Expect the Unexpected

By theijxx

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By theijxx

April 21

"Don't ask how you don't wanna know the answer to that." I said shaking my head at Anika. That day was literally the worst day for all of us that means it topped Justice being kidnapped, the day Toni passed out, Thanksgiving with both families combined, and Justice giving birth to Kobi on our kitchen floor.

"I obviously wanna know the answer to it if I asked." Anika snapped back at me. I looked from Ankia to Justice to Toni.

"Don't let this face or the fact that I'm a lil fucked up right now fool you... I will come across this table and beat that ass if you speak to me like that again. Now like I stated before you don't wanna hear that story."

I could feel the energy in the room die down because of how I put that ass in place. Justice cleared her throat and looked at me before speaking.

"Now mama she has the right to know don't you think?" I switched my focus from Ankia to Justice within a nanosecond.

"Justice you know every time we speak about it, it never ends well and because we have the root of the accident here as our guest someone will end up getting fucked up and it won't be us."

"Mama come on she deserves to know and she's going to find out whether it's now or when we go home."

"Did my eyes just deceive me?" I could feel all eyes on me when I said it and Toni spoke before anyone else could.

"Your eyes? Janet your ears deceived you not your eyes. You need to take a nap baby okay let me do the talking." I just shrugged her off and continued to watch this horror story unfold.

"Now pause home? Justice you might have your own house but we paid for it so you and my granddaughter could live there not this b-"

"Go ahead finish it I dare you." I had to grab Toni before she could even think about going across the table and Justice covered Anika's mouth before she got punched in it.

"Look I think you should take Anika and leave, yeah? Cause this shit ain't going nowhere." I said standing up.

"I agree." Anika said standing up and grabbing Kobi she tried to grab Justice's hand but she stopped her.

"Go put Kobi in the car I'll be right out I have to speak with my parents." Anika nodded and walked out of the house.

I can't believe they just did all of that, they never would've thought about doing that to Travis or anybody else for that matter. I had to speak with them before I told them anything else regulating our relationship.

"Can we go in the living room to talk, please?" Janet started walking towards the living room while Toni just stood there.

"Her? Out of all people." She asked making Janet stop walking and turn back around.

"Look I understand this maybe hard for you guys to understand but she makes me feel the same way I did with Travis."

"And we understand that Justice but you don't understand how we feel about the situation because we never spoke on it, we never got the chance to." Janet said while leaning against the wall.

"If I'm being honest y'all don't need an opinion on anything I do. I am twenty three years old with a child and soon to be wife, I need y'all to respect that. You don't have to like it but please respect it."

"Wife? Woah what the hell happened to asking the parents if you could have their blessing?"

"Ma after all that just went down do you blame her for not even trying?" I asked Janet making her look to the ground.

"Look it's not even about that okay? We are your parents and we want what's best for you, but we also hurt the most even when you think it's you." Toni wasn't saying anything which was ironic because she's the most outspoken person when it comes to Anika.

"Do you know how bad it hurt us when we thought you died? Huh? I don't think you do. To receive a phone call from the hospital saying your daughter is most likely going to die is the worst feeling in the world and we've experienced it too many times."

"What mama?" I realize that I didn't really understand everything that they had went through.

"Your kidnapped and missing for years and all we keep thinking is we are never going to find her, or the worst she's dead, and now you've been involved in a hit and run all because of this person fucking with your head. Then a year later you walk in here with the person who almost got you killed claiming your in a committed relationship about to get married."

"Ma-" Toni cut me off. "Please stop talking and just listen to this okay?" I nodded my head as she walked over to me.

"I know our relationship hasn't always been the best but that's because I only want the best for you and sometimes my best isn't your best. I don't want you to marry this woman and start a family because I know the power that she has over you and your head it's scary....what love can do to a person. I just need you to be careful and understand where we are coming from when we talk about Anika."

"Justice me and Toni love you so much you know that, we just don't want you hurt or worse because you can't see what we see. We'll respect what you two have going on as long as she respects where we're coming from as parents."

"I do." Anika said startling all of us and making us look in her direction. "I just wish you could have told me that when I asked what happened. I don't have kids the closes thing I have to a child is Kobi so I don't understand where you guys are coming from."

"Well I'm glad you understand now." Janet said walking towards Toni and she whispered something in her ear, which made her roll her eyes.

"Anika I'm sorry for coming at you crazy earlier it was uncalled for and totally inappropriate."

"I'm sorry too for stepping out of line it was unnecessary."

"Aww look at my three favorite people getting along!" I said smiling. "Aye what about us?" Kam and KJ asked at the same time making us all laugh.

"You guys know y'all are my favorites too don't worry." I said smiling at them.

"Okay we have to go Anika has to be on set early tomorrow morning." I said walking towards the door.

"Okay text us when you get home." When we got in the car Anika looked at me and laughed.

"It's no way it was that easy." I bit my lip and pulled off. "Because it wasn't we are all gonna fight again just wait."

the next chapter is a little different for me should i post that as well?

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