The Uchiha Corp (Modern Narut...

By lhatake87

323K 14.7K 27.8K

I was away at college/university for almost 7 years before returning to Konohagakure. I moved back in with my... More

Welcome Home
My Other Life
Night Shift
First Day
The Past
Use Me
The Key
The Cacth
Forgive Me
Bad Day
Beautiful vs. Babydoll
The Dress
Naruto's Party
The Unknown
On Edge
What Have I Done
Falling Apart
The Game
Wolf's Den
Life and Death
Run Away
The Senjus
Eat or Be Eaten
I Love You
Playing Nice
All or Nothing
Romeo and Juliet
Madara's Trust
Izuna's Trust
Tender Moments
Drug Trial
Some Fun
Kisame's Help
Never Forget
The Affair
My Love
*Character Description*
A New Perspective
Dangerous Waters
A Turn
The Punishment
Dive In
I'm Yours
Hateful Christmas
Black Widow
Off the Track
One Night
My Flower
New Day
Swept Away
The Wedding
Take Down
An End
Unexpected Confrontation
A Love Lost or A Lost Love
Wedding Plans


2K 103 225
By lhatake87

A soft noise escaped my lips before I bolted upright and a hoarse scream left me. I was sweaty and panting and memories of the night before came rushing back to me like a freight train passing in the dark night. I felt a hand on my thigh and I went to strike but I was easily subdued and pinned to the plush bed, sheets tangled around me. I hadn't realized I was crying until I noticed the blurring of my vision as I blinked to focus on Madara's face. When he saw the panic he let go of me only to pull me into his chest as he lay beside me.

"Breakfast is in the sitting room," he spoke tenderly and I relaxed into his hold as he caressed my side and hip with his callused hand. I only nodded into his chest, "I called the hospital," I pushed away just enough to see his face, "your brother is awake."

My face lit up at the words, he wasn't fully awake when I left the night before. He had been in and out and mumbling nonsense, but he wasn't coherent. "I can't go see him," I buried my head into his chest again, "not like this. And not knowing what I know." I'd scream it from the rooftops if I saw Naruto or Kakashi right now. Maybe anyone with a badge for that matter.

Madara was quiet and still aside from his hand still brushing my bare skin. I was naked aside from the red lace panties I had on. Madara was only in his underwear as well, his body warm and comforting as he held me. Was I a horrible person for finding comfort in his arms at the moment? Or was it even worse that I was actually thankful it was his arms and not his nephews that I was in at the moment? I couldn't bear the thought of seeing Obito at the moment.

Madara moved slightly and his finger hooked under my chin to make me look at him, "I'll go with you," he kissed my forehead.

"What about work?" I asked as I opened my eyes to hold his dark gaze.

Madara's lip moved slowly into a ghost of a smile, "I took the day off." I was surprised by his words, Madara never took the day off. "Shisui is bringing me some security footage this afternoon, but I have nothing to do today but take care if you."

I think I made a noise of confusion because his chest rumbled with a soft laugh. "Why would you-"

His large hand moved to brush my hair from my face and his eyes swirled with emotion. "Because I love you," this was the first time he's out and out said the words to me, "my brother did not tell me of his plan, nor what the aftermath would be. I can't apologize for his actions, but I can make up for my own. I will tell you my wrongdoings, so he cannot use them against me, or you, again."

I cried. Maybe I was a glutton for punishment. Maybe it was because I never had anyone love me this deeply. Maybe everything was just fucked up and I was emotional. Maybe, maybe I didn't know what in the hell I was doing anymore, but I cried. Emotion stirred in me and I know it wasn't love, not the love I hold for Obito. I'll die for Obito, no questions asked, but I still felt this need to help Madara, protect him even, and the sudden realization terrified me.

"Okay," was all I could manage to say at the moment. His face fell slightly and I feigned a shy expression by glancing towards his chest and biting my lip innocently. I had to say it, I had to say it back if I wanted this to be believable and for him to continue to trust me. "Because I love you." God that hurt to say, but it worked.

Madara firmly, but gently, tilted my head in order to kiss me. He was soft and forgiving in his kiss and his hands were the same as he caressed me. He pulled away and we were both breathless. I smiled up at him and he gave me one last kiss to my lips before he slipped from the bed. I was curious how long he'd wait before he claimed me again. Would he wait until I didn't flinch at his every touch? Would it be when the bruises were gone? Would he wait until I made the first move? I just wanted to forget last night ever happened.

The hospital was much quieter than the day before and I was thankful for the peace. Madara walked beside me with his hands in his pockets and I had mine clutched in front of me as they held my small purse. Being winter I was in skinny jeans with knee-high boots. A white turtleneck covered the bruising on my neck and wrists and I had a poncho-style shirt over it in a deep blue. I had felt lazy and put my glasses on and my hair into a braid, much to Madara's displeasure.

I giggled as I saw the frown on Madara's face, "Do you dislike my glasses that much?" My tone was flirty.

Madara's eyes cut to me before he focused on the hallway once again, "I'm not used to them." He seemed uncomfortable.

"Perhaps we need a moment alone," I smirked when I saw the question in his eyes, "sir." I stretched the word and I found joy in watching his eyes go wide for a moment before he composed himself.

Madara stepped in front of me and I had to stop in order to keep from running into him, "Perhaps," he repeated as his fingers traced my lips, "that mouth of yours didn't learn last night." I snorted at his words and kept my mouth shut, letting him have his victory.

A jolt of... contentment filled me as Madara took my hand in his and began to guide me to Naruto's room. We passed Rin and another nurse and she simply glared at me, ignoring Madara's presence. Madara gave my hand a squeeze to focus back on him but I was focused on the glint of diamonds and sliver beneath the collar of Rin's shirt. The necklace was beautiful and the charm was in the shape of a bird.

Jealousy and guilt filled me suddenly at the thought of Obito buying her such a gift. I had no right, I was decorated with jewelry that Madara had bought me. I shook my head slightly and my eyes were now looking at the door that my brother was behind. I heard a voice I knew all too well, along with another that made my heart rate increase. Madara gave me another reassuring squeeze of the hand and he knocked on the door lightly.

"Come in," Naruto called, his cheerful voice still as happy as ever.

Madara reached for the door and his hand went from mine to my lower back as he gave me a gentle push to enter the room. Kakashi and Jirayia smiled but I could see the disapproval in their eyes as they saw who had accompanied me. I glanced over to Naruto and his face was bright and happy, though he did seem to dial it back when he saw Madara. On the inside I was screaming and crying, I understood their problem, and I wished it was different, but I needed this man by my side and I needed his trust.

I gave Kakashi a quick hug before I gave Jirayia a tight embrace. I pulled away and smiled softly before I walked to Naruto's bedside. I sat down and hugged him tightly, sniffling to keep the tears at bay. This was my fault. All my fault. I'd do anything that bastard wanted as long as he kept his hands off my family. Friends? Kisame and Shisui were the closest things I had to friends.

"Why are you crying?" Naruto's voice was low but I knew the males in the room heard him.

Guilt. Shame. Embarrassment. Anger. Love. Hate.

"I'm so glad you're okay," I managed to say in a coherent manner.

I felt Naruto chuckled, "You think I could be killed that easily," I pulled away and swatted his arm, "ow." He flinched.

Yes. If Izuna has wanted you dead, you would be.

"I'm sorry about your partner," I said as I sat my hands in my lap and looked at them.

Naruto put his hand on mine, "Hey, look at me," I slowly lifted my head and saw a grown man before me, not a little boy or rebellious teenager: a man. "Lee was a good cop and an even better friend, but we knew the danger of our job, and this isn't going to stop me."

I smiled through the tears and nodded, "There's no stopping you when you're set on something," he gave me a closed eye smile, "so I'll support you any way I can."

"Do you have any leads?" Madara's voice was calm, no sign of ill will nor a hint of him knowing of the mastermind behind it all.

I glanced over my shoulder to see Kakashi's stare fixed on Madara as he turned to face him fully. "We still have some security footage to review, but as of right now, all the feeds we've tried to view were either cut or obscured. This was planned, and it was planned well." Kakashi's brutal honesty was telling, he was testing Madara.

Madara remained stoic and impassive, "If we can be of service, please let me know." I could see the genuine concern in his eyes. Was he trying to get Izuna arrested? Questions swirled in my head but I kept my mouth shut as I watched Jirayia analyze everything going on.

"Do you know something?" Jirayia stepped forward and pointed his question directly at Madara.

Madara put his hands in his pockets, "I was in Kiri until Itachi called me." Itachi? "He said Sasuke had taken Y/n to check on Naruto, that he had been shot. I returned to Konoha immediately to wait for her to come home." I internally winced and prepared myself for the line of questioning.

"Home?" Kakashi looked at me expectantly, "You're living together?" He was asking me, not Madara.

I gave a reassuring smile, "I'm at the mansion most days." Was the response I gave though.

"It's for her safety," Madara interjected, "Shisui is her driver unless I'm available." He added as if it would make things better.

"Obito mentioned he hadn't seen much of you lately," Kakashi seemed to say it more to himself than anyone, "he stopped by the precinct this morning."

I glanced at the clock, "What time are we meeting Shisui?" I looked at Madara. Nice change of subject.

Madara noticed the time as well, "Not until four."

"Can you all give me a minute with my sister?" Naruto's voice was hushed and I was filled with worry as I saw his normally bright face with a dark expression.

The three older men simply nodded and exited the room in silence. I turned my body to focus all of my attention on Naruto and he avoided my eyes. I gulped before I found my voice, "Naru?"

His bright blue eyes found my own e/c ones and I again was reminded that he was a man, not a child. "Are you happy?" His words were like a punch to gut and I sucked in a breath.

"What do you mean?" My head lulled to the side slightly as I observed him and waited for his explanation.

He frowned, "With Madara," he said the name devoid of emotion, "are you happy with him?" My reaction was to drop my head, and Naruto likely thought it was embarrassment or uncertainty, but it was nothing but shame.

"He takes care of me," I whispered, "it may seem unconventional, but yes, I'm happy." When I lifted my head I saw the happiness in Naruto's eyes.

"That's all I want for you, Sis," his bright smile lit his face, "for you to be happy." Naruto pulled me to him into a hug and we shared an embrace for a few minutes before a knock came at the door.

We pulled away and both wiped our eyes as someone opened the door. "I'm sorry to bother you but- oh."

"Hello, Rin," I stood up and gave her a warm smile, "I appreciate the phone call you made to Sakura, but perhaps next time you could call me?" I smirked as I saw her face scrunch with distaste.

Naruto looked between us both, "She didn't call you?" He sounded confused. "I told her to call you." Well, well, well.

"Sasuke found me during a meeting and informed me. He's the one who drove to the hospital." I explained casually as I rounded the bed and picked my purse up. "Is Madara in the hall?" I asked Rin as my eyes took in the small hummingbird pendant again.

Rin's brows crinkled, "He's talking to Obito in my office," she smirked as if she had won something, "down-"

"It was my office," I moved to walk out the opened door, "but I turned down the job. I'll see you tomorrow, Naruto." I left without waiting for either of them to respond.

I found Jirayia and Kakashi down the hall, about twenty feet from where Madara and Obito would be. I stopped before the men and gave them a big smile. I had missed seeing them, I hadn't realized how isolated I was these days, but I was starting to. Jirayia ruffled my hair and walked away quietly and I frowned as I watched his back as he retreated.

Kakashi broke the silence, "He's worried about you." My body faces the hall ahead but my eyes looked to Kakashi who was facing me.

"I'm fine," I shrugged and moved to give him my full attention.

Kakashi arched a brow, "Are you?" He lifted a hand and took my hand into his and his thumb caressed the back of it. "Babydoll, if you need-"

"My love," I was silently cursing and thanking him all at once. He saved me from having to lie to Kakashi, or having a breakdown. But then, he showed his hand, as well as mine, to Kakashi. I watched Kakashi's face shift as heard Madara's words, "Is everything alright?"

I gave a quick squeeze to Kakashi's hand a stepped away, "Yes, darling," I cut my eyes to Obito and then back to Madara, "Rin entered Naruto's room so I excused myself."

Madara looked at all of us before letting his eyes watch me again, "I see," he gestured to Obito, "he's going to drive you to the office," I saw the warning in his eyes, "I have to stop by and speak to Izuna." I kept my face neutral but many things were running through my head at his statement.

"Okay," I smiled and turned to hug Kakashi, but he had other ideas. I gasped as I was wrapped into a right embrace and Kakashi's hands held my waist and head to his body. "Kakashi," I mumbled into his chest.

Kakashi's lips brushed my forehead, "Be careful, babydoll." He stepped away and walked between Madara and Obito without a word. At least he didn't kiss me. The expression on the two Uchiha's had me thinking that he might as well have.

I cleared my throat and approached the males to stop between them. I turned my attention to Madara, "Is there anything I need to do before you arrive for us to meet with Shisui?" I suddenly realized something, "Oh, actually, I'll be on the R and D floor."

Madara seemed intrigued by my words, "Why?"

"You canceled the drug trial and I wanted to discuss the findings with Orochimaru," my explanation was direct and to the point.

His face twisted and he seemed surprised for a moment, and then dominance radiated off of him, "I did, the drug trial showed signs of dependency. There's no need to discuss anything with Orochimaru."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Then I'll discuss it with you." Wrong move.

"Of course," he bent and kissed me lightly, "I'll be at the office shortly. I love you." His lips held a smirk that dared me to not say it back.

"And I love you," I said lazily and spun on my heel, walking away from the both of them.

I waited anxiously as I leaned against the trunk of Obito's car. I had my eyes closed and I let the harsh winter wind nip at my face. I heard his feet but refused to open my eyes. I heard an engine come to life and knew it was Madara's sleek red sports car as he peeled out of the parking lot. I could smell him before me but I still kept my eyes closed. When his hands covered my own that rested on his trunk eyes sprang open.

Obito reached behind me to grab my purse of his trunk and then opened his car door before he chucked it inside, his phone the following suit. He moved before me again and I looked at him in confusion. A stiff hand on my waist pulled me forward and I stumbled into his chest as he held me. I didn't know what he was doing so I stood still.


"I don't care," he took a deep breath as he buried his head into the crook of my neck and I shivered. "How can you say it so easily to him?" Was he crying? "Yet you won't say it to me."

My heart shattered at his words and tears, "Not until this is all over." I had promised myself that I wouldn't say it until then, I couldn't. Until I could give him all of me, I'd lock away my feelings for him. I had to.

Obito's hold on me became tighter, "What is this?"

What is this?

"A game," I replied quietly, "this is all an elaborate game." Obito pulled away but still held my hips, "But I plan on winning."

Obito's face brightened just a little, "Can you?" I don't know.

"I have to," I smiled softly, "Will you wait until then?"

"If it means I finally have you," he kissed my forehead, "Then I'll wait, Asami."

I had gone into Madara's office and aimlessly searched through things, making me look suspicious and testing the theory that Izuna had cameras in the office. I sent Madara a text alerting him to my activity and while I knew he read it, he didn't respond. He didn't tell me, no, so I continued on my fake searching. The only thing of interest, still, was the KPD file I had found earlier. But, when I slid open the center drawer of Madara's desk, I tilted my head as I looked at the photograph and picked it up.

"It was going to be a Christmas present," Madara said idly as he entered his office, "but I thought I'd let you find it while you snooped." He gave me a flirtatious smirk as he walked closer.

"A puppy?" I asked quietly as I closed the drawer, "but Rogue-"

"Is just fine as a canine on the mansion grounds," it's true, Kisame was able to integrate him into the pack fairly easily, though Rogue often found his way into the mansion and to my rooms. "This is a puppy just for you, not a police dog."

I smiled and put the picture down, the mother and her litter of puppies nursing was adorable, "Can I train him?" I asked when I looked up, "He's a shepherd after all."

"Detest females that much you won't even own a dog that's one?" Madara laughed at his own question and I shrugged as I puffed my cheeks, "Come," he extended his hand, "Shisui is down in Sasori's office." I took his hand and we wordlessly made our way downstairs.

Shisui was alone in Sasori's office and we all stood watching the monitor that Shisui had running his video footage Kisame had given him. There was a folder of still shots that Kisame had taken I was flipping through the images as the two males spoke. I heard most of what they were saying but nothing seemed too important so I focused on the pictures. Izuna seemed to be buying expensive gifts for someone, they couldn't correlate to whom.

"What in the hell," I mumbled to myself as I pulled a picture from the folder. "Can you bring up the footage of when this was taken?" I showed Shisui the image.

"Sure," he seemed confused but started working on the computer to bring up the specific video.

Madara looked at me as I pulled my phone from my back pocket, "What is it?"

I pulled up my social media accounts and started looking for a picture to prove what I was about to say. This was a big deal, and if I couldn't prove it, there would be no point in saying it.

"Here it is," Shisui's voice caught my attention and I looked to screen and watched as Izuna was shopping.

Izuna was holding up a few items but he didn't seem set on anything, "When he decides, pause it." I directed and went back to scrolling on my phone.

I heard Shisui mumble something and Madara answered but I have no clue what they said. I was about to give up until I decided to try a different approach. I clicked over to another account and scrolled quickly to today's photos. Bingo. Part of me was elated, the other part of me wanted to vomit.

"Love?" Madara asked concerned and I didn't realize I was trembling until Madara's hand held mine.

"It's her," I whispered as I turned the phone to show Madara.

"Here it is," Shisui said at the same time as Madara's eyes locked onto the image of his brother's lover. "How do you-" Shisui stoped talking when he saw the picture. "What the fuck?"

Madara's face contorted with rage and he pulled the phone from my hand, "That god damn idiot." He gritted out.

"Was that really-"

I cut Shisui off, "Rin."

Rin was having an affair with Izuna.

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