DC SuperHero Girls - #Zero-One

By BioBrony

95.3K 972 1.3K

A fan movie in Season 1 (DC Superhero Girls) Set between after Episode 16 and before Episode 17(Kamen Rider Z... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 8

6.1K 59 123
By BioBrony

Morning at Metropolis High School

All of the students were with their respective partners, were listening to the Robotic Teacher while Aruto and Izu were watching them. As for Arturo, while he along with Izu were watching how the students listing to the teacher, his mind recalled to the news Izu told about after the battle against the Magias.


"Eh?! None of the Humagears got corrupted ?!" Arturo exclaimed of the news as all of the Humagears appeared.

"Yes, I called for every Humagears and it seems that most of them are in perfect condition," Izu said.

"But it doesn't make sense. How can it be there were Magias when the Humagears aren't affected? Besides the ones are here for the presentation, they shouldn't be any Humagears in Metropolis," Aruto wondered, "Izu, are Humagears the only thing they can become Magias?"

Izu nodded "Yes, but with the Magias appearing without a Humagears raised a various of question since only a Humagears, reaching Singularity, are the only thing can be corrupted. But with the Zetsumerise Key you retrieved from the battle, I can analyze the data and see if there's anything that can solve this mystery."

Flashback End

"And now, that would be it for the lesson, so now it's time that you use the remaining time to come up with a new project," the robotic teacher said "President Aruto, would you and Izu care to do the honors?"

"Oh, uh, right," Aruto said as he and Izu walk to the desk "Okay, students, I hope you got the chance to plan out with the project for the science fair coming. We got the supplies we need and it'll be in the lab next door, so we better go there and make sure you take your seat with your partners."

With that, all of the students following Aruto and Izu to the lab next door as they took their seats with their respective partners.

"Now students, the supplies on the desks are the parts you need to make your own robot creation. The Hiden Intelligence paid the amount of supplies so don't be rough on them. Now each of you will begin building the frame of the robot and learn each of the mechanics of it before adding the layers and armors. But remember, it's not a cakewalk when it comes to building a robot. There'll be trials and errors as you building it. Learning each errors can help you learn how to fix it," Izu explaining the students, "I wish the best of luck on all of you."

With that, the students begin their assignments on their projects. Karen and Barbara were working on two frames as they're carefully placing the parts in, Diana was helping out with Kara since she's struggling with placing the bolt in and showing the proper tools for it, Jessica and Zee were testing the movement of the arm, but it was stuck and they look over again at the blueprint and trying to get it fix. For Doris and Lesilie, despite having their injuries healed, they were unsucessful with building the frame due to Lesilie's mean mischief, making Doris angry, Carol and Pam were also struggling too with fixing it, and Seline and Harleen were somewhat testing it, but taking longer due to Harleen's lack of attention on science.

After a hour, the school bell rang as all of the students gather their stuff and put the supplies away.

"Remember to make sure you put the supplies in the front table along with your unfinished projects. Make sure to put your name and your partner's name on it so we can pass it back for tomorrow," Aruto said as all of the students place their unfinished on the table before leaving.

Karen and Barbara were the last one and place it there.

"Hello, Karen, how's it going with your project?" Aruto said,

"It's going well, me and Babs were on fire getting the frames done," Karen replied "Oh by the way, this Babs, one of my friends that I hang out with."

"Hi, I'm Barbara Gordon, but you can call me Babs!" Barbara introduced to him.

"Gordon? That name sounds familiar...." Aruto thought of the name.

"Barbara Gordon is the daughter of Commissioner Jim Gordon," Izu said.

"That's right! I remember seeing your dad before." Aruto said, earning a surprise look from Barbara.

"You met my dad before?" she asked.

"Sort of, but I seen him a lot with my grandfather when I was a kid. He used to work as a security guard in Daybreak Town, but moved to Gotham."

"Really?! I didn't know Comissioner Gordon use to work in Hiden Intelligence!" Karen said as Izu show an image of a younger Jim Gordon, likely in his college years with Korensouke Hiden.

"Wow, Babs, your dad is awesome to work with Mr. Korensouke!" Karen said.

"Yeah, my dad told me everything, but he never told me about working with Korensouke," Barbara said, surprised of the information.

Just as they about to talk more, Kara came to them "Guys what are you waiting for?! C'mon, it's Cheeseburger Thursday!!"

"Oh right, we gotta go, Mr. Aruto, see ya!" Karen said as they exited out of the classroom, leaving Aruto and Izu.

"Well, we better get the projects stored safely and get the classroom cleaned up," Aruto said and Izu nodded before the two cleaned up the classroom

At the cafeteria

"Oh boy, cheeseburger!" Kara take a huge bite of her meal, causing some of the cheese to covered her mouth, "All the science and robot stuff things really making me hungry!"

"Kara, can you please slow down eating?! Some of us are trying to enjoy their meals." Zee scolded at her, trying to eating her salad.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Mom," Kara said with her mouth full as she finished it. Then she grabbed her trays of cheeseburgers and eating another one.

Once Diana, Barbara, Karen, and Jessica take their seats with them, Karen asked them, "So beside me and Babs, how are you guys doing with your robot projects?"

"It's going well, we're testing the frames a bit, but it was stuck so we had to adjust it a bit to make it work again," Jessica said.

"As for me and Kara, we're a bit behind on it since I had to show Kara how the parts working even I'm not a technology person," Diana said, taking glance at Kara who look at her.

"What? Want a bite?"

Kara offer a half eaten cheeseburger which Diana shook her head and Kara shrugged before taking another bite.

"So Jess, how's Hal and the others are doing?" Karen asked.

"Well so far, he's going to be alright, but let just say that because of last night, he's going have to miss his football match and I had to lie the coach of him got into an 'accident'," Jessica said "And let's just say that Hal's not happy of missing out his sporting match."

"I also got the chance to talk to Barry too, he also need to rest up and called the managers of Sweet Justice that he got into accident too so he's going to miss work for three weeks or so," Barbara said.

"And what about Oliver, Zee?" Diana asked which she groaned while rubbing the side of her nose.

"He's not taking it well. The Magias did a number of him a lot and as a result, he locked himself away in his room, dramatic saying that they ruin his 'pride and joy'," Zee said, making the girls look at her in confusion.

"The Magias cut off Oliver's beard," Zee plainly replied.

"Oooh, that's not good," Barbara winced.

"As for Garth and Carter Hall, they're in the same poistion as the others too," Kara said, "Guess that means that the Invici-bros are out for now."

"Looks like it," Jessica said.

"But did you ask Hal if the Humagears are involved in it?" Karen asked which Jessica shook her head.

"No, and besides, Hal's brain is the size of a peanut so he hardly remember anything scientific stuff."

"Guess that means, we're still at square one," Barbara said, "Unless I still have the strange cartilage, I would be able to figure it out more information."

"No kidding, Zero-One took something can help us in solving it," Kara said.

The girls nodded and Karen replied "But guys, Zero-One shown concern for us and besides, he fought the Magias too in Japan."

"Yeah, but we can't just let him hogging all the fight," Kara said, "Besides, we're superheroes, we can handle anything that throw at us."

"We need to patrol the city after work for now," Diana said, "If we encounter any Magias, we need to stop it."

"And we need to do it quickly before Zero-One comes down and taking the spotlight from us again,"Zee said with a hint of envy.

"Wait, you're jealous of Zero-One?" Jessica asked.

"What do you think? Ever since that guy came, he's getting more attention than ever, even though he made it clearly he's not in it for fame. When I tried to do my street magic show, none of the people are interested in my magic and they always talk about Zero-One," Zee said.

"Zee, I can understand, but we shouldn't fight just for fame." Diana said.

"I know, but it's so frustrating that we've been heroes for a month and suddenly, a new hero just came out of nowhere and start stealing the spotlight from us," Zee sighed.

"Now I think about it, Zero-One's getting more attention then ever," Kara said "Apparently, Superman's getting ansty and jealous of him to the point that's he's doing every heroic stuff that none of the people are attention to him."

"Man, Superman is having an issue," Barbara commented.

"Tell me about it, I had to block his call after he text me over 120 times," Kara said as the girls saw the time.

"We better head to our class right now," Jessica said as they finished their meals and exited out of the cafeteria.

Meanwhile at Wayne Manor

In one of the rooms, loud crashing was heard as well as laughter as the door burst out as a pre-teen boy with a red and green suit with a cape is swing around with his staff. Besides him, another pre-teen boy with robotic parts around him was crashing around the walls, making a hole in it. A green skinned boy shapeshift into a cat and begin scratching the furniture. Flying around a pre-teen girl was scarfing an amount of candies and begin shooting beams from her eyes. And from the side, a hooded girl was floating around, playing around the furniture. These pre-teen troublemaking kids are known as the Tween Titans.

"Hahahahaha head up, Cyborg!!" Robin throw up a vase in which Cyborg's arm transform into a baseball bat and swing it, sending it to the window, breaking it and the vase itself too.

"Score!! Cyborg is on the home run!!" With that, he charging through every walls.

"Cookies!! Candies!! Cake!! All mine!! All mine!!" Starfire said, holding a pile of cookies, candies, and cakes and shoved huge bites of it to her mouth. This causing her eyes to glow green as she fire her green laser into the upper walls, demolishing it. At the couch, Beast Boy, as a cat, was scratching up the furniture and Raven open the portal on the ground, releasing a monster with a tentacle whipping around.

From the side, two babysitters were trying to get them under control, but to no avail. But the strange thing is that, they share the same weird belt.

"Please children, calm down and be civilized," one of them said with a monotone.

"That's right. Children should not be messing up Bruce Wayne's manor," the other replied too, also having the same monotone as her partner.

"I told you two, we're the Tween Titans and you can't tell us what to do!!" Robin said.

"Yeah we're too powerful and we're too old for babysitters!!" Starfire said, firing another beam at a fan.

At Lexcorp

"Yes, the funds will be there soon," Lex/Metallo said, taking in his cellphone "Pleasure to be in business. Goodbye."

After ending his phone call, Lex/Metallo enter the Lexcorp's Manufacturing plant and locked the door. Then he shed off his disguise and cracking his neck.

"Now that's settle with them, time to see what my Magias are doing," he type on his computer and witness the Tween Titans destroying the Wayne Manor.

"Ah, children. Always the kind that wants to be your own boss and do whatever you want without order," he typed on the computer "How about we give them a punishment for their misbehaving attitude? This will give me more battle data for my 'special projects'."

He press the button and smirk with malice.

Back at Wayne Manor

The two babysitters groaned in annoyance at their childish behaviors. Then their eyes glow red and glared at them with malice.

As Robin about to smash more vases with his staff, one of the babysitters grabbed his throat, chocking him.

"*gag* W-what are....you...doing?!" Robin struggle to break free, but the babysitter's hand continue to squeeze his throat. This stop the Tween Titans and saw something horrifying.

"Hey!! Let go of our leader!!" Cyborg charging at him only for the second babysitter to slam his down on the ground.

"You children should be behave like normal children, but you all earned a punishment for your misbehaving," the girl babysitter said with a hint of deadly tone as she grabbed Cyborg's head and throw him to the other Titans , crashing them to the ground. The boy babysitter threw Robin towards outside with the Titans.

"Owwww!!!" Starfire moaned in pain, being dog piled up with her friends.

Then the two Babysitters walked out and pulled out two Zetsumetsu Keys and press the buttons.

' Neohi!'


They slotted into their belts and pressed on the side, red cords pierce the keys in the process.

'Zetsume Rise!'

At the moment, the babysitters screamed as to the horror of the Tween Titans, their 'skins' burned off, revealing to be robots. Then their faceplates split open, revealing metal skulls as cords burst off of their mouth and their bodies, wrapping them in a cocoon with energies coursing around them. Then with a burst, the two babysitters transformed into Magias.

The Tween Titans were shocked and scared as the Magias walk towards slowly, making them scooch back from them.

"Now childrens," the Neohi Magia said, the tentacles begin to sliter down towards them "time for your punishment: extinction."

With that, the Tween Titans screamed.

Night time at Metropolis Inn Suties

At the Inn, Aruto was working on some of the paperworks, mostly for the invoices of the supplies that the company has to pay. After typing the last one and paid for it, Aruto sighed on the chair, feeling relief from the paperworks.

The door open and Izu came inside, with a stack of papers on her arm.

"President Aruto, I got some paperworks from the Metropolis Science and Technology Convention that they'll do another event in the Lexcorp's Convention Center. They wish if you willing to do another presentation along with Lexcorp's special presentation."

"Another one? When is the date for it?" Aruto asked.

"Around the same day on the Metropolis High School Science Fair," Izu said, making him shocked.

"What?! Why on that date?" Aruto asked.

"I did asked the staff of that sudden date, but for some reason, Lex Luthor, the President of Lexcorp, has no respond to that unknown request," Izu said.

Aurto slump down in his chair "That's stupid. I can't just abandon the students in Metropolis High when I'm supposed to be there for the science fair."

"So you refused?" Izu asked.

"I don't know, part of me want to introduced the Humagears to Metropolis in hopping to achieve our dream of Humans and Humagears living in harmony, but I also know that my grandfather love coming to Metropolis to vist every schools to inspire many people of technologies. I also want to do the same so I can inspire many people too in the technologies," Aruto said, feeling conflicted.

Just then, Izu place her hand on her Humagear's module as she's gathering data.

"Izu, what's wrong?"

"President Aruto, there's trouble at the Metropolis Power Plant," Izu said, making Aruto looking worried.

At the top of towns in Metropolis

Wonder Woman jump high to buidling to another as she met up with her friends at the top.

"How's the patrol on your side?" Green Lantern asked.

"So far, only a few criminals I had to deal with. But no Magias on the sight," Wonder Woman said "How about all of you?"

"Nothing unusual on my side," Zatanna said.

"Nope," Batgirl shook her head.

"Nada," Supergirl said.

Green Lantern and Bumblebee shook her head. Just as they about to finish for the night, Supergirl shouted "Hold it! Super hearing is catching something!"

The girls quiet themselves as Supergirl's super hearing picking up screaming and shouting along with battle cries.

"The Power Plant!" Supergirl shouted.

Realized there's danger in the plant, the Superhero Girls rushed out to the Power Plant.

At the Metropolis Power Plant

"Hah!" Zero-One swings down his Attache Caliber at the Onycho Magia, sending sparks on the chest, making it fall down.

The Neohi Magia swing its blades at him as he blocks it, Zero-One charges at it and swings his sword at it, but the Neohi Magia block it. Both of them grunted as he made the Magia lose its grip and delivered a side kick to the ground.

Zero-One panted as the two Magias roared at him, getting back up.

"SOMEBODY HELP US!!!!!!" Robin screamed was heard as Zero-One glance at the Tween Titans, now wrapped in the Neohi Magia's tentacles, hanging down towards the smelting acidic chemicals on the rusty pole..




The Tween Titans screaming in fear as the rustic pole begin to cracked, making it tipped a bit.

"Hang on! I'll get you, kids, to safety!" Zero-One shouted as he dodges out of the way from the Onycho Magia.

"HEY! WE'RE NOT KIDS!!!!" Robin shouted in annoyance, feeling insulted.

Zero-One block the attack from the Onycho Magia as he pulled out a light bluish Progrise Key with a Polar Bear symbol and click it.


Then he placed on the side of the belt.


A giant cybernetic bear crashing down to Zero-One's side as the Magia were caught by the harsh cold wind. Zero-One opens the Progrise Key and inserted it into his belt.

'Progrise! Attention Freeze! Freezing Bear!'

The cybernetic bear walks towards him and split itself into armor and attached it to him. Zero-One's armor now has translucent armor around him that resembles that of ice along with having light bluish gauntlet.

'Firece breath as cold as arctic wind!'

At the moment, the Superhero Girls arrived, crashing down the wall.

"Hold villains, you will not escape our-" Wonder Woman stops upon seeing Zero-One and two Magias.

"Zero-One?! You're here too?!" Zatanna shouted, with a hint of envy.

Batgirl along with Green Lantern and Bumblebee shivered upon feeling the cold wind his form is giving "Brrrrrr! And your other form is a bear?"

"Polar Bear, to be exactly," Zero-One said as the Magias charged at them as Zero-One block and send a freezing wind at the Neohi Magia.

"Listen, there's hostages at the top of the Power Plant! I need you, girls, to go save them and get them to safety!" Zero-One said, "I'll handle the Magias!!"

"Oh no you don't! We're not going to let you hogging the fight!" Supergirl said.

"No time to argue, Supergirl! These kids needs help!" Zero-One said, blocking another attack.

Wonder Woman thought then turned to Green Lantern and Bumblebee.

"Green Lantern, you and Bumblebee find the hostage. The rest of us will assist Zero-One in fighting the Magias."

"Okay, let's go, Bumblebee," Green Lantern said and the two flying high to find the hostages.

"Come sisters, to battle!" With a warrior cry, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Supergirl, and Zatanna rush towards the battle as they begin fighting the Onycho Magia. The Onycho Magia using its wings and swoop down towards Wonder Woman and Batgirl, making them stumble to the ground. Zatanna firing her magic at it, but the Onycho Magia dodge with ease. Batgirl grunted as she pulled her batarangs and throw at the Magia, but it dodges at the last minute.

"You miss," the Onycho Magia taunted, however, Batgirl smirked as the batarangs were rebound and hit on the back of it. At the moment, an explosion hit it, making it fall to the ground.

"I never miss, especially my upgraded batarangs 5.0 with highly target seeking features," Batgirl said.

"Nice work, Batgirl," Wonder Woman said as the Onycho Magia got up and roared at them. Batgirl pulled out her batastaff and got into a battle stance along with Wonder Woman and Zatanna.

At the side, Zero-One fires his ice power at the tentacles, freezing it in place. The Neohi Magia charged at him, swing its fist at him, however Zero-One block it and deliver a punch in the face, stagger a bit. Just as the Neohi Magia rush towards him, Supergirl speed through, knocking it down to the ground.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Supergirl hissed at the throbbing pain on her shoulder.

"Supergirl, are you alright?" Zero-One asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just wish those Magias aren't that hard to hit," Supergirl said.

The Neohi Magia roared and charged at them with Zero-One and Supergirl dodge and trading punches, kicks, and their special powers at it. However, it still able to keep standing as the tentacles slither towards Supergirl, caught her in a tight wrap.

"Arggh!" Supergirl was about to break out, but then, green energies were peaking towards it, making it Supergirl weaken and allowing it to squeeze her breath away.

"Supergirl!" Zero-One shouted and he fires icy winds at the tentacle, freezing it. Then he smashed it, freeing her as she slumps down on her knee, panted.

"You alright?" Zero-One asked.

"Yeah, just feeling dizzy...." Supergirl holds her head, trying to shake off the effects.

Meanwhile, Green Lantern and Bumblebee flying higher to where the hostage is kept and surprised to see who.

"The Tween Titans?!" Bumblebee said.

"The old superheroes babysitters!" the Tween Titans shouted in unison.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Bumblebee asked.

"Please help us!!" Starfire shouted, crying "Those nasty babysitters turned into monsters and kidnaped us!"

"Don't worry, we'll get you out," Green Lantern said as she uses her ring to conjured a wrapped blanket around them while Bumblebee used her electric stingers to remove the rope. The moment that they're free, they rushed towards Green Lantern and cried on her arms.

"There, there, we're here," Green Lantern said, soothing them.

At the moment, the Neohi Magia saw the hostages freed and throw its blade at them. Both of them dodge out of the way, however, the blade was heading towards the control room, pierce through. The power plant alarm set off and the core reactor begins to heat up.

'Control room damage. Core temperature is rising up to a critical level. All personal evacuated immediately. 15 minutes until the core reactor reached a critical point.'

"Okay, gonna has to say from the alarm, that's bad news, right?" Supergirl said.

"It's worst than bad, Supergirl! The core reactor begins to overheat, which means that once it reaches to a critical level, it'll explode and turn Metropolis into a radioactive wasteland!" Bumblebee shouted.

"Is there a way to stop it?!" Wonder Woman asked while blocking an attack from the Onycho Magia as Batgirl swing her staff at the face, knocking it away from Wonder Woman.

"There should be a switch to shut it down manually next to the core," Bumblebee said.

"Then we need to get to it fast!" Zatanna said.

"Batgirl, you and Bumblebee need to shut it down manually! Green Lantern, take the kids to safety while Zatanna, Supergirl, Zero-One, and I, will handle the Magais!" Wonder Woman said and the heroes nodded. Bumblebee and Batgirl headed down to find the manual switch. Green Lantern uses her ring and conjured baby car seats for the Tween Titans.

"This is so embarrassing!" Robin complained before the Tween Titans were pulled by Green Lantern to safety, away from the Power Plant.

Wonder Woman swings her sword at the Onycho Magia, but it kept dodging away while Zatanna firing her magic beam at it. The Onycho Magia block some of the magic beams away and at the moment, it grabs Wonder Woman's sword and gave a round kick to her face. Then it charged at Zatanna, dodging her magic away and grabbed her arms and swing around to the ground, then throw her to Wonder Woman, knocking them down.

For Supergirl and Zero-One, both dodge away from the Neohi Magia's tentacles as they gave a side kick to the chest. Then the noticed their friends are on the ground, feeling weaken from the Onycho Magia.

"Guys!" Supergirl shouted. But that distraction causes the Neohi Magia's tentacles to head towards her until Zero-One grabbed it on his arm. With a little amount of strength, he pulled and swing it towards the Onycho Magia, knocking them down. Then Zero-One pressed the side of his belt.

'Freezing Impact!'

Cold wind begins to stir around his icy gauntlet as he places his hands together. A burst of freezing wind headed towards the two Magias, freezing them in place.

"Now, Supergirl!" Zero-One shouted as she nodded then using their fist/claws, both smash the frozen Magias, destroying them in the process.

"Whew, that was a close one," Supergirl wiped her sweat from her head, feeling tired. Zero-One helping Wonder Woman and Zatanna up.

"Are you two alright?" Zero-One asked.

"We're fine, thank you," Wonder Woman said. Then they heard a groan and turned and saw Zatanna looking at her hair, messed up from the battle.

"Aw man, and I just fixed it," Zatanna groaned "It's going to take a bit of time to get it better."

"Can't you just your magic to fix your hair?" Zero-One asked.

Zatanna was about to protest, but stopped at that idea "Oh, that would work."

Both of the girls groaned a bit at Zatanna's forgetfulness. Then Wonder Woman's watch ring and she pressed it.

"Wonder Woman, can you hear me?!" Batgirl's voice was heard as the girls and Zero-One came to her side.

"Yes, I can you hear you, Batgirl," Wonder Woman said, "Have you able to shut it down?"

"No, we found the manual switch, but the core reactor isn't responding to it! Likely it continues to reach fast-paced!" Batgirl said "The only thing we can do is to cool it down! We're going to need Zero-One and Supergirl for that!"

At that moment, Zero-One leaped out and headed to the core reactor. The Superhero Girls follow him and they reached towards the core reactor with Bumblebee and Batgirl waiting for them.

"Okay, we're here," Zero-One said, "How much time we have left?"

"Only 8 minutes left! Target the core reactor and cool it down!" Bumblebee said. Zero-One nodded and he and Supergirl unleashed their icy powers at the core. The girls whimpered, hoping for the two to cool it down.

"7.....6......5.....4....3....2...." Bumblebee said "1......."

Then at the moment, the core reactor was covered in ice as it begins to shut down.

'Core reactor halted. Cooling down to stable temperature.'

Zero-One and Supergirl sighed at cooling down the core reactor, which is now a block of ice.

"Well, that's one way to 'cool' it down," Zero-One joked as the girls groaned at that lame joke.

"No, just no! No puns, okay?!" Supergirl groaned.

After that, the Metropolis Police surrounded the Power Plant, along with many reporters flooding at the entrance, trying to get the scoop for the newspaper. As the Superhero Girls and Zero-One about to exit out, Green Lantern came.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," she said.

"It's okay, we're glad that the Magias are dealt with," Bumblebee said.

Zero-One came to her and asked, "How're the kids doing?"

"Well, I had to put them to sleep and also, trying to make up something to their 'caretakers,'" Green Lantern replied.

Zero-One nodded as he turned away to the side of the building.

"Hey, don't you want to get the glory?" Supergirl asked.

"No thanks, you girls can have it," Zero-One said "As I said before, I'm a genuine hero. I'm not looking for fame."

With that, he dashes away to the other side of the building and rode his motorcycle to the side of the building, leaving for the Superhero Girls to be flooded with cameras and reporters.

At Lexcorp

Metallo was watching the whole thing and gave an irritated sigh.

"Again, my Magias were turned into scrap heap by the Superhero Girls and Zero-One. However, though, the Magias able to gather more battle data I need."

Metallo typing on the computer and the screen showing more data.

"Still, it's not enough. I need to gather more data for my 'project'," Metallo said "Oh well, I can just make the standard kinds and also the one that Metsuboujinrai.net never used with my own special kinks to it for my Magias."

Metallo continue typing on the computer "Well at least, my special Magias are in the development soon."

At the top of the Metropolis Suite Inn

Zero-One drove to the backside of the Inn as he slides his Zero-One Driver and pulled out his Progrise Key, canceling his transformation.

"Man, I'm tired, " Aruto yawned, feeling exhausted "I need to get some rest for tomorrow."

As he about to enter inside, a shadow covered from behind and he turned and saw someone that rarely came.

"Superman? What are you doing here?" Aruto asked.

"Oh nothing, except that I'm giving you a warning to back off, Zero-One," Superman glared at Aruto, surprising the young president.

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