A Secretive, Whirlwind Romanc...

By PotterheadBonBon

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Dramione Fanfiction Hermione has a secret. A very big secret. Her secret is something she didn't expect to... More



934 24 13
By PotterheadBonBon

The day finally arrived where I decided to go to Hogsmeade after a while of considering whether to tell Malfoy to stuff his offer. I was at a loss for what to wear or how to appear as I certainly didn't want him to get the wrong idea that I was trying to look good for him because that was my very last intention.

I decided on a striped light pink and white polo shirt with some casual skinny jeans that were low cut and my favourite belt with my slightly dusty trainers which I deemed could still pass for presentable muster. I decided that my polo was too casual, because I wanted to appear presentable and I really didn't want to give him the wrong idea, so I wore a thin v neck jumper with a small necklace and brushed my hair and clipped it into its usual style as I couldn't think of any other way to tame it.

I suddenly received a knock on the door and opened it to see Ginny holding a note.

"Hedwig brought a note for you, Harry told me to bring it up to you," She grinned.

"Thanks Ginny. I'll see you later on, I just have a few things to do today," I told her.

"Have fun," She winked, and I shook my head fondly before untying the green ribbon that secured the note.





I folded the note back up and stuffed it into my pocket before I decided to walk up a little early so I wasn't late. Although, I really didn't want to give the impression that I was eager in any way because I was anything but.

As I traipsed through the thick blanket of snow that clung to the grips of my shoes, I shivered. I really should've brought my scarf. My coat provided some warmth, although a scarf would've been more beneficial.

I thought about the day ahead. Would it be as dull and tedious as I had initially anticipated, or would it surprise me and turn out to be a day I didn't consider to be a total write off.

As I rounded the bend and approached the brick wall bridge, I saw a familiar glint of blonde through the slight flurry of snow and a glimpse of emerald green. I sighed inwardly, wondering what I'd gotten myself into as I traipsed towards my enemy serpent.

"So, you're here then?" I stated the obvious.

"Evidently," He smirked. "Come on then Granger, let's go to the teashop. I'm buying you some food. It is early after all and we're both likely to be hungry."

My jaw dropped in shock. Draco Malfoy, offering to pay for my meal?

"You don't have to do that. I can pay fo--"

"Nonsense. It's the gentlemanly thing to do," He cut me off, slightly rudely may I add.

"You, a gentleman?" I snorted. I didn't doubt that was what he was raised to be, although whether it showed was another story.

"You'd be surprised." He remarked.

"Indeed I would. So, is this what you do with all the girls? Take them for meals, try wrap them round your little finger and later get them into your bed?" I questioned mockingly.

"Generally they're already so desperate I don't have to, but despite public belief, I have only slept with two people. Other people I have messed around with, but not actually stuck my--"

"I get the picture although I'm scarred for life after that mental image." I pursed my lips as I shivered further.

"You're shivering. Take my scarf." He said, pulling it off.

"I can't wear that!" I Shouted,  appalled at his ignorance.

"Why ever not?" He enquired, sounding a little offended.

"For one it's been around your ferrety neck, and in case you haven't noticed, I'm a Gryffindor!" I replied, glaring.

"Fine then! Freeze and get a cold then you stone cold bitch. You can tell you're a prudish Gryffindor. Won't even wear a flipping scarf that's been around a man's neck." He sneered at me, and I winced at his words but stood my ground.

"I'd hardly call you a man Malfoy," I scoffed in response.

"I'd hardly call you a woman. You're being difficult." He glared at me, stopping his brisk strut.

"You're impossible! Why did I ever think this could work?" I yelled furiously, mentally smacking myself.

"You just don't give anyone a chance, do you? You're so up your own arse that you can't just try to get along with things." He bellowed in my face.

"Get out of my face Malfoy!" I raged, shaking.

"Fine! Come on now," He ordered.

"No," I stated simply.

"What?" He was clearly not used to being refused.

"I said no Malfoy. Can't you understand simple bloody English? " I replied, setting my chin defiantly and looking away from him deliberately.

I should've kept my eyes on that slippery bastard.

He darted forwards and slung me over his shoulder!

"Malfoy! Put me down now!" I shrieked as he strode forwards, his arm securing me.

"Only if you stop being difficult!" He said lightly.

"I AM NOT BEING DIFFICULT!" I roared, thrashing about.

"I'd be careful if I were you. Don't want people to see your knickers," He chuckled.

I reluctantly stopped thrashing.

"Please. Put me down." I said quietly, and he stopped and true to his word, he planted me onto my feet more carefully than I'd expected.

I brought my hand up and slapped him harshly across the face.

"Do not try that EVER AGAIN you utter ARSEHOLE!" I screeched, absolutely livid that he'd so publicly humiliated me in such a way I had no control over.

"Granger. Settle down. Look, let's just forget this and go to the teashop and try get to know one another better. Let's start again." He suddenly suggested, more softly than I thought he'd ever be able to muster.

I was affected by his tone somewhat.

"Okay," I agreed, not trusting myself to say anything else.

"Really?" He seemed surprised by my easy response.

"I just said so, didn't I? Now, let's go." I said, continuing to walk.

"Women," He muttered under his breath.

"I quote 'I'd hardly call you a woman' " I joked.

"Shut up Granger,"

He didn't say it with malice.

A/N: bit tense, took a few turns there! Malfoy is a git sometimes but I love him. My cat Draco is missing still :( my kittens Theo, Rose and Cedric died :( we have many cats :) but I hope y'all liked that chapter. Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon 💗 💗

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