| Lies of Love ~ Kokichi Oma...

Від nijiros-wife

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| A Killing Game, 17 Students, One of them being you - Do you have what it takes to win? - There are techniqu... Більше

Important A/N!
Backstory ( Angst )
Chp.1 ~ Plain Boring Highschool Students
Chp.2 ~ Ultimate Peers
Chp.3 ~ The Killing game and manhole
Chp.4 ~ Death Road of Despair
Chp.5 ~ Sensei Kirumi
Chp.6 ~ Cheer Up!
Thank You, I love all of you
Chp.7 ~ Book Wars
New Cover
Not deleting my account
Chp. 8 ~ Childs Play
Chp. 9 ~ Secrects
Chp. 10 ~ Stargazing
Chp. 11 ~ Slow Conversations
Chapter 12 ~ Stress
• Merry Christmas! •
Chapter 14 ~ Something Special
Chapter 15 ~ The Killing
Chapter 16 ~ Culprit
It's not done
Chapter 17 ~ Try
Chapter 18 ~ Just you and I

Special Chp. ~ What Do You Mean, You Care About Me?

1.4K 37 113
Від nijiros-wife

A/N ~ Hey Hey, so if you read/saw my 'Thank You, I love you all' post you should know what this is and if you didn't then: >:( You meanie, it was a thank you gift with memes in them so I'm gonna have to ask you to read that before you read this, it won't take long I promise. But this is the other gift I promised of a fluff chapter cause I know that right now in the story there isn't any chemistry (yet) between you and Kichi so this is your free ticket out of lonely town! This also doesn't affect the things going on in the book so its just a fever dream, sorry! Hope you enjoy it! ~ coffee gurl -////-

(Hellos, this chapter was heavily edited, I deleted a whole paragraph bc I wasn't very happy with it and the first comments kinda made me want to delete it, I know I'm a sensitive cry baby)

Third Person POV

Everyone was doing well, except Kokichi O(u)ma, he was ecstatic, he was planning to prank everyone to try and cheer lift their sprites cause he claims its to boring. The whole day he had prepared all the supplies he needed for the pranks, we planned to strike at night.

Once the nighttime announcement went off Kokichi picked up the pranking supplies and put them in a white duffel bag he had found and waited a few minutes before sneaking out of his dorm and looked a the list of pranking plans he had made.

Kokichi's first target was Kaede, when the announcement would turn on, the silly string would spray her. He then moved on to Kaito, making fake ghosts and putting them around his bed.

~ Time Skip cuz its hard to come up with pranks designed for certain people ~

Kokichi was done setting up his pranks for everyone in his class except one person, Y/n L/n, for what he had planned was more permanent, he had found out what kind of flowers Y/n was allergic to but it would just make her nose red and she would be congested for a few days and of course she would talk funny which would be amazing to him.

As Kokichi entered Y/n's dorm he tips toed over to the dollmaker's bed and looked at her sleeping figure, 'Hmmm... N/n ( c/n = cute/nickname ) sure does look peaceful..... too bad I'm gonna stop it, sorry c/n but a leaders got to do what a leaders got to do!'

Kokichi grinned mischievously at her, he then got out an f/c petal and gently places it on the top of her nose, so every time she would breathe in she would inhale the flower petal.

Simple task but would end up with a hilarious result, he looked at her a few more minutes, admiring her for a bit more with a small smile, he then skipped out of her dorm and went to his and slept wondering what would awake him first, the morning announcement or the screams of the others.

~ Time Skip to Morning ~

• Kokichi's POV •

"AAAAHHH!", I quickly was awakened by a high yet deep scream, must be Kaito, and then a shriek from what it seems to be Kaede.

I then sit up and smile at myself happy that my pranks had succeeded. I do my morning routine and peek out of my dorm room to see if anyone was out, almost everyone was around Kaito's dorm room.

'Hmmm, has he not come out of his room? HAH! Did he really get that scared!?', "Hahaha!" I ended up laughing imagining Kaito hiding under covers like a child. I tried walking out of the dormitory properly but failed due to how hard I was laughing, so now I'm on both knees and gripping onto my stomach trying to calm myself down.
Once I was calmed down I was still panting, trying to recovering, I noticed that there was shawdows in front of me, I looked up while wiping a tear of joy away from my eye to see everyone looking equally pissed off like they all wanted me dead but it wasn't everyone, Y/n was absent but I should run. I then stood up with a closed eyed smile at them and did that old trick where you pretend to see something behind someone but it's really nothing there and 'they actually fell for it', I used this to escape and sprinting out of the dormitory.

• Y/n's POV •

I slowly opened my eyes from my slumber, I looked at the clock, it was 5:48, 'Huh, usually I'd wake up at 4:30 or something, strange', I then sat up and a f/c petal fell down from my face?

I picked it up and inspected it, and once I tried to smell it I couldn't smell anything, I started to panic a little, I then check to see if there anything else wrong but there isn't, 'I might just have a cold, but I feel fine....'

I do my regular morning routine, and head into the dormitory but no one was here, some of their doors were open but no one was to be found.

'Hm, they might have done the announcements early so I'll check the dining hall then the gym'

I then walked slowly out of the dormitory, enjoying peacefulness and silence, once I arrived at the dining hall I headed for the kitchen infront Kirumi there already done with breakfast.

"Morning Sensei!"

"Ah, morning Y/n, is something wrong? You sound congested"

Now that she mentions it extreamly congested, "Yeah, I woke up this morning and I was congested, I could you check if I have a fever, Kirumi?"

She nodded and walked over to me, placing the back of her hand to my forehead, "Hm, it seems you don't have any sickness Y/n,"

I nodded in understandance I then got my plate and sat down and ate, once I was done I went to find someone to spend some time with, well mainly I was looking for Kokichi, but if he was not found I would give up for now.

I then started into the buildings hallway and as I turned a corner I saw Kokichi running away from Kaito, Kokichi looked nervous but excited and Kaito looked pissed, Kokichi must have done something to mess with Kaito.

I then smiled a waved at Kokichi, he grinned as he was close to me, I then step out of the way but Kokichi then grabs my wrist and starts sprinting even faster leaving Kaito behind.

After a few minutes of running he came to a stop, I ended up not slamming into him luckily, Kokichi turns to me with sparkling eyes and a wide smile, I sweat dropped at this not knowing what to do, ".uh...Morning, Kokic-" "Hahahaha! Oh m-my- Hehe... I c-can't believe..... It worked, haha!"

Kokichi barley managed to say anything with how hard he was laughing, I was soooo confused about what was going on, "W-What???"

•Kokichi's POV•

'Ahahahahaaa! This, this is the best decision I've made during my life in this killing game!

Y/n looked puzzled at my actions, "W-What???", "Ahaha-ahah, Ne-hehe! Aaahh, Y/n.... Do you even realize what I'm l-laughing about...?"

She shook her head nervously signaling no, I then pointed to her nose, "L-Last night.... I snuck into your dorm room and placed that f/c petal on your nose which your allergic to"

She seemed confused, "W-What..... I'm not allergic to that-"

"S-STOP! Nee-hehe, I can't t-take you seriously.... When your talking like that..." I was now clutching onto my stomach, Y/n face turned into a annoyed one as she crossed her arms.

"Aww, come on don't look at me like that! You know it pretty funny, wait no, it's not funny at all...." I said in realization, Y/n looked suprised by this and gave a small smile, until I finished my sentence.

"It's downright harlious!" I shouted giving a wide grin, just then I heard Kirumom from behind Y/n, "Oh there you are Y/n, I found a pack of Tylenol pills for your congestion, oh hello Kokichi"

I waved at her like a child would, and Y/n turned around and looked relived to see any other human being than me, "T-Thanks Kirumi, I'm sorry that you had to go through all th-" Y/n was then cut off by me cackling and to be even more extra cause it's me, what do you expect?
I fall side ways and clutch my stomach as if I was dying from laughter, Y/n looked extremely annoyed and Kirumi was a bit surprised at my outburst.

Y/n insisted that they should go somewhere else, leaving me squirming in the grass trying to catch my breath but then I heard something I had slightly feared happening some time today


Maki found me-

~ Time Skip ~

• Y/n's POV •

After Kirumi gave me a glass of water and my pill I went to the library got I few books and went to one of the classrooms to read peacefully, I did hear some yelling from some where im not sure where it was coming from but I didn't want to get involved, so I spent my time alone, enjoying some oero flavored pocky I got from the monomachine while reading.

After an hour I ended up drifting into sleep on one of the desk, when I woke up I checked my monopad to see what time it was, it was now 7:46 pm so I have some time to try to conversate with everyone and maybe find out what the yelling from later was about with that I cleaned up the desk and headed for the dinning hall, I decided to keep the books for now cause I didn't finish some of them and I could read them when I can't go to sleep or somehting.
Once I arrived to the dinning hall everyone was here talking, 'Uh, did I sleep through an announcement? No, the Monokub's annoying voices would wake me up....'

I walked up to the group and decided to speak up to get the whole story sense its obvious something happened but as I was walking I noticed something very strange, '... Everyone's here...execept Kokichi, is that good or bad sign?'
"H-Hey, did something important happen...?", Everyone's attention was turned to me, "Duh! What kind of stupid question is that!?" Miu exclaimed, Kiibo spoke up next, "Were you not there, Y/n?"

I gave a nervous, small smile with closed eyes as I sweatdropped, "N-No, I was reading and fell asleep but I did hear yelling, what was that all about...?", "Well.... Maki started a fight with Kokichi..." Kaito explained to me with his hand on the back of his neck, 'Kokichi had a fight with Maki !? Did Kokichi fight back....?', "D-Did Kokichi hit Maki...?" I asked in fear and hoping that he didn't cause it would have gotton much worst if he did, "No, but if that degenerate male laid a hand on her I would Irimi Nage (Irimi Nage is a Aikido fighting technique where someone bassically pull you forward by your arm and then push your chin back with lots of force making you fall backwards on the ground hard), him into the ground!" Tenko shouted in a fighting stance.

'Dang Tenko, isn't that a bit to far like I understand your dislike torwards men but your kinda thorwing Kokichi under the bus a bit-'

"O-Okay good, but how did that even happen?", Maki answered this time with her eyes closed at looking slighty mad, "All of us were pranked by him and was chasing after him and when I found him I was furious", with that I nodded I waited until the gruop dispersed a bit to go and grab an ice pack, grabe panta, a pack bubblegum, and..... handcuffs.
'Look, it says that he like those, sure its kinky has hell but Kokichi just got beat up probably pretty bad and its the least I can do is be there for him and get the things he likes even if it includes handcuffs'

I then ran out of the dinning hall trying not to draw any attention to myself because of the items I was carrying but sadly once I was in the courtyard and was about to reach the dormitory doors I heard my name being called, "Hey Y/n!" I stopped dead in my tracks as I felt the color drain from my face, I slowly turn my head to see who it is, luckily its just Kaede and Shuichi, once they catch up to me they ask why im carrying stuff and I then explained to them they weren't sure about it probably because my prank wasn't as bad as everyone elses.

When I reached Kokichi's dorm I took a deep breath and truned the door knob and pushed it open softly to see Kokich without his scarf, sitting on the other side of his bed turning away from the door but he didn't even turn to look.

• Kokichi's POV •

I heard my door open but I didn't care who was there really knowing that it might be Maki so I decide to speak up, "Heh, I see you came back for a second round huh?", "...", no response, 'Yeah this is probably Maki'
But then I hear their footsteps go over to my bed and place something metal down and then they close and lock the door, leaving us alone with no distractions, '...Am I going to die....?' I ask myself, its kinda obvious im scared but like always I never show my vulnerableness and hide it from everyone, "Oh whats this? Are you going to kill me here and now? How exciting!" I said with a fake grin, "...", no response again, so I just wait for my life to end knowing it was coming.

After a few seconds they get on my bed from behind me and start coming closer to me, I have a look of determanation on my face but Im literally on the edge of crying again, but then they stop moving being right behind me they then speak to me for the first time, saying something I never would've expected in a millon years, "... If cuddling you counts then prepare to die!" they say in a playfull tone and immediately pulls me into a warm and passionate embrace.

I gasp at the sudden contact and drop my fake smile and everything and turn all my attention to this mystery 'killer', they had rested their head on my shoulder so I look over and see h/c hair, my eyes widened as I realize who it was, "Y-Y/n...?", she tilts her head up and smies brightly and closes her eyes upwards, "Y/n! Thats not funny, I thought I was actully gonna die!", she giggles nervously and apologizes but stops as she opened her eyes.

"Hehe, Sor-" Y/n's playfull expression changes into a pityed and sorrowed one, she then grabs my shoulders lighty with both hands and talks to me, "Kokichi, I-I..... Im sorry, I shoud've been more carefull, im so sorry", I give her a cofused look, "What do you mean...?" I whisper to her as she used her thumb to caress my check as if she was wiping away somthing, "Kokichi, can't you tell? Your crying..."

I was taken back by what she said, I never cry real tears infront of ANYONE, I reach my hand slowly to my other cheek the one she wasn't caressing and felt something slighty warm and moist, I was crying, probably when Y/n attacked in a hug I was in such shook I just let it out on accident, "oh... S-So what?" I say in a sassy tone.

Y/n's face goes blank as if she was processing something, she then leans close to my face and gently plants soft kisses on my cheeks where I assume tears are, at this point I don't even know what to do, all I want to do is just let Y/n continue as I feel heat rise up to my face but like I said I was in shook and didn't even try to stop it.

• Y/n's POV •

To be honest it was just a gut feeling and it was something I just thought would comfort him, but I after a few seconds of that I didn't think that he was comfortable so I opened my eyes to see Kokichi looking absoluly angelic and peacefull with his eyes closed, a small smile and blush that seemed to grow every second, I wanted to giggle but surppressed it so he wouldn't think im makeing fun of him blushing, his hand is covering his eyes and his blush has spreaded all over his face and has gotton a few shades darker than before but not a crimson color.

Once I apologize I hand him my gifts I handed he just looked down at them with a blank face but a small smile but he then picked up the handcuffs and looked at me as he raised his eyebrow.

"H-Hey! Don't look at me like that, you like that kinda stuff so I got it for you!" I said pointing my index finger at him feeling some heat rise to my face.

Kokichi had returned to his blank face but then mischievously grinned returning to his usual mood, 'Oh gOd, this can't be good' I think to myself as I sweatdrop.
"W-What?", "Oooh, nothing just that I'm going to make sure you never leave me~" As Kokichi whispered he skillfully locks the handcuffs onto my wrist.

He then laughs at my shooked expression and then tells me since I went I bit to far with the kissing which he didn't mind apparently I had to do whatever he wants, which scared me.

"Okie! Now, make a circle with your arms like this!" He then demonstrated and I had followed along, he then went under my arms and put himself in the circle I had made this my arms.

Kokichi giggled cutely before rapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and me, I don't even know what's going on anymore.
All I know is that Kokichi is hugging me while my arms are resting on his shoulders while I'm handcuffed.

At this point I just close my eyes shut cause of my embarrassment, I hear him giggle again and pulls me even closer to the point that I'm sitting in his lap sideways.

Now I can feel his hot breath on my neck and face now trigger more blush but then he rests his forehead on mine so I open my eyes to see his starry purple orbs staring back at me with a smile, it made my heart flutter.

We stare into each other's eyes until I notice that he was moving closer to my face so I follow along not wanting the moment to end.
As we both grow closer to each other my eyes slowly close waiting to feel contact with Kokichi, and then it happens, the most wonderful feeling I have never felt.

His lips are extremely soft which makes my heart flutter even more to know that their against my own lips, Kokichi then deepens the kiss by pushing my head lightly but not to much so it's still passionate and filled with love.

After a few seconds we start to break away from each other for air though I wished it never ended, as I my eyes open it see his reaction, he had a light blush across his cheeks, and sweet smile and his eyes were filled with love.

And by my guess Kokichi seeing my reaction made him happier, he then spoke in a whisper, not wanting to break the affectionate atmosphere, "Y/n, are you going to stay with me?"

I feel my smile grow more, "Mhm, I would probably die without Kichi," I said in a soft tone, he smiled grew more at my response,"Sleep with me, plzzz" he said slightly pouting, I giggled and nodded at his request.

So now we're laying down, facing each other in a loving embrace, "Y/n can you sing to me?" Kokichi asked in a cute tone, I was a bit unsure about it,"But-" he then cut me off with word of encouragement, "I bet you singing is angelic, Y/n, it's only me, no on else, so pleeasse"

I sighed and started to warm up my vocal cords so I could sing properly, I then closed my eyes so we wouldn't just be staring into each other's eyes as I sing which would ruin the passionate atmosphere and would be very awkward.

( Let's just pretend you got you or his Monopad and  played the instrumental version, I also love this song and sorry I'm a really moody person ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

I took a deep breath as I started to sing,

"Hey you, I'm just now leaving,"

"Can I  come around later on this evening,"

"Or do, you need time, yes of course! That's fine..."

"Hey you, good morning, I'm sure your busy now, why else would you ignore me...?"

"Or do, you need space, you can't help it if your mind has changed"

"So go ahead and break my heart again,"

"Leave me wondering why the I ever let you in,"

"Are you the definition of insanity?"

"Or am I...?"

"Oh it must be nice.... To love someone, who let's you break them twice..."

"Your so bule, are you still breathing?"

"Won't you tell if you find that deeper meaning,"

"Do you...Think I've gone blind?"

"I know it's not the truth when you say 'im fine'"

"So go ahead break my heart leave me wondering why I would ever let you in,"

"Are you the definition of insanity? Or am I....?"

"Oh it must be nice... To love someone, who let's you break them twice,"

"Don't pretend, that I'm the instigator, you were the one but you were born to say goodbye,"

"Kissed me half, a decade later.... That same perfume those same sad eyes,"

"Go ahead and break my heart again, leave me wondering why I even let you in,"

"Oh it must be nice... To love someone..... Who let's you break them twice..."

When I was done Kokichi had snuggled up to me and burried his face into my neck, he then hummed lightly before talking, "Well... I expecting you to sing a lovey song to me because of our situation but that will do, and your singing is okay,"

"Hey!" I whisper yelled at him, "Nshisi~ I'm joking, your voice is like an angles, wait scratch that you are an angel!"
Kokichi then pulled away from my neck and kissed me sweetly on the lips, I smile into the kiss and so does he, once we pull away to the nightime announcements go off.

I look at Kokichi, "Hm, I think we should go to sleep just in case in the morning they think we're dead, hehe", his smile fade into a straight line, "Y/n, will I see you in the morning?"

I hum in agreement and give a peck on the nose, "Of course, just don't prank me but even then I won't leave", he smiles again snuggles into me and rest head on his.

"Goodnight my Leader"
"Hehe, Night my Queen~"

This took too long buts its wroth it! It's was really fun writing this well only the fluff part cause I imagined it from my creativity I also had no inspiration for the chapter so it was hard figuring out what to write so the fluff part was all me and the song, uwu I'm so proud of myself, I hope you enjoyed this bc it's the longest chapter I've ever wrote, okie byeee ~ coffee gurl (つ≧▽≦)つ


~ Word Count: 4170 ~

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