She took me to the sky | soos...

By neverland_078

127K 4.1K 4.5K

Shuhua loves Soojin and everybody knows it. But what happens if Shuhuas dream of having Soojin as her girlfri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 | M
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
New Book
Chapter 24 (Bonus I)
Chapter 25 (Bonus II)

Chapter 10

4.6K 162 119
By neverland_078

(G)I-DLE successfully finished the performance and Shuhuas doubts remained unfounded.

"See? You were great!" Soojin cheered as the girls left the stage and hugged her bone-crushingly.

"Yes I did it! We did it!" Shuhua screamed excited and wrapped her arms around Soojins neck.

She could have kissed her in front of everybody here, but she contained herself. Shuhua could wait until their were back in the dorm.

The girls went back in their waiting room and changed back in their own clothes.

"One advantage had this piece of material" Shuhua suddenly said and threw her outfit on a chair.

"And that would be?" Soojin asked folding her clothes more gently than the younger girl.

"I couldn't make a pit strain"

Once everybody had changed the group went back in the van driving back to their dorm.

"I guess you don't want to practice anymore today?" Soyeon asked once the car started. An unanimous "No!" was her answer.

"Really I'm so done. I could fall asleep right away" Miyeon said yawning.

"We still have a spot of work left, but I free you from practice today" Soyeon responded.

"We have to monitor today's performance, haven't we?"

The leader nodded.

"Ugh, I don't want to. You always nag about so many things" Minnie interjected groaning.

"Come on, I do not criticize that much" Soyeon fired back.

"That's what you think" Yuqi reinforced Minnie and crossed her arms.

"Yuqi you are 10cm too far to the left. Yuqi you have to make a stronger expression here. Yuqi your shirt got out of place" she continued imitating Soyeons voice.

"Okay, okay I got it!" the leader interrupted the younger girl.

"Can we monitor it on our own?" Miyeon asked and received several nods in agreement.

Soyeon didn't look convinced and bit her lip as she was thinking hard.

"But you maybe overlook some things"

"What we don't see others won't notice either" Minnie stated.

All the members agreed with her and Soyeon had to admit her defeat.

"Fine, but only today. The next performances we monitor together again"

Ear-piercing cheers erupted and the members escalated completely.

The leader tried to calm them down, but nothing worked.

"YA! IF YOU AREN'T QUIET NOW I'LL CHANGE MY MIND AGAIN AND WE DO IT TOGETHER! AND BE INSURED, I WON'T GO EASY ON YOU!" Soyeon shouted furiously and the van went silent immediately.

The remaining time the members stayed quiet, they really didn't want to monitor the performance with Soyeon.

When they arrived at the dorm, everybody got out of the car quickly and headed inside the dorm.

Heavy rain had started during the drive and even though the girls had to go just a few meters, they were soaked as they entered the dorm.

"At least we don't have to shower today" Minnie said cheerfully.

"Shuhua can I sleep in your room? Minnie will be stinking and I don't want to smell that" Yuqi asked immediately, ignoring the protest of her roommate.

Shuhuas gaze automatically wandered to Soojin.

"Oh yeah I forgot" Yuqi sighed and turned to Soyeon.

"But in your room is still space for me right?"

"Come on Yuqi, I was just joking. Of course I'll shower today" Minnie begged clinging on the younger girls arm.

Shuhua went in her room to get some dry clothes. She pulled an oversized T-shirt out of her closet and put it on.

"Screw it, it's hot in here. I don't need pants now" the girl thought as someone knocked on her door. Shuhua asked the person in.

"Isn't that a little too revealing?" Soojin asked as she entered.

Unconsciously her gaze wandered from the younger girls face to her thighs.

"Is she just checking me out?" Shuhua chuckled as she noticed where Soojin was looking at.

"I could ask the same" she said instead and glanced at Soojin choice of clothing. The older girl wore a crop top and sweatpants.

"At least I'm wearing pants, unlike you" she responded.

"I have underwear on" Shuhua pouted and crossed her arms.

"Whatever", Soojin said smiling, "Actually I am here to ask you if you could help me monitoring"

"I would, but if you are dressed like this, I probably can't concentrate" Shuhua asserted.

"You're the one without pants here" Soojin fired back and sat on Shuhuas bed.

"Are you coming now or what are you waiting for?" she added and patted the place in front of her.

The younger girl smiled and crawled on the bed.

"Can we use your phone? It's bigger" Shuhua asked and leaned her back against Soojins torso. The older girl gave it to her and rested her head on Shuhuas shoulder.

She wrapped her arms around the younger girls waist and pecked her cheek.

"You were great today" Soojin said, which made Shuhua blush.

They carefully monitored the performance. Soojin gave some helpful advice for improving Shuhuas dancing and facial expression, which she accepted gratefully. Her dancing had really improved, yet Shuhua thought she was still lacking a bit.

Sure, a comparison with Soojin wasn't realistic, but even compared to the other members she thought she still looked like a weak dancer.

After some minutes the two girls finished monitoring.

It was much faster than usual, because Soyeon wasn't nagging about the smallest mistakes.

"So what do we want to do now?" Shuhua asked as she locked Soojins phone and put it on the nightstand.

"What about some fun?" the older girl asked.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Hmm, you've been waiting for so long now, why don't we do what you wanted to do since we finished the performance?" Soojin suggested and her hands wandered on Shuhuas thighs.

"How do you know what I want to do?" the younger girl asked and turned around to face Soojin.

"Oh, I just know it" she responded and brought her face closer to Shuhuas.

"That's such a poor justification" Shuhua whispered before closing the gap.

The week past so fast, the time seemed to fly.

(G)I-DLE had have some more live stages and appearances in different shows as well. In addition to these events they were forced to practice everyday and all the girls were tired and exhausted as hell.

Shuhua was still extremely nervous before their performances and a literal bundle of nerves.

At some point even Soojins attempts of calming her down didn't help anymore, which made her concerned about the younger girl.

She didn't cope with the stress as good as the other members.

In next to no time it was already Thursday and Shuhua was going to meet her psychologist today again.

Soojin insisted on accompanying her and for the first time Shuhua entered the waiting room of Dr. Kims medical practice not alone.

They greeted the waiting people there politely and Shuhua checked if their masks and hats weren't out of place. Nobody should recognize them here.

The two girls settled in a quiet corner.

"Are you nervous?" Soojin asked and the younger girl shook her head.

"Don't lie. You're trembling", Soojin said and took Shuhuas hand in her own, "Is it because I'm here with you today?"

It would have been a lie, if Shuhua would have said no.

"Yeah, it's a bit...embarrassing"

"Ms. Yeh" the familiar voice of the nurse called and the girl leaped up instantly.

"It's my turn now. Do you want to come inside with me?".

Soojin nodded and got up as well. Together they entered the office of Dr. Kim.

"Good afternoon Ms. Yeh", he welcomed Shuhua as friendly as always and looked up from his desk, "As I can see you're not alone today".

He stood up and greeted Soojin as well.

"You must be Ms. Seo. Nice to meet you, I am Kim Namjoon"

"The pleasure is all mine" she answered politely and bowed.

"Would you please have a seat" he said and pointed towards the couch.

As everybody sat down Namjoon started with his questions.

"So first of all, I really like your new song. I've listened to the album as soon as it was released" he said smiling.

Shuhua and Soojin blushed a little bit and just mumbled a quiet "Thank you".

"Now to the important business. Since Ms. Seo is here with you today I assume you've told her everything? I just ask to not expose anybody".

"Yes she knows everything" Shuhua answered.

"That's good. Now you've gotten that off your chest, everything is working well?" Namjoon asked and Shuhua nodded.

"That's good, that's good. So what about your nightmares? Have you done what I've told you?"

"Yes, Soojin slept in my bed every night and I haven't dreamed anything", Shuhua answered glancing at the girl next to her, "But on Sunday she had to practice longer and I wanted to wait for her. But I had been so tired and fell asleep alone and then I've had a nightmare again. It was worse than the previous ones"

Namjoon furrowed his brows. "What happened?"

Shuhua inhaled shakily, she didn't want to remember that dream. Soojin noticed how the younger girl stiffened at the psychologist question laid her hand on Shuhuas. She looked up meeting her gaze and took new courage.

"I-I dreamed that I was in the dorm and suddenly I heard a loud bang from the living room. I went there to look who made that sound and saw Soojin on the couch. I tried to talk to her but she didn't answer and just stared at me-" Shuhua suddenly stopped.

"What happened then?" Namjoon asked calmly.

"I-I don't... I can't-" the girl stuttered anxiously and hid her face in her hands.

The psychologist looked at Soojin and gave her a sign to comfort Shuhua, who was visibly terrified.

"Everything's fine Shu. What you've dreamed wasn't real", she said and wrapped her arm around the younger girls shoulder pulling her a little bit closer, "I am here with you, you don't have to be scared"

Shuhua slowly uncovered her face and looked at Soojin, who was smiling encouraging. The scared girl gave herself a start and inhaled deeply.

"She slapped me and told me, that I'm disgusting. I got punched and she said that she never loved me. And then Soojin luckily woke me up" she explained with a trembling voice.

Namjoon scribbled something in his notebook.

"Well that's ruining my actual plan a bit", he confessed and stared at his notes with an exerted expression, "I've hoped that the nightmares would've stopped by now"

"And why is this ruining your plan? I have no problem with sleeping in Shuhuas bed" Soojin asked and Namjoon sighed.

"The thing is, if we keep this therapy up for too long, Shuhua will soon connect happiness and security only with your person. You can imagine what will happen, if something goes wrong and you are arguing and maybe even break up", he explained calmly, "Our aim is that Shuhua can feel happy again on her own and doesn't has to depend on others"

The psychologist bit his lip thinking hard. There needed to be a way, there always was one. What was he overlooking?

And then it clicked.

"Sure, it has to be like this" Namjoon muttered more to himself and the two girls looked at him confused.

"When did you tell Soojin about the dreams and everything that happened in the past?" he asked.

"After I had the nightmare, why?"

A huge grin formed in Namjoons face and his eyes lightened up.

"There might be a chance, that you can sleep peacefully though now", he said sounding quite proud of himself, "Look, I think you've had a nightmare again when you were alone, because Soojin still didn't know about your struggles. You still had the feeling that she would leave you once she found out and do these horrible things you dreamed of to you, right?"

Shuhua nodded and Namjoons grin morphed into a smile.

"But now she knows it and is still accepting you, so there's practically no need to worry anymore", he said and the two girls nodded understanding.

"My idea is now, that you're sleeping alone this night and if you should really have a nightmare again, you call me and I need to think about something new, but if everything is going the way it should, you'll be able to sleep on your own again. And our next steps then will be to distance you a bit again from Soojin"

Shuhua kept on nodding and couldn't repress a stupid grin.

She could literally feel how everything was going upwards again. She was smiling more often, felt overall easier and for the first time in years she was actually satisfied with her life.

Sure it wasn't perfect, but she had a job she all in all liked, very good friends and Soojin. That was more than enough to be happy.

Namjoon put his notebook aside, which meant the meeting was finished now. He stood up and the two girls got up as well.

"I think we can end it here. I'm glad to see that you two are happy together".

Both of therm blushed again and looked on the ground.

Shuhua got a new appointment and thanked the psychologist and left slightly embarrassed.

"I want to ask Dr. Kim something else. Wait for me outside okay?" Soojin called and the younger girl just nodded wanting to escape this awkward situation as fast as possible.

Namjoon closed the door and looked at Soojin surprised yet curious.

"What is the matter Ms. Seo?" he asked and the girl nervously fumbled on her jacket.

"I've been worried about Shuhua lately. We're quite busy at the moment and she doesn't cope good with the stress. She's pressuring herself too much and is more nervous than usual. I don't know how I can help her" she said nervously.

"Shuhua is such a lucky person. With Soojin as her girlfriend she really hit the jackpot. She cares about her so much, I rarely see such affection towards each other" Namjoon thought, being genuinely happy for both of the girls.

"I could give you about one hundred different therapies now, but you can trust me, when I say that none of these would help", he answered and leaned against his desk, "Whether you believe me or not, the best therapy for Shuhua is still you".

Soojins eyes widened.

"Yes that's right. She's trusting you unconditionally, for her you are her bridge over troubled waters. Only you can calm her down so effective, I've just seen it with my own eyes" he continued smiling.

"But if you want to do something, here's my advice. Go out with her, spend a free day together and have some fun" Namjoon said and Soojin could have sworn that he winked.

She thanked him and went out to look for Shuhua.

The girl was waiting outside of the medical practice leaning against the wall. As she noticed Soojin approaching her she looked up.

"Is everything alright?"

"It's fantastic" the older girl responded and smiled widely.

She would ask Soyeon if they could get a day off and then she would spend all the time with the girl she loved the most in the world. And Shuhua would be able to breathe again and forget about all the stress.

"Can we go?" Shuhua asked and grabbed Soojins hand intertwining their fingers.

"Yes, let's go home"

"So do you want to explain where you've been?" Soyeon asked crossing her arms. The two girls just came back and immediately got questioned by the leader.

"You just disappeared without telling anybody where you're going. I was worried".

Both girls looked down sheepishly, they felt like children getting scolded by their mother.

"We were in the pharmacy buying headache pills" Shuhua said and showed the small package they luckily really bought before coming home.

"And that took you over an hour?" Soyeon asked and raised an eyebrow.

"There were many people" the younger girl said simply and shrugged.

She was used to lying at Soyeon. Whenever she went to Dr. Kim she had to make up an excuse for leaving or leaving earlier, so it wasn't difficult for her to say it neutrally. But the leader didn't believe her.

"Whatever, you're home safe and sound and that's the most important", she shrugged it off, "But since you missed today's practice you have to treat us all a meal. And of course catch up on everything"

Shuhuas jaw dropped.

"Come on Soyeon, we were just away for an hour. I'm broke, please. I can cook something, please, I have no money for treating all of you a meal" she begged.

Soyeon chuckled, she knew Shuhua wasn't broke.

The girl was a rather parsimonious person and paid much attention to always have enough money in her wallet.

"Fine if you cook something it'll be okay as well" she gave in smiling and Shuhua happily jumped around like a little child.

"I promise it'll be the best you've ever eaten"

"Hey Shu why don't you already go and prepare everything" Soojin interrupted the younger girl and she obeyed instantly.

"Wow, I didn't knew Shuhua can be that easy to handle" Soyeon asserted and Soojin smiled awkwardly.

"Actually I wanted to ask you a favor, without her hearing it" she said shyly.

"You know that's bad timing, right?" Soyeon answered.

"Yeah, but it'll be too late if I don't ask now" That made the leader curious.

"What is it?"

Soojin inhaled deeply and dried her hands.

Asking Soyeon for a day off was like digging one's own grave. She always thought the members were lazy or something like that.

Especially now, when Shuhua and Soojin had just missed the practice, asking for a free day was fatal.

"I...umm...wanted to ask if we can get Saturday off" she said nervously and her voice almost cracked, but she could hold it back.

Soyeon looked at her like Soojin just asked her is she could fly to the moon.

"Because we all are tired and exhausted and need a day to relax" she added quickly.

The leader didn't react and Soojin almost thought that she would deny it. But then Soyeon said "Actually that's a good idea".

"Really?! Thank you Soyeon you are the best!" Soojin screamed and jumped up and down like Shuhua.

"I think I'm getting old. At first I let you monitor the performance on your own and now I give you a day off" Soyeon joked and shook her head amused.

Shuhua peaked out of the kitchen door.

"Hey! Why are you screaming?" she asked Soojin.

The girl stopped jumping up and down like an idiot and beamed.

"We get Saturday off!" she said, forgetting completely that it actually should be a surprise.

"Really?!" Shuhua exclaimed excitedly and joined Soojin jumping.

"What happened? We heard you screaming!" Yuqi, Minnie and Miyeon asked as they stormed in the living room.

"You get Saturday off" Soyeon sighed. She was already now annoyed with them.

"We get what?" Yuqi asked dumbfounded.

"Saturday off!" Minnie cheered and suddenly all of the girls were bouncing excitedly, besides Soyeon who shook her head in disbelief questioning her life choices.

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