Soft piano ( Ouran High Schoo...


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Mother used to love it when I played the piano, she was the one that taught me actually. And I'm actually qu... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
~Chapter One Blopers~
Chapter three
~ Chapter Two Blopers~
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty ( endings)

Chapter seven

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" Kirimi-Chan... I'm afraid your mistaken, sorry but I don't have a little sister"  Tamaki spoke, kneeling down to the small girl's hight having her look up at him. Her blue eyes started filling with tears, causing Y/n to grab her in a hug.

" Tamaki shut up!" Y/n shouted, slapping him as she hugs the small girl, Kirimi, as she cries.

" Are you sure?... Cause your hair is blonde like mine" Kirimi whimpers out, moving away from Y/n's grasp and looking up at Tamaki. He suddenly blushes.

" Okay, I give in! I'll be your new big brother for the day!" Tamaki shouts out, picking up Kirimi and twirling her around causing her to giggle. Y/n sighs, standing up. She stood beside Koyoa and Haruhi, wandering what to do.

" Koyoa-Senpai, what's should we do?" Haruhi asks, looking up at him, having
Y/n follow.

" Well, we should start off by seeing if she actually has a brother that goes to this school" Koyoa responded, having Y/n about to speak tell a sudden voice interrupts her.

" Kirimi... Kirimi" they all turn to see a boy standing at the crack of the door, he had blonde hair a blue eyes.

" Hey, who the hell are you?" The twins spoke in unison as Kirimi hugged Tamaki since she thought Tamaki was her older brother. Y/n stood there very confused.

' Was that door always there?'

" Master, you forgot your cloak" what seems to be a butler and a maid walked out from the door with a cloak and a dark wig in there hands, having them put it on the boy and spin him around. Once he stopped from the spinning, he was revealed as-


Everyone gasped in shock, sep for Koyoa. Y/n sighs.

" I'm not surprised" she mutters to herself. The maid and butler proceed to explain to the host club that Nekozawa has to wear a robe and a dark wig to protect himself from the light, or he will pass out from to much.

" So, Kirimi is your younger sister?" Y/n asks, pointing at Kirimi, having Nekozawa nod his head.

" Yes." He responds.

" Come on Kirimi," the butler spoke.
" Let's go home" the maid finishes, having Kirimi grasp onto Tamaki.

" No, I don't want to! I wanna stay here with big brother!" Kirimi cry's out, causing Nekozawa to turn away, Tamaki notices.

" Nekozawa-Senpai" Tamaki mutters out.

" Don't worry about me Souh, I just want Kirimi to be happy" he responds, before anyone can say anything, he continues.

" So...give her the love and attention that she deserves!" before anyone can stop him, he runs out of the room, crying.

" Now Wait- Senpai!" Tamaki shouts out. Y/n frowns, he just needs a little bit more confidence then maybe he could adjust to the light- well that was her opinion.

" Sibling relations are a problem in most households" Koyoa spoke, pushing up his glasses. Y/n looks down.

' he's not wrong'

" even so, I'm kinda jealous," Y/n and the others turned to see Haruhi looking out the window.

" I've been an only child my whole life, so I can't really relate. But I can't imagine having a younger sibling that's so different from you, you can't even spend time together..." Haruhi spoke. Y/n looks back at the ground, peering down at her left hand.

' Are you reading my mind Haruhi? Or is it cause you to know?'

Tamaki places down Kirimi, having Kirimi looking up at him with an eyebrow raised.

" What's wrong big brother?"

" I'm sorry Kirimi, but I'm not the big brother that you're looking for"

" Your not big sissy?"

The little girl questions, looking up at the older female. The girl shakes her head.

" no, sorry...."

Tears form in her e/c and violet eyes, walking around the school trying to find the familiar sister.

" Hana, what are you doing here?"

Hana turns, seeing her big sissy. She smiled happily.

" Sissy! Daddy is back!"

She shouted out, hugging her big sissy. Her sissy lightly patted her back, frowning.

" Did he get you a birthday gift?"

The older girl asks, having the little girl nod her excitedly.

" Mhm, even Aki, Akio, and Hina... I think he's taking mommy on a small trip..."

The girl mutters out, having the older girl looked down at her with dull eyes and a frown.

' I guess father doesn't want to see me... like always'


" Y/n, are you okay?" She snaps out of her thoughts, looking up at Haruhi who was carrying some Shoji Manga since she was reading them to Kirimi. The host club was helping Nekozawa, so someone had to watch Kirimi.

" Yeah... Sorry, these past few days keep bringing up past memories" Y/n looked back out of the window, having Haruhi softly smile.

" Well, would you like to read to Kirimi? I want to see what's taking them so long"
Y/n nods her head, standing up with a soft smile.

" Yeah, I don't mind" she spoke, taking the manga out of her hands and walking over to where Kirimi sat at.

" Wheres the book worm?" Kirimi asks as Y/n sat down, putting the books on the ground.

" She's taking a break, now- what would you like to read?" Y/n asks with a smile.

When Haruhi left to see what the others were doing, Y/n read to Kirimi twelve volumes of shoji manga. Y/n realized why the others were staring at her when they first met Kirimi. It's because this little girl knows some words that she shouldn't know of. But- after all of that, the host club kinda succeeded in making Kirimi not afraid of her big brother. Turns out the scary monster was a cat, due to Kirimi being afraid of cats.

That's not the only thing Y/n learned that day, no- there was more.

" Hello?" Y/n asks, looking out the window.

" Hi, is this Y/n L/n?" She raises a brow.

" Yes, who's this?" Y/n asks, looking down at the ground.

" It's the principle of (blank) Academy, it's about your siblings. You are there Guardian, right?" Y/n sighs.

" Yeah... what did they do?" Y/n asks.

" Well, I would rather talk to you in person" Y/n sighs once more.

" Alright, I'll be there soon" Y/n sighs out once more. Honey looks up from his slice of cake.

" What's wrong Y/n-Chan?" Honey asks, having Y/n look up at him.

" It's about my siblings, something happened and now I have to talk to there principle" Y/n sighs out, Y/n's customers gasped.

" You have siblings Y/n-Senpai!?" They gasped, having Y/n turn with a confused look.

" Yeah, four of them to be exact" they all Fangirl, imagining Y/n taking care of children and being a nice 'father'.

" I'm sorry, I have to go. May we continue tomorrow?" The girls nod their heads, having Y/n smile.

" Thank you" and like that, she walked out of the host club, having Tamaki wanting to go with her. But he had costumers to talk to, so he couldn't go- nor anyone else in the mater.

And like that she left the host club doors.


" Sorry I'm a little late, what's wrong?"
Y/n asks, entering the room to see two parents, the principal, her siblings, and another kid. She takes the empty seat next to her siblings, she looks at them to see a black eye on Hana, the others had a few scrapes.

" What happened?" Y/n asks, looking down at them, and up at the principle. He pushes up his glasses, before coughing.

" Well, you see Hana over here started a fight with Katsuki, having her other siblings to join in and beat on him." She raises a brow, looking at the other kid. He hardly didn't have any scratches on him.

" Can we have this talk without the kids in the room?" Y/n asks the principle, having the women tsk.

" Oh grow up, life isn't this easy" Y/n turned to look at the women, with the male nodding his head agreeing.

" Please, say it in front of us all" Y/n looks at him coldly.

" Well for starters, Hana isn't the one to start a fight, including my other siblings. And if you look, my siblings are more beat up then him..." Y/n mutters out, looking at them coldly.

" Are you excusing my child for lying!?" The woman shouts as her son, Katsuki, looks at Y/n with a smirk.

' I swear, if I weren't a teenager- I would beat the crap out of you'

" Maybe." Y/n reply's, having the women groan in irritation.

" Why am I even talking to a punk like you!? Where is your parent's young boy!?" The woman shouts again, having the male place and hand over hers.

" Now- calm down..." the male whispers, having the woman sigh.

" For your information, My mother is dead and my father is in America. So I'm their guardian. Now Katsuki, dear- what happened?" Y/n asks, looking at the women before looking down at the small boy. Her siblings were slightly terrified, she never mentions her mother's death unless she's angry or upset.

" Well- she pushed me! Then-... Th-Then she started to beat on me... then th-they joined" he started fake sniffling as he points at Hina, which he thought was Hana. Y/n raises a brow.

" Oh? So Hina is the one the started beating on you? Not Hana?"  He flinches.

" No! That's Hana!" He cries out, pointing at Hina. Y/n shakes her head, looking up at the parents before looking at her siblings.

" Now, What happened?" Y/n asks, peering down at them.

" We were playing on the playground and he and his friends came. They wanted it all for themselves but we said we should share it...." Hana muttered out.

" Then they started being all mean to us...." Aki muttered out as well. Y/n looked up at the principle.

" So why did you call me here when it was obviously the boy's fault?" Y/n asks, having the woman grit her teeth.

" They're lying!" She shouts, the male just kept quite.

" To see if you wanted to press any charges..." the principal sighs out, Y/n turns and looks at the woman who looked very angry the father starting getting angry as well.

" Yes, I will..." Y/n mutters out, with a smile. She then looks at her siblings.

" Okay- let's go." They get out of the chairs, walking out of the room as the woman and male were begging for her to not to. But Y/n wasn't listening, she was called a punk after all, and a boy. Maybe if she told them she was a girl, would they acted a little differently?

" Sissy.... are you mad?" Akio asks, having Y/n look away from the window before shaking her head.

" No, why would I be? I'm just a little disappointed in myself that I haven't taught you guys self-defense yet...." Y/n sighs out.

" I owe it up to you guys. What do you guys want?" Y/n asks, having them gasp in excitement.

" Ice cream!!"


Word count: 1911

Posted: 7/20/22


Warning: next chapter the reader is going to be in a dream, like Haruhi was in that one episode.

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