Fantastic Four (Rise of The S...

By racefunhorsess

48.1K 1.2K 150

Reed and Sue are getting Married. Johnny is has feelings for Scar. When the Silver Surfer threatens their wor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

5.1K 142 20
By racefunhorsess

Scarlett P.O.V

I take to the skies. Bright blue sky surrounds us. I watch Reed driving them not so far ahead of me. I am close enough to head Ben's deep voice. Johnny flies right next to the flying machine I built.

"Okay, we're now officially enemies of the United State of America. Victor is out there somewhere with unlimited power and we've got a giant intergalactic force that's about to destroy our planet in less than twenty four hours. Did I miss anything?" He says calmly through their headsets. About me, but I left the group anyway. I can't hear what Reed is saying, but I don't care. We fly for a few more minutes and suddenly Victor appears out of nowhere.

"Victor, the board is drawling the Destroyer here. You have to give it up." Reed yells loud enough for me to hear. He has something with him, but I can't see it. I can hear Reed say something, but I can make out the words.

Before I know it Victor is trying to get the others and kill them. The car splits up into three different sections. I can see Sue getting mad as Victor sends bursts of energy at her and flying rocks come at her. I can tell they are all going to make mean comments. Suddenly I see what he is hiding.


"Let's all go for a spin!" is all I hear before I see rising water and Victor spinning then. I start to get really angry. I mean, I have never been this angry before in my life. He murders the General, insults my family and kidnaps my daughter. I raise my hands and freeze the water instantly and it trapped Reed, Sue and Ben in it.

"Looks like you got someone angry." I hear Johnny say right before I crash through the ice smashing into Victor and Adelaide. Adelaide is flung out of his arms and is flying down and into the river below. I hear her scream.

"Mommy!" I rush after her. She is facing upwards and she can see me coming down after her. . She gets closer and closer to the water below. I push myself faster and right before she hits the water my arms wrap around her. My wings open up and carry us. Tears stream down both our faces.

As I was chasing down Adelaide. Victor finished off his spinning and flung the cars into Japan. I fly us to them following the crowded streets and the way people were running from. I fly and see Victor looking at Norrin.

"Norrin! Catch." Victor says and Sue runs up stepping in front of him. I set Adelaide down and step in front of Sue just as it gets close to her. It goes through my body and sticks in the middle. The silver layer feels like goo against my body. I slowly fall to the ground in pain.

"Scarlett!" I hear all the men shout besides Norrin. They rush over and the pole disappears from my body making me fall all the way to the ground. I hear screaming from Adelaide as she runs up to me. When she sees me she freezes instantly. She slowly walks over and kneels beside me.

"I'm sorry, girlie. You've had to see this so many times in your life and you don't deserve it." I brush hair out of her face and wipe away some of the tears streaking down her face. "No one deserves to see that. You deserve a good family. I was going to adopt you. Make you my real daughter, but I hadn't got the chance." I say and I fall into unconsciousness.

Third Person P.O.V

Scarlett falls unconscious and people stay silent for a minute after what she said. Adelaide's soft sobs are heard and everyone has pity on her. He parents were shot and the person she considered a parent after that, just got stabbed in front of her by a villian.

"He is here." Norrin looks at the sky, breaking the silence. You can heard the rumbles in the clouds above them all.

"Reed?" Ben asks.

"Victor's got a pulse emitter linking him to the Surfer's board. We take it out, we can separate him from his board." Reed says looking down at his little sister in his arms and then at the crying little girl next to her.

"He's too strong for me. I could whale on him if I got close, but he could see me coming from a mile away." Ben says looking down at his orange rock form.

"It would take all of us." Reed says sighing and looking back down at Scarlett in his arms.

"Or maybe just one of us." Johnny says determined. Sue looks over at her brother and she knows he is feeling a deep remorse for everything that has happened. He never told her anything along the lines of I'm sorry during this whole commotion.

"We don't know what it could do to you." Reed says. They gather their hands, besides Adelaide's and Scarlett's since she can't switch powers with Johnny. Reed holds his sister and Sue tries to calm down the weeping little girl. Ben figures out he can help and begins running up a cranes stairs. Johnny gets to work flying while invisible.

"To quote a friend of mine, it's clobbering time." Johnny says as he turn visible. His body is fire hot and his arm made of stone. He punches Victor.

"You ain't going down fighting kid. Not without me." Ben says as he starts a crane up. Johnny's body is stretched around Victors and he makes sure to pull it extra tight. He flames himself up to a super-heated temperature.

Johnny punches Victor and then makes himself go hotter disabling the pulse emitter and making the board fall to the ground below. Johnny lets him go quickly and Ben sends the crane towards Victor hitting him and making him go flying off.

Johnny and Ben then walk back to the group together. He gives all the right powers to everyone and watches the Surfer step on his board. His shiny silver color returns and spreads up his body.

"You have to go." Reed says and the Surfer looks towards Scarlett in his arms. He holds out his hand and his silver color fades a bit, taking his skin to the gray color again, but in patches of the grey and silver.

"Treasure each moment with her and tell her she was right. She won't die after this and neither will any of you. Take care of your Scarlett, Johnny." He finishes and takes off for the sky. He flies into the cloud of the destroyer, that's coming down and he struggles against all the debris that's flying around. Suddenly he flies forward faster and isn't struggling as much. He looks back to see a smiling Johnny Storm holding his board.

"Thought you could use a hand." Johnny says and the Surfer turns back going to the center of the storm. Johnny lets go and then flies back out as he lets his power out.

"Why isn't it working?" Ben asks nervously looking up at the sky.

"We were too late." Reed says blandly.

"I will no longer serve. This will be the end of both of us." The Surfer says and he collects all his energy and light into his body from his board and he releases it into the destroyer. The clouds begin to sink back out of the earth and lets out a big explosion.

Johnny walks over and picks Scarlett out of Reed's hands. He looks down at her with sad eyes. Suddenly her eyes open and they both look into each other's eyes.

"Hi." Scarlett says her voice a little different. It was a little scratchy.

"Hi." Johnny says looking down affectionately at her.

"What did I miss?" She says and Johnny picks her up holding her up in his arms. Adelaide jumps onto his back just so she could look at Scarlett in his arms.

"You're alive!" She says with joy and happiness.

"Yeah, I'm alive." Scarlett says while looking at the little girl. Johnny sets Scarlett on her own two feet and stands there a little wobbly. She leans on Johnny to keep her steady and Johnny wraps an arm around her.

"Good job, kid." Ben says and pats Johnny on the back since he defeated Von Doom by himself mostly.

"Hey wait, I'm not changing!" Johnny says and touches Ben again.

"Hey that's great!" Ben says and Johnny hugs Ben. "Okay, now you're making me uncomfortable." Ben says and it abruptly ends. Scarlett chuckles at them and how awkward their conversation had just gotten.

"So I guess this is it. We all go our separate ways." Johnny says and Reed and Sue speak up. Adelaide hugs onto Scarlett's leg as they walk through Japan.

"No." Reed says.

"No?" Ben asks surprised.

"No." Sue answers trying to make it clear to all of them.

"No?" Johnny asks again.

"If not for the team..." He looks at each of us. "...the whole world would be gone. We can't run away from our responsibilities. This is who we are." Reed says

"That's what I've been saying." Ben says back to Reed smiling.

"What about a normal life?" Johnny asks and glances over at Scarlett and Adelaide for a second before looking back at them.

"A family?" Sue asks.

"Who says you have to be normal to have a family? I have Adelaide and I have all of you. You're already my family." Scarlett says to them all and they all smile at her.

"So are you up for another media-circus wedding? Fifth time's the charm." Sue says while looking at Reed.

"No, I got a better idea." Reed says. They stay there in Japan and have a wedding. The girls all wear dresses, I wear my uniform under mine. I look like a smurf in the wedding.

Scarlett P.O.V

I watch as we go through a similar process of the last wedding. Reeds phone dings. Sue speeds up the wedding and they get married. Sue gathers the ladies around and I manage to get out of it. I walk over and stand by Johnny who is in the flying hover car.

"Hey, Flame head." I say as I stand there next to the car he is in.

"Hey, Ice block." I snicker at his nickname.

"Nice. You ready to fly, finally?" I say to him.

"What do you mean?" He asks confused because he can already fly with his powers.

"You're flying this car with Adelaide. When I made this, I knew something would happen. I remember you and Ben got in an argument about who was driving the first time you saw it.

"How do you know that?" He asks with wide eyes. He is so confused.

"I was there." I shrug and he looks at me curiously. I start walking towards Sue just as she begins to toss the boquet. "I wasn't lying when I said that I don't carry and gun because I major in hand to hand combat." I say sending a wink over my shoulder to him.

"Heads up, Johnny." Ben says and Johnny looks at the bouquet. It flies right for me. I look up and Johnny sends fire to it. I clash my powers with his and push the Military girl in the way of the protected flowers. She catches it and I send a look towards Johnny and he sends a glare my way.

"You enjoy that?" I ask as I walk back to him.

"Reflex." He covers his fire coming towards the flowers.

"Yeah, my powers just exploded from my hand when I sensed severe heat coming from this area after I hear Ben yell your name. Totally a reflex." I laugh at him and roll my eyes. He laughs with me.

"So you were there that whole time. Why didn't you say anything?" He asks me.

"I didn't know if you guys would be upset. I assigned myself as the team's guardian. I was there mostly for the whole time until I went to SHIELD and had the most amazing experience and met a really great friend." I say and smile remembering Captain America. Johnny looks over at me with an eyebrow raised. "I'll tell you all later." I say and we all take off.

We save Venice and get some awards from the governor there. I stand patiently outside the curtains after and I sense someone next to me.

"You know I never was able to make it and get the Medal of Valor from the Governor of New York." The deep voice says and I squeal I turn around to see Steve Rogers. I pull him in a tight hug.

"Have you gotten lost yet?" I ask him with a joking smile.

"What if I told you around fifty times already?" A bright smile lights up his face. I look into his bright blue eyes.

"I heard you saved the world." He says and I realize I'm still hugging him. I pull back from the hug.

"Well I got stabbed through the heart with a long pole. You can talk to the team over there. They did the work. I just laid there unconscious on the ground." I say. Someone comes up and whispers in his ear.

"I have to go. Director wants to talk to me about joining SHIELD. I'll talk to you soon and congratulations." He says and I kiss his cheek. He walks away and I have a big smile on my face. The rest of the group walks out too me when we begin leaving.

"What's got your smile so big?" Sue asks me.

"I just saw my new best friend. He had to leave, but I'll see him around. I'll have to see if he can get a phone call yet." I laugh at the thought of him using a phone.

"Oh, somebody you like?" I shake my head no vigorously.

"He's just a really great friend, who I have only seen twice, but I practically know everything about him." I say. "Okay enough about me let's go home." I say. I left Adelaide at home with a sitter, she didn't need the press in her face.

We arrive at home and I fall into a sleep quickly on the couch. I slowly wake up in a bed again. I look around the room and groan. Why does Johnny always bring me here? I crawl out of the bed and walk to the living room. I see Johnny sitting on the couch.

"Johnny, why do you always take me from the couch when I'm asleep? I've been sleeping on the ground this whole time I was gone. I must be like such a heavy dead weight to lift." I sit down and sigh. I lay my head against his shoulder because I'm still groggy. He moves his arm to accommodate me and I lay my head against his warm chest.

"Because you need a good sleep and you're not heavy." He says. I don't respond I just sit there in a comfortable silence with him. He then clears his throat. "Scarlett?" He asks me,

"Mhm." I mumble into his chest as my eyes open and close quickly.

"I want to say something." He says. I snuggle my head into his neck a bit and then pull out to stare at him.

"Okay furnace, tell me what you're going to say." I tell him and look him in the eyes. His body is turned to face mine on the couch.

"I... um want to say um... I have liked you for a while and I just want to know um..." Before he can say anything I lean forward and grab his face. I pull him to me and kiss him full on the lips. He responds quicly and pulls me towards him, deepening the kiss. I pull back, breathing heavily.

"Does that answer your question?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yay! You can be my daddy too!" A voice cries and then smashes into us. We all giggle and huddle like a little family. We may have just kissed, but we know we're meant for each other.

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