I Wish( A Zayn Malik / One Di...

By ZaynMalikfan01

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Olivia is a normal 21 year old girl who lives with her best friend . She crosses paths with the boys of One D... More

shoe store
Movie night
Crazy mornings
The Park
Facing Fears
The big date
Strange behaviour
Terrible things
Yes , he is my boyfriend
He wasnt mine to begin with
Can we talk love?
Like what you see babe?
We missed you guys
It's a surprise
How did I get so lucky?
Please Don't Leave Me!
Once In A Lifetime
Count Me In
You And I
Me And You Forever

Meeting Alexa

67 4 1
By ZaynMalikfan01

Zayns P.O.V
I wake up the next morning and turn to my side revealing a sleeping Olivia . She's so beautiful when she sleeps . I brush a few strands of hair away from her face and she begins to stir so I stop . I check the time on my phone and see that it's 7:23am . It's early so I decide to let her sleep . I carefully get out of bed making sure not to wake her up . I walk out the door slowly closing it behind me , and strolling down the stairs in my sweats . I forgot to put a shirt on but I can't go back to my room incase I disturbed the sleeping beauty snuggled up in my bed . As I enter the kitchen I see Harry sitting on the island drinking a cup of tea . " Morning Haz " I whisper to my best friend . " Hi Zayn " he replies nonchalantly. I grab the orange juice out of the fridge and pour myself a glass . " So Harry , how are you mate" I asked trying to break the silence . I get no answer from Harry making me confused . So I sit on top of the island next to him to try and figure out why he's so mad . " Haz did something happen ? You seem a bit mad ? . " Really ? Why on earth would I be mad ? He says sarcastically. " Harry I'm serious. Did something happen ?" I reply concerned . " Zayn what's your relationship with Olivia ?" He asks causing me to choke on my juice . " What are you talking about ?" I reply confused. " You know what I mean Zayn . Do you like her ?" . He asks and I feel my cheeks burning up . " I-I don't know Harry " I stutter not knowing how to answer his question . Do I like Olivia? I've never thought about it . " Well she clearly likes you Zayn ." He replies raising his voice a bit . " I doubt that" I say . "That's crap and you know it Malik . She always wants to be around you . She smiles at everything you do . She -" he stops as we hear footsteps . " Just forget it !" He whispers before Olivia walks into the kitchen wearing one of my hoodies . The second I saw her face and messy hair , it hit me like a freight train. I do like Olivia . ALOT .

Olivia P.O.V
I tiredly open my eyes adjusting to the sunlight . I look around and remember that I had slept in Zayns room . The side where he layed was empty but it was like I could feel his presence . I get up and make the bed before opening his closet and pulling out one of his hoodies . I'm sure he won't mind . It smells like him making me smile like a little girl on Christmas morning .I leave the room and walk downstairs. I hear talking coming from the kitchen but I can't make out who it is or what they're saying . As I get closer the talking stopped completely. I entered the kitchen to find Zayn and Harry . Harry looks a bit upset but Zayn smiles as soon as he sees me . " Good morning love " he says sweetly sending shivers down my spine , just like everytime he calls me love . "Good morning Zayn " I say going over to him . He gives me a tight hug before I turn to Harry . " Good morning Harry " I say smiling warmly . He gives me a forced smile in return and a side hug before walking away towards his room . " So what's the plans for today?" Zayn asks pouring me a cup of tea . " I wanted all of us to go to my apartment , my friend Alexa is dying to meet you !" I say trying to sound like a fan girl as he hands me the cup . I take a sip and relax as the hot liquid makes its way down my throat. " You talking about the girl that was screaming over the phone yesterday right?" He replies laughing . " Yep that's the one ' I say winking and walking back to the room . We were going be at my apartment in about 30 minutes so I decided to just have a shower there since I still didn't have clothes here and didn't want to wear Zayns . Well I wanted to but didn't want to be an inconvenience to him.

We were all in the car driving back to my apartment sitting the same way that we did yesterday . Harry seemed to be avoiding me but I didn't pay much attention to it . We park the car outside my apartment and we all pile out . I knock at the door and cover my ears telling the boys to do the same but they didn't listen . As the front door opened I closed my eyes tight and hear a loud scream coming from Alexa and an even louder one coming from the boys . Once it stops I remove my hands from my ears and opened my eyes . There stood Alexa looking like she was about to explode . " Well there goes my hearing , I think I'm gonna need a doctor " Louis jokes . We all laugh and the boys introduce themselves to Alexa one at a time . She hugs all of them but hugs Liam and Zayn much longer . I didn't mind Liam but watching her hug Zayn like that made me a bit mad . But I couldn't understand why . " I'll just leave you guys to chat for a bit ." I say winking at the boys and hugging Alexa before going to my bathroom . I lock the door behind me and turn the shower on to get hot . I strip and hop into the steaming water ,relaxing as it touches my skin . I wash my hair and my body and then jump out . Wrapping a towel around myself , I step out of the bathroom and into my room heading towards my closet . I pick out some denim shorts with a white tank top and white converse . I leave my hair wet since it will probably dry on its own. I walk downstairs after applying light makeup to see Harry , Niall and Louis talking each other , and Alexa "flirting" with Zayn and Liam . Liam seemed to be interested but Zayn looked like he couldn't care less about what she was saying . He saw me and his face lit up instantly . He patted the seat next to him and I sat down . "So Olivia , why didn't you wanna hook me up with Zayn ?" She asks and I looked at her shocked not knowing how exactly to answer . " I-I uhm-" I start but Zayn cuts me off " I like someone else " . Everyone in the room looks at him surprised especially Harry . "Is she prettier than me Zayn?" Alexa asks clearly annoyed . Zayn and Liam are her favourites but she likes Zayn a bit more than Liam . " No Alexa you're beautiful , but she's different . She's beautiful , sweet , kind and just has a way of making me smile by doing nothing at all ." He says . I feel my chest tighten as he says that . Then it hits me . The reason I've been feeling like this is because I like Zayn !
I walk into my room and lay down on my bed trying to get him out of my head . Seconds later he walks into my room and lays down next to me . " So ... Alexa and Liam are going out on a date tonight " he says awkwardly. " That's great , I hope she'll be happy " I reply trying to sound happy for my best friend . " You know Olivia , I only said all that back there so that she wouldn't like me . I didn't wanna end up hurting her by saying that I'm not interested " he says . I find myself feeling so much better and a smile makes its way to my face . " Thanks Zayn " I say looking at the ceiling still smiling . " For what love ?" He asks . " Just ... For everything ." I say before my room door opens . " Hey lovebirds , the guys want to leave they're calling you guys downstairs " Alexa says . " Al! " I yell before throwing one of my pillows at her . She laughs and is about to throw a book at me when Zayn steps in front of me shielding me . " Wow . He's already protecting you . " She giggles to herself . I roll my eyes and look down trying to hide my cheeks that are turning pink. " You coming home with me love ?" Zayn asks smiling . " I think I'm just going to stay here for tonight Zayn . " I say and his face drops . " Well our break is over and the lads and I are going to be recording a song tomorrow , wanna come along to the studio ?" He asks making a puppy dog face. I just couldn't refuse . " Sure . Just text me the time later " I say and he smiles widely before engulfing me in a massive bear hug . " See ya tomorrow beautiful" he says kissing my cheek . " See you tomorrow Zayn" I say and he smiles and walks out the door . As soon as we hear the front door close Alexa starts squealing and attacking me with pillows " Oh My God Olivia , Zayn totally likes you" she says "" Why do you say that ?" I ask casually . " It's obvious babe . The way he looks at you . And the way he smiles when you laugh . And the way his eyes light up when he sees you " she says excitedly . " Are you sure ?" , I ask shocked . " 100 % sure . He's definitely likes you " she replied winking at me .I can't believe Zayn likes me . And I can't believe that I like him too. I don't even know how that rude customer I met two days ago is now the sweet, innocent and gorgeous boy that I like so much  . For the rest of the day Alexa and I watch romantic movies eating ice cream before I fall asleep with a smile , thought of Zayn playing through my mind .

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