five thousand naira each to use for the weekend. Uriel got an alert. You could say hers was special.

The girls were sitting in the room analysing the party. Gisting of Uriel and Tony's PDA, the big boys that attended, etcetera.

"Funmi I saw the way you were dancing with Tony's friend."Ene said.

"Which one? I danced with more than one guy"Funmi acted like she didn't remember which was a lie cos she hadn't been able to get him out of her mind.

"The one that threw the party" Ene specified and Funmi smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah I saw you give him all those your seductive moves" Salihat added.

"I don't know what you're talking about."Funmi looked away picking up her phone scrolling through Instagram.

"Even I saw you" Daniella said

"You.. that was drunk."Funmi glanced at Daniella.

"Before I even got tipsy I saw you guys. You didn't even pity omolomo (some else's child) you were just grinding on him like there's no tomorrow " All of them laughed.

Funmi smiled, her mind going back to the little conversation she and Mustapha had but she didn't mention to her friends.

"What was he doing at Tony's place this morning?" Until Salihat asked and everyone turned to look at Funmi.

Ene,Uriel and Daniella had no idea what she was talking about.

"I met him in the kitchen when I went to get your bag. He said he came to get water." Funmi looked at Uriel.

"Oh yeah he lives next door."Uriel told them.

"Was that why you stayed long?"Ene asked her.

"Yes..we spoke a little " Funmi said then her eyes brightened like she remembered something. "Do you girls know he's Ahmad Aminu's son?" She said it like she couldn't still believe it herself.

"Yes" Uriel said.

"Really?"Daniella and Ene said.

"Didn't you know?" Salihat said like it was supposed to be something of general knowledge.

"I didn't know. I didn't even know the man has a son." Funmi continued "I was wondering how he got such a huge contract then he said spec of being a Former FCT Minister son and I was surprised wondering why he was still working."

"With the amount of money his father got during his term ehn even his grandchildren wont sniff poverty. " Ene stated and they laughed.

"So you guys spoke." Salihat made a face that didn't go unnoticed by Funmi who asked.


"Nothing "Salihat shrugged  but Funmi wanted to know.

"Sally what's up?"

"Hope he didn't flirt with you b'cos that's his way " Salihat said not smiling.

"How do you know that. You don't even know him." Funmi said to Salihat. Her mind went back to the little moment she had with Mustapha in the kitchen. The way he looked at her and what he said about her been a hot mess. Is that flirting? She asked herself and disregarded it thinking it was something all guys do.

"Unless you don't know Mustapha Aminu. Who doesn't know that he's a flirt and a player."

"Hmmm how do you know that."Uriel spoke up. It was her man's friend and she didn't like what Salihat was saying.

"My mother cousin's daughter got married to someone in his family. That's how I know his gist." Salihat said.

"You can't be sure of all these gists. Some can just be mere rumours." Funmi said and Salihat didn't say anything further.

"OMG this guy is fineee.!!"Daniella exclaimed as she sat up with her phone in her hand staring at a hot photo of Mustapha working out in the gym. The girls gathered around her as they she continued scrolling down his Instagram account.

"Daniella stalker much?" Uriel raised her brow.

"Abegy I just wanted to see him clearly since I didn't really see his face yesterday." Daniella said.

Salihat didn't join them in looking at Mustapha's photos. She had seen most of his Instagram post already.

Uriel, Ene and Daniella later left in the evening leaving Funmi and Salihat alone in their apartment.

In the night, after they had dinner Funmi was reading for a group presentation she had the next day while Salihat was working on her project. One of  the good  habit the girls had was that they never joked with their studies. They knew very well how to balance their academic with their social life.

"I just remembered brother Hakeem called the Aso ebi for the maulud is out and its four thousand five hundred nair." Funmi said to Salihat as they sat doing their stuffs.

"Hmm is that so. You Yoruba people ehn you like to elaborate things. "Salihat said.

"Na you sabi. I already told him both of us are buying."

"Ok oo" Salihat said.

Funmi was still reading when her phone started ringing. She picked up her phone.It was an unknown number so she was hesitant. She didn't pick thinking if it was a wrong number the person calling might soon discover and end the call so she silenced it. Soon the call ended and she shrugged going back to what she was reading. Immediately her phone started ringing again. Sure it was the same number. Salihat glanced at her.

"Aren't you going to answer that?"Salihat asked. The ringtone had distracted her.

"It an unknown number and I'm  surei didn't give any one my contact recently"Funmi replied.


"It could be a wrong number " Funmi casually said.

"Or an emergency call." Salihat reasoned and Funmi agreed.

"That's true. Let me answer it." She picked up her phone and swipe right placing the phone on her ear.

"He..llo." She didn't know who it was so she spoke quietly.

"we didn't get to finish earlier." A male voice sounded over the phone. Funmi was quiet for a minute trying to place the voice. Salihat looked at her and mouthed "who?" And Funmi mouthed "I don't know" .

"Uhm who's this?" Funmi asked. She usually was a no nonsense person and would have ended the call but for some reason the person sound so familiar.

"Ouch I'm hurt you've forgotten about me already,it not even up to 24 hours." He said and Funmi searched her head then the northern accent hit her but he beat to it.  "'s me Mustapha."

Godd I almost said it  Funmi thought to herself.. She was surprised and abit embarrassed that she didn't recognize his voice. She didn't realise she had gone quiet until he spoke again.

"Hello..are you there Funmilayo?" Mustapha asked. Hmm the way her name sounded in his mouth with his accent was like Milk and honey.

" Yes I'm here." Funmi stuttered. She couldn't believe her ears. Salihat was staring at her signaling for  her to tell her what's up. Funmi mouthed "Mustapha" pointing to her phone and Salihat eyes widen for a minute. She didn't like what she had heard about Mustapha and she was now worried that he was calling her friend .

"My ego is a bit bruised that you could forget such a hot dude like me that fast."Mustapha jokingly said or so she thought. Heat creeped to her face. So hot!! She thought thinking about his toned abs.

" your crazy " she said trying to act cool

"About you!" Mustapha chooses the lame pick up line but Funmi manages to blush nevertheless.

"That's not smooth " she laughs.

"But that's the truth. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since our little conversation this morning.  Nah I think it has to be since yesterday night. The way you were dancing and whining that waist  of yours." Flirt alert flirt alert girl!!  Funmi was screaming in her mind.

"Wo..that's.. wait.." then it occurred to her how the hell did he get my number?  ".... how did you get my number?" Funmi asked him and he laughed.

"I thought you were never going to ask that. It's kind of long story. " He said but she could hear the smile in his voice.

"Tell me."

" well to summarise it for you my dear. I called Tony and begged him to beg his girlfriend Uriel your friend for your number. "

"Oh ok"

"Hope it isn't a problem ?" He asked.

"Not all all. I was just wondering why she never informed me about it."

"Ok.. so now that I have your number. I don't want this to be the last time we speak. How about we hangout sometimes this week. What do you say?" Funmi was jumping in her head .she put the call on mute. She opened  her mouth to scream with her eyes shut. Salihat glanced at her shaking her head. Then she cleared her throat and spoke and unmute the call.

"I don't know if that's possible." She was  excited as fuck about it but she wasn't going to act like it. Baby girl wanted to play the hard card.

"We both know you please make it happen." Mustapha said with his husky voice making her want clenched her thighs close.

"Ok" she said almost like a whisper.

"Is that yes?" He asked

"Yes"she confirmed. And she heard him make a victory sound making her smile.

"Thanks baby girl. Goodnight and don't forget it's a date!"Mustapha said

"Good night " and she ended the call.

A date!!!!.

Funmilayo: I'm going on a fucking date with Mustapha freaking Aminu..haaaaaha. see that orange star,click on it.

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