Fantastic Four (Rise of The S...

By racefunhorsess

48.1K 1.2K 150

Reed and Sue are getting Married. Johnny is has feelings for Scar. When the Silver Surfer threatens their wor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 7

3.9K 116 6
By racefunhorsess

Reed P.O.V

Scarlett hasn't left Johnny since she knocked him out in the hallway. She came running to me telling the whole story about how he shoved he into a wall and she knocked him out. She blames herself for everything, the switching of powers, the anger everything that has gone wrong. She won't forgive herself for anything even if she didn't do anything.

Adelaide has tried many times to cheer her up. She will make drawings and perform things, but it no use. I watch as she suddenly gets up from beside Johnny. She walks out of the room for the first time in hours. She walks to her room and a few minutes later she comes out with a large black duffle bag fill of stuff.

"What are you doing?" I ask her and she walks past me. She walks onto the balcony and flies off with the bag in hand. A few minutes later my phone buzzes on my work table. I grab it and it's a call from her.

"Scarlett." I say to her. I wonder what she's doing.

"I will be gone for a while. Take Adelaide she is safe with you than she ever has with me. Give her my room for all I care. I just want you to know, if you ever need help I am right around the corner. Don't try finding me, you won't." She says and I stand there shocked and looking around. I walk to the windows looking for any sign of her.

"What about Adelaide and the team?" I ask her. I can't believe she is going to leave Adelaide with us. She actually acted like a mother.

"Like I said she is safer with you. For the team, it has always sounded better as The Fantastic Four too. I have left a few thousand dollars in a separate account for Adelaide to be taken care of. This will be better for the team and for you. I can't do much anyway. I've never helped that much. So this is goodbye, brother." She hangs up before I can do or say anymore to her.

I walk around and begin worrying. I then busy myself with the samples she gave me. I work on her blood and I find two things. She has a component in her blood that none of us have or either have heard of. Two she was or is going to die.

I run into a groggy Johnny. He stumbles back and gains his feet. I pull him along and call everyone to the kitchen again this time.

"Where is your sister?" Johnny says looking around the kitchen and walking to a cabinet to grab a glass for water. He fills it up and takes a drink.

"Yeah where's, Mommy?" I hear a voice call from the kitchen door. I look over at the girl sadly. I wonder how she'll take the truth.

"She'll be back later." I say and she turns running out of the room to go play. I look back at the team with sad eyes. .

"All of Sue's result are normal, But Johnny's..." I run off and don't say anything.

"Johnny's are what?" He asks me worriedly. I look over at him.

"Your encounter with the Surfer put your molecules in a constant state of flux." I say to him. It wasn't so bad it just meant he changes powers with people.

"Is it bad?" I knew he wouldn't know what I meant.

"It caused you to temporarily change powers with Sue." I say and he rolls his eyes like he knew that. "I'd like to run more tests and-"Ben cuts me off.

"Want a volunteer?" Ben rushes at Johnny and we all begin to yell.

"No, No, Hey!"

No, no, no!"

"No, no, hey! This is serious!" We all shout at once.

"I just wanted to give him a hug." Ben says and we all know what he wanted.

"We don't know the extent of his condition. It could be progressive." I answer.

"It could be fun." He says and rushes at Johnny again and managed to touch him successfully switching powers.

"Ben!" I yell as he does it.

"Ben!" Sue yells and we all stare at the regular looking Ben.

"Hey. Hey, it's me! I'm back!" He says looking over his body. I look over at Johnny and my eyes widen at the sight. I know Scarlett would be laughing at the sight and that makes me sad. Johnny and Ben beginning arguing. Suddenly everyone stare at me.

"What's wrong?" They ask and I look at them

"Who said something was wrong?" I ask and they look at me curiously.

"Right now you would be yelling at us to stop, alongside your sister, who somehow isn't here at the moment." Ben says and I notice he has switched back to rough voiced Ben.

"You want to know why, because we are officially the Fantastic Four now." I walk out of the room and get busy in my lab. I walk over to Sue as she watches people insult us on TV.

Sue and I begin to argue again and then we begin to talk about the future. We were thinking about splitting from the group anyway. We begin talking again and then she brings up Scarlett.

"What happened with your sister?" Sue asks me.

"She isn't coming back. She has officially quit the team over the phone and is long gone now. She has an account for us to raise Adelaide that we can use. She also said that she is safer with us than her. There is also something else. She is going to die. The Silver Surfer did something to her and we have no cure, nothing. This component that is inside of her hasn't even been known until now." I tell Sue through sad eyes.

Scarlett P.O.V

I watch from across the way. I have assigned myself a job. I am becoming their guardian. Whenever they are in trouble I'll step in and help them I observe them from a little bit away. I watch as they run around. Looks like I'm getting ready to work. I gather my bag and fly to London. I read their minds.

I follow them and watch as a silver surfer gets to work. He actually came to me again. I talked to him and little, told him I am no longer apart of them. We made a deal, he wouldn't harm them and talk to them.

I watch over them as they lift the Ferris wheel. I give part of my energy to all of them and I'm worn out by the time I'm done. I find Johnny's new found energy to be use to go after him. Instead he runs into Reed switching powers and falling. I dive out and use the rest of my energy to snatch him from the air. I look down at him for a minute and he stares up at me. I then run and fly off back to my spot, but making sure I wasn't followed.

Reed uses his new power to seal the frame and I shoot a small amount of water to cool it fast. Reed looks around, but I mix into the shadows. I guess the training from those assassins really paid off. They look amazed at the whole the surfer created. He took out all the water from the river. My mouth kind of drops open in shock.

I walk into a shop and grab clothes the soldiers wear. I put it into my bag knowing that I'll need it. I follow and thank goodness I got those clothes. I change out in the open and walk into the meeting room without having any of them notice me.

I have actually been told you go get some of the men coffee. Suddenly I am told to get the others coffee. What I mean by others I mean Fantastic Four. I also have to get Adelaide a juice box. I rush out of the room and back in not wanting to miss anything.

Suddenly somebody I hoped never to see again. Victor he strolls into the room like he owned it.

"Victor?" Reed says.

"What's the matter? Afraid of ghosts?" He walk up to Adelaide and rubs her head. I can tell she didn't enjoy it and I fight a laugh. I walk into the room and hand out the coffees, not looking anyone in the eye. I had my hair in a braid and I put contact to make my green eyes a stormy grey.

"Thank you." Reed and Sue say at the same time. I nod my head and continue passing them out. When I get to Adelaide I hand her a notepad to draw on and I added a note from me.

She lets out a little gasp and follows me across the room. I smirk at her. I told her not to tell any of the group so she lets out a faint wave. I wave back and look at the ground. They begin talking once I finish.

"Since you're a ghost, you won't mind me breaking your neck. I almost scold Ben because he said that in front of Adelaide.

"You know who that is?" Reed asks General Hagar.

"Victor Von Doom. He's here under my orders." He says like it doesn't matter at all.

"How is this possible? How are you alive?" Johnny asks him. I can tell he is drawn into some memories after that.

"No thanks to you five, that's for certain. Where is the fifth?" Everyone stays silent. Victor walks over and sits on the table near Adelaide. I step out of the shadows a little, but I will come all the way out if he hurts her. "She left you didn't she? She couldn't take you guys. You four are-"He gets cut off by a pencil hitting his face. He looks around confused and I know I have a smiling Adelaide staring at me. I look down at my feet with a grin.

"Von Doom's made contact with the alien. He's got valuable information. Information that might just help save the planet." General Hagar says and I clench my fists frost begins to spread around my feet. I quickly make it disappear.

"We also have information." Reed stands to his feet. "I found out that my when my sister made contact with him she got a component that has never been heard of into her. I also find out that she will be dying soon from it." I let out a quiet gasp, everyone in the room stares at me.

"Sorry sir, just feel bad for the girl." I change my voice to be in a British accent. I can feel wondering eyes on me and I flick my eyes up. Finding Johnny's and then flicking them down. He gets out his phone and puts it to his ear watching me. My phone vibrates in my bra not making a sound. I pay attention to their conversations.

His eyes move away and I begin writing on the pad I gave Adelaide and she notices. Who knew eight year olds could pick up so quickly. She looks at the pad and smiles. She looks up at me and I can tell she feels the same way. Because I wrote I love you. Johnny begins to look at the pad and Adelaide pretends to draw. She hides if from his view with her tiny fingers.

"You can't see what I'm drawing. It's for mommy when she comes back." She says and I can feel the emotion in the room go sad as she says that very loud. Dang she'd be a great actor. I take the pencil from her grasp and begin to write something. She nods in response. I need to tell Reed to sign her up for acting classes.

The room goes dark and a video begins. I watch the Silver Surfer come out of a crater and a cloaked black figure walk towards each other. The person is shot backwards and into a snowy cave. The surfer then flies away.

"I like the part where the surfer knock you on you're..." He pauses looking at Adelaide "...back." Ben laughs and Victor sends him a glare but continues.

"Look at where the energy levels surge when he attacks me." They rewind the last of the video and I watch the surfer intently. The power seems to come from the board and flow through his body. He rewinds it again and plays it slower.

"There? See that happened?" Victor asks.

"The energy channel through him, but it originated from his board. If we can separate him from the board we could cut off his power completely." Reed says it awe. I grab a burner phone from my pocket and send Reed and a quick message.

"Tachyon pulse generators. Reed I have eyes and ears everywhere. I am not going to message you again because I'm dying- gtg someone is at the door." I send him the message and turn off the phone sticking into my pocket while my other stays in my bra.

Reed's phone goes off and he looks at it. He then looks curiously around the room and puts his phone back into his pocket. They begin talking some more, but I'm told to collect the coffee cups and discard them. I walk through the room and catch Johnny staring at me. When I look up he sends me a wink and I roll my eyes. I walk to Adelaide and grab her juice box.

"Always remember that I'll love you Adelaide. I want to get the family you want, but it's not possible for me. Remember I'll always be your mom and you'll always be my daughter." I say as I collect her pad and drink. I walk out of the room and trash them along with the burner phone.

I leave and change my clothes. I fly back to New York because that's where I know they'll go. I fly over to Shield to pay a visit. I walk in and hear an alarm go off.

"All SHIELD agents code 13 code 13." I see a large blond man stumble out of a room and begin running. Multiple people chase after him and I run out to see what happens. He runs out to the middle of Times Square and goes in circles. I fly over to the man I know as Director Fury using my wings.

"Director." I say as I land next to him.

"Scarlett Richards. I heard you left the Fantastic Five and made it the Fantastic Four." He says and I nod. He then turn to the man who is surrounded and looking around Times Square.

"At ease, soldier." He says as I stand next to him. "Look I'm sorry about the little show back there, but we thought it would be best to break it to you slowly." He says and I am totally confused with everything going on right now.

"Break what?" He asks while breathing a little heavy like he hasn't ran in years.

"You've been asleep, Cap. For almost seventy years." My mouth drops open. Now wonder he is out of breath. He literally hasn't moved for seventy years. "You gonna be okay?" The director asks.

"Yeah." He looks behind him. "Yeah, it's just I had a date." I feel sorry for him. I can't help but do that. I walk up to Director Fury.

"Can I take him on a tour? It might be good for somebody who isn't SHIELD to do this." I ask him and he contemplates it for a minute.

"Yeah. Protect him with your life." He says and I'm still confused.

"So who is this man actually?" I ask him

"Ask him yourself." He walks off and all the cars begin to disappear. I walk up to him.

"Hello, I'm Scarlett Richards." I hold out my hand and he grabs it in his big one.

"You probably know who I already am." He says and I shake my head.

"Sorry no, but I did ask that man back there if I could take you on a tour around New York." I say while a smile and he smiles down at me.

"Captain Steve Rogers, Captain America." He says.

A/N I never did this part in my books so I decided a short visit to SHIELD where Scarlett has plenty of friends. I will take them on a small tour, she tells him her powers and then has to fly back and check on her family. I just really wanted to do this. HOW AM I DOING SO FAR!!! I LOVE IT!

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