The Wolf of Hogwarts

By CoJo14

55.3K 1.5K 321

Lily and James Potter where unquestionably the brightest and most powerful wizarding couple of their age. Jam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

2.6K 83 18
By CoJo14

Harry shot a stunner at Quirrell- or was it Voldemort?- and dived out of the way. Hermione copied him shooting a tripping jinx at the. . . Quirrellmort, Harry christened the monstrosity of dark magic standing before him. 

Unfortunately for both of them, Quirrellmort erected two Protego shields with barely any effort. Harry growled and shot a weak stunner at him, watching in shock as Quirrellmort just batted the spell away. 

Harry watched as Quirrellmort shot a dark purple curse at Hermione. He didn't think he just acted. 

Jabbing his wand at Hermione he chanted within his head, Protect Hermione, Protect Hermione, Protect Hermione. A ripple of air passed from his wand, striking Hermione and pushing her out of the way just in the nick of time. 

Harry spun around and bared his teeth, his Harry personality and his Nannar personality blending together as they both sought to destroy the person who would harm their beta. 

Harry cast all the spells he knew, but seeing as he was only three quarters of the way through the second year defense texts, most of them where school yard spells that Quirrellmort batted aside with relative ease. 

Harry was slowly forced backwards, dodging as many spells as he could. Never the less he ended up with two long gashes across his chest and right arm. Both where bleeding profusely and he was starting to feel faint from the lack of blood. When his back struck the wall of the Entrance Hall and he realized that he could go no further and for the first time in his short life, Harry felt scared. 

He waved his wand, ripples of magic flying from it as he tried to do some form of damage to Quirrellmort but nothing seemed to work. Harry was forced to try a rather draining spell that could have some bad side effects if done wrong. 

He'd found it in a fifth year defense book during Christmas break and had practiced it once or twice since then, but he was by no means proficient. If he screwed this up he had a very high chance of injuring Hermione. Harry gritted his teeth and shoved his magic through his wand, screaming the incantation. 


An arc of emerald green lighting sprang forth from his wand and struck Quirrellmort before the monstrosity could get a shield up in time. He flew back and fell to the ground with a sickening crunch. He was only down on the ground for a second but that was all the time Harry needed. 

Quirrellmort got up and was full body slammed by a werewolf, being flung back several more feet. Harry descended upon his former Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, using his claws and teeth to pull apart his body. 

Harry only vaguely heard the screams as he exacted the retribution he desired but for many in the Great Hall, teachers and students alike, those scream would haunt their nightmares for quite some time. 

Finally getting the curse undone, Dumbledore and several other professors hurried over to Harry and attempted to pull him off. It wasn't until Hermione laid her hand on his shoulder that he stopped. Harry whirled around to look at his best friend and it took all of Hermione's self control to not vomit at the sight of the blood dripping from his face and hands.  

Harry sprang forward with a sudden need to hold Hermione. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his head into the crook of her neck and cried. His body racked with sobs as Hermione rubbed his back. The professors made quick work of disposing Quirrellmort's body before turning towards Harry. 

They found him passed out in Hermione's arms, clinging to the girl like his life depended upon it.

                                                                       The Wolf of Hogwarts

Harry slowly opened his eyes and took in the tall ceiling of the Hospital Wing. He groaned and shifted up in his bed, waking Hermione who was curled up on a chair next to him. She reached out and grabbed his hand. 

"You know, they're considering dedicating this bed to you." Harry raised a brow and looked at her with a smirk. "If they're gonna dedicated this bed to me, then they'll most likely dedicated that chair to you."

Hermione blushed as Madam Pomfrey approached his bed. "That is all to true Mr. Potter. Now, you seem to be healing fine but I do wish for you to stay here for the next couple of days. After your fight you seem to be suffering from extreme magical exhaustion." 

Harry nodded as he drank the potions the mediwitch handed him. It took all of his control not to spit them back out. He swore that once this Voldemort problem was done with, he'd be looking into how to make those bloody potions better tasting. 

Madam Pomfrey nodded as she watched him down everything. "I shall be within shouting distance if you need me Mr. Potter." Madam Pomfrey turned and left, wondering if she should increase her bet in the dating pool. With the way Ms. Granger had cared for Mr. Potter, it was only a matter of time before those two got together. 

Harry watched the mediwitch walk away before turning towards Hermione. He grabbed her hand and rubbed his thumb over it, gently messaging it. "Hermione, how long have I been here?"

Hermione bit her lip and adverted her eyes. "Four days Harry. You've been in here for four days." Harry nodded. 

"So the full moons come and gone. That might be what kept me under for so long."

"Professor Dumbledore thought the same thing. He told us not to worry."

Harry smiled at her before easing himself up in the bed and grabbing her hand. "But you did anyway." Hermione nodded, finding a sudden interest in her shoes. "Hermione go take care of yourself. Take a shower, eat some food and sleep in your own bed. I'll still be here when you get back."

Hermione looked at him, the worry evident in her eyes. "Are you sure?" 

"Yes. I doubt Madam Pomfrey is going to let me out of this bed anytime soon. I'll wait here for you."

Hermione nodded and stood from the chair, only letting go of his hand when she absolutely had to. She made to walk out, before turning back and flinging herself at him, smothering him in a Hermione hug. She smiled at him again, tears brimming in her eyes before she hurried out of the Hospital Wing. 

Harry looked out after her in confusion, wondering what that had been about. He shrugged before laying against the backrest. He closed his eyes and let his mind drift, finally coming to what he could remember of his fight with Quirrellmort. 

He felt his anger bubble up as he recalled how the man had batted aside his spells. Voldemort had several decades on him. Several decades of battle experience and time to learn everything there was to know about the Dark Arts. His creature heritage may have saved him when he was a baby, and it would help him in a fight, but he couldn't rely on it to win. 

He had to figure out a way to better himself. To give himself an advantage over Voldemort. Harry opened his eyes and reached to his right where there was a couple of pieces of parchment and a self inking quill sitting on the bedside table. It looked like Madam Pomfrey had used it to diagnose his injuries. He flipped the parchment over and started scribbling out numbers. 

                                                                       The Wolf of Hogwarts

Hermione could barely sit still in the back of the car. 

School had ended and the first few days of summer had pass before Hedwig arrived with an invitation for both her and her parents to meet up. The letter contained instructions on how to get to an old abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of London. 

It took most of the night to convince her parents to go, but once she pulled the 'he's my best friend' card they caved pretty quickly. 

She looked out the window, a grin stretching across her face as they pulled up to the warehouse. Her mother looked out the window clearly nervous. "And this is the place he wanted to meet at?" 

Her dad scowled and gripped the wheel harder. He wasn't very happy that her best friend was both a boy and a werewolf. She leaned forward and rested her hand on his shoulder to get his attention. 

"Dad, pleeease don't try to intimidate Harry. Your a dentist. He's a werewolf. You won't scare him. And wait until you meet him, I think you guys will like him."

Hermione unbuckled and leapt out of the car racing up to the warehouse and leaving her parents behind. 

Emma sighed. "She's already infatuated with him and she doesn't even know it yet."

Daniel looked over at his wife and sighed, his age seeming to catch up with him. "Why does her best friend have to be a boy?"

Emma smiled at her husband. "We started out as best friends, remember?"

"That's not making me feel any better!" 

Emma laughed and unbuckled. "Come on, lets go meet the boy."

They walked inside the warehouse to find Hermione in the arms of a tall boy. He had longish black hair and bright emerald green eyes. He wore a leather jacket over a dark green shirt and black jeans. 

Hermione let go of him when she heard her parents come in. She raced up to them and, grabbing their hands, pulled them towards Harry. "Mum, Dad, this is my best friend, Harry Potter."

Harry held his hand out for the two of them to shake. Daniel stepped forward and griped the boys hand as hard as he could. It took everything in him to not cringe when Harry gripped back. He stepped back and watched his wife hug the boy. He took the opportunity to make sure his hand still bloody worked. 

"You've got a strong grip there, Harry! Do you work out or something?"

Harry just looked at him with his piercing green eyes. "I don't have to. If I take care of myself, shifting every month is very much like a work out."

Hermione looked between Harry and her dad, suspicious as to what just happened. She would have to grill her father later, but for now, it would probably be best to distract the two. "Harry, where are you shifting during the moon? Surely you don't run around London?"

Harry turned from her dad and looked at her. "I used to make my way out into the countryside and shift then. Let me show you where I shift now." 

He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards a distant stairwell that led up to the roof. After climbing more stairs than she would have liked, she'd prefer to keep the stair climbing to Hogwarts thank you very much, they came out on top. 

Her Mum and Dad followed her out. She ignored their gasps of awe in favor of looking at what could only be considered a lean to. 

Leaning against some old AC equipment was a patchwork of blankets and bits of cloth forming a canopy that stretched over a large, expensive looking chest. She knew her mother saw it when she heard her cry out in horror. 

"This is where you've been living?!" 

Harry shrugged. "I've been here since I was five. I like it though, it allows me the opportunity to travel around the city easily while still having access to the country side."

"But your not alone any more Harry." Daniel winced at his wife's tone. He prayed that Harry would agree with whatever she wanted or they where going to be here for a long time. "Come live with us." 'Aw shit.' Daniel cursed. That was not what he had been expecting. 

Hermione looked at her parents in surprise as her Dad pulled her Mum away from them to talk for a bit. She turned back towards Harry. "She meant it Harry. Come live with us. You don't have to be on your own anymore."

Harry looked uncertain, torn between the idea of doing what he'd always done or trusting Hermione and her Mum. He turned towards the adults, realizing their was a lull in the conversation. 

Hermione's Mum was looking at him with a smile, looking so much like Hermione that he wanted to trust her. He looked at her Dad, who looked very reluctant with all of this but gave his consent when they locked eyes. 

Harry sighed and looked down at his feet. "Thanks," he whispered. Hermione laughed. "Did I make the big bad wolf feel uncomfortable?" Harry glared at her, although there was no actual heat behind it. 

"Harry, why don't you show us where you live?" Hermione's Mum asked. Harry nodded and walked towards the trunk, thankful for the change in conversation. He fiddled with the symbol before opening it. 

"Welcome to my home."

                                                                       The Wolf of Hogwarts 

Harry fought down the smirk that kept cropping up. Hermione and her parents stood dumbfounded at the scenery around them. 

Harry turned away from them, letting them adjust to the idea of finding several different biomes stored within a medium sized trunk. "Magic, is amazing!" Hermione laughed before taking off and running through the different sections of the trunk. 

Harry and her parents watched in amusement as she ran through a section filled with snow and then one that resembled the rain forest. "How?" Hermione asked in wonder. "How did you get this?"

Harry smiled and walked forward gazing lovingly at the scenery around him. "My mother charmed it for me. She said that she had been envious of Newt Scamanders briefcase and had sought to make one similar for herself. She had meant for it to be filled with mundane and magical creatures, but I like it like this."

"Yeah," Daniel said, startling both Harry and Hermione. "This is much better. Much more peaceful."

"How long have you been using this Harry?" Hermione asked as she kicked some snow. "Well, the Christmas moon and the most recent moon are all that comes to mind." Hermione shook her head in wonder. They walked for a bit, just enjoying the time together.

"It still amazes me sometimes." Hermione said softly. 

Harry moved closer to her to hear her better. "What do you mean?"

Hermione turned to look at him, her chocolate eyes alight with wonder and awe. "Magic. I grew up thinking that Werewolves and Vampires where creatures of legend. That it was impossible to have something bigger on the inside. That only children believe in magic."

"Now?" Harry asked, curious where she was going with this. 

Hermione blushed and looked away from him. "Now my, best friend, is a werewolf, my favorite class is Alchemy, which is taught by Nicholas Flamel and, and it's. . . it hits me. I'm a witch. If I study hard then I can do this." Hermione looked up and around the multitude of biomes that where there. "I can make all of this happen." 

Harry smiled at Hermione and took her hands in his. "Hermione, I have no doubt that you can and will do this and more. You've got the skill and dedication to do something great. I just know it." Hermione blushed and scuffed her toe against the ground. "Thanks Harry." She whispered. "Come on, I want to check out the rain forest again."

It didn't escape anybodies notice that neither of them had let go of the others hand. 

                                                                       The Wolf of Hogwarts 

"Oh come on, please Emma? Just a little bit longer?" 

Harry had to hide his chuckle at seeing Daniel Granger beg his wife to stay longer. He had made the apparent mistake of taking the Grangers to the garage to show off his motorcycle. Turns out Daniel had a love of anything that had less than four wheels on it. 

Next to him, Hermione did very little to hide her laughter. Daniel turned around and mock glared at his daughter. "Who's side are you on, Princess?" Hermione blushed in embarrassment and slight anger. "Now we're going." She said bossily.

It was Emma's turn to laugh at the expression on her husbands face. "Come on honey, we got to go home to make dinner anyway." Daniel just sighed. "Alright." He turned towards the ramp and made his way out, Hermione following behind him to properly chastise him. 

Emma turned towards Harry. "Your coming with us young man. I meant it when I told you to come stay with us." She turned towards the ramp but was stopped by Harry. 

"But why? Why do you want me with you?"

Emma turned around, a sad smile on her face. "Harry, we sent our only daughter to another world that we can't join. She's been the light of our lives since we both held her for the first time. It was hard sending her away to a place where we couldn't follow. She's never had friends before, her peers would ridicule her for her intelligence. We where always able to control it here, but we couldn't do that in the world of magic. We thought it might crush her."

She reached out and pulled Harry into a soft hug, before pulling back and looking Harry in the eyes. "So imagine our surprise when the first letter she sends home tells us that she's made several friends. She told us that it started with you, that you where the first to approach her, to befriend her. It doesn't matter that your a werewolf to us. You gave her the one thing that Daniel and I never could. A best friend."

Both Harry and Emma had watery eyes. Harry reached up and gripped Emma's arm. "She makes it easy." Emma shook her head. "No, no she doesn't. I know that she can be bossy at times, and has a need to be in control-"

"Ms. Granger stop," Harry said holding his hand up to silence her. "I've never had anyone to care for me. I never had a father to pick me back up when I fell down, or a mother to kiss my cuts and scrapes. Hermione- Hermione is a weird combination of older sister, confidant and. . ." Harry trailed off trying to find the right word to define how he felt about Hermione. 

Emma was taken back by the intensity in Harry's gaze when he met her eyes. "I care for her, Ms. Granger. Greatly."

"Thank you." Emma said, silent tears rolling down her cheeks. She leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Harry's forehead. "Thank you." She whispered again.

"No, thank you." Harry pulled her into a hug and rested his head against her shoulder, closing his eyes. He thought he might be able to get used to embracing his human side, especially if it was with Hermione and her mother. 


I apologize with how late these chapters are coming out. Schools kicking my ass right now and its just started. Keep commenting though because it's great motivation to get these chapters done when I can get your guys' feedback. 

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