The Soldier of Stars [1] - Ba...

By wexhappyxfew

177K 5.8K 4K

The Soldier of Stars ~ Band of Brothers [1] A young woman who finds peace in the stars, and let's them guide... More

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BAND OF BROTHERS - the ladies
โ™ช playlist โ™ช
introduction to the soldier of stars
โžข hazel parker
โžข catherine mccown
โžข elizabeth elliot
1 | operation virago
2 | captain thermes
3 | the springfield rifle
4 | training
5 | camp athene medals
6 | jump wings
7 | new york city
8 | england
9 | reality
10 | looming war
11 | easy company
12 | the men of easy company
13| aldbourne
14 | stars of swindon
15 | the training in england
16 | wartime
17 | the unlikely friendship of joe liebgott
18 | maneuvers
19 | the strength of ncos
20 | sobel's demise
21 | upottery airfield
22 | talks of d-day
23 | the letter
24 | into the unknown
day of days
25 | normandy
26 | the silencing of war
27 | the assembly area
28 | brecourt manor
29 | of a combat medic
30 | safety
31 | d-day plus one
32 | positivity
33 | sainte-come-du-mont
34 | carentan
35 | the duty of a combat medic
36 | the counteroffensive
37 | battle of bloody gulch
38 | the final days
39 | the return to aldbourne
40 | the replacements
41 | the good overpowers the bad
42 | late night talks
43 | moving out
44 | eindhoven
45 | nuenen
46 | retreating
47 | the dawn of night
48 | hope
49 | low morale
50 | in sickness and in health
51 | companions
52 | crossroads
53 | the attack on crossroads
54 | a medic's return
55 | operation pegasus
56 | such is life
57 | paris
58 | the dinner conversation
59 | heart to heart
60 | tell it to the stars
61 | the will of the fight
62 | bitter bastogne
63 | shellings
64 | crazy boys
66 | god's will
67 | pitiful patrol
68 | solo
69 | always hope
70 | the stand
71 | merry friggin christmas
72 | hands
the breaking point
73 | christmas
74 | the case of the incompetent lieutenant
75 | keeping warm
76 | agony
77 | 5 am cigarettes
78 | gone
79 | when the star goes out

65 | on the line

1K 40 11
By wexhappyxfew

" To be alive is the strange and wondrous miracle we forget."

- Atticus


The next morning brought a 0600 shelling, that forced Lizzie and Gene up from their finally peaceful sleep and running, giving aid to a replacement who's hand was majorly hit. That's when the medical supplies ran out. They had been holding out as long as they could but they knew within days of arriving here they'd be out in a matter of days. 

And Gene's scissors had yet to make any appearance. 

So, after the shelling, Gene went out to try and look for 3rd Battalion to see if he could scrounge up some medical supplies, while Lizzie went from foxhole to foxhole, as the men moved around, checking to make sure they were awoke and eating and moving around and were feeling okay, especially after the shelling which had surprised the majority of them. 

She stopped by Malarkey and Skip's foxhole and they managed to put a smile on her face after telling a few jokes to make her feel better, after they discovered she woke up not feeling 100%. She'd woken up a bit woozy with those shellings, but she ignored it and got to work as usual, but Malarkey and Skip had picked it out of her within seconds. 

Word spread that they were trying to airdrop supplies to the Airborne troops, and that any moment or any day it would be delivered to them. It brightened people's spirits, but everyone still felt the cold that found its way into their bones. 

Lizzie hurried over to Penkala and Bull's foxhole and the trio chatted for a few moments before she moved on again. Bill came up to her, doing his check's on the foxholes, and made her smile, giving her a tight side hug, before she moved onto Babe and Julian. She did this throughout the early hours of morning, and she was happy when she noticed Hazel and Shifty out and about, standing near their foxhole with Lipton, who was checking on them. 

Every NCO, medic and officer did checks on the men and women and it made everyone more comfortable with their current situation. It kept up confidence, morale and spirit. 

Catherine was milling about near Winters, sitting cross legged across from him at his foxhole, as Nixon slept nearby in his own. She was looking at her maps, eyes strained in the early morning. She'd done her report yesterday and Winters had accepted it without even looking it over once, he trusted her instincts. She had done a check along the line at 0700 after the barrage, and it was thinly spread, but Nixon had warned her when he returned from his own look at the line. She let out a sigh as Winters speared his ice, brush hanging out of his mouth. He had preached to Nixon recently about keeping up on hygiene and cleanliness. So he was shaving.

" What did the ice do to you?" Catherine muttered, as Winters glanced at her with his rest nose and let out a shiver as he took the brush from his mouth. He only shook his head, as he began applying the shaving cream he had to his face. 

But suddenly both of them heard a noise behind them, and Catherine's head shot up from her map, as both her and WInters looked towards the source. Catherine heard new footsteps behind her, as Winters told the person to 'Duck'. She could see Gene coming toward them, stumbling a bit through the stone, his footsteps light against the packed in ice. 

Gene stopped quickly and kneeled down eyes training towards where the trio now all looked. Catherine glanced back at Winters who slowly moved the tin of icy water from his lap and grabbed his weapon, giving a quick hand signal for Gene to come forward. Gene slowly stood as Catherine moved to her feet and followed after Winters, Gene by her side. The trio slowly moved, crouched walking forward, looking through the fogging morning towards the sound. Catherine's eyes strained to look at the source. They stopped suddenly and Winters brought up his rifle to point towards the person through the fog. Catherine glanced at Gene who looked at her. She read him with her eyes, and he seemed to do the same. 

Being injured and having him drag her half way across Normandy had instilled some trust bonds between the Lieutenant and the medic. It was mutual. The two looked back towards where Winters held his rifle, pointed.

" Kommen sie hier." Winters said. The person in front of them seemed to be using the bathroom.

" Kommen sie hier, schnell!" Winters said firmer this time. The person in the fog slowly stood up.

" Schnell!" Winters called forcefully this time. The person shuffled forward, slowly raising his arms up as he appeared through the fog. Catherine's eyes widened. 

It was a German, looking utterly lost and confused. 

Two soldiers put a weapon on him and Winters searched him as Gene and Catherine silently stood side by side, glancing towards the German soldier every so often. The soldier looked towards them, as Winters searched him, with seemingly pleading, hopeful eyes that they'd do something. Winters pulled out a wallet it seemed and pulled out a black and white photo of a couple. His parents. The soldier looked at him. Winters then closed it up and put it back in his pocket. There was still humanity in the war and family. Family was everything right now. The soldier glanced towards Catherine and Gene again as Gene seemingly clenched his jaw looking right back at the soldier. Winters pulled something else from the soldiers pocket.

" Doc, bandage." Winters said before tossing it to Gene. Gene caught it and glanced down at the bandage.

" Take him back to Regiment." Winters said, at the same time that a truck pulled up. The soldiers moved away with the German prisoner as both Catherine and Gene looked to each other before looking towards the truck which held General McAuliffe and Colonel Sink. Strayer slowly wandered up.

" As you all know, General McAuliffe." Sink said, " Acting Division commander."

" Give it to me straight." McAuliffe said as he looked to Strayer.

" We've been taking ground in one position, General, losing it in another. And now it looks like a stand-off, we're digging in on the edge of the forest." Strayer said nodding to Winters.

" We're under sporadic artillery fire, General. We're taking a lot of hits and we have no aid station," Winters said and Catherine glanced at Gene biting her lip, he glanced at her, " We've run out of food, we have no winter clothes, and we have little or not ammo. The line's spread so thin, the enemy wanders into our CP to use our slit trenches, sir. We just can't cover the line." Suddenly Nixon appeared, flipping open the tarp on his foxhole cover, looking more dead than alive, as he crawled out. Catherine sent him a raised brow.

" Good morning, Captain Nixon." Sink said as Nixon looked up towards him, out of it completely. His eyes widened seeing the General.

" You got anything to add for General McAuliffe?" Sink asked him.

" General, ah, yes sir." Nixon said as he pulled himself out of the foxhole barely able to keep a foothold as he did so.

" General, I took a," he stopped speaking to get fully to his feet, " walk on the line at about 0300 last night. Couldn't find the 501st on our right flank. I tied in with a squad from our 2nd platoon but, sir, we've got some considerable gaps in our perimeter."

" Even at 0700 none of the gaps were closed when I took a walk, sir," Catherine said stepping forward as everyone looked to the girl, " the geography of the land doesn't call for that, we need more men."

" I don't have enough people, sir." Strayer said, " We're spread too damn thin."

" Hold the line, Colonel, close the gaps." McAuliffe said firmly, he turned and moved back towards the truck, " This goddamn fog won't lift any time soon, so you can forget about air cover."

" Positive." muttered Catherine, as Gene looked at her.

" You're 1st Battalion just pulled out of Foy, Krauts on their tail. Tanks, artillery, got no back-up. There's a lot of shit heading this way." and with that McAuliffe sat down and the truck took off back towards Regiment. Catherine felt her heart drop as her and Gene walked back over towards the 2 Captains and Colonel. Gene and Catherine slowly followed back towards Winters, as Catherine stepped past Gene to her map which lay discarded on the ground.

" Doc..." Winters said as Gene looked at the two.

" Can I scrounge a bandage from your aid kit, sir?" Gene asked him gently. Winters looked up at him.

" How are you fixed?" Winters asked him. Gene shrugged helplessly, rubbing his hands together.

" No plasma, couple of bandages, practically no morphine." Gene said as Winters handed him a bandage quickly.

" In fact, I tried to find my way up to 3rd Battalion looking for supplies, but lost my way." Gene said glancing towards Catherine who watched him. Lizzie had already taken all she could from Catherine. She gave a sad frown his way.

" If you can't get over to 3rd, hook up with Doc Ryan, he'll fix you up with what he has to spare." Winters said, and Gene nodded.

" Thanks, Cap'n." Gene said and Winters nodded before Gene turned and started heading away.

" Eugene..." Winters said stopping Gene in his tracks.

" Get everything you can." Winters told him, " You're gonna need it." He would. Gene nodded before turning and taking off through the forest. Winters looked towards Catherine who sat quietly, going through her maps, eyes focused on the paths and geography of the land. She was quiet. 

But everyone was worried for the medics, there was no lie under or over it. They were some of the most important soldiers in this company. 

Lizzie was moving through where new foxholes were being dug, they had to shift their line again, and as people dug in, she checked in on their health and for any general supplies. She was nearing where Spina had last been digging when she heard Dike call out.

" 1st Sergeant Lipton," she had heard his voice call and immediately redirected her route in another direction to avoid him. 

Mourmelon-le-Grande had seemed to be the hotspot for asking Lizzie Elliot every question under the sun based on medical history courtesy of Norman Dike. And she had answered every one and he was still confused as ever. It was no wonder that there wasn't a bigger rumor of women at war with the current CO wandering around, with a stick up his ass. 

Lizzie found Bill easily, walking around, making sure people were digging in, talking with each guy he passed, leaving them with a smile.

" Bill." Lizzie called as she approached him.

" Hey, there, Doc," Bill said turning to her, and stopping to let her arrive at his side.

" You got a spare bandage?" she asked him hurriedly.

" Maybe 1." he said digging into his pockets and pulling one out. She gratefully took it and sighed in relief.

" You're a lifesaver, Bill." Lizzie said and Bill smiled at her gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

" I try when I can, Lizzie," Bill said and Lizzie grinned before waving and heading off towards Alley and Liebgott's foxhole.

" Hey boys," she said as she kneeled softly beside the foxhole.

" Hey, Doc!" the two cheered as they met her eyes.

" You got anything? Morphine? Bandages, aid kit? Scissors?" she asked them softly.

" Doc still missing them?" Liebgott asked her as he pulled out his med kit and handed it to her. Lizzie nodded.

" We can't find them anywhere." she said with a small smile, " But we'll get a pair, we'll keep looking." 

" Heard a rumor that's Perconte's got a drug store in his bag, I bet you could find a pair in there," Alley said as Lizzie gratefully took a thing of morphine from him.

" Really?" she asked.

" Yeah, heard it the other day," Alley confirmed," I'd let Gene know."

" Thanks you two, stay warm," she called as she popped up and took off again to George and Christenson's foxhole.

" Lizzie!" George called noticing her there. She smiled as the grin on Pat's face widened.

" Just the person we were hoping to see, George here got a bunch of stuff at the run he took into town today with Catherine." Pat sat as him and George reached into their pockets.

" I swear you guys are angels from heaven." Lizzie said as George handed her a load of bandages.

" I wouldn't go that far, Lizzie, especially with this one." Pat said as George snickered.

" What are you saying, there Pat? I am an angel, Momma said so herself." George said as Lizzie snickered.

" Right," Pat said.

" I gotta work my way around, but stay warm for me." she said gently to them.

" Will do, Doc." George said and she smiled at him, squeezing his shoulder gently before popping up and hurrying away again. 

The second she ran away though, an explosion ripped through the entirety of where the foxholes lay. Lizzie felt herself knocked over by force onto her stomach, her face shoved in the snow, as she inhaled the icy Earth. Second of the day, who would've known. LIzzie flipped on her back, choking on snow and air and debris, hacking and hacking, her already sore throat, feeling practically raw now. That's when the frantic calls for medics filled her eyes, like a ball banging around in her brain. She shoved herself to her feet up from the snow, slipping a bit as she struggled to maintain her footing, racing through the snow towards the sound of the call for a medic. 

Another explosion sent her flying to the ground from the massive impact it had on the ground. She slammed to the icy ground, a static shooting up through her body, as she got to her feet again, more explosions continually ringing out. She let out a groan as she lay curled up for a split second before finally getting a move on.

" Medic!" a call suddenly rang out and Lizzie stopped in her tracks, eyes searching for the source of where the voice came from as she did so. Another explosion went off behind her, and she shook at the sound, flinching and almost crouching to the ground as she heard it, her ears ringing.

" Medic!" the urgent call came again and she twirled on her toes, listening for the source. She could hear trees falling, lumbar hitting the ground, as distant rumbles erupted like thunder and lightning together it seemed.

" Medic!" the call came again, as an explosion ripped through Lizzie's side and snow kicked up in her face. She fell from the impact to her back, pushing herself quickly to her feet again, as she raced towards the sound. The world seemed to shake, and everything seemed to be coming down on them. Her heart was racing as the call got closer and louder.

" Doc!" the voice yelled, and her heart stopped when she recognized it was Bull's. Lizzie pushed through the explosions, clasping herself next to a tree, as the world trembled with another shelling.

" God, make it stop." she whispered, as her arms wrapped tightly around it. Another explosion hit right behind her and she gritted her teeth before running forward.

" Medic!" the call was frightening to hear, but she knew she had to race towards it, her heart pounding with each step. Soldiers rushed past her in a frenzy, as she watched them, heading out towards the frontlines, the very front. She heard another whistle, as the call for a medic rang out, and she collapsed to the ground, holding her hands to her head, squeezing her eyes shut, as the explosion hit a tree close to her. She heard the crack as it tore off from the bark and crashed to the ground. She then struggled, pushing to her feet again as she finally came in sight of where the medic calls were coming from.

" Medic!" the cry was painful and guttural, and Lizzie tripped and went flying to the ground an explosion to the left of her. She curled in a ball, in the open as the whistle exploded next to her again.

" Doc!" Lizzie heard as she crawled to her feet basically, racing forward, her lungs filled with the cold air that she was met with. She could see Gene right in front of her, going to the same foxhole. 

Then another call hit her ears, and her heart dropped. She turned racing away from where Gene was with Bull and who she figured was Penkala, towards the sound of another faint medic cry. She moved her way through the trees and explosions, jumping and rolling through the icy snow, her ears and eyes peeled for the source. She felt like a wild creature, moving through all the trees and forest and explosives. The world continued to shake with each oncoming explosion, and then there was the final one. 

Lizzie had fallen against the tree, closing her eyes and praying for the shellings to stop. And they did. Lizzie slowly looked up, as the faint cry for a medic continued. The world was silent, dust, debris and snow falling silently from the trees as they sat there, quietly. Then the yells began for the 'all clear', Lizzie shot up like a bullet towards the quiet cry for a medic. She found it belonged to a quiet replacement, sitting in his foxhole, next to his friend who looked terrified for his life.

" Doc," the one managed out, shaking like a leaf as he looked at her with wide terrified eyes. He couldn't speak as tears slowly fell from his eyes and pointed to his injured friend. He was bleeding in his leg, the shrapnel having seemingly pulled out by them.

" Hey, it's ok, it's over, I'm right here." she said as she moved into the foxhole and took hold of his leg, gently placing it in her lap.

" Will he die?" the other replacement asked, finding his words.

" No, he'll by just fine, just a scratch." Lizzie said with a small smile.

" Just a scratch?" the injured replacement whispered and Lizzie nodded, as she gently put some sulfa on the wound, the only wound that had hit his body, and a minor one at that. She then tightly and warmly wrapped up the wound with a thick bandage, and then fastened it to make sure it was flush.

" It'll heal up well, just try to keep the wound clean." Lizzie said to him, gently squeezing his shoulder with a soft smile.

" Will he be ok?" the other replacement asked as Lizzie stood. Lizzie looked toward the injured replacement as he slowly shifted to sitting position, eyes filled with tears.

" Just, you know, be his brother, comfort him, make sure he's ok. Be there for him," Lizzie said and the replacement nodded, before turning and sitting next to his injured buddy, talking quietly. Lizzie stood up, getting out of the foxhole and let out a breath of air she didn't realize she was holding. She was surprised she didn't break down crying, maybe though it was the adrenaline that had pushed the fear and sickness that pulsed through her body. 

Lizzie slowly made her way back towards the foxhole she shared with Gene, shaking from the cold, her head pounding and throat sore. Her legs felt weak as she worked her way towards the foxhole. And when she arrived, she saw Gene sitting inside, helmet off, out of breath. She slowly slid in next to him, and he looked toward her.

" Who got hit?" she asked.

" Penkala." he said softly, sucking in a breath of air.

" There was replacement too, but it was minor." she said and Gene nodded.

" You okay?" he asked her, placing a soft hand on her shoulder and she nodded.

" Yeah, I'm fine." she said, " Fine."

" Should have shot Hinkle in the ass," Malarkey said.

" And he would have shot him in the ass!" Skip replied as the two cackled over what they had heard about what Babe and Spina went through on a trip to find 3rd Battalion. Catherine stood nearby, watching arms crossed, nibbling on her bottom lip, as Gene was sitting alone on a crate, watching a little bit, but not really focusing on the conversation. Catherine had been surprised when Lizzie wasn't with him. But Hazel was currently searching for the tiny medic, by order of Catherine, personally. Joe Domingus went around with food, as he handed out the food.

" Hey, God bless ya." Babe had said.

" Yo, these smell like my armpit." Malarkey complained as he got a whiff.

" At least your armpit's warm." Skip said back.

" Do you want syrup with that?" Joe asked him.

" Hey, Joe, be honest, what's in these things anyway, huh?" Malarkey asked Joe.

" Nothing you won't eat, Malarkey." Joe said before turning away.

" I won't eat Malarkey," Skip said.

" Hey, hey, maybe hinkle would like your share, huh?" Julian said leaning forward.

" I should have shot him when I had the chance." Babe said.

" What, running backwards, Babe?" Skip said as Catherine noticed Peacock come into her vision, his bright red nose visible.

" Anybody seen Lieutenant Dike?" he had asked.

" Try Battalion CP, sir." Malarkey said. Peacock let out a sigh as he turned and Catherine moved over to him quickly.

" Try Paris." Skip muttered.

" Hinkle, sweetie, I'm home." Penkala said as the group was sent into hysterics as he went to hug Babe.

" Hey, Eugene, Lieutenant Dike's got a full aid kit, try him." Babe said.

" Yeah, I'm sure he's not using his." Malarkey said finishing out a laugh.

" Maybe Hinkle's got a syrette for you." Julian said.

" Eat your strudel." Penkala scolded him as Gene smirked, a cigarette on his lip.

" Hey, hinkle-vinkle, eats ze armpit, huh?" Penkala said as the group chuckled again.

" Tom," Catherine said as she stopped him and he looked towards her.

" Is Dike, still, missing?" she asked him, her eyes filled with confusion. The man moved around so much he was never really in one place.

" Went to his foxhole, he wasn't there, I went and found Lipton, but he had no clue either. Talbert, Grant, Guarnere, Toye, no one knows where he is." Peacock said. Catherine sighed.

" Shit." she said.

" I'll head up to Battalion CP, see if they've seen him." Peacock said and Catherine nodded, before slowly walking back over to the group that had been eating, watching as Gene sat smoking a cigarette. She let out a shaky sigh and then walked over and slowly sat by his side, except her ass was in the snow, as she sat criss cross applesauce. 

Gene looked down at the girl, the Lieutenant with the high IQ, sitting next to him in the snow, a bland expression upon her usually quite alive face. So he, slowly pulled the cigarette from his lips, and handed it to her. She looked up at him, a small smile on her face, as she took it and carefully placed it between her lips, taking in a wonderful drag. She usually never would smoke, but desperate times called for desperate measures and here she was.

" Thanks," she said as she passed it back to him, and watched as he nodded, before putting it to his own lips.

" Are you doing ok? With everything?" she asked him, his gaze, seemingly filled with worry. Gene looked down toward her. Catherine, even though Gene and her didn't talk much, she knew him. Dragging someone across Normandy was quite the experience. He was worried for Lizzie, his eyes weren't exactly great at concealing that.

" Best we can, but we're low on supplies, no morphine, no bandages, no plasma, barely any sulfa, things are low and Lizzie's getting sick." he said, and Catherine felt like there was an arrow in her heat.

" Shit, Gene, I'm sorry, I wish I could do something," she said looking at him. Gene let his shoulders gently fall, through a slight shrug.

" You're doing all you can, Catherine, we all are," Gene said with a smile. Catherine nodded with a smile. She bit her lip as Gene let out another blow of smoke. She had seen Gene through many things, but remembered his actions most vividly when he dragged her into the small town they were in near Coup-de-ville, exhausted and warn, but fighting to make sure she made it.

" I'll see you around, Gene." she said as she slowly managed to get to her feet.

" Yeah," Gene said, " you find any spare medical supplies, just let us know." Catherine slowly crouched down in front of Gene with a nod.

" Of course," she said with a tiny smile, " definitely. See you around, Gene." Catherine then stood and then headed back towards Battalion CP.

" Did Dike show up?" she asked them, once her foot entered the tent area.

" Nah, Peacock was here just a few minutes looking for him, " Nixon said.

" We've been looking for Dike already," Winters said, and Catherine sighed.

" Where'd Peacock go?" Catherine asked.

" Probably looking for Dike again," Winters said to her, and she nodded, her shoulders sagging. They were always looking for Dike.

Catherine was tired of it.  


hey! 2 more chapters after this for the update today!! just wanted to pop in as always say i appreciate the comments, votes and reads so much and i can't thank you all enough for reading this book i've loved writing as much as i do!!

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