Holding your heart hostage

By mysteryjessica

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The world is corrupted. That is the only thing how one could describe this world where they lived in. And i... More

Chapter 1: The beginning of the end
Chapter 2: The end of the beginning
Chapter 3: The price to freedom
Chapter 4: Negotiations and Counteroffers
Chapter 5: The equation for the beginning of love
Chapter 6: The way to a man's heart is through his stomach
Chapter 7: Short walks, hidden secrets
Chapter 8: Small talks, changing lives
Chapter 9: Little discoveries, new understandings
Chapter 10: Mini conversations, hidden feelings
Chapter 11: Hopes and feuds
Chapter 12: A change of a heart
Chapter 13: The trail that follows you
Chapter 14: Coming out in the closet
Chapter 15: The good in the bad of a kidnapping
Chapter 16: Blissfully ignorant
Chapter 17: The Melody for you
Chapter 18: Splashes and Obliviousness
Chapter 19: And I quote...
Chapter 20: The final dash to the end of a kidnapping
Epilogue: A new beginning

Chapter 21: The End

901 47 361
By mysteryjessica

AN from MaiMia: So... This is the last chapter ヾ(^^ゞ) We've come so far ww We started this book on June 3rd and here we are now~ Thank you everyone for supporting this book~ Also, the last chapter was never meant to be fluffy so... ;'D

AN from Mikoto: Mikoto is sad and wants to cry and go into her corner and di— fly into heaven and save them from their suffering

Enjoy reading~

As dusk approached them, the deadline was drawing closer too.

Amatsuki had sent Sakata and Mafumafu a message, telling them to collect the money and quickly return, where they will immediately release everyone and get the hell out of there.

Simple plan.

What could go wrong?

The albino sighed as he read the message.

"Looks like we're collecting the money since we're out," he said to the redhead as he kept his phone. "Finally this can be over."

"And finally we can stop worrying about problems like these!" Sakata exclaimed happily as they were walking. He was just happy that everything would almost be over.

"And we can finally live in peace," Mafumafu added as the two of them headed to Ueno Park.

"Yes! Anyways, are we going to wait here for them to come with the money? Will Ama-chan and Nqrse come or?" the redhead asked as he followed the albino.

"Well, it's almost 5pm, so most likely all of them would have put the money there," Mafumafu said. "And by the way Ama-chan said it, looks like it's only us two."

"Okay then! Let's get the money quickly and get back then!" the redhead exclaimed before he spotted Ueno park in front of them.

"Mhm~" the albino hummed as the two quickened their pace towards the west entrance.

When the two of them arrived, they found the exact bench littered with exactly 8 bags, some in cases and some in knapsacks.

"Looks like they all paid," Mafumafu said as he looked around, checking the surroundings. "We better hurry and get out as soon as possible."

Sakata nodded as he took four of the bags, waiting for the albino to take the rest of the bags.

"Then let's get back quickly, Mafudon! So that we can get out of here!"

"Mhm~ Mhm~" The albino hummed as he picked up the other four and the two sped off back to their house.

Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched very, very closely by shadows hiding in the bushes. The two of them arrived back at the house, breathless from their run.

"We're home!" the albino shouted as the two of them entered.

"Welcome back," Amatsuki said as he appeared from the kitchen.

"Welcome back~ Did you get the money?" Nqrse asked as he walked down the stairs.

Sakata nodded in response, holding the bags up.

"Yup, we have everything!" he exclaimed.

"Great~ So... How about we get out of this city before making a call to everyone and tell them that they can get their friend or whatever back?" Nqrse suggested.

"Mhm," the albino readily agreed, but there was an uneasy feeling in his chest.

Things had gone very smoothly, it feels as if... something may go wrong right in this moment.

As if on cue, the window in the living room shattered open and a flashbang grenade was thrown inside. The bomb immediately exploded, causing the four kidnappers eardrums to ring and their eyesight to completely go white.

Amatsuki shut his eyes tightly, wincing at the loud sound and the bright flash when all of the sudden he felt himself tackled to the ground, with a knee pressing painfully into his back. He let out a grunt and attempted to struggle, but his arms were now twisted painfully behind him.

"None of you move," a gruff voice said and Amatsuki could hear a gun cocking and was pressed against the back of his head, digging into his skin. "Or he dies."

"Ama-chan!" Mafumafu, who had dropped the money bags since the grenade exploded, yelled out as he noticed the red-eyed brunette getting pinned down when his vision returned to him.

"And what do you want from us~?" Nqrse asked as he gave them a smile.

He secretly hoped that there might be a way to get themselves out of this situation without anyone finding out. And he was doing his best to discreetly scan the room for any possible weapons.

The man noticed this and pressed his knee harder against Amatsuki's back, earning a pained yelp from the said boy.

"Don't get any ideas or I'll blow his brain out."

"We won't, we won't!" Mafumafu said in a panic, wanting nothing more than to save Amatsuki.

"Good, hands up in the air right now. Hold it where I can see them," the rude policeman instructed.

Amatsuki was biting his lip harshly, trying to find a way out of this, but if he even dared to move, he was pretty sure his arms would break from the way the man was holding him down.

Sakata immediately did as told as he put his hands up in the air as Nqrse bit his lip before lifting his hands as well.

"I-I'm sorry but do you need anything from us~? We didn't expect any guests~" Nqrse said as he still had the slightest hope that they didn't know about what the four of them did.

"Sir, we've secured the perimeter," another police officer said as he emerged from the second floor.

Mafumafu could feel his blood run cold.

When had that police officer even come in?

They've been caught...

This was the end...

Shakily, he lifted his hands up as the first police officer nodded.

"Good, get the team to secure the hostages and get three of them to help me with these four."

"Right away, sir."

The first policeman sneered as he faced the three standing boys.

"Don't think you can hide from us, you degenerates."

Sakata trembled from fear when he finally realized that they had been caught.

Was this going to be how it ends? Did this actually happen? He wished that it was just a bad nightmare that he had.

"...Degenerates?" Nqrse said angrily. "Funny how you call us that even though it is this government's fault that we have to go through this! If you guys would care more about the civilians here then this wouldn't have to happen!"

"It's your guys own fault for being useless," the officer snapped.

Mafumafu felt his hands being yanked behind him as three police officer appeared behind them. Nqrse and Sakata immediately received the same treatment as him.

He willed his mouth to move and speak, bit he was failing. He needed to save his family. But how...?

"Ok, tell us where the hostages are now! If you don't, we will have to kill one of you guys and so on until you will tell us," one of the men said.

Nqrse clenched his teeth before answering, not wanting to risk anyone's of their life.

"They're in the basement..." he answered.

Mafumafu looked down to the ground, his bangs falling over his eyes.

This was it.

The end.

Everything was over... just like this.

"Okay. Bring us to them. Now," the man said as he yanked on Nqrse and pushed him.

The pink-haired male nodded before he and some men left the room.

Sakata could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.

The worst case scenario was just happening in front of them. And none of them knew what was going to happen to them.

Amatsuki bit his lip harsher and he could taste blood in his mouth.


Surely there must be a way to escape this...

Who was he kidding...?

There wasn't...

After a while, footsteps could be heard and Nqrse got pushed into the living room once more, followed by the officers and the eight hostages, free from their bindings.

Mafumafu immediately kept his head down with the police officer still holding onto his arms tightly so he won't escape as Amatsuki refused to even look at them, knowing his heart would break if he saw Kashitaro now.

Sakata could only look down as he was trying his best to not sob loudly, fearing that the police officers might hit him for doing so or that there might be consequences.

Nqrse, in the meanwhile, wondered if there might be a way to escape, frowning when he realized that there was no way out for them.

The eight hostages looked into the living room in surprise.

The four of them got caught...?

"Good, looks like everyone is still okay," the police officer said with a nod before turning to bark orders at his subordinates. "Bring them to the van."

"What are you going to do to us?!" Nqrse asked as he slightly struggled when he got yanked too harshly.

"Maybe if you guys wouldn't be so crappy with this and the government wasn't this corrupted, you would have less crimes! We did what we had to do to survive!" he shouted, not wanting to admit defeat.

"Too bad this is life huh?" the police officer sneered. "Degenerates like you guys don't deserve a second chance."

"Wait a minute," Urata's eyes widened. "You don't mean that right?"

"Mr Wataru, I assure you we are completely serious," the policed officer said as he yanked Amatsuki's hands so he could cuff the said boy, earning a yelp of pain from the brunette. "They will be receiving suitable punishments then they will be executed for their crimes."

"Executed?" Soraru asked, shocked.

He knew that the government was corrupted. But never to this extent.

Sakata widened his eyes before the tears finally started to fall as he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"W-we are going to be executed?" he asked.

"Execution is too harsh, don't you think? After all, we did get saved and they didn't take the money. They also didn't hurt any of us," Kashitaro tried to reason, which got promptly ignored by the police officers.

"There is no way I will accept that! This is exactly why people like you guys get despised so much! Do you guys think I will just willingly walk with you guys to let myself get killed?!" Nqrse screamed as he started kicking around.

"Y-You can't be serious..." Amatsuki whispered in horror before wincing in pain as the police officer painfully cuffed him.

"Degenerates like these four cannot be given a second chance," the police officer said coldly. "At least we're merciful enough to give you peaceful deaths."

"W-Wait a minute!" Eve's eyes widened. "Is there no way to change this?"

"The law is the law," the police officer deadpanned before facing his men. "We're moving out, Squad A come with me to lock these four up as they await their deaths, Squad B secure the money and escort the hostages back."

Mafumafu who had been quiet the whole time, finally looked up with a shaky smile.

"Sorry..." he said softly before he was yanked harshly through the door.

Soraru widened his eyes in disbelief as he heard that.

Not only did the four of them get caught, but the albino seriously decided to still apologize to everyone despite what was happening to him.

"Let us go! I won't let us get executed by people like you who haven't suffered through what we did!" Nqrse shouted before a hand was clamped over his mouth so he would be quiet before he was pulled out as well.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... Wh-what we did was wrong and we know it! P-please don't kill us? I-I will do anything so please don't kill us!" Sakata begged but his pleas were ignored and he got pulled outside too.

Amatsuki looked to Kashitaro with tears in his eyes, wanting to say something at least but the words got stuck in his throat as he was, too pulled out by the officer in charge.

"This can't be real can it...?" Luz muttered in disbelief.

"We will be escorting you back home now," a police officer said as he took a bow while the others picked up the bags of money.

"Don't mess with me," Urata growled. "There must be a way to stop their execution."

"Sir, I assure you, we are not kidding and is completely serious," the police officer said coldly.

"But execution goes too far!" Kashitaro exclaimed. He wasn't normally one to lose his composure but could you blame him for doing so now that his lover would soon get executed?

"I agree that they need the punishment that they deserve. But execution isn't what they deserve for what they have done," Soraru said.

"Y-yes, I agree! Th-they had no choice and they never hurt us in any way and even gave us food everyday even when they didn't have to!" Sou exclaimed.

"The law is law," the police officer said coldly. "No way around it."

"B-But that's still too far..." Shima muttered out as he held onto Senra's hand, his entire body trembling in fear of the safety of the four kidnappers.

"Agreed," Luz said with a frown.

"Fight all you want, but nothing is going to change," the police officer said. "We'll be waiting outside until you all accept that fact and want to leave."

With that, all the police officers left, leaving the eight hostages in the house.

There was a short silence before it was Senra who broke it first.

"Is this really happening? I'm sure that I'm not the only one who thinks that this is too harsh for a punishment, right? Execution is something that I wouldn't wish anyone. Especially them..." he said as he looked down.

"I-I agree... Th-they were really kind to us! I-I don't want them to die!" Sou exclaimed.

"But what can we do..." Eve muttered, feeling upset.

Even though Nqrse had tease him endlessly, it was still because of him that Eve managed to get together with Sou.

Urata clenched and unclenched his fists, taking deep breaths and trying to calm himself. He still haven't responded to the redhead's confession, neither has he told the redhead his feelings...

He didn't want to live with regret, but with Sakata being sent to execution... He was helpless.

Sakata was going to die without knowing the brunette's feelings towards him. He didn't want that.

"Is there a way to somehow interfere with the execution?" Shima asked softly.

As much as he didn't want to get in trouble with the government, they were being very illogical and ridiculous.

"I mean there has to be something that we can do right? If not we will just have to find a way to rescue them," Kashitaro said as a small smile played on his face. Even in this situation, he wouldn't let the despair overcome him and believe until the very end that there was some way to save Amatsuki and the others from the government.

"...There is someone I know who might have connections to the police officers. He is a friend of mine and goes there pretty often so he could sneak us in there. No guarantee though," Soraru told them.

"If I can get father to convince them..." Luz mumbled to himself. "We can pull a court case to delay or even dismiss the execution..."

However, in order to do that... he needed to defy his father's orders to not mingle in matters that did not concern the company... Would he really do that...?

"I don't care," Urata said quietly as he crossed his arms. "As long as there is a chance, I want to save them. I still have something I want to tell him..."

"It's settled then. I will call my friend and see if he can help... I guess he can if I ask him to," Soraru told them.

"Th-then how are we going to save them?" Sou asked as he looked at them, hoping that they would have a plan to do this. Because even if they asked for help, it would be difficult to do something against the government.

Luz sighed softly as he made up his mind.

"For now, let's get them out of wherever their locking them up before the execution," Luz said before looking down to the floor. "My father has connections, and he may be able to stop the execution... Problem is I need to talk to him and argue with him..."

Shima sighed softly before smiling at Luz.

"Don't worry, we've got your back!" Shima grinned in an attempt to cheer the bleached-blonde up. "If you need help convincing, we're right here!"

"Yes. We will do our best to help in any way if you need help," Senra told him with a smile.

"Y-yes! I-I will help in any way I can if you need help from me!" Sou exclaimed.

"Okay, that settles it then. Luz will try to talk to his father, Soraru to his friend and the rest of us will see what they can do," Kashitaro finalised.

Luz grinned and nodded, even though there was something nagging at his heart that this might fail.

"Sounds like a plan," Urata nodded in approval. "Let's all do our best to save them."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go and contact each other later once we have more information on how to deal with this," Soraru told them.

The eight boys looked at each other, hopeful before they walked out of the house.

But will they make it in time?


As soon as they were yanked out of the house, they were blindfolded and shoved into the back of a van, which immediately took off flying. Once they arrived at their destination, they were roughly yanked away from each other, and into separate rooms where they would receive a 'suitable punishments'. Or so the government called it.

A more suitable name for it... would be torture.

Sakata got pulled into a room first which was almost empty beside one thing that stood in the middle of it. When the red-haired male was uncuffed and had his blindfold taken off, he looked at it in fear.

"Wh-what is going to happen?" Sakata asked as the police officers only looked at him with a blank face before answering.

"You are going through the punishment that you deserve," one of them said.

And before Sakata could even respond, he was already being pushed towards the closet as he could only widen his eyes in shock.

"N-no... W-wait, please! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! P-please, anything but that!" Sakata cried.

But of course, no one listened to him as he was pushed inside the closet. He quickly tried to step out again but the doors were slammed shut in front of him and he could hear the sounds of some lock being closed.

"Please! Let me out of here! I-I don't want to be in here!" the redhead exclaimed as he slammed against the wooden door, hoping that someone would listen to his pleas.

"Why would we let you out? After all, demons like you have to be purified from this earth, don't they?" the police officer asked and the redhead stopped hitting the door as soon as he heard that.

"You should be thankful. We are only helping the world and maybe you can be someone better in your next life," he said ignoring Sakata's frantic muttering.

"But... I'm no demon... I'm no demon! P-please you have to believe me!" he begged and he started sobbing, but it didn't have any effect on the heartless police officer.

"Then why are you in there?" the officer asked.


"If you weren't a demon, you wouldn't be in there, right? Only demons get locked up inside there after all," he said as Sakata's hands slipped away from the door and he fell back against the back of the closet.

"I-I'm a demon?" he asked shakily.

"Yes. So accept your fate and get the punishment you deserve for what you've done," the police officer said before they exited the room, leaving Sakata back alone inside the pitch black darkness.

"S-so I am a demon after all... I-it makes sense why I am here then..." Sakata muttered to himself before he gripped his hair and pulled his knees to his chest.

It was dark and his breathing got heavier as he felt as if his oxygen got less and less by every minute, almost as if he was suffocating.

Sakata was afraid.

He wanted nothing more than to just get out of here.

But in the end, the redhead could only sit there with an expressionless face as the tears could only continue to fall from his eyes. Because in the end, he deserved it.

He deserved this punishment that he received.

After all, he was just a demon, wasn't he?


Amatsuki couldn't stop shaking as they dragged him down a few hallways, his hands still cuffed behind him and the blindfold still covering his eyes.

What was going to happen to him and the others...?

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he was rudely shoved onto the floor of a room.

"W-What are you going to do...?" he whimpered out in fear as he shakily sat up, his fears increasing every second.

The police officer merely hummed in response, not giving a verbal response.

Amatsuki attempted to back away from the police officer, but he was stopped as the said officer stomped his foot on Amatsuki's leg harshly to signal for him to not even try.

The red-eyed brunette whimpered in pain and fear, and he swore he heard his bone crack when the officer had stomped on it.

"You hate being alone don't you~" the police officer snickered, making Amatsuki flinch. He shook his head vigorously, his body trembling.

"What-Whatever you're going to do..." Amatsuki mumbled in fear. "Pl-Please dont!"

"Too bad," the police officer laughed as he crouched down next to the brunette. "This is your punishment after all."

"Do you really think you won't ever be alone?"

"St-Stop... Stop!" Amatsuki felt the blindfold soaking in his tears that kept spilling out of fear.

"You'll always be alone."

With that, the police officer slipped on the noise cancellation headphones on Amatsuki. The brunette's world was immediately sunk into silence and darkness.

"N-No! St-Stop!" Amatsuki pleaded as he lashed out, trying to get the headphones off him, so he at least could hear something.

He screamed, willing to try anything in his panic. No, he doesn't want to be alone in this world of silence and darkness. He couldn't even hear himself. The only thing he could hear was his thoughts.

And that was scary.

The police officer stepped away with a smirk, quickly leaving the room and leaving Amatsuki to his suffering.

Sobs escaped his lips as he curled into a ball, trying to somehow give himself comfort.


He was alone again.

Just like when he was younger.

An image of Kashitaro formed in his mind, and a pained sob escaped his lips.

"Kashi-san... Kashi-san will come for me right...?" he whispered to himself, in an attempt to comfort himself.

Why would the older brunette even come for him?

More sobs escaped his lips.

"Don't leave me alone..." he whispered out in a broken tone. "Kashi-san... Mafu... Naruse-chan... Sakatan..."

"Don't leave me alone here..."


Mafumafu could feel himself shaking in fear as he was dragged along the never ending hallway.

"We've got something special just for you," the police offer in charge of him snickered. "I'm sure you will suffer beautifully in your punishment."

Mafumafu bit his lip nervously before he found himself falling onto the hard ground.

The blindfold was yanked off him and he blinked shakily to find himself in a room that was decorated with silly phrases like 'Promises are important!' or even some things like 'A pinky promise can never be broken and if it does the pinky finger needs to be cut off with a snip snip~'.

"Wh-What is this...?" the albino's eyes widened and his body wouldn't stop trembling. He needed to get out of here now.

This room... this room felt too fake.

It was making the albino's skin crawl and he hated it.

"Just thought we should remind you of how promises are important," the police officer said with a grin. "And how they shouldn't be easily broken, just like how you've broken yours."

"I didn't break any promises!" Mafumafu said frantically.

He didn't, right?


"Oh, but you have~" the police officer's grin never left his face as he continued. "Wouldn't you have promise your so called family to escape safely? That you guys would be together forever?"

Mafumafu's eyes widened and he shook his head.

"N-No... No, no, no, no!" Mafumafu cried out as his entire body trembled.

He didn't break their promise.

He didn't!

He didn't.

He didn't...

He... did...

Tears fell out of his eyes.

He was just like his parents now, breaking promises...

The police officer smirked at Mafumafu's broken expression as he headed towards the door.

"Don't worry," he said darkly. "We'll help you learn how to keep promises."

The door slammed shut, leaving Mafumafu in temporary silence. Before long, the speaker in the room started to play.

"I promise, I promise, I promise," the speaker blasted out loud, not even stopping even for a second.

Mafumafu backed against the wall, his eyes tearful.

"I promise, I promise, I promise."

"Stop..." Mafumafu said out shakily.

"I promise I won't break a promise! Promises are important! Promises need to be kept!"

"Stop.... stop this!" Mafumafu screamed, but the police was deaf to his pleas.

"I promise, I promise, I promise," the voice continued to haunt him. "I promise I won't break a promise! Promises are important! Promises need to be kept!"

Mafumafu brought his knees to his chest.

Promises were important...

Yet why did he break them...?

Why did he become like his parents...?

A sob escaped his lips as the speaker continued to drone on.

"I promise, I promise, I promise. I promise I won't break a promise! Promises are important! Promises need to be kept!"

"I'm sorry... forgive me... I won't break a promise again..." he whispered out, his tone never ceasing in its shaking. "Please... please stop this ... I won't break another promise..."


"Let me go! Let me go, I swear to god if you don't let me go I will find ways to make you guys regret for what you did to me and my family!" the pink-haired male exclaimed.

"You better shut your mouth or we will sew it shut," one of the police officers threatened before pushing the pink-haired male inside a room, uncuffing and removing the blindfold.

Nqrse tried to hit and kick them until he got dragged onto a chair where his wrists and legs were tied tightly to it, nearly cutting off his circulation.

The pink-haired male tried his best to struggle and get out of the chair.

"What are you going to do? Torture me? Unfortunately, I have no weaknesses which you can use against me! Growing up in this environment is one perk of how I ended up like this!" Nqrse spat.

"Maybe. But there is still one weakness that you have even if you try to hide it," the police officer said as the other male looked at him confused, raising an eyebrow. "We don't have much we want to say to degenerates like you so we will leave now and let you figure out for yourself of what happens to you."

"Look to the screen and remember that everything is happening because of you deciding to break the law," he said before leaving the room.

Nqrse didn't know what would happen as he turned to look at the screen, preparing himself to immediately look away in case it was a brainwashing video. But what he saw was way worse than anything that he imagined it to be.

In front of him was his family being tortured with their worst fears.

"Sakata-chan...? Amatsuki-chan! Mafu-chan!" Nqrse exclaimed as he leaned forward, moving so abruptly that the chair fell forward.

"You crazy people think that this is the suitable punishments?! You think they deserve it?! You guys are the ones who deserve this for thinking that this is right! Go to hell!" Nqrse exclaimed as tears of fury were falling down his face.

He felt angry.

Angry at the government.

Angry at the police officers.

And angry at himself for not being able to help any of his friends when they needed him.

He struggled and struggled, trying to get out of the chair and storm out of the room, even injuring his hands in the process and he could feel the burning pain in his wrists and legs.

He didn't care if he lost them. He didn't care at all as long as he could get back to his family and end their suffering.

But in the end, he wasn't strong enough to do so.

And just like he couldn't help them when they needed more money, he couldn't even help them now as well.

Realizing that, tears started to stream down his face as he gave up moving and only laid there limply, ignoring the pain and bruises building on his skin.

"I'm sorry guys... I want to help you so much... I'm sorry for not being able to do so and for being too weak to do so... I'm sorry..." the pink-haired male whispered as he closed his eyes.

He had always smiled despite being in a dangerous situation.

He never lost his teasing attitude despite of what happens.

But that was all to hide the guilt lying within him.

The guilt of committing crimes.

The guilt of not being able to save his family.

Not in the past. And not now with his new family.

This time as well, he couldn't protect his important family.


A few days of this torture continued, and by the end of it practically all of them were broken mentally.

Mafumafu merely lifted his head as the speaker stopped, his eyes weary and puffy from crying so much. The police officer stood before him a gun pointed right in the middle of his forehead.

"Any last words?" the officer asked coldly.

Mafumafu looked down, his throat dry and in pain from all the screaming he did. Even if he did have last words in that broken mind of his that had been overwhelmed with guilt and regret, his throat wouldn't allow it.

The police officer clicked his tongue before cocking the gun and forcing the albino to look up so that the muzzle of the gun was pressed directly onto Mafumafu's forehead.

"Goodbye then, may you be an actually useful person your next life."

Mafumafu shut his eyes tightly as the finger of the police officer pressed on the trigger in a pace that was slower than a snail.

The end.

This was it.

This is where the chapter closes for him and his family.

He smiled weakly to himself.


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