Sanders Sides Oneshots

By rhythmsancat

568 3 0

This is a reader insert. You are best friends with Thomas. He is also legally related to you. One day you fin... More

Background Info
Prepare to Die of Sadness
Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Part 1
Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Chapter 2
Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Chapter 3
Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Chapter 5
Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Chapter 6

Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Chapter 4

23 0 0
By rhythmsancat

Warnings: Smoking Weed, Semi-Public Sex, Harsh Language

Lunch was delicious. Remus had never had better pancakes in his life it seemed. They all loaded in the car and started to go to the smoke place but Roman had gotten a text saying he wanted to change the meeting place since there were so many people. So they re-routed to a nice clearing in the woods near Remy's neighborhood. Logan parked the car and they met Remy and Emile at the beginning of the path.

"So," Remy started as they were all making their way down the path. "Hi, I'm Remy, this is my boyfriend, Emile, I also have another boyfriend but you don't know him," he said, gesturing at himself and Emile, who waved enthusiastically, with his coffee. "And you are?" he asked the group. Janus took the lead.

"Hi," he started with a bit of a crazed tone. "I'm Janus, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," he said, extending a happy hand towards him. Remy smirked knowingly and shook it, making Janus' eyes blow excitedly. He grinned and continued. "This is my boyfriend, Patton," he said, taking Patton's hand. "Emo is Virgil, Nerd is Logan, and the other guy is Remus," he said, waving vaguely at each of them. Remus smiled and rolled his eyes. 

Remy looked at him and smirked, pulling his sunglasses down his nose to expose his eyes a bit. "The famous Remus. I've heard Plenty about you," he said teasingly.

Roman glared at Remy and tossed him a bag with the flavors “Pick one I brought them all”

A blush started to rise up Remus' neck, much to Remy's satisfaction. He grinned and turned to look through the bag. He pulled out a coffee flavored one and tossed it back to Roman.

He pocketed the bag then pulled Remus aside “When I get high I get bitchy and horny fair warning”

Remus' eyes went wide. He nodded, licking his lips unconsciously. They caught up to the rest of the group and they had reached the clearing. It was a beautiful patch of grass with a large  wooden picnic table with an umbrella in the back. They all sat down at the table. Virgil looked at them suspiciously when they sat down. Remus blushed at his judging eyes and knowing frown.

Roman picked out a strawberry packet and passed the bag around.

Remus picked out chocolate, Virgil picked out grape, Patton picked out bubblegum, Janus picked out blueberry, Emile picked out banana, and Logan picked out one of the regular packets.

Roman rolled it into a blunt then lit it and slid the lighter to Remy.

They smoked for a while, chatting about this and that. Janus was hopelessly thirsting over Remy and surprisingly so was Patton. They'd be lying if any of them said they weren't at least a little bit gay for Remy at this point.

Roman had sneaked away though Remy saw him he was deep in the woods jerking off he filmed it then sent it to Remus with a smirk emoji.

Remus got a message and  pulled out his phone. It was an unknown number and a video was attached to a message that read "Your man's got a problem, I suggest you go help 😏" A deep blush crawled up Remus' neck and face. He shoved his phone back in his pocket and looked up to see Remy smirking at him, very satisfied. Remus looked away, embarrassed. Remus knew he should leave Roman alone but he was high so that reasoning didn't process consciously. So instead he stood up and went to look for Roman. 

When he found him he stared for a moment, feeling all sorts of tingly emotions at the sight of his brother, standing against a tree with his hand wrapped tightly around his dick and his head thrown back, a look of pleasure on his face. Remus didn't know what to say so he just cleared his throat loudly to get Roman's attention.

Roman looked up and saw Remus. He approached him and slowly unzipped Remus' pants, sticking his hand inside to pull out his dick. He knelt down and started to lick a long line along the bottom, making Remus shudder. Then he swallowed his length with exciting ease. He sucked him off, looking him dead in the eyes with an innocent look on his face.

Remus threw his head back and moaned. He leaned against the tree beside him and stared into Roman's shining eyes and innocent smile. He reached down and ran his fingers through his hair.

He moaned around his cock sending vibrations up he continued to suck him off while maintaining eye contact.

Remus blushed and gasped when Roman moaned. He tightened his hand in Roman's hair a little bit and unconsciously pushed forward an inch more into Roman's hot mouth.

He moaned more and kept sucking as he jerked himself off moaning more

"Roman I-"  Remus started. He cut himself off with a sharp gasp. "I'm about to-" he tried again. He came into Roman's mouth as his body shook with ecstasy.

He swallowed it all, then cleaned Remus’s cock he had also came. He stuffed Remus’s cock in his pants “Ready to go back to the other's Master?” He winked at him and kissed him.

Remus blushed deeply at the use of the word 'master'. He'd never imagined his brother would invest a master/daddy kink in him, but then again he never thought that he and his brother would actually become anything. He swallowed and nodded, coming in for another kiss before taking his hand and leading him back to the clearing. Remy smirked evilly at them but thankfully no one else seemed to notice. They sat down at the bench. Everyone else was sitting or laying on the ground.

Roman pulled out a special bag of weed and rolled it into a blunt then handed it to Remy
“You wanted to try a stronger strain?” he asked him and tossed him the lighter

Remy smirked and caught the lighter. He lit the blunt and took a swiff. He let out a satisfied sigh, leaning back onto a tree and handed it to Emile. Emile tried it and his eyes went wide. He shook his head and scrunched his face up, handing it back to Remy.

"No, no that's way too strong," he said. Remy laughed and handed the blunt back to Roman.

He took a long drag and bit his lip he handed it to Roman “Try it love, I'll give you a blowjob when  we get home"

Remus blushed and took the blunt, taking a drag. His face did a thing, as the strength surprised him, but he liked it.

He bit his lip “Fuck thats hella good, hey Lo come try this”

Logan looked up and reached out to take the blunt. He took a long drag and slowly blew out. He smiled contentedly and handed the blunt back to Roman. 

Remus looked over to the others. Remy and Emile were talking with Virgil and Patton and Janus looked Seconds away from fucking each other right in front of all of them.

He took a long drag then handed it to Remus.

Remus took the blunt and took a drag, expertly blowing oh's in the smoke. He handed the blunt to Logan who reached up for it and turned to Roman. "Look at Janus and Patton," he said amused.

He looked over and chuckled “Pat, Jan if you wanna fuck follow the trail deeper in the forest” he yelled

Janus looked up and blushed deeply, looking down at the ground embarrassed. Patton just smirked and stood up, dragging a dark red Janus along with him down the path into the unknown. Remus laughed and rested his forehead on Roman's shoulder at how uncharacteristic everyone was being. Virgil being social. Patton being bold and inappropriate. Janus being a blushy boy. It was hilarious and comforting in a way.

He took a long drag then handed the blunt back to Logan and took Remus' hand leading him to a treehouse near-by. “Remember when we made this with Lo when we were ten?” He said.

Remus' eyes widened excitedly. "I hadn't realized we were at those woods," he said breathlessly, smiling.

“Lo come here!” He called as he climbed the ladder everything was the way they had left it

Remus climbed up after him and Logan came waddling through the woods a minute later. Remus stuck his head out the little window and called after him.

"Hey Lo-Lo, over here!" he shouted. Logan swung his head over to them. His face lit up like a child on Christmas when he saw the treehouse in all its former glory. Remus waved him over and he practically galloped to the ladder climbing up excitedly. 

"Omg I remember this! I can't believe it's still together. We did a good job," he said happily.

Roman smiled happily “This could be the new smoking spot and hang out"

Logan smiled. "Yeah, that's cool," he said. Remus grinned and jumped down, going to get the others.

Remus came back with Remy, Emile, and Virgil. When Virgil saw the treehouse he smiled widely and naruto ran the rest of the way to it, opting out of the ladder and instead jumping up and pulling himself onto the small deck. Remus laughed at his shenanigans. And he and the others went to climb in. Remy and Emile climbed in first. Remus pulled himself on to the first step when he heard Janus call out. 

"Hello!" He yelled. "Where'd you all go?" Remus got down and sprinted to the clearing. 

"Hi guys," he said, making them turn around. "We found the old treehouse we built when we were little, come on," he told them. Patton smiled and grabbed Janus' arm pulling him behind him and Remus.

“Hey Lo?” He asked softly,  wanting to tell him something that Remus doesn’t know and he wasn’t planning  on telling Remus.

Logan looked up and smiled. "Yes Princey?"

“You know when we were younger and I would ask if we could hang randomly at dark?”

Logans smile turned to a look of confusion. "Yes..?"

“It was because my dad was gonna rape me he only did it when everyone was alseep”

Logans face dropped and his eyes stung, saddened. "Ro-" he started. "We were 7, I- I'm so sorry you've been going through this alone for so long," he went on, tears threatening to spill. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was wondering why he was being so emotional. He looked down and took a deep breath to stop the tears from falling. But he was truly bothered and sad and angry that Roman was going through so much.

Roman hugged him, his own tears threatening to spill.

Remus, Janus, and Patton approached the tree. Remus went first this time and when he hoisted himself up on the fifth step he saw Roman and Logan hugging tightly. He raised an eyebrow in confusion but decided to ignore it, pulling himself up the rest of the way and sitting down next to Roman wordlessly. Janus came next and sat next to Remy, Emile on his other side and Virgil next to Emile. Then Patton came up and sat next to Janus.

Remy smirked at them. "Did you have fun?" he asked them. Janus blushed deepl ur and looked away but Patton smiled and nodded, resting his head on Janus' shoulder. Remus laughed at Janus' reaction. "Don't be embarrassed," he assured them. "I've had sex in these woods many, many times,"

Janus looked up. "You have?" he asked. Remy smiled and nodded. "I have," he said. "With multiple people. Roman, Emile, and one time with my other boyfriend Thomas, but he lives out of state,"

Patton shot his head up and Janus' and Virgil's eyes widened. They all shared a look. Virgil cleared his throat. "Where does he live?" he asked meekly. 

"Colorado," Remy said. They all shared another look.

"Roman, kiddo?" Patton asked.

Roman pulled away from Logan and wiped his eyes, looking up at Patton. "Yes?" he asked.

"That guy who bought you.." Patton started. "What's his last name?"

“I think it was Sanders I don’t exactly know”

Patton nodded. He looked to Remy who was now open-mouthed. "What is your boyfriend's last name?"

"S-Sanders," he stuttered. Everyone shared a shocked look. 

"Wait so," Remy started, taking his sunglasses off and rubbing his eyes. "So you're telling me my boyfriend bought Roman?" he asked. They all nodded. "Why?"

Roman looked down and hid his face in Remus as he started to shake from the memories.

Remus was quick to wrap his arms around Roman, rubbing his back and running his fingers through his hair.

Remy looked thoroughly confused. No one said anything though, unsure if it was ok with Roman to tell them.

Roman slowly calmed down “You can tell them” he mumbled as he snuggled into Remus more.

Remus looked up to relay the message. Patton seemed to get it and he turned to Remy and started to tell him. "Roman has been.. abused, to put it lightly, by his father," he said. Remy's face turned to one of horror and shock and sadness and anger. He looked over to Roman. Patton continued. "He would beat him, burn him, scratch him, rape him, cut him," anything he could do he would," he said, starting to cry at the thought. Virgil continued. 

"It's been going on for months, since he found out Roman liked Remus," he said.

"No," Logan said. They all looked up at him. "Not months," he started, having the others confused.

“Years” he finished “it’s been going on since I was seven and it's even worse now,"

They all looked at him with sad eyes that threatened to spill.

"Oh my god," Remy whispered. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

“They just found out today Remus found out yesterday”

Remy looked down. "Ok," he said quietly. He looked up. "So what are we gonna do about it?" he asked. 

"We were planning on going to the police to report him," Logan supplied.

"And you came to get stoned instead? Wtf guys why are we here come on," he said grabbing his bag and standing up, going to leave. 

"Actually, Remy, if I may?" Logan started. Remy looked him, standing in the doorway. "How soon could Thomas make it here? We were hoping to have him as an alibi," he asked.

"He could make it in as little as an hour and a half if he booked it," Remy said. "That is, if he can even leave,"

“He said if I ever needed him for something that he would manage to get here somehow” he said to himself. He blinked slowly, feeling the after-high sleep kicking in.

"Let's go get some coffee," he said adjusting the bag on his shoulder and climbing down the ladder. The others silently followed suit. They met Remy in the clearing. He had his phone out and he was calling Thomas. He put the phone to his ear.

It only rang once before Thomas picked up. "Hello?" he said.

"Hey babe," Remy said smiling sweetly. 

"Remy," Thomas replied happily. "What's up?"

"Umm.." Remy started. "How soon can you get here?" he asked.

Thomas laughed. "20 minutes," he said, amusedly.

"Twenty- what?" Remy repeated, spluttering. 

"I was gonna surprise you," Thomas said. "Guess the surprise is ruined now but I have a feeling this is better somehow,"

"I- yeah! Um," Remy cut off. "Well, I uh- meet you at Starbucks?"

Thomas chuckled. "Sure, I'll pay," he said. 

"Uhhhh," Remy started. "I have Emile and six other people with me.." Remy laughed awkwardly. 

"Cool. I can still pay though," Thomas dismissed.

"Um, ok.. I love you," Remy said. "Bye,"

"Bye Remy,"

Remy hung up the phone and turned to the others who were waiting patiently. "He can be here in 20 minutes, and we're meeting him at Starbucks," he said.

"Wait what?" Remus started. "I thought you said he was a hours away,"

"He was coming to surprise us," he smiled. 

"Wow.." Remus started. "Um, cool! Awesome! Perfect, um let's go!" he said, starting back down the path to the parking lot.

Roman quickly followed Remus “Rem I feel like I’m gonna pass out” 

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