Watcher Love

By HydraKitty

4.8K 68 18

When Rupert arrived at school early that day, he never imagine meeting Kennedy, the person who'd work her way... More

It All Started With A Question
Crunch Bar Love
Surprise First Date Ending, Maybe
Identity Confession
Temporary Living Quarters
Watcher/Ex-Watcher Adventures
Here's Looking To You, Kid
Reunions Are Not Always Happy
Never A Dull Moment As a Watcher
The Brady Bunch

There Is No Place Like Home

273 7 4
By HydraKitty

Buffy was having a training exercise outside with the girls; Giles was of course out there with them, helping. When he came into the house to get a drink he heard Kennedy's laughter coming from the living room.

Kennedy and Spike were sitting in the living room, his hand was on her stomach again. "How is the training going?" She smiled setting her tea down.

Hands going to his waist, "Just fine. What's going on here?" He asked.

"The kids started kicking, waking me up from my nap. Do you know how much it hurts to have four little feet kicking your insides? It's a lot of pain! So I came down to make tea and Spike was nice enough to offer to make it instead. So when he came in here with the tea they were still kicking and I told him he should take a feel. It's weird having that many feet kicking." She grinned.

Spike scooted away from Kennedy. "Why don't you go see if Willow needs any help with anything," Giles suggested.

"She's not here; she stepped out for a brief moment. Oh and since you are here Leslie is going to be calling in an hour so we can talk to David." She told him.

Giving Spike a quick dirty look, "If you need anything I'm just out back." Giles slowly left the room.

"He really does not like me."

Kennedy sighed, "Not really, but I'm working on it."

"What is the real reason you don't hate me?" Spike asked her.

Grabbing her drink, "You had to be good at some point. And now for whatever reason besides that chip in your noggin, you want to be good again. Who am I to deny you such things?"

"Maybe you should talk to that old man of yours. I don't think he has gotten that memo yet." Getting himself a cup.

"He is coming around, slowly but surely. Hey, can I see your fangs?" She smiled.

Changing, "Sure."

"Wow. Can...can I touch them?" Reaching towards Spike.

Leaning forward, "Sure."

"That is kind of awesome." Feeling Spikes teeth.

Pulling them back in, "Never had that reaction before."

"Well, I have never had tea with a vampire before so I guess we're kind of even."

The time finally came when they had to deal with the hell mouth directly. It was the night before the big day and everyone was trying to stay calm.

Kennedy was out back on the porch wrapped in a blanket when Giles joined her. She moved so they both could share the blanket.

"You know what you'll be doing?" He asked her.

Snuggling up to him, "Yes, drive the bus."

"I know you would rather be inside helping."

Sighing, "But I am safer on the bus being ready to drive us to safety."

"You did not want to go back to England as I suggested."

Looking up at him, "We need names." Quickly changing the subject, feeling a fight might come if they continued down this path.

"We do have names, Kennedy." He looked at her in confusion.

Giggling, "No silly, the kids. We can't keep calling them the twins."

"What names did you have in mind?" He asked.

Licking her lips, "I don't know, but I wanted to name them before you went into that school tomorrow."

Buffy popped her head out the door, "Hey we need you."

"We can talk about this later when I am done." Getting up.

"But G this is the naming of our children," Kennedy said sternly.

Giving her a kiss on her head, "Yes I know. That is why I will be right back." After disappearing inside he was soon replaced with Spike. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Was coming back from a walk." Sitting next to her.

Chewing on the inside of her cheek, "This hell mouth is really starting to work my last nerve. They are so busy planning that G can't sit with me for ten minutes to discuss the naming of our two kids."

"You are this far along and you don't know what to call the little tikes?"

Resting her head back, "I just don't get it though. It was so easy to name David. We had the name within two weeks."

"It's only because both your minds are elsewhere."

Tilting her head to Spike, "When did you become so wise?" Kennedy smiled.

"Many, many years of so-called living." He joked.

Reaching over, Kennedy patted him on the head, "Awe you're a wise little puppy."

"I am not some animal." He growled.

Laughing, "But Spike is a dog's name."

"It was because I used spikes to torture my victims you silly girl."

The laughing stopped, but a smile still played on her lips, "Well I know that, but I am not telling my kids that is the reason your name is Spike."

"You're going to tell your kids about me?" Shocked she would even say anything to them.

Wrapping the blanket a little tighter around herself, "Why wouldn't I? You're my friend; it would be a very douche move on my part if I didn't tell my kids about you. Especially since David already knows about Willow, Buffy, Xander, and Anya."

"What about Giles? He doesn't exactly share the same views as you." Spike pointed his thumb at the house.

Kennedy rubbed her belly. "He needs to stop being a stick in the mud along with the others. You're good enough to fight on their side, but not good enough to be called their friend. That seems like stupid logic to me."

"You're not as horrible as I pegged you out to be," Spike confessed.

Her eyebrows crinkled as she looked at him, "Me horrible? Where did you get such a silly notion?"

"I just figured anyone who can sleep with that grumpy old Brit had to be just like the guy."

Rolling her eyes at him, "I believe all the years of drinking blood has warped that brain of yours." Poking him in the head.

"I believe you are wrong about that." Hitting her hand away.

Snorting, "I have only been wrong once in my entire life and this isn't it."

"What was that one thing you were wrong about?" Spike inquired.

Holding up one finger, "That last drink on my 21st birthday. I never thought I could throw up so much in my life."

"You didn't happen to get pictures of that?" Smiled Spike.

Getting up, still wrapped in the blanket, "Made sure there was no evidence."

"Hey, Kennedy." Spiked called after her.

Stopping at the back door, "Yes?"

"I have a name for that boy of yours."

Smiling, "What is it?"


Laughing, "I am not naming him Spike."

"It's a good name."

Facing him, "What is your real name?"

"William." He simply answered.

"Now that is a good name....a great name." Going back inside.

Kennedy was asleep when Giles finished with Buffy and the others. She let out a little moan when she felt his arm wrap around her.

The next day came way too soon and the house was quiet as they ate breakfast. They silently gathered their things and headed for the school. As everyone filed out of the bus Giles made sure to be the last one-off.

He could tell Kennedy was fighting back tears, she was trying hard to be tough for him. "You be careful now you hear?"

"Of course, I would not have it any other way."

Kennedy cupped his face and kissed him, " I love you, Rupert Giles."

"I love you, Kennedy Brown." Giving her a kiss back.

Willow appeared in the door, "Giles we have to go."

"Ok." He called over his shoulder, "I won't be very long." He told her climbing out of the bus.

Kennedy moved to the last step, "G!" She yelled after him and he turned to her, "Madeline Belle and William Graham for the kids."

Running back to her, "They are perfect." Kissing her cheek.

"You better come back to see these three kids grow up."

Squeezing her hand, "I promise." Joining back up with the group.

Kennedy climbed back on the bus and impatiently waited for them to return. As she waited her foot tapped which caused one of the kids to kick.

Looking down at her belly, "Sorry you two, mommy is just nervous for daddy and the others."

She wondered how they were doing; if any of them were hurt and if so how bad their injuries were. Then came the thought if any of them were killed. Kennedy's heart started to sink as she realized one of those killed could be Giles. She didn't want him hurt or anything; she needed him.

Linking her hands together, Kennedy closed her eyes and dropped her head, "Dear God if you are out there and listening, I know it has been a while since I last sought you out. And yes I am sorry since the last time I called on you my husband was dying. And this time the love of my life and the father of my kids is in harm's way trying to make this world a better place. But if you just this one time make sure he comes back to me alive and in one piece I will make sure to talk to you and see what is going on. Or ask how you are doing often. Heck, I will take myself to church every day for the rest of my life if G can come back to me. Because I don't think I could handle losing him..." Her head popped up at some noise. "Church here I come!" She cried in joy.

There, running up the pathway, was a group of familiar faces. By the time they reached the bus, it was up and ready to get the hell out of there. Giles was of course the last one on the bus; he yelled for her to drive. The bus seemed to not be moving fast enough for Kennedy's taste as she drove as fast as the bus would take them. She got just outside of town before pulling to a screeching halt. Giles came off the bus wrapping his arms around an awaiting Kennedy.

"Get a room." Faith groaned seeing them kissing.

Kennedy giggled as they made their way to a giant hole in the ground that used to be Sunnydale.

Taking Giles' hand, "G?"

"Yes?" Looking at her.

Turing her gaze to him, "Can we go home now?"

Everyone laughed as he pulled her into a hug. "Of course we can."


Willow, Buffy, and Xander came running down the hall of the hospital; all coming to an abrupt stop at the front desk.

"Miss, excuse me, Miss, we're looking for a Kennedy Brown and a Rupert Giles," Buffy asked in a huff.

Looking up from her magazine, "What is the nature of your visit?" She asked in her English accent.

"They're with me." Giles appeared out of nowhere.

"Sorry, we're late," Willow said.

Giving a soft smile even though he looked like he hadn't slept in days, "It's alright. One cannot help what weather and planes do."

Giles ushered them to their destination. When they walked through the door of the hospital room Kennedy was holding one of the twins while her twin sister was holding the other.

Smiling when she saw them, "What are you guys doing here?"

"I told you I had a surprise for you." Giles moved to her side.

As everyone awed and cooed over the babies the door opened and Lucy's husband walked in with their kid and David. His face lit up seeing Willow as he ran over to her.

"Buffy, Xander I would like for you to meet our oldest David." Kennedy introduced.

Giles and Kennedy had a full house, not only was Xander, Buffy and Willow staying with them, but her sister, her sister's husband and their kid Ruby as well.

A few days after Kennedy had returned to the house they were all outside enjoying the nice day. Willow and Buffy were with the twins playing with them while Xander was off playing with David and Ruby. Lucy's husband and Giles were off to the side discussing god knows what, leaving Kennedy and Lucy alone on the swing.

"I can't believe you put yourself in danger while pregnant with Madeline and William. What if something happened to you and the kids?" Lucy complained.

Rolling her eyes at her sister, "I was perfectly fine. G wasn't going to let anything happen to me. Besides we had a slayer not to mention a vampire with us. I highly doubt anything bad was going to happen to me."

"A vampire! Ken, we grew up training to kill them." Lucy sat up.

Kennedy threw her hands up. She knew then that she shouldn't ever tell her sister where she got William's name. "Not all of them are evil. Spike was totally nice. Besides I was just friends with the guy. Buffy was the one who had an actual relationship with one. Not Spike but some other guy from what I hear."

"What is wrong with you? Ever since you moved to Sunnydale and met that guy you seem different."

Glaring at her sister, "I changed the moment my husband died, thank you very much. And speaking of change, what about you 'miss I have to criticize everything my sister does'"

"I don't do that."

Laughing as she shook her head, "You used to just get on my case for the clothes I would wear. Now I can't even take a step without you having some kind of snarky remark about it."

"That's because I want the best for you. Not to mention you put my niece and nephew in harm's way." Pointing at her.

Sighing, "This is the best for me, Lucy. I have everything I could ever possibly want and more; all with a man who loves me."

"Which I am still not too overly fond of you with someone so much older. But he has grown on me."

Crossing her arms, "Well you better start to really adore him. He is with us for life, whether you like it or not, all because of the kids."

"Don't remind me." Lucy groaned.

Giggling, "You'll come to really like him one of these days."

Giles came over with Lucy's husband, "It's time for the twin's nap." He reminded her.

"All right." Kennedy and Giles went to retrieve the kids from Buffy and Willow.

Lucy, Lucy's husband, and Ruby left a week after the twins were born; Willow, Xander, and Buffy were going to leave a few days after the others.

Giles had covered Kennedy's eyes with a blindfold and was leading her out the back door. "G where are we going?" She giggled.

"It's a surprise." Bringing her over to his horse.

Helping her up. "We're taking your horse?"

"Just enjoy the ride." Climbing up behind her.

"How can I if I can't see where we are going?"

Reaching for the reigns Giles got the horse going, "Trust me." He whispered in her hear.

After awhile Giles was helping Kennedy off the horse. When he removed the blindfold she was overlooking a vast land where the lush green grass spread as far as the eye could see. The scene was even complete with a creek stretched across the land. Kennedy couldn't tell where it began or where it ended.

"This is so beautiful G." Kennedy was blown away by what she was looking at.

When she turned around to face Giles after a long silence, she found him on one knee. "Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Took you long enough." She grinned holding her left hand out.

After he slipped the ring on, Kennedy threw her arms around him. "Do you think you could start calling me Rupert?" He suggested after a very long kiss.

"No, I like G better." She giggled.


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