[[ NightKiller Oneshots ]]

By TheKawaiiShipperHB23

162K 3K 9.3K

[ REQUESTS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED ] More ships of mine will be added soon into the Requests Lists to give this... More

※ Challenge Gone Wrong ※
※ Why Do You Care ? ※
※ Happy Father's Day ※
※ A Bun In The Oven ※
※ I Promise... ※
※ Comfort ※
※ Late Night Massages ※
※ When Their Son Gets Hurt ※
※ "IMPOSTER !" ※
※ When Their Son Gets Hurt [[Part. 2]] ※
Alright, listen.
※ (Not-so) Smol Companion ※ [[ Part 2 ]]
※ Killer Vs. Noot Noot's Desk ※
※ 💜"I Love You for Infinity"💛 ※ [[ Part 1 ]]
※ 💜"I Love You for Infinity"💛 ※ [[ Part 2 ]]
※ Chaos in Castle Nightmarescu ※ [ Resident Evil 8 : The Village AU ]
No thoughts, just Childe
🔪🌙 ※ Lamias ※ ❌💛
※ Killer, The Biggest Diluc Simp Ever ※
※ Wait For Me ※ [[ Part 1 ]]

※ Smol Companion ※ [[ Part 1 ]]

7.4K 177 524
By TheKawaiiShipperHB23

Requested by : KJ_UwU

♡ Killer X Bitty! Nightmare ♡

※ Genre : Fluff ※

● Killer's P.O.V. ●

I was walking around the park with my friend Color. Since it was Saturday there was no work and we were just hanging out and telling puns at each other like what we always do every weekend.

"Okay, gotta admit, that one was PUNny. " Color wheezed out, wiping a tear in his eye socket from laughing too much.

I grinned at him. "Well, TIBIA honest, that one was horrible. Oh gosh- I ran out of puns to say." O confessed and we both howled in laughter, clutching our non-existent stomachs. We were lucky that we were far away from people in the park or else they'd say we were acting and looking like lunatics who got away with murder or something.

Then suddenly, a voice called out to us. "HEY GUYS !" We turned our skulls to the direction of the voice and saw our friend Outer running up to us, clutching something in his hands. He reached us and bended on his knees a bit as he tried to catch his breath from running.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down there bud, deep breaths." Color instructed as he grabbed Outer's shoulders.

I chuckled at him. "Heya Outer, what's up ?" Outer managed to catch his breath and stood up properly, a smile on his face.

"I've got something for you to look at !" He said, putting his arms out to us and uncovered something in his hands. Color and I looked closely and gasped in shock.

In Outer's hands was a very small skeleton who wore a white shirt underneath a blue hoodie, black basketball shorts with white stripes on the side and small pink slippers on his feet. HE LOOKED ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE !!!

The small skeleton looked up at me and Color for a moment before giving us a lazy smile and waved at us. "Sup." He said in his tiny voice.

"This is a bitty Sans ! His name is Classic and he really loves ketchup and sleeping. And he's a skeleton like us, but only smaller and cuter !" Outer explained as he softly patted the small skeleton in his hands, to which the smol purred cutely in response, nuzzling Outer's thumb before actually falling asleep right there.

I squealed. "Awwwwwwww~ He's so smol and so cute ! Can I pay him ?" I asked and Outer nodded.

"Go ahead, just be gentle, he loves his naps and gets quite grumpy when being woken up." I used my pointer finger to softly pat Classic's skull and mentally died of cuteness.

"Where'd you find him though ?" Color asked as he examined the smol 'bitty' sleeping in Outer's hands.

"Oh right ! There's this new place that just opened downtown called the 'Bitty Adoption Center' where you can find many smol bitty skeletons in there and you can take them home ! And the owner of the store said that since she it's her store's grand opening today, all bitties are free to take for just today ! That's were I found small Classic over here, and I thought that you guys would want to go there and get your very own bitties !"

Color and I looked at each other for a moment before shrugging and decided to go. "M'kay, let's go see this Bitty Adoption Center then."

Outer smiled. "Yay ! You two go along now, its just a right turn past the first street you see and you can easily see a bright pink building there. I'll be going to the grocery store now since I need to buy some groceries on my list and some ketchup for Classic since he really loves to drink them. Bye !" And then he walked out of the park.

Color looked at me and grinned. "Well, shall we go now ?" I nodded and we both walked out of the park heading downtown and chatted for a bit until we've spotted a bright pink building near the street Outer was talking about, and it did seemed new. As we both approached the building we noticed that there were huge letters in bold pink and black lining on top spelling the words : "Bitty Store".

Color opened the glass door for the two of us to get in and a bell rang through the place as we both stepped inside to see many bitties on display inside what seemed to be glass looking aquariums but without water all around the place.

Color nudged my shoulder with his elbow a bit. "The owner of this center must be very nice to place these adorable cuties behind glass walls instead of scary looking cages in those pet stores, huh Kills ?" I looked around and nodded in agreement.

A girl that had her pink hair tied up in a neat ponytail and who seemed to be half human and half cat bounded up to us and smiled. "Hello there new customers ! My name is Kawaii, and in the owner of the Bitty Adoption Center, where you can adopt your own bitties !" She greeted sweetly.

I smiled at her. "Hello there Ms-"

"Ah-! No, no, no, just call me Kawaii, Ms seems too professional for me and I'm not some business woman or something." She interrupted with a giggle. She seemed very nice and sweet indeed.

"Ah, okay ! Nice to meet you Kawaii, my name is Killer and this here is my friend Color." I motioned to Color beside me who gave Kawaii a small wave and smiled. "Heya."

Kawaii beamed at the two of us. "You two looking for your own smol companions ? Well you've come to the right place ! I have many bitties in this place for you to choose from ! And because today is my grand opening, I'm giving away the bitties for free today ! So you two better hurry up and choose your bitties before there are none left ~!" She warned playfully as she gestured to the other new customers who just came in.

"Thanks Kawaii, you're a really nice and kind person ya know ?" Color said which made Kawaii almost laugh.

"Why thank you ! Now you two go ahead now, and have fun !" She said as she walked away towards the other customers, waving goodbye at us.

"Told ya she was nice. Let's separate and meet up back at the counter when we're done alright ?" I nodded as me and Color walked to different aisles of glass containers with bitties inside on display.

I looked around the shelves of glass containers that were each filled with a single bitty skeleton inside and smiled at them. They were all too cute !!! However, there was one bitty that caught my attention but I didn't seemed to catch his yet. Inside a glass container on the end of a shelf I was looking at a glass container that had a small black goopy skeleton who had 4 little black goopy tentacles sprouting on his back ineide which intrigued me. He seemed to be staring into space and zoning out, only then did he notice my presence when I slowly approached his shelf.

( Hehehehe- He being an AnGy OcToPuS at the moment- )

He looked at me for a moment before hissing and slightly backed off, his small tentacles had flung in a defensive stance towards me as if I was gonna hurt him or something.

I giggled at the smol octopus-looking bitty and gave him a little wave to show him that I mean no harm. "Hey there little fella. Don't you worry, I'm not gonna hurt you." I noticed a paper tag wrapped around with a purple ribbon on the mouth of the container and squinted a bit to read the word "Nightmare" being written in cursive purple handwriting.

I looked back at the goopy bitty. "So your name's Nightmare huh ?" He still looked tense so I slowly raised my left hand and placed my pointer finger on the glass of his container and smiled softly at him. "Hi, My name is Killer."

● 3rd Person's P.O.V. ●

The smol octopus-looking bitty looked at the finger being pressed against the glass then back up at Killer before slightly lowering his tentacles and slowly walked forward towards the glass, carefully raising his tiny hand and touched the glass where Killer's finger was being pressed upon and looked back up at him again making him smile.

"Would you like to come home with me Nighty ?" Killer asked in a sweet tone, making Nightmare's cheeks blush in aslight noticeable cyan color just by hearing the nickname Killer used.

Nightmare felt something mysterious and good about Killer, other than his void black eye sockets and black tears running down his face, Night seemed intrigued and interested in him. He slowly nodded his skull to which Killer squealed in delight.

"Okay, let's go ! Hold on." Killer warned as he gently grabbed Nightmare's container, carefully securing it in his arms before strolling over to the counter where he saw Color standing in line, holding a similar glass container in his arms.

Color smiled when he saw his best friend and waved him over to get in line behind him. "I see you've chosen your bitty already !" The flame head said as Killer came up behind him and smiled.

"Yup ! Mine's named Nightmare, but I'd like to call him Night or Nighty for short, and he seems to like it when I call him that as well. Ain't that right Nighty ?" Killer said as he showed the bitty octopus inside the container to his friend.

Nightmare got flustered and blushed again. "I-I do not-!" He squealed in his deep tiny voice making Killer gasp. "You talked !" He said proudly making Nightmare mumble quietly.

Color chuckled at Killer's childish behaviour. "He looks special. I already think that you two have a connection." He remarked.

"Who's your bitty Color ?" Killer asked, pointing to the glass container that Color held.

"Oh, right !" Color removed his hand which let Killer squint his eye sockets and gasped to see a smol skeleton in a purple and black hoodie with a black hood up and a white turtleneck underneath it. The skeleton had a scar on his right eye socket and had violet eye lights. The bitty looked up at his soon-to-be-owner and then at Killer and smol bitty Nightmare in his arms, smiled at them, and waved.

"Heya bruhs !" Killer squealed at the bitty and Color giggled. "This is my bitty. His name is Epic." Color gestured to the nametag wrapped around in black ribbon around the mouth of the container which read "Epic" in black bold letters.

"He looks so cool !" Killer complimented then heard a small huff come from his own bitty, making him look down to see smol Nightmare crossing his arms and pouting cutely. Killer awwed at him, finding his smol angry gesture cute and absolutely adorable.

Kawaii finished with the next customer, waving at them as they walked out of the store with their bitty in their arms. She looked back in front of her and smiled to see Color and Killer again. "Ah, I've seen you already found your bitties, hmm ?"

Color chuckled and nodded as he carefully placed Epic's glass container on the counter for Kawaii to see. Kawaii looked at his bitty and beamed. "Oh, you've made a great choice choosing this little guy ! Epic is quite a fun little guy to have. Here's his information sheet." She handed Color a laminated sheet of paper that had everything he needed to know about his bitty.

※ Bitty : Epic ※

* Species : Male Skeleton
* Age : 27
* Likes : Saying "bruh" a lot, cookies, telling funny jokes/memes/puns.
* Personality : Chill, friendly, flirty sometimes
* Other info : His favourite toy is a rubber squeaky chicken. He likes to annoy you with his PUNNY jokes. If he gets upset or sad, free him cookies because its his favoruite food.

Color chuckled as he finished reading Epic's information sheet. "Wow, he really is a quirky little guy." He commented as he watched his bitty being taken out of its glass container and was transferred into a small little basket with purple cushions and had a small rubber chicken toy beside it. Color patted the top of Epic's small skull with his finger to which Epic happily purred and leaned onto his owner's touch.

Color smiled warmly at his bitty and lifted his basket off the counter. "Thanks again Kawaii." He said as he stepped to the side to let Killer move forward and Kawaii nodded at him and looked at Killer and his bitty.

"Ah, I've seen you've found Mr. Octopus bitty over here !" Kawaii joked making Nightmare sent a glare at her. Killer noticed and laughed. "Hehe, yup ! He's quite an interesting one and I've thought, 'Hey, why not ?' and grabbed him from his shelf. Plus, he looks so cute and adorable when he's angry or flustered ~"

Nightmare let out an embarrassed groan making both Kawaii and Color smirk. "He really does. At least towards you he is since he's usually grumpy or grouchy looking most of the time. Anyways, here." Kawaii handed Killer Nightmare's information paper which was also laminated like Epic's.

※ Bitty : Nightmare ※

* Species : Male Skeleton /w tentacles
* Age : ??? UNKNOWN
* Likes : Reading books, drinking coffee, peace and quiet, silence.
* Personality : Grumpy, grouchy, mad, bossy (most of the time but can sometimes be nice if he finds comfort in his owner.)
* Other info : Nightmare's tentacles are his defense system when he can sense threat or danger coming at him. He has a goopy substance covering his entire body and clothes, but they surprisingly don't stain anything if he decides not to. He is the twin brother of Dream.

"Wait, it says here that he has a twin named Dream. May I ask where he is ?" Killer asked in curiosity.

"Ah, Dream. I remember that golden boy ! Someone named Cross took him home just before you two came in." Kawaii explained as she carefully took Nightmare out of his container and placed him in a small basket with deep blue cushions and handed him over to his Killer.

"Cross ? He got Dream ?" Killer asked again and Kawaii nodded.

"Do you know him ?"

"Cross is a friend of ours. Guess we might have to give him a visit soon to see Nightmare's twin then." Color said and Killer nodded.

"Ah, I see. Well, it was nice talking to you two. Take care of your little bitties alright ? You may not know if they might... surprise you BIG one day." Kawaii giggled with a hint of mischief in her tone, waving at the two best friends who waved back at her as they thanked her before walking out of the adoption center with their bitties.

"Oh, are they in for a BIG surprise..."

{ Part 2 coming soon ~! Take a hint for what's about to happen next !

- Kawaii ♡ }

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