Someone you loved - RUEL

By summ3rgr4in

23.1K 619 69

When Laiya Turner a dance prodigy is practicing for her performance at the Sydney Opera House in room B a cer... More

meet the characters
Who is she?
ocean eyes
Dazed and confused
picture lasts longer
stalking the insta?
'that' has a name
REAL man
friends at this point
always safe with me
back to the beginning
the shoot
better on you
Rooley bear
old feelings
take a hint
maccas run
meet the girls
release day
i love you
confirming it
The news pt2
new team
powerpuff girls
the dance competition
the party pt1
the party pt2
dear Ruel,
take your time
missed you
free time
and we meet again
almost kiss
T minus 24
Finals (pt 1)
Finals (pt 2)
missed this
second first date
3 years later
New book!!

The news pt1

381 13 1
By summ3rgr4in

Laiyas pov

It was around 1am when Ruel dropped me home, unfortunately he couldn't stay as he had interviews in the morning. I walked into the dark house walking to the kitchen so that I could grab a quick bite to eat before heading to bed. I sat at the kitchen counter and ate the left over pasta that was in the fridge from the other night looking at my phone and watching some youtube videos. I heard the sound of someone walking down the stairs, I glanced over to see Jacob wearing sweats and a hoodie looking half asleep.

"Hey lay" he said rubbing his eyes

"hey sorry if I woke, you just grabbing a snack" 

"Thats alright I'm gonna get a glass of water" 


I poured himself a glass of water before returning to his bedroom upstairs, I finished eating and got changed into some PJs before drifting to sleep. 

the next morning 

I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing the time read 10:30 so I decided to get out of bed and get ready for the day since Anu was coming over. I got changed into one of Ruels blue hoodies and white lulu lemon shorts, I left my hair out and had a natural face.

Laiyas outfit 

I was in the kitchen pouring a glass of milk when I heard the sound of Anu patting my dog Indie

"Hey indie how are you cutie" she asked making me jump and turn around

"What the- oh did Jacob let you in" I asked 

"No hoe I have a key... remember" she laughed holding up her keys

"Oh shit yea I forgot" 

"Wanna order food and watch modern family?" she asked pulling out her phone to order food

"Ughh yesss I'm so hungry" I replied walking over to look at her phone

"Should we get acai bowls?" she asked going onto the local acai restaurant delivery page

"Omg fuck yes" I screamed

We ordered our food and began watching MF for the 8th time, our food arrived and we kept eating until my phone rang.

I got up to answer my phone seeing a random number, I picked it up very confused on who it could be.

**phone call**

Laiya: "Hello?"

???: "Hi is this Laiya?"

L: "Yea this is Laiya speaking"

???: "Oh hi Laiya this is Marge from Los Angeles International Dance Team" (Not sure if that is an actual thing)

L: "Oh hi there" 

M: "We were just calling you to say that we would love to have you join our international finals competition team!"

M: "! Holy ahh thank you so much!" 

SME: "It is our pleasure, we will talk dates later but just keep in mind that we will probably bring you out to LA in 2 or 3 months!"

L: "Thank you so so much this is amazing!" 

M: "No, Thank you we will speak soon!"

L: "Alright bye" 

M:"bye bye"

**end of call**

"OH MY GOD I GOT IN!" I screamed at my Anu and my mum who had just walked through the door

"OH MY FUCKING GOD LAIYA!" Anu screamed running over to me and engulfing me in a huge hug as I started to bawl me eyes out

"Baby I am so proud of you!" My mum said hugging me and kissing me on the head tearing up as well

"They said I will go over to LA in 2 or 3 months" I was smiling until I realized Ruel

"Ruel..." I said softly 

"Does he know?" My mum questioned 

"Not yet, I will tell him tonight" I said looking down

"You guys don't need to breakup you will only be in LA for a few months at the competition then you will come home... Plus some of your comps is in Sydney!" Anu said trying to cheer me up

That was the thing I would only be joining their finals team so I would be gone for 3 months traveling the world to all different dance competitions some of which are in Sydney. Then once we finish I would come back home. We could last that right?

"Yea that is true I'll give him a text and tell him to come over tonight" 

"Yea I am going out tonight so tomorrow night we can go out and celebrate and you can bring Anu and Ruel and maybe even Ruels family" My mum said 

"I would love to go but I have a family dinner tomorrow night" Anu said 

"Oh ok I'll tell Ruel and see if he wants to bring his family out and Anu we can celebrate another time" 

"Yes yes yes of course" she said smiling 

"Thank you guys!" I said hugging them all

Anu and my mum left the house with Jacob so I could have some time alone with Ruel, I knew that there would be tears but I hope that nothing goes wrong. I don't want to break up with him and I believe that we could last the distance.

messages between Ruel and Laiya

I put on some perfume and prepared for Ruel to come over. I stood in the mirror trying to rehearse what I would say to him though nothing sounded natural so I decided to just wing it. The door bell rang once again but this time I wasn't excited I was nervous, extremely nervous. I checked how I looked before running down the stairs to see Ruel. 

"Hey love" He said picking me up and giving me a kiss 

"Hey bubs" I replied giggling

"So what was the news?" 

"Come sit and I will tell you" I replied leading him over to the couch


Oh no, will Ruel take it well or will he flip out? 
Im hoping to update soon maybe tmr or the day after it just depends on my school schedule. My first day back at school was good though I had a minor panic attack at the start  (I have anxiety) but I was able to calm myself down. I love you guys!

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