Sanders Sides Oneshots

By rhythmsancat

575 4 5

This is a reader insert. You are best friends with Thomas. He is also legally related to you. One day you fin... More

Background Info
Prepare to Die of Sadness
Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Part 1
Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Chapter 2
Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Chapter 4
Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Chapter 5
Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Chapter 6

Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Chapter 3

23 0 0
By rhythmsancat

Warning: mention of abuse/rape, harsh language, smoking weed

"What, the, fuck." They heard, startling them out of the kiss. They jerked back and snapped to their four friends who were now standing in the room staring at them incredulously. 

"Language," Patton hissed at Virgil, smacking his arm lightly. Virgil payed him no mind, keeping his gaze on the two twins. 

"I- um-," Remus tried. "Shit," he muttered when he failed to think of anything to say.

Roman blushed and buried his face in Remus' shoulder. Remus reached up to comfort him. 

"It's about damn time," Janus spoke up.

"Language guys," Patton pleaded. 

"About damn time? What do you mean, bitch they were kissing!" Virgil exclaimed.

"I mean they've been tip-toeing around their feelings for years. And it's about damn time they did something about it. Duh," Janus explained. 

"I- what?" Remus asked, shocked. He knew? This whole time? How?

Remus panicked when Roman started crying. He quickly wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tight. 

"Hey, hey. It's ok, you're safe don't worry. I'm here. You're safe," he kept saying reassuring things to him, hoping it would help calm him down.

“Rem dads hear i heard his car door slam shut” he whispered quietly only Rem could hear

Remus rubbed circles in his back. 

"Can someone go check outside and make sure no one's there?" he asked.

"I got it," Logan said. He left for a bit and came back shortly. "Your mother has arrived," he reported. 

"Thank you, Lo-Lo," he said.

"It's ok," he said to Roman. "It's just mom, you're ok,"

He calmed down but stayed nuzzled into him
“Love you Re” he mumbled before falling asleep

Remus carded his fingers through Roman's hair. "I love you too," he said quietly.

"Is there anything else we should know?" Logan asked. Right, that situation. 

"Um the abuse started when our parents divorced but it got worse when he found out he liked me. And he would bring his friends home to rape him as a group. And he sold him into sex trafficking but some guy named Thomas bought him to set him free, but our dad got him back," he said getting quieter with every word.

Everyone was visibly very upset about the situation.

"Well the best course of action would be to go to the police about this. We can go there together. I can driveAnd we can try to find this Mr. Thomas as another alibi. Roman, do you know where he lives? Is he far?" Logan said.

‘He lives in Colorado he was only here visiting his parents’ he signed not wanting to talk

"Fuck," Logan cursed under his breath. Patton shot a half-hearted glare his way. 

"Language," he said stretching it out in a small cry. Then he turned to confusion. "What'd he say?" Logan knew sign language, but the others didn't so they didn't know what he had said.

"He lives in Colorado," Remus filled in. Patton frowned at this.

"But they can still call him in if they can find him right?" Virgil piped up. "And question him there?"

"That is a possibility, yes," Logan answered.

Their mom came in. "Oh hello boys!" she greeted the others. "I didn't know you were here," she turned to the closet, somehow knowing Remus and Roman were in there. "I'm gonna go out of town for the weekend, so you'll have to stay at your father's house," she said. They all started to panic. Thankfully Janus came to the rescue.

"Actually can they stay at my house? It's been a while since I've had them over," he asked. 

"Sure! I don't see the harm in that!" she  thankfully agreed. "I'm gonna leave now so pack your bags. Goodbye boys," she said before closing the door.

‘Re all of my things are at Dads and he said to get them before the week ends or he’s gonna burn it all’

"Roman, I highly advise against that. It would be unsafe to go back there," Logan said.

"Yeah, Princey, that's not a good idea. What if you dont get away," Virgil cringed.

"We can get you new stuff!" Patton offered.

‘Today is usually the day where he doesn’t get back until midnight he goes out drinking today’ he signed as he snuggled into Remus more getting tired

Remus frowned. He let out a puff of air. 

"I suppose if he isn't there, and we sneak in through the window, and we all go together then it shouldn't end badly. All six of us can fight back, right?" he said.

Roman nodded slightly.

Logan blew out a long breath. "Fine," he said. "We'll discuss a plan along the way,"

Roman smiled a bit.

They grabbed a couple trash bags and started walking to their dad's house. They discussed a plan along the way. It was simple really. Janus would stay with Roman on the ground, while Remus went in with the trash bags. Logan and Virgil would be perched in the tree to carefully get the bags down to the ground, and Patton would keep watch in front.

Remus scaled the tree quickly and went inside, rushing to put everything he could find into the bags. It was a lot so it was a good thing they live so close. He packed his bed spread, all of his clothes. His wall decorations and trinkets, his stuffies. He even looked under the bed and found several bags of weed.. hm. Good for him. He set it in the bag and looked for more stuff. He packed all of his notebooks and sketchbooks and stickers and duct tape, really any of his crafting tools. He gave the last bag to Logan and swung down the tree. 

They went to the front with all of the bags to find Patton in a very heated argument with one of the elderly neighbors. He seemed to think they were breaking in and was threatening to call the police. He made an especially crude remark, making Patton stop in his tracks. He relaxed his face before looking the man directly in the eyes and smiling sickeningly sweet at him.

"With all due respect, sir, fuck you," he said nicely but with incredible malice. Remus' jaw dropped instantly and Virgil and Janus broke out into hysterical laughs. Patton smiled over his shoulder. The man was about to say something back but then he saw Remus and Roman and he squinted annoyed. 

"I'm letting you off the hook this time but next time there won't even be a warning,"

Nobody said anything, they just went on their way back to their house, hauling the bags behind them. They reached the house and they all helped unpack everything into Roman's room.

Janis picked up the bag with the weed and pulled it out. He smirked and held it up at Roman.

"Since when do you smoke, Princey?" he asked with a light laugh.

"It's not mine, it's Remy's," he muttered. 

"Remy? Remy Brew?" Janus asked incredulously. Roman nodded.

"Since when do you hang out with Remy Brew?" he gawked. 

"I'm sorry, but who the hell is that?" Virgil asked.

"He's literally the hottest guy in school," he explained. Patton frowned. 

"Babe," he whined. 

"Babe?" Remus asked. "When did that happen?" He wasn't necessarily surprised but.. what?

"Like, three weeks ago, Re," Janus said like it was obvious. He turned to Patton. "And I'm sorry hun but it's true,"

"But what about me?" Patton pouted. 

Janus laughed. "You're not hot, dear," he said. "You're adorable, but you're not hot," he said, stepping to him and pinching his cheeks. Patton grinned at the gesture. 

"Okay," he teased, wrapping his arms around his neck and leaning up to kiss him. Janus met him halfway in a short but sweet peck.

"Ok you guys are frickin' adorable," Remus said, earning a giggle from Patton. 

"Anyways," Janus said, pulling away and resuming the unpacking. "What's the story Princey?" he asked.

“Remy was about to get in trouble for having the weed so I threw it in my backpack during drama club he was there to support one of his boyfriends he’s polyamorous”

"Ok, ok," Janus said, clearly not satisfied with that answer. "You sure you never fucked?" he pressed.

"Lan-" Patton started.

"Pat," Virgil warned. "I love you but stop, please," he said.

“Maybe once or three times backstage," he admitted, blushing furiously.

Janus breathed a laugh. "Oh my god. That's fucking awesome," he laughed. 

Remus tried to ignore the newfound information and continued unpacking. 

"But did you ever smoke the weed?" Logan asked.

“Yeah last weekend me and Remy smoked a bag each”

"A bag ea-" Janus breathed. "Holy shit how are you not dead??!" he asked incredulously.

He shrugged
“Don’t know” he his voice started to get strained

"Ok be honest," Janus started. "How often do you smoke?" he asked. He was clearly getting a huge kick out of this newfound detail about Roman. Remus was too, not gonna lie. And judging by the looks on the others faces, so were they.

'Few times a week' he signed, not wanting to lose his voice. 

"Oh my god," Janus breathed, eyes wide. 

"Makes sense though," Virgil piped up. "Given everything he's been going through," 

"True, true," Logan agreed. He emptied the last bag of stuff and gathered them all from where they had been haphazardly thrown on the ground. 

Remus sat down on the twin bed and laid back sideways. Janus sat down next to him.

"So I'm guessing that bag's not from when you helped Remy then?" Janus asked. "That's just how it started?"

“Sure, Remy wanted to smoke later today I could bring you he wouldn’t mind”

"Can I come?" Remus and Patton asked at the same time. They all looked to Patton's innocent smile incredulously. But no one said anything.

Roman nodded. “Yup I bought some yesterday from a new dealer he flavors his it’s the best Remy wanted to try some”

"Well now I feel left out, can I come?" Logan asked.

Roman nodded again
“Yeah” his phone buzzed it was Remy
“Hey bitch the others are joining us I’ll meet you at the spot at five”

“Alright babes Emile is coming too”

“Alright” Roman hung up “Remy is bringing Emile”

"Cool," Janus said. 

Remus looked at Virgil. He knew him well enough to know he was wanting to ask to come too but he was too nervous to speak up. So he asked for him.

"Virge?" he addressed. Virgil looked up at him. "Would you like to come too?" he asked him. Virgil nodded.

"Awesome we got the whole gang," Janus said, smirking in satisfaction.

"What flavor is it?" Patton asked.

"Assorted fruit flavors. Strawberry, lemon, banana, grape, blueberry, and other things like bubblegum, birthday cake, rootbeer, chocolate. The list continues, I have a lot. Remy has even more"

"Cool," Patton cooed excitedly. 

"It's 4 right now," he stated, glancing at the analog clock on Roman's nightstand. "We should go to lunch before we smoke. I don't know about you but I'm starving,"

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